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Player Features and Ideas Discussion
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:The Great Split of Our Time: Features and Ideas Discussion...
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
CCP Logibro
2653,743192017.01.27 09:07
Rabbit Lacey Go to last post
Announcement:Features & Ideas Discussion Resources
CCP Falcon
132,11402014.11.19 15:03
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Make cloaking devices use strontium
103,06222017.06.18 00:30
ISD Stall Go to last post
ReAdd: Subscription Time On Character Select Screen
ThisEnd Up
088202017.06.17 23:41
ThisEnd Up Go to last post
caldari-minmataet ship [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Tiberius NoVegas
318,52922017.06.17 17:52
StarterrorPrime Go to last post
Faction warfare concept
Axure Abbacus
103,00232017.06.17 17:45
Axure Abbacus Go to last post
Would having a PvP arena help remove stuff from the game? [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Luc Chastot
5113,918112017.06.17 17:13
OffBeaT Go to last post
Make Drones a Legit Active Weapon
Anton Wiiggin
185,74712017.06.17 06:22
Anton Wiiggin Go to last post
Factional Warfare Mechanics Need an Overhall
Marcus Binchiette
31,42612017.06.17 06:18
Nevyn Auscent Go to last post
Citadel timers - is three strictly neccesary?
Gabriel Karade
165,68322017.06.17 01:46
Lienzo Go to last post
EVENT SITES NEED FIXING [Dev Response Required] [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
The Devils Cousin
227,22252017.06.16 23:29
Matthias Ancaladron Go to last post
Ship Module Idea: Cyno Disruptor
Worthy Angel
62,17012017.06.16 22:33
Daichi Yamato Go to last post
Conditional Delayed Local for all Empire/K-space
Martin Vanzyl
154,164112017.06.16 22:23
Sonya Corvinus Go to last post
Pirate destroyers and battlecruisers
Redus Taw
175,57712017.06.16 21:46
Redus Taw Go to last post
Chinese version client for EVE required [ Pages: 1 ... 5, 6, 7 ]
Halsey Dong
13440,865532017.06.16 20:13
Godsmurf Go to last post
Isk sink idea (if it's such a problem)
Henry Plantgenet
72,21632017.06.16 18:01
Old Pervert Go to last post
Reduced concord intervention on wormholes
Lamajagarn McMyra
195,77402017.06.16 17:01
Lamajagarn McMyra Go to last post
Corp orders
Gawain Edmond
074402017.06.16 15:59
Gawain Edmond Go to last post
[QOL] PI shortcuts (Yet another?)
Captain Panther
01,01502017.06.16 15:12
Captain Panther Go to last post
Rename Spaceports - PI idea
31,21312017.06.16 14:59
Old Pervert Go to last post
Country Patch
Pretentious Knob
92,90682017.06.16 14:19
Captain Panther Go to last post
Planetary Fozzie SOV: P-FOV
Valdr Auduin
154,17552017.06.16 14:17
Valdr Auduin Go to last post
[QOL] Overview sorting improvement
Captain Panther
079402017.06.16 14:09
Captain Panther Go to last post
Emojis in game
186,606142017.06.16 13:09
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
Allow Micro-Plex to be loaded directly into festival launchers
Supreme Kim Jong-un
51,717122017.06.15 23:43
grgjegb gergerg Go to last post
Anomalies + tags idea
exiik Shardani
31,38202017.06.15 22:46
Daichi Yamato Go to last post
a true pirate ship idea
Tiberius NoVegas
82,35102017.06.15 21:03
Matthias Ancaladron Go to last post
Launch Cargo into Sun
Kyonoke Infected
133,401172017.06.15 19:37
SurrenderMonkey Go to last post
Solution to isk faucet with supers/carriers in null sec [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Gian Bal
287,982102017.06.15 17:18
Teckos Pech Go to last post
[Advertising Services] Player and Structure Public Notes
Pleasure Hub Node-514
62,25222017.06.15 17:08
Pleasure Hub Node-514 Go to last post