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EVE Gameplay Center

Crime & Punishment
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Crime and Punishment Rules
CCP Falcon
033,14902015.01.12 11:26
CCP Falcon Go to last post
Global Bounty Notification
Janserion Clarke Mabata
131,80062014.06.03 06:46
culo duro Go to last post
Kill Rights?
61,70202014.06.02 17:00
Cannibal Kane Go to last post
Suspects CCP red headed step childs!
184,514172014.06.02 15:59
Velicitia Go to last post
Office Of Tactical And Strategic Services.
101,89612014.06.02 07:25
Ailwynn Go to last post
Boring old C&P [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
266,436182014.06.02 00:30
Alice Saki Go to last post
URGENT! Mercenaries needed to join corporation - Immediate PvP!! [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Flying Squidwolf
216,657532014.05.30 12:55
Xuixien Go to last post
Corp member killer posing as Miner (James Saagh) [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Orion Maelstrom
256,333572014.05.30 12:27
Xuixien Go to last post
Everybody Loves Dark Renegade [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Dark Renegade
395,718222014.05.30 04:53
Dark Renegade Go to last post
A theoretical situation
Dex Maddock
132,18552014.05.30 01:14
Tengu Grib Go to last post
Diary of a Corp Thief [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Viper Hinken
7013,471652014.05.29 19:46
Ravasta Helugo Go to last post
Single vexor using garde Is succesfully suicide gank tier 1 industri... [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Nerf Burger
349,797552014.05.29 17:38
Tengu Grib Go to last post
"This item is not yours to take."
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
112,61882014.05.29 05:32
Zol Interbottom Go to last post
[MERC] XPC for hire
133,08112014.05.27 15:06
Chlodwig888 Go to last post
New to solo low sec pvp. Advice needed.
cynthia greythorne
184,46272014.05.27 13:05
CraftyCroc Go to last post
New to Piracy and Relatively Last. [ Pages: 1 ... 3, 4, 5 ]
Oiras Isimazu
8617,674972014.05.24 19:56
Captain Finklestein Go to last post
New Player & Service (advice appreciated)
Naomie Hunter
101,39802014.05.24 09:50
Naomie Hunter Go to last post
Noob question....
Saphira Viviana
71,49812014.05.24 09:28
culo duro Go to last post
Gecko ganks
Froggy Storm
82,56832014.05.24 06:04
Froggy Storm Go to last post
The current situation with Ninja Salvaging?
156,239122014.05.23 22:29
Captain Finklestein Go to last post
Freighter bumping question [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Johan Lightstrider
243,928262014.05.23 16:16
Jubal Longstreet Go to last post
HEIST: Corp theft
commander aze
92,39162014.05.23 00:18
veshna wildsun Go to last post
Jensen Blaze, Starbuck05, Ariess Searle, and their corp Griffon Squa...
61,615142014.05.21 19:42
Saskia Hellmouth Go to last post
Safari & Reverse Safari [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
5110,421742014.05.21 19:38
Kristalll Go to last post
Angles of Death, anyone?
Gully Alex Foyle
71,07332014.05.21 18:39
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie Go to last post
[WTB] Ganking Services
Aldarr Mentakk
283302014.05.21 06:33
Aldarr Mentakk Go to last post
BodyBag Industries community ganking is rebuilding.
Drunken Angel
174,26542014.05.21 00:26
ISD Ezwal Go to last post
=- Cancelled -= New Mercs services. =- Cancelled -= [ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Lar Tadaruwa
7510,840412014.05.21 00:23
ISD Ezwal Go to last post
Want to hire a Merc corp for PoCo bashing almost a whole system ;D
sassuki Saissore
61,74392014.05.20 21:33
Boom Boom Longtime Go to last post
I Think I"m Hooked...
Ashlar Maidstone
283222014.05.20 14:37
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen Go to last post