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Rogue Drone Accelerators

Elizabeth Dahlia Short
New Worlds Economic Forum
#1 - 2017-06-23 20:41:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Dahlia Short
So why do the Rogue Drone Accelerators have a 'use-by date'?
Since the Blood Raider Crimson Harvest event - those Cerebral Accelerators are still a usable item.
So CCP, why the change in how the loot from 'live events' is to be used now?
Buggs LeRoach
#2 - 2017-06-25 14:28:09 UTC
Elizabeth Dahlia Short wrote:
So why do the Rogue Drone Accelerators have a 'use-by date'?
Since the Blood Raider Crimson Harvest event - those Cerebral Accelerators are still a usable item.
So CCP, why the change in how the loot from 'live events' is to be used now?

there's no change , they both have expire dates . if you bothered to look .. Shocked
Pestilen Ratte
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2017-06-30 23:08:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Pestilen Ratte
CCP have a conviction that balanced rewards and stability of game play over time are effective ways to make sure nothing gets badly broken with each new update.

It is hard to argue with the logic, especially since they changed from a six month update cycle to six weeks, or whatever it is now. There just isn't time to develop and risk big things between updates.

The problem, unfortunately, is that while things won't get changed enough to break them, nor do they get changed enough to fix them. Everyone who has played Eve for a few years can list a whole bunch of weird, half finished mechanics that were simply abandoned and left in a semi functional state.

Then there is the need to limit rewards so that folks can't play for free. Unfortunately, this means that rewards are shockingly poor value for time invested. If you could earn 1 billion isk (say Plex fees) in two hours, most folks would not be paying to play as omegas. But when you can't earn 1 billion inside 5 hours..... you are working for 2 dollars an hour. Unless you LOVE the style of game play, it is simply far easier to work an extra hour at work and buy plex.

What this means is that, axiomatically by intended design, every part of Eve is initially a long slog for small rewards, which quickly becomes a tedious grind for low rewards, as the "new" mechanic become familiar and boring.

As well as mechanics that become tedious, there are other mechanics you will never even see.

I have been playing Eve for nearly 4 years and I have been living in nul sec for about a year, and travelling around null for around two years. I have NEVER seen an officer rat. Never once.

So, what is the point of this game feature? If folks can play for literally years, and yet never once see this feature, does it even exist? Or, is it a totem ornament, designed to make the game special for staff and the elite few who they favour?

See, I can handle getting shops blown up. It is even exciting, so long as it is not everyday. What i can't abide is logging on, scouting systems for 45 minutes, and finding one data site worth 360k risk in total, and some nul sec belt rats that are so weak you can be AFK for ten minutes and not die.

If that happens too often, folks are going to stop logging on. the investment of player time is far too great, given the NPC rewards and the risk.
Beast of Constipation
#4 - 2017-07-07 13:48:50 UTC
Pestilen Ratte wrote:
The quality of whinging in this place is a disgrace.
N3ught1e Talie-Kuo
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2017-07-11 04:28:02 UTC  |  Edited by: N3ught1e Talie-Kuo
Pestilen Ratte wrote:

I have been playing Eve for nearly 4 years and I have been living in nul sec for about a year, and travelling around null for around two years. I have NEVER seen an officer rat. Never once.

In regards to the above, I have been playing since May 2007, and have come across 6 or 7 Officer Rats (solo them), while living in Stains and Geminate.

More often than not, there was a pattern when ratting constantly especially after DT. Good fun was had dodging C0ven gangs and ratters , as they where doing like wise.

Last Officer, was a year ago in Delve and due to CCP gimp changes, I needed backup from my Corp, as the Officer was owning me from 200-270km, they are not as rare as one thinks in my opinion.