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Test Server Feedback
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Singularity accounts - Q&A
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
CCP Phantom
3740,39192017.08.02 20:04
Hasimir Go to last post
Announcement:New (=old) mirror for Singularity - 2016-06-02
CCP Habakuk
1612,36752017.07.26 16:36
Houdini San Go to last post
Announcement:Test Server Feedback Resources
CCP Falcon
328,29602014.11.19 14:15
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Standings mishap on singularity.
The Larold
02,84702017.03.29 19:35
The Larold Go to last post
Testing Alliance ?
82,51712017.03.28 23:51
Commandant John Go to last post
Testing Citadel with WR/catalysmic effect
Brot und Spiele
11,04002017.03.23 20:10
elitatwo Go to last post
Chimera Redesign [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Arthur Aihaken
3413,485292017.03.22 19:23
Sepheir Sepheron Go to last post
Acquiring bulk data issue
52,47232017.03.21 10:37
Sevyc Go to last post
cant go past character selection screen
nate albush
21,53902017.03.19 18:30
nate albush Go to last post
New Mirror Date
Fugur Clifford
11,25202017.03.19 04:27
Xynthiar Go to last post
My account is incorrectly locked in alpha clone [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Lord Rahvin
3618,040212017.03.15 02:18
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
Eve all black
Sha'Uri Dark
41,82502017.03.14 22:17
Sha'Uri Dark Go to last post
[March] Structure, Drone & Fighter improvements from Team Five ...
[ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
CCP Lebowski
6445,630532017.03.14 20:49
Traxanas Suruklemes Go to last post
Unable to add skill to queue
01,32802017.03.14 19:14
Narsail Go to last post
Can we please have skill injectors seeded on sisi market please?
Lothros Andastar
32,60012017.03.13 10:12
Nevyn Auscent Go to last post
Mass Test on Singularity: Tuesday, 7th March @ 17:00 UTC
CCP Habakuk
156,19022017.03.12 09:19
Omur Onen Go to last post
Aren't standings supposed to be forgotten?
The Larold
01,24402017.03.11 10:09
The Larold Go to last post
March release is live on Singularity
CCP Claymore
138,935102017.03.08 05:58
Oracle of Deus Go to last post
Feedback on Slash commands
01,38302017.03.07 22:49
Narsail Go to last post
You have a skill in your queue that is missing prerequisites.
Belleza Mortal
11,11602017.03.05 22:44
Nevyn Auscent Go to last post
Selection of fighter groups
01,87502017.02.25 20:39
TheRighteousOne Go to last post
Fighter changes concerns
Jackson Ikkala
21,54822017.02.24 11:17
Demolishar Go to last post
Email Verification on Singularity
Hayato Ronuken
21,47602017.02.22 21:01
Hayato Ronuken Go to last post
Singularity: Next mirror in January
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CCP Habakuk
16976,442342017.02.20 21:07
Minmatar Ganker00001 Go to last post
Combat anomalies on Sisi?
23,21902017.02.18 22:25
Amak Boma Go to last post
Singularity Login Failure From Launcher
Cea Barr
53,36432017.02.17 22:22
Chan'aar Go to last post
Working as intended?
killer persian
31,60112017.02.17 18:15
killer persian Go to last post
Guardian's Gala On Sisi?
Molly Duma
11,17502017.02.17 10:34
Demolishar Go to last post
Where are the guardian's gala sites?
22,56102017.02.15 13:18
Chan'aar Go to last post
./booststandings does not reset agent standings
21,66732017.02.14 16:41
Demolishar Go to last post