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Incoming titan adjustments

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Prideof USA
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#2061 - 2012-03-15 04:09:09 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
Titan Keeper 22 wrote:
'A country' brought hundreads of elite soldiers in tanks and elite ground troops equipped with most modernised guns with a Commander on the field.
'B country' brought thousands of pesty peasants equipped with tridents and their working gear and having a Commander on the field.

now the results, obviously 'A country' would win.

Ho Chi Minh just lol'd in his grave

And the American Revolution. Country B are inspiration
Goonswarm Federation
#2062 - 2012-03-15 04:12:43 UTC
titan keeper's posts are why titans should be nerfed to the ground in ~iterations~

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Monthly Monique
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2063 - 2012-03-15 04:12:55 UTC
Here's what it comes down to space bros.

When you own a SC or a Titan there are alliances that take great pleasure and use much skill to try and remove you from these uber expensive weapons of destruction. And for some, PL comes to mind, it's an e-peen way of game play. To remove (kill) as many as possible with out losing a single one.

Papa CCP is coming along and slapping the e-peen grin off the face of the fat turd smelling bully with the elitist attitude because the 250 pound (17 -ish stones) 14 year old bully is not going to be able to throw his big fat belly around at the 90 pound 10 year olds and win any more. They will still be able to for awhile to come yet. But as they continue to do so it will serve to prove the need for papa CCP to keep coming back and chopping off more and more belly fat from the bully.

There's a saying out there in Eve land. Something to the effect of STFU when you have a good thing and don't let the cat out of the bag or it'll get nerfed. Should of remembered that when dropping Titans on frigs in low sec went from a once in a lifetime chance happening to a regular thing. Just saying.

HAve fun space bros. This ho is out o7
Kyle Myr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2064 - 2012-03-15 04:18:03 UTC
Titan Keeper 22 wrote:

Those are some words.

'Endgame ships' 'Early to mid game ships'. I don't know if you legitimately believe what you're typing, but these are not concepts EVE has. It has hulls that cost more, and hulls that cost less. Some you need more SP to fly, but much of your SP is in support skills that make you fly everything better.

Support SP. Money sunk into hulls. Money sunk into modules, implants, and boosters. All of these things have diminishing returns on investment, except Titans. That hull shouldn't have the exception.
Titan Keeper 22
#2065 - 2012-03-15 04:21:23 UTC
since most of you arguing people cannot agree and understand anything thats if by any means, related against the titan fix, i'll make it simple.

when i meant end game content, it was based on what the majority of people that play PC/Console games think.

one of you say that FC'ing is the end game? well there are other games that have the very similar to FC'ing available. but how many of that game's players think of that as the end-game? i'm thinking around 0.01~0.0001% of players.

eve is a game where you fly ships mostly especially combat ships; more than 80% of the ships are combat ships anyways. everything, manufacturing, researching, trading, exploring, pve'ing leads to what? combat ships, PvP. and now, whats the most expensive, and with the best attribute combat ship in game? a titan.

now which content, which ship, should be the end-game?

you Goonswarm and CFC just cannot think outside the mittani box, can you?

everything, every single thoughts and words of you Goonswarm/CFC members are based on mittani's thinking box. he is smart, he has power, and he's playing mindgames with all of you. yet none of you GW/CFC understands and realizes about it. even if one do so, you are denying for your own benefit.

you keep trying hard to make eve like a casual game after 10years and with your number, and conspiracy going on, yes the game will change towards your benefiting point.

eve is dying that, i can tell for sure.
Goonswarm Federation
#2066 - 2012-03-15 04:21:25 UTC
real life war analogies, won't be long before Titan Keeper 22 starts quoting Sun Tzu

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2067 - 2012-03-15 04:24:28 UTC
Titan Keeper 22 wrote:
you Goonswarm and CFC just cannot think outside the mittani box, can you?

- someone losing their **** because a single hull got nerfed

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Zain Andreas
Goonswarm Federation
#2068 - 2012-03-15 04:36:46 UTC
I too, think people in npc corps know a lot about titans.
Kitfox Mikakka
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2069 - 2012-03-15 04:40:51 UTC
Titan Keeper 22 wrote:
Holy **** what

What in the everloving hell. The game's not a solid trek up where the list goes Titans>Mothers>Dreads>Carriers>Battleships>Cruisers>Frigates. If you honestly believe that you're a damn ****** for trying to play this game instead of some other MMO where there is a line up the ranks that way, but a frigate can be just as useful as a battleship which is just as useful as a force recon which is just as useful as an interceptor which is just as useful as, yes, a Titan. They've got roles and places for them, just because the tinier ones are cheaper doesn't mean a tiny gang of frigates won't destroy the **** out of an unsupported cruiser or battleship or two. Just because Titans are the most expensive, largest, and most EHP loaded and potentially skill intensive hulls in the game doesn't mean they're the endgame because there is no endgame no matter how you're trying to twist what that means around.

