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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00302014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
can not reach
Mongtaut Torredaiken
256302012.02.29 00:59
Mongtaut Torredaiken Go to last post
Patch 1.2.2 Causing Crashes
41,49622012.02.28 23:20
Dean Weller Go to last post
2 Skills learning simultaneous?
276502012.02.28 18:48
Bardiok Go to last post
Market Black Hole? (Filling Corporate Sell Orders You Created) - RES...
Narl' Amhar
173102012.02.28 17:15
Narl' Amhar Go to last post
Unable to use character creator
Me ofcourse
41,10902012.02.28 15:42
CCP Explorer Go to last post
I cannot log on to my account using mobile web browsers.
JeanMichel Bizarre
165502012.02.28 14:29
JeanMichel Bizarre Go to last post
Cannot start Sisi through my SisiLauncher Tool
052902012.02.28 02:03
Dogfishful Go to last post
Gallente Industrial Station graphical glitch
Alfred Marshall
41,07702012.02.27 22:24
Alfred Marshall Go to last post
Eve-Gate & Evemail
Antares DeWolfe
053302012.02.27 20:43
Antares DeWolfe Go to last post
Shader 3 issue
Corran Thorran
41,65402012.02.27 18:46
Corran Thorran Go to last post
Multiple Video Cards, Monitors, & EVE Clients
Callisto Helix
167,46842012.02.27 15:08
Keenky Go to last post
Strange sound problem
Dren Nas
065002012.02.27 10:05
Dren Nas Go to last post
Account management SSL cert issue?
172002012.02.27 10:01
GM Karidor Go to last post
client-side settings all reset to defaults after computer crash
Reaver Glitterstim
41,85502012.02.27 04:35
Reaver Glitterstim Go to last post
Window "smears" (background not being redrawn when windows...
286902012.02.27 03:07
Liegus Go to last post
Camera movement after dock
155302012.02.26 02:14
Reaver Glitterstim Go to last post
Warp tunnel made optional extra again? Or yet again an old bug rei...
036602012.02.25 19:24
ISquishWorms Go to last post
Improving Eve experience on a laptop
Electra Gaterau
062602012.02.25 15:58
Electra Gaterau Go to last post
This forum can't even link CCP's own pages
Vaerah Vahrokha
031202012.02.25 10:14
Vaerah Vahrokha Go to last post
Can't See Drones
Eso Es
041602012.02.25 05:28
Eso Es Go to last post
Graphical glitches... have had this for months now, even after forma...
51,19702012.02.25 04:19
Odizzido Go to last post
FPS drops substantially
Kip Troger
038002012.02.25 04:01
Kip Troger Go to last post
Localisation/Market Window: Force of , (comma) instead of . (period)
93,99612012.02.24 21:11
Kontalaa Go to last post
Blue Character while in Captain's Quarters
Roland Astredies
044802012.02.24 20:58
Roland Astredies Go to last post
Flashing stars
Marius Prime
045402012.02.24 19:44
Marius Prime Go to last post
Fix radar and mag sites
042102012.02.24 13:09
Sorxus Go to last post
I can't see my drones
099702012.02.24 12:22
Latonan Go to last post
jump button broken, not working reliably anymore
Robert Caldera
038402012.02.24 11:41
Robert Caldera Go to last post