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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00302014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Scanning countdown timer mis-aligned
J3ssica Alba
263702012.02.24 11:15
J3ssica Alba Go to last post
Having problems when downloading while playing EVE
31,10102012.02.24 09:04
ShigekiShota Go to last post
Curious fleet, wing boosting mechanics.
Gay Babby
171032012.02.24 07:55
BlitZ Kotare Go to last post
How do you set up multiple clients across 2 monitors with the fixed ...
Sinbelle Ransarne
041612012.02.24 02:42
Sinbelle Ransarne Go to last post
Chat Tabs Re-Ordering
046002012.02.23 22:19
Sasstraliss Go to last post
Multiple search queries do not work
Sagacious Z
149402012.02.23 21:58
Sagacious Z Go to last post
Jump clone dissapeared
Vipova Mala
033702012.02.23 18:32
Vipova Mala Go to last post
Overview Bug - Characters in Ships
151002012.02.23 17:41
Vhan Go to last post
Overview bug - stargates not appearing
71,45512012.02.23 17:00
Aargolos Go to last post
Overview refreshing issues
31,38502012.02.23 16:38
Neshirana Go to last post
blue/pink/purp characters
31,17302012.02.23 16:15
Black Cat14 Go to last post
CCP: Can you give me your opionion on this problem? (please fix it)
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
308,162162012.02.23 13:38
Neo Agricola Go to last post
Scanning Issues
Kailen Thorn
033102012.02.23 02:25
Kailen Thorn Go to last post
Client crashes after undocks or 1-4 jumps
Alaren Planeswalker
31,22222012.02.23 01:19
Philboyd Benoit Go to last post
Password Recovery?
184602012.02.22 23:37
CCP Explorer Go to last post
cant use a . (dot) anymore on market
81,93632012.02.22 22:54
CCP Explorer Go to last post
200km minimum range for warp bm<->bm ?
Solstice Project
076902012.02.22 17:35
Solstice Project Go to last post
Blank BPO information on 110% UI
297312012.02.22 16:54
Isabienij Go to last post
delete thread plos, wrong forum
035202012.02.22 16:33
Ganjalord69 Go to last post
No chat text
050002012.02.22 14:53
Avawick Go to last post
Cant Download Patch/Cant login
Kaz Mechanicus
41,25202012.02.22 14:08
CCP Sputnik Go to last post
Corpse info screen no longer shows player`s name
Arch Stanton's Neighbour
035002012.02.21 17:26
Arch Stanton's Neighbour Go to last post
Contacts are never online.
Dionysius Lemmont
153702012.02.21 11:33
Dionysius Lemmont Go to last post
Gunz No Cycleing & Cloaking Bugged
The DeadDeus
036002012.02.21 09:29
The DeadDeus Go to last post
1.2 Flashing/Static chat windows
Ines Tegator
72,18622012.02.21 01:48
Ines Tegator Go to last post
client crashes jumping through stargates
143,54002012.02.20 17:13
PhantomMajor Go to last post
sisi launcher creating trojans?
159812012.02.20 11:43
Aethlyn Go to last post
Tranquility appears to be offline, tho I know it isn't
Daistruktor Morganus
180102012.02.20 09:13
Shpenat Go to last post