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EVE Gameplay Center

Crime & Punishment
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Crime and Punishment Rules
CCP Falcon
033,14902015.01.12 11:26
CCP Falcon Go to last post
All bravado aside, well done Pursuit of Happiness!
Judas Lonestar
132,044132014.07.27 07:37
Jolly Rancer Go to last post
Warning to all good players about the gankers [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
518,602492014.07.27 02:24
ISD Supogo Go to last post
Question about my recent Heist
Jess Kalkoken
81,60172014.07.27 01:11
Litair Go to last post
My plunge into the life of Low Sec. [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Osirus Darksun
266,999452014.07.26 03:33
Sh0plifter Go to last post
Kaarous Aldurald consistently disrespects posters and breaks the rul...
Dally Lama
131,918202014.07.25 18:17
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Go to last post
Stupid question about bounty
112,09472014.07.25 17:31
Escobar Slim III Go to last post
Tales of woes and almost disgrace !!
91,794122014.07.25 10:57
Grenadier Greyback Go to last post
GoonsWaffe recruiter just tried Scamming me [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Fitness Regiment
468,388472014.07.25 07:39
Yang Aurilen Go to last post
Pasta Syndicate - Open for Contract
Guplup Ikkala
31,01122014.07.25 04:46
Guplup Ikkala Go to last post
[Space Mercenaries - Narwhals Ate My Duck] - Open for Contract
Chitsa Jason
184,387162014.07.24 20:50
Leto Thule Go to last post
Aussie TZ Merc Corps?
Jenna Aylet
036502014.07.24 16:27
Jenna Aylet Go to last post
Want to buy hugs?
92,669242014.07.24 01:00
gawrshmapooo Go to last post
Mining Permits for freighters. [ Pages: 1 ... 5, 6, 7 ]
12031,1161652014.07.24 00:25
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley Go to last post
. [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Zach Lemmont
263,65662014.07.23 14:40
Buddy Scrap Go to last post
★★★ Character Bazaar Scam ★★★
Hell Freeze
82,355112014.07.23 11:39
ISD Atomic Dove Go to last post
CODE's code? [ Pages: 1 ... 5, 6, 7 ]
13632,2232222014.07.22 22:35
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley Go to last post
What the hell C&P
112,76272014.07.21 23:23
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Go to last post
Re. Recruitment
Jaxi Wreckful
51,111142014.07.21 21:59
Jaxi Wreckful Go to last post
'The Code II' Downloads Enabled on SoundCloud
Sasha Nyemtsov
281112014.07.21 19:48
Sasha Nyemtsov Go to last post
Worst Merc`s ever award? [ Pages: 1 ... 11, 12, 13 ]
Elven Serpent
24239,1422542014.07.21 17:14
ISD Cyberdyne Go to last post
New kid on the block - where do I go to gank carebears? [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Sevante Johnson
215,724292014.07.21 04:21
Jur Tissant Go to last post
Got to field test the procurer few hours ago.
MicDeath Titan
121,905262014.07.20 05:55
Intar Medris Go to last post
BAT Country recruitment scam - Do Not Trust BAT Country [ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Malchian Kairo
5312,986732014.07.19 18:27
Trii Seo Go to last post
235,521272014.07.19 11:17
Saar Ynier Go to last post
WTH small merc corp for POCO wars :-)
Violet Enchantress
41,38402014.07.19 02:59
Giuseppe R Raimondo Go to last post
Goonswarm are fundamentally homophobic and racist [ Pages: 1 ... 3, 4, 5 ]
Mrs Mirandin
8622,900812014.07.18 13:05
ISD Tyrozan Go to last post
92,07122014.07.17 21:47
Eveiga Go to last post
Can you cancel/remove a Surrender offer you made to the aggressor?
Kira Gene Evotori
11,27222014.07.16 20:35
Tora Bushido Go to last post
Best mercs to hire for camping lowsec system(s)?
489702014.07.16 16:57
Serendipity Lost Go to last post