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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00302014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
R&D Agents now broken today
Dinsdale Pirannha
271902012.03.13 20:23
CCP Explorer Go to last post
Directional scanner range box no longer adds commas
Jivlain Pollard
176302012.03.13 20:23
CCP Explorer Go to last post
Wrong client starting with new launcher
154002012.03.13 20:00
Aethlyn Go to last post
Failed patch, failed clean install
21,08302012.03.13 19:49
Garrett Go to last post
"World"-sound doesn't fade when panning the camera out...
259812012.03.13 19:49
Sadario Go to last post
EVE interfering with CPU clock - Rage Rage Rage!
037902012.03.13 18:58
IceGuerilla Go to last post
Can not update EVE in WinXP
Desp Cadelanne
150002012.03.13 18:43
Desp Cadelanne Go to last post
Broken image in community fansite list
D Program
029302012.03.13 18:42
D Program Go to last post
Can do everything minus edit characters/walk around?
267102012.03.13 18:33
Plageis Go to last post
Cannot update to new launcher
Nair Alderau
41,20202012.03.13 18:08
Nair Alderau Go to last post
Patch Unsuccessful
384002012.03.13 18:00
Watercooler Go to last post
New launcher has problems
044602012.03.13 18:00
StoneRhino Go to last post
Names in Names field of overwiew acting weirdly
J3ssica Alba
028302012.03.13 17:55
J3ssica Alba Go to last post
Multi-account user - cant open same instance of eve
Pepper Candy
156202012.03.13 17:19
Aldeskwatso Go to last post
Patch install problems
Lyolas Double
038902012.03.13 17:04
Lyolas Double Go to last post
Client update was unsuccessful [RESOLVED]
154,09802012.03.13 16:05
Mygalli Go to last post
Launcher / Patcher broken
51,26302012.03.13 15:40
Aethlyn Go to last post
Computer just turns off
262702012.03.13 13:37
OkarasRule Go to last post
[HELP] Verification Failure Client error
61,63412012.03.13 13:04
ISVRaDa Go to last post
"the GFX driver has stopped working and has been restored"
Dantes Wolf
51,48812012.03.13 12:45
CCP Snorlax Go to last post
Overview Bugs, Why are they not being addressed?
028902012.03.12 17:57
Gibbo3771 Go to last post
Brand new character, getting "Access Denied" popup wheneve...
Kale deCoste
41,59012012.03.12 16:29
Scrapyard Bob Go to last post
Character Re-customization issues
Chokichi Ozuwara
41,39402012.03.12 15:35
CCP karkur Go to last post
Eve gate evemails font issues (apostrophe etc,)
Mr Bigwinky
073702012.03.12 13:39
Mr Bigwinky Go to last post
031102012.03.12 03:03
ItchyJuffoWup Go to last post
New Chaos data dump : More renaming, micro jump-drives and the death...
ostari otsus
291302012.03.11 21:07
Tinu Moorhsum Go to last post
Mining lasers stopping for no reason
174602012.03.11 17:37
Angelo Cossa Go to last post
Planets with no office
036602012.03.11 13:06
Karbonadas Go to last post