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EVE Online: Crucible 1.5 Issues

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#661 - 2012-03-15 12:47:47 UTC
Todays update dropped FPS in window mode from 70fps to 35fps. Fullscreen is still fine at 75fps. CPU load is fairly low for both at 25%.


Primary Adapter
Graphics Card Manufacturer Powered by AMD
Graphics Chipset AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
Device ID 6739
Vendor 1002

Subsystem ID 200F
Subsystem Vendor ID 1787

Graphics Bus Capability PCI Express 2.0
Maximum Bus Setting PCI Express 2.0 x16

BIOS Version
BIOS Part Number 113-SR1G07-401
BIOS Date 2011/08/14

Memory Size 1024 MB
Memory Type GDDR5

Core Clock in MHz 775 MHz
Memory Clock in MHz 1000 MHz
Total Memory Bandwidth in GByte/s 128.0 GByte/s

Driver Packaging Version 8.93-111205a-132103C-ATI
Catalyst™ Version 12.1
Provider AMD.
2D Driver Version
2D Driver File Path System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Video/{1A8506F4-6B04-4E10-8404-100360FFF1A0}/0000
Direct3D Version
OpenGL Version
Catalyst™ Control Center Version 2011.1205.2146.38999
AIW/VIVO WDM Driver Version
AIW/VIVO WDM SP Driver Version

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Ten Bulls
Sons of Olsagard
#662 - 2012-03-15 12:49:32 UTC
Oops, you did it again....

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] — shame on you. Fool me — [pauses] — You can't get fooled again. " - George W. Bush
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#663 - 2012-03-15 12:55:09 UTC
Thanks Lovelocke but it still aint working, ******* useless CCP
Taigi Corp
#664 - 2012-03-15 13:00:27 UTC
So what is the latest Suggestions then?
Download Full Setup (All 3 files) and retry installation?

CCP!! I pay per Gigabyte of data used where I stay. Are you gonna re-imburse me for the approx 15G of wasted downloads!!??? I have two accounts so what about my Playing time?? Skill Queues empty by now.....................

Jaden Plymoth
Iron Havok
#665 - 2012-03-15 13:03:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaden Plymoth
Right, got the client to work last night for a few hours because it randomly decided to detect an update available and patch the client. Today, after the hot fix deployment, my launcher is doing it again and not detecting the new update. New repair tool is broken and errors out while hashing files. This is after a reboot. I'm about to just call this quits and wait for you to get your stupid launcher fixed CCP, I don't have the bandwidth to keep downloading the full client over and over again every time there is an update.

It would be increadibly awesome if someone would be so kinda as to send me the latest .patch file and explain to me how to force the launcher to apply it.
CCP Cascade
#666 - 2012-03-15 13:09:41 UTC
Crydeus wrote:
Thanks Lovelocke but it still aint working, ******* useless CCP

Are you using ESET Smart Security or ESET NOD32 Antivirus? If so, there is a news post here:

What error is your Launcher giving you? I looked in another thread and the repair tool is giving the error I pasted below. Is that still the case?

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyc", line 82, in _TaskRun
File "repairTool\repairUI.pyc", line 97, in Start
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 199, in Repair
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 361, in Restore
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 434, in GetLauncherUrl
KeyError: 'launcherurl_win'
Total Runtime: 0h00m19s

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

Ulf Raben
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#667 - 2012-03-15 13:11:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Ulf Raben
In the latest news regarding inability to download the new Update which i link here

it is stated that some prolems should be caused by the ESET Antivirus programe and suggestions are forwarded to change the settings for that programe before trying to install working EVE Client programes

In this context i can INFORM that i 3 days ago RE-INSTALLED the full fresh EVE CLIENT on my Computer which had been
totally cleaned .. with fresh installs of evrything incl operating systems etc

Also The ESET Antivirus programe was installed and running PRIOR to re-installing the EVE Client

Everything went smooth and fine.. the Client was installed with NO PROBLEMS and EVE Online worked excellentl
..better than ever ..on my computer

