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Player Features and Ideas Discussion
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:The Great Split of Our Time: Features and Ideas Discussion...
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
CCP Logibro
2653,744192017.01.27 09:07
Rabbit Lacey Go to last post
Announcement:Features & Ideas Discussion Resources
CCP Falcon
132,11402014.11.19 15:03
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Update NPC bounties in Null
41,14502017.05.11 06:03
Kassimila Go to last post
Character Sheet - Update
067902017.05.11 03:26
Annexe Go to last post
Give rifters an extra midslot
Fek Mercer
61,38222017.05.11 00:29
Fek Mercer Go to last post
If we are going down the microtransaction rabbit hole... 24 hour Ome...
Captain Tardbar
193,87342017.05.10 23:47
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
BLOPs ore hauler? [ Pages: 1 ... 3, 4, 5 ]
Lugh Crow-Slave
9528,324442017.05.10 19:36
Tessa Sage Go to last post
FC ships and my e-peen
Lugh Crow-Slave
91,73442017.05.10 16:32
Cade Windstalker Go to last post
Small QoL when simulating rigs?
Vokan Narkar
272202017.05.10 14:25
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
Skillpoint Backed Loans and Derivatives
142,55322017.05.10 13:33
Donnachadh Go to last post
Bubbles of low sec deadspace in high sec systems
Yvette Mikakka
92,34012017.05.10 03:14
Shallanna Yassavi Go to last post
Carrier /Drone boats - Radio chatter /Fighters /Drones
Miyu Kusanagi
113,171102017.05.09 21:51
Nevyn Auscent Go to last post
Modular Specialized Transports
Konmar Adoulin
382002017.05.09 17:26
Danika Princip Go to last post
Ekaterina Burgazovna
12,12702017.05.09 13:02
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
How about making the new Maulus navy NOT appear on DSCAN
Harreeb Alls
51,30812017.05.09 10:11
B'ron Jan Escobar Go to last post
option to remove friendlys from local [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
377,510302017.05.09 02:26
Matthias Ancaladron Go to last post
New Heavy Bomber?
Ruckus Snow
92,73242017.05.08 21:24
Danika Princip Go to last post
A GM's guide to Alpha clone re-balancing [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
hog butter
7620,657282017.05.08 18:55
Vokan Narkar Go to last post
Those new concord ships and an idea for low sec.
Taliyah Riraille
102,73132017.05.08 14:31
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
New contract type: Universal
71,93042017.05.08 13:10
B'ron Jan Escobar Go to last post
Circuits [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Zabo Achasse
223,54972017.05.08 05:23
Teckos Pech Go to last post
Weapons Impact Movement Like Armor Plates
James Zimmer
61,56302017.05.08 04:22
Caleb Seremshur Go to last post
Combat Probes can Probe Cloaked Ships
James Zimmer
33,18702017.05.08 01:20
ISD Max Trix Go to last post
EC rig build costs are absurd - lower material requirements
Julie Oppenheimer
185,20932017.05.08 00:30
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
CCP could you please stop info popups blocking UI elements?
Robert Caldera
142,787132017.05.08 00:27
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
To: The Developers (New Rigs For Citadels And Engineering Complexes)
Fifty Three
132,74672017.05.07 23:03
Lugh Crow-Slave Go to last post
The Penguin: a T1 Industrial specialised in transporting Ice Product...
Barry Foldar
33,35232017.05.07 14:16
Barry Foldar Go to last post
ORE Versions of DST and BR
Aeron Wareson
187,405242017.05.07 12:40
Dior Ambraelle Go to last post
Lower the skills that new character starts with
Vokan Narkar
91,93622017.05.07 11:03
Vokan Narkar Go to last post
Any reason why stargate can be targetted?
Vokan Narkar
111,941132017.05.07 11:02
Vokan Narkar Go to last post