Literally in the very first day I played this game I went out on a roam into WN. space with the people who convinced me to give it a try, and after asking why my projectile guns on my rifter were greyed out I found out Caldari don't start with the skills to use them. Even so, I went along for fun. That roam ended with me tackling a ratting Tengu in WN. space with them, us not being able to pump out the DPS we needed to kill it, and having several battleships and interceptors rush over to give us aid from Goonwaffe after we went 'hey help?' to them. Call me a stupid *** if you want, but it was completely ******* awesome and sold me on this game, because I felt useful from day one, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for any other MMO I have ever played. Not half a month ago I went on a 30 man gimmick roam with one of our FCs where people had brought battle badgers and Moas with laser systems and ****, and we still killed the hell out of several Navy variants while camping a station with these horrendous ships, because we were playing better than them in their pimped out faction hulls even though we only had dumb **** like my Coercer with 4 different gun types and one of each crystal type loaded in so I shot a rainbow.

In huge fleet fights with the maelstroms and drakes, I can fly a crappy dinky little Rifter or Griffin or Thrasher and still feel like I'm contributing as much as the other people playing by sending out jams or annoying logistics or tackling bombers. I have yet to actually train cruiser skills because I wanted to get support stuff out of the way first, and in the 4 months I've spent in the various frigate-scale ships I've not once felt like I was ****** out of something because I wasn't some two year old player who was level 80 with full epic sets or whatever. And since you're apparently all for that, it's my opinion that shitheads like you are the ones killing EVE and trying to turn it into a copy of every other damn massively multiplayer game out there, just with terrible looking asymmetric spaceships instead of huge shoulderpads.

Holy **** I'm careposting, ****
Titan Keeper 22
#2070 - 2012-03-15 04:50:17 UTC
CCP has never thought of what new players would think of EvE after playing for several months, play around in a battleship class ships and realize, that there is nothing more to achieve

1) manufactureres - i build from frigate sized ships to carriers and dreads and modules. i think i can finish all that in about year.
2) traders - isk isk isk..and with those isk, what do i buy? currently being used and that are most expensive ships i can think of..carrier, dreads. nah.. that's just too easy i think i'd rather rmt.
3) researchers - almost same with manufactureres and traders.
4) freedom fighters(aka pvp'ers) - ok! i've finally acuired carrier/dread now time to shoot and repair structures! oh forgot that i can rat in a carrier!
5) bounty hunters - wtf is this ****
6) miner - most exciting content in eve! hear the calming sound wave of mining modules activating! oh wait AH HELL, I JUST GOT HULKAGEDDONED!
7) planetary industralist - i've finished every content of it in less than a month! yay i think im so good at this game!
8) explorer - scan, loot nothing, get frustrated, scan, loot nothing, scan, loot nothing, scan, fu*k i just lost my tengu! screw this, i'm buying plex to buy another tengu. scan, loot, somthing decent, happy, scan, loot nothing, scan, loot somthing decent, scan, ganked.
9) loyalist - uh which alliance should i think Gooswarm is the strongest alliance in the game. maybe i'll give it a try. flys rifters/canes/maelstroms, shoots structure for longer than the time pvp'ing, start to think where all the taxes and the moon minerals go. gets explained by mittani that all of those isk are for reimbursing combat ships. but i payed for the ship and the modules to pvp and i get insurance that covers more than half of the price of the loss!
10) fleet commander - i cant FC.. im terrible at eve
11) empire builder - there are already more than enough of them! without a miracle, it's impossible!
Klann Schreck
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2071 - 2012-03-15 04:50:37 UTC
Kitfox Mikakka wrote:
Titan Keeper 22 wrote:
Holy **** what

What in the everloving hell. The game's not a solid trek up where the list goes Titans>Mothers>Dreads>Carriers>Battleships>Cruisers>Frigates. If you honestly believe that you're a damn ****** for trying to play this game instead of some other MMO where there is a line up the ranks that way, but a frigate can be just as useful as a battleship which is just as useful as a force recon which is just as useful as an interceptor which is just as useful as, yes, a Titan. They've got roles and places for them, just because the tinier ones are cheaper doesn't mean a tiny gang of frigates won't destroy the **** out of an unsupported cruiser or battleship or two. Just because Titans are the most expensive, largest, and most EHP loaded and potentially skill intensive hulls in the game doesn't mean they're the endgame because there is no endgame no matter how you're trying to twist what that means around.

Literally in the very first day I played this game I went out on a roam into WN. space with the people who convinced me to give it a try, and after asking why my projectile guns on my rifter were greyed out I found out Caldari don't start with the skills to use them. Even so, I went along for fun. That roam ended with me tackling a ratting Tengu in WN. space with them, us not being able to pump out the DPS we needed to kill it, and having several battleships and interceptors rush over to give us aid from Goonwaffe after we went 'hey help?' to them. Call me a stupid *** if you want, but it was completely ******* awesome and sold me on this game, because I felt useful from day one, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for any other MMO I have ever played. Not half a month ago I went on a 30 man gimmick roam with one of our FCs where people had brought battle badgers and Moas with laser systems and ****, and we still killed the hell out of several Navy variants while camping a station with these horrendous ships, because we were playing better than them in their pimped out faction hulls even though we only had dumb **** like my Coercer with 4 different gun types and one of each crystal type loaded in so I shot a rainbow.

