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Market Discussions
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Idea: Peer-to-Peer Lending / Crowdfunding
Coreth Setann
103,418122011.10.22 21:57
Thermik Go to last post
Starting New Trade Channel - JITA POST
Stealing Honest
31,67552011.10.22 16:08
Stealing Honest Go to last post
Coolant price minuplated in Jita
22,10932011.10.22 04:07
egola Go to last post
Trade Bots
155,625202011.10.21 12:51
Kara Books Go to last post
Let the Speculation Begin--Destructible, Player Owned Customs Office... [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Mara Villoso
5016,052672011.10.21 10:22
Callduron Go to last post
Investing in AF's before the buff
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
1-Up Mushroom
218,041332011.10.21 09:09
rodyas Go to last post
Hydrogen Isotopes....
82,827122011.10.20 23:56
Alain Kinsella Go to last post
Best guess on new stable pricing of items PI based?
Dinsdale Pirannha
174,446222011.10.20 16:02
bilingi Go to last post
Money to lend to MD pilots for your IPO [up to 10b isk] - RothLoans
Edwin Rothbard
174,916182011.10.20 10:07
Gatan Hahran Go to last post
Self-Harmonizing Power Core Shutdown
22,02732011.10.20 08:29
Comdyego Go to last post
Nitrogen Isotopes
166,381272011.10.20 06:17
Jedonius Monus Go to last post
Best way to calculate the "correct" price
117,870202011.10.20 04:58
Scrapyard Bob Go to last post
I bought lots and lots of PI goods and I don't know what to do .... [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Pick en Tilavine
208,565242011.10.20 00:00
DJ Blackman Go to last post
Bond #2 - 2.5 B, 15% interest, 2 months, ~50% collateral
Tai'Shar Manetheren
41,44152011.10.19 14:43
Brollox Go to last post
10 billion isk loan @ 10% [COMPLETED] [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Serene Python
228,243232011.10.19 13:55
Lumadane Go to last post
looking for a loan
Cybus Max
21,08052011.10.19 08:24
Eddie Laydon Go to last post
50m Loan (20% Interest)
Prencleeve Grothsmore
52,19382011.10.19 01:17
Running Clam Go to last post
The Jita Bank | Public Annoucement [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Prencleeve Grothsmore
247,248382011.10.18 19:42
DelBoy Trades Go to last post
Bond ideas ...
Adunh Slavy
142,601152011.10.18 16:38
Elise DarkStar Go to last post
Capacitor Consoles Bottoming Out? Am I Missing Something?
Pick en Tilavine
62,96272011.10.18 15:42
Cassina Lemour Go to last post
Jita>>Rens Trade Run Oppurtunity
53,392112011.10.18 09:06
Via Shivon Go to last post
40 Million Isk [Loan Request]
Boom DaBang
82,345102011.10.18 08:53
Souris Blanche Go to last post
Sirius Business Bond closing.
Molic Blackbird
31,31842011.10.17 20:14
Block Ukx Go to last post
oxygen isotopes hit 1221 in sing laison
52,95432011.10.17 14:53
CCP Phantom Go to last post
Loan 1b ISK, 7.5% interest
41,55652011.10.17 11:31
Tom Hagen Go to last post
LOL Oxygen Isotopes [ Pages: 1 ... 10, 11, 12 ]
22878,7883862011.10.17 05:46
pmchem Go to last post
Alyssa SaintCroix
51,93582011.10.16 19:52
Companion Qube Go to last post
EVE-MENTAT - 2 questions for users
11,22722011.10.16 16:54
Serene Python Go to last post
Trusted 4U [CHRBA] 3rd Party for MD and Eve Investments
Ramzar Novas
123,139162011.10.16 15:22
DelBoy Trades Go to last post
Looking for 2B Uncollaterlized Loan 15% return-FILLED
62,08972011.10.16 01:58
Valemora Go to last post