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Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00302014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Patch Update Failure
Lia Suchong
026902012.03.14 09:37
Lia Suchong Go to last post
New launcher, problems updating
123,19902012.03.14 09:31
Medicant 53 Go to last post
Mission/Warp To location Missing
Riven Schreiber
33,42102012.03.14 09:14
Kehro Urgus Go to last post
027002012.03.14 07:58
Kjan Go to last post
Patcher Downloader
SGT Falcon
039202012.03.14 07:53
SGT Falcon Go to last post
Laptop will not initialize EVE client
Garst Tyrell
72,73802012.03.14 06:13
Captain Vampire Go to last post
Problems with the Launcher - And how to work around them - Hopefully...
Byrrssa Crendraven
259002012.03.14 05:49
Byrrssa Crendraven Go to last post
Repair.exe broke my client
185,61402012.03.14 03:42
TrD Huy Go to last post
New Launcher Issue
031702012.03.14 02:59
LeChiffre Go to last post
027402012.03.14 02:34
MindLife Go to last post
Agent Conversation Bug (with Workaround)
Vircomore Amilupar
049902012.03.14 01:23
Vircomore Amilupar Go to last post
X (dot) Zero-Zero units available
034602012.03.14 01:10
TheMercenaryKing Go to last post
Failing to connect
250502012.03.14 00:28
Kingsy Go to last post
Minor science and industry UI bug which has nothing to do with the l...
Ispia Jaydrath
033402012.03.14 00:27
Ispia Jaydrath Go to last post
Failed launcher, failed repair client
Migrator Soul
77,64902012.03.14 00:06
Migrator Soul Go to last post
Learning Curve
Leitharos Rosselem
046802012.03.13 23:55
Leitharos Rosselem Go to last post
Re Installing
Abby Lynne Melkan
147102012.03.13 23:44
Abby Lynne Melkan Go to last post
patch 1.5 issue, step 6 causing connection loss
158702012.03.13 23:21
CCP Cascade Go to last post
Launcher Update Error
31,08212012.03.13 23:07
Eudaimonea Go to last post
EVE Patching Error - nsm6661.tmp\patch_win.exe.log for details
Ashmaker Gengod
068102012.03.13 22:41
Ashmaker Gengod Go to last post
Riikard Thexder
028402012.03.13 22:39
Riikard Thexder Go to last post
Cant even repair with the launcher
21,12002012.03.13 22:36
In3v Go to last post
forums cut off last characters of every other line
Leto Aramaus
142502012.03.13 22:18
Aethlyn Go to last post
my crucible 1.5 update won't initialize after extracting + manua...
168302012.03.13 21:38
Kri Anna Go to last post
Failed to Patch, Failed to Repair, FAILED at everything!
52,44302012.03.13 21:32
Kraig2 Go to last post
Ship switching issue after new patch March 13
153402012.03.13 21:31
CCP Tuxford Go to last post
Cascading Fails, Oh and Archive "Validation" needs fixing
145902012.03.13 21:12
Logix42 Go to last post
Launcher doesn't work, workaround ITT
186322012.03.13 20:26
CCP Donut Golem Go to last post