I therefore have hard to believe the explanations forwarded in above EVE News
... and want better assurances from CC
before i do as directed
... especially as i have experienced serious crashes of my PC after just 1 attempt of installing the update

including changes to my BIOS

Logically ..also ... it cannot be just a fault or Conflict with the ESET Antivirus Programe
BECAUSE an installation of the EVE CLIENT occured totally without problems BEFORE the current Crucible UPDATE

CCP needs to come forward with BETTER EXPLANATIONS before exposing individual customer computer
to potentially destructive or malicious software

PS ... I will hold CCP ...LIABLE ...

or further developments and instructions regarding attempts to download the new EVE CLIENT
Ten Bulls
Sons of Olsagard
#668 - 2012-03-15 13:12:45 UTC
People are saying launcher is the problem, so i deleted the launcher folder, rebooted, ran repair.exe.

repair.exe downloads new files, says "Completed successfully. The EVE Online client was successfully repaired", so i press close, then it pops up a window Errors occured: see the logfile, so i look for the logfile, the directory is there with files but no repair.exe.log, so i close the "errors occured" dialog box, and all the other files in that temp folder get deleted also.

CCP: We need a repair-repair.exe tool urgent !!!
Merlin Joda
AZ Solutions CZ
#669 - 2012-03-15 13:21:39 UTC
Hello, I have got problem with all the sounds in EVE after the Crucible 1.5 patch. I hear all the sounds around my ship (even if the source of sound is 200 km away from me)

Our fleet was farming sleepers in C5 wormhole yesterday (2 x Chimera, 10 x Tengu and some other support ships). I have heared sounds of all the ships around me ( launchers, invul field, shield transfers, explosions, turrets, even the sleeaper weapons and killes). When tryed to look at my ship from big distance, all the sound was still there.

I was sitting under the POS forcefield and my corpmate lunched probes 300 km far from my ship ( I have heard his launcher)

Only one way how to solve this is "disable the sounds", otherwise your head will blow up from all that sounds around.

Tallked to my friends and all of them has the same problem. Please fix this bug realy soon - It should be priority number one for your engeneers.

It seems to me that CCP make some a little improvement and with this improvement gives us at least two bugs.

A little recomendation for CCP. Next time please keep much more attention for testing of your updades before you apply them.

Thank you
Gallente Federation
#670 - 2012-03-15 13:23:23 UTC
I noticed a FPS drop from 20-ish to 10-ish on iMac, thank god i play on Mac only at work Ugh
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#671 - 2012-03-15 13:32:55 UTC
CCP Cascade wrote:
Crydeus wrote:
Thanks Lovelocke but it still aint working, ******* useless CCP

Are you using ESET Smart Security or ESET NOD32 Antivirus? If so, there is a news post here:

What error is your Launcher giving you? I looked in another thread and the repair tool is giving the error I pasted below. Is that still the case?

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyc", line 82, in _TaskRun
File "repairTool\repairUI.pyc", line 97, in Start
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 199, in Repair
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 361, in Restore
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 434, in GetLauncherUrl
KeyError: 'launcherurl_win'
Total Runtime: 0h00m19s

No i am not using any anti virus at the moment and even firewall is disabled, i get the f-ing incompatible version error no matter how many repairs i run ie launcher says the game is fine but press play and i get a big **** you.

Have tried on 3 machines so far win 7 64 vista 32 and xp 32 and all of them tell me to get lost, can't even do the manual dl of the 3 install files as they get corrupted.

Jaden Plymoth
Iron Havok
#672 - 2012-03-15 13:33:38 UTC
Ok CCP I have an question directly regaurding the launcher, and if the answer is yes it will explain my problems directly. Does the Launcher use any type of SSL protocols when it connects to the server to check for an update?