In huge fleet fights with the maelstroms and drakes, I can fly a crappy dinky little Rifter or Griffin or Thrasher and still feel like I'm contributing as much as the other people playing by sending out jams or annoying logistics or tackling bombers. I have yet to actually train cruiser skills because I wanted to get support stuff out of the way first, and in the 4 months I've spent in the various frigate-scale ships I've not once felt like I was ****** out of something because I wasn't some two year old player who was level 80 with full epic sets or whatever. And since you're apparently all for that, it's my opinion that shitheads like you are the ones killing EVE and trying to turn it into a copy of every other damn massively multiplayer game out there, just with terrible looking asymmetric spaceships instead of huge shoulderpads.

Holy **** I'm careposting, ****

If you aren't DAWWWWWWWWWWing at this adorable little newbee I really feel bad for you. Someone just won himself a faction frigate or cruiser of his choice.
Kyle Myr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2072 - 2012-03-15 04:53:10 UTC
Titan Keeper 22 wrote:

Ok, so you're equating wealth with quality, you see absolutely no worth in people with effective leadership skills (or dogs with effective leadership skills), and you think EVE has an endgame.

EVE doesn't have an endgame. You can do what you want from day 1. Every pilot matters.

For a few references, here's how CCP's own propaganda describes this:

Nothing about how there's an endgame ship. Simply about how each pilot can matter.
Sotar Armana
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2073 - 2012-03-15 04:59:52 UTC
What I don't get is why people without titans in empire would want to not see titans nerfed. If Raiden., NC. and PL had their way Nullsec would be a private playhouse where only those with tremendously high SP could be instead of a place where you can survive regardless of SP and even thrive based on your wits, skill and game understanding. Where is the satisfaction from getting into a Titan and just noskilling your way to a win?
Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2074 - 2012-03-15 04:59:56 UTC
Titan Keeper 22 wrote:
CCP has never thought of what new players would think of EvE after playing for several months, play around in a battleship class ships and realize, that there is nothing more to achieve

Do you even play Eve Online? This isn't even a joke, it's a serious question, because holy hell I've never seen a concept fly this far above someone's head in a long time.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Sentinel Eeex
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2075 - 2012-03-15 05:32:37 UTC
FeLiZk wrote:

And they need more for titan fix that's is very clear. So i see no difference making bad fix to one or the other.

Maybe if you scream loud enough about Tech, everyone will forget what you have done with Titans.

Keep trying, maybe it will work.
Titan Keeper 22
#2076 - 2012-03-15 05:38:52 UTC
Kyle Myr theres a huge difference in with knowing the possibilities that you can go much further than of your current position and doing whatever activities you are up to, but then when you're playing eve knowing that you will not get to be in a ship that has the attribute of better than a battleship.

small sized t2s and t3s are indeed important for their situable roles, but you'll just never know what it'll feel like after trashing super capital class ships out of the game because you have never imaginzied about it nor have any ability to imagine.

they've added super capital class ships for a reason but then now since that they are going to be useless other than structure grinding, and forgot to mention that because of the super nerf, they are actually only useful for PL that uses them for ganking other supers.

i noticed you've linked that there were capital ships including super capital class ships present in the videos

i dont know why you've listed them as references without actually seeing the videos

yea like all other Goons, you are just here to troll

and i dont see any other reason that most goons are enjoying the actual game other than trolling people around.

but i must say this, you goon trolls are really terrible at trolling
Sotar Armana
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2077 - 2012-03-15 05:41:18 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
Titan Keeper 22 wrote:
CCP has never thought of what new players would think of EvE after playing for several months, play around in a battleship class ships and realize, that there is nothing more to achieve

Do you even play Eve Online? This isn't even a joke, it's a serious question, because holy hell I've never seen a concept fly this far above someone's head in a long time.

I think that answer has been proved to be a nope.
esc shk
Okay Sax
#2078 - 2012-03-15 05:41:46 UTC
You're a ****** fyi.

Titans are supposed to be capital killers. Not Afterburning Rifter killers.

Kill yourself
Sotar Armana
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2079 - 2012-03-15 05:44:03 UTC
esc shk wrote:
You're a ****** fyi.

Titans are supposed to be capital killers. Not Afterburning Rifter killers.

Kill yourself

Gistatis Praefectus
#2080 - 2012-03-15 05:51:52 UTC
Titan Keeper 22 wrote:
everyone should be flying titans because :endgame:, nothing else in eve is fun waaaaaaaaaaaa

There is no endgame in Eve
There is no endgame in Eve
There is no endgame in Eve
There is no endgame in Eve
There is no endgame in Eve

You're trolling right? I can't take your posts seriously.

As far as exploration goes, I've lucked out many times in low and null sites with some pretty great mag, radar and DED sites, and I've only ever had a close call at worst. You're taking the negatives and blasting them out of proportion to the point where you think that blapping in titans is the only way to have fun in Eve. I think that if you ever bothered to really try those things that you mentioned and not have such a pessimistic outlook on things, you'd eat your words and stop madposting.