If it does then its not likely I will be able to update via the launcher except as a freak accident only every now and then, and as a result I'm going to beg you guys to please add a function to the launcher that will allow us to download the patch file and force the launcher to manually apply it in the event the launcher fails to download the patch on its own. This is also a good solution for people on low bandwidth connections.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#673 - 2012-03-15 13:40:21 UTC
CCP Cascade wrote:
Crydeus wrote:
Thanks Lovelocke but it still aint working, ******* useless CCP

Are you using ESET Smart Security or ESET NOD32 Antivirus? If so, there is a news post here:

What error is your Launcher giving you? I looked in another thread and the repair tool is giving the error I pasted below. Is that still the case?

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyc", line 82, in _TaskRun
File "repairTool\repairUI.pyc", line 97, in Start
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 199, in Repair
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 361, in Restore
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 434, in GetLauncherUrl
KeyError: 'launcherurl_win'
Total Runtime: 0h00m19s

You should read the posts in this forum properly. I have already said that today's patch negates the work around you have quoted here. A work around I might add which CCP devs didn't find but another player on here who has yet been acknowledged by CCP for doing their job for them.

I repeat, today's patch broke this work around.
Rayno Severasse
#674 - 2012-03-15 13:45:50 UTC
guys can anyone give me a simply answer how to fix the launcher or how to bypass hm couse it seem that 22k people already play eve but i stuck with that launcher it go to 25% and roll back to 0% and again go to 25% all the time like 4 hours already
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#675 - 2012-03-15 13:56:14 UTC
Rayno Severasse wrote:
guys can anyone give me a simply answer how to fix the launcher or how to bypass hm couse it seem that 22k people already play eve but i stuck with that launcher it go to 25% and roll back to 0% and again go to 25% all the time like 4 hours already

You can try the adding to eset protocol exclusions trick but like I said this patch stopped that working for me. Try turning ESET off altogether, download my launcher file on the other page and try that.
Michael Theon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#676 - 2012-03-15 14:05:51 UTC
did again, 3 full installation as only possibility to play , at least until the next update
why do i need this shity Launcher ??
Rayno Severasse
#677 - 2012-03-15 14:06:35 UTC
loveocke i dont use ESET i use AVG and i already try it not working
Divi Filus
New Xenocracy
#678 - 2012-03-15 14:10:31 UTC
Any word yet on when Mac users can expect some update beyond Launcher v.1.04, which has no "only display when there is a patch" option? (Granted, given some of the feedback I'm seeing in this thread, I'm not sure how anxious I am to "fix" my launcher.)
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#679 - 2012-03-15 14:12:30 UTC
This is now totally ridiculous, tried to install on a totally clean machine using an Eve install disk from way back when and fine it installs then it installs the 19 meg patch (for launcher) and bang here we go with the 25% crap again.

Please note CCP this machine does not have any anti virus on it and no firewalls enabled so please tell me what the hell is going on.

Win xp sp 3

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#680 - 2012-03-15 14:19:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Marlakh
Ok, continuing my story, following Day 1 and Day 2, here is Day 3:

1. Downloaded the latest repair tool as read from the news:

2. Copied the downloaded repair.eve into the Eve client folder, and double clicked it. New repair tool then ran and appeared to update itself.

3. Opened Eve Launcher as admin. Client updated itself automatically to version 350962.

4. Opened Eve Launcher as admin and clicked "Play".

5. Once client has launched, Incompatible (Protocol) message appeared beside the login text fields. Dialog box appeared titled "Ready to Update" and said "the update has been downloaded. The client will now close and the update process begin". Clicked ok.

6. Update setup progress dialog box appeared and appeared to finish with no errors.

7. Opened Eve Launcher again and clicked "Play".

Steps 5 to 6 repeated itself, again and again, even with multiple reboots between supposed "patches".

Nearly at wit's end. Please help!

EDIT: Just after writing this post, the launcher downloaded client version 351477. Client launched successfully after that :D

Not sure what went wrong, this was the messiest patch in my 6+ years of playing. Really hope you can improve the patch QA in the future, CCP. Thankfully no skill training interruption. Thanks anyway and fly wild, everyone!