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Re-Elect Prometheus Exenthal for CSM7

First post
The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#41 - 2012-02-13 20:02:36 UTC
Prom is a 'troubled' candidate because he was awol for half his term in CSM6. However, for the half that he DID turn up for, he was completely engaged on a daily basis. He's a human EFT, in ways that are a little frightening. If you're an ~elite solo pvper~ or an EFT wizard, you could do worse than voting for Prom.

I'd like to see him back on CSM7. I doubt he'll get a top-7 slot, but at least that way Punkturis and I can keep teasing him about his supercharger in Skype.


Goonswarm Federation
#42 - 2012-02-13 20:27:14 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
Prom is a 'troubled' candidate because he was awol for half his term in CSM6. However, for the half that he DID turn up for, he was completely engaged on a daily basis. He's a human EFT, in ways that are a little frightening. If you're an ~elite solo pvper~ or an EFT wizard, you could do worse than voting for Prom.

I'd like to see him back on CSM7. I doubt he'll get a top-7 slot, but at least that way Punkturis and I can keep teasing him about his supercharger in Skype.

look at it this way at least he isn't a giant trolling tard like d3
Johanne D'Arc
Rhine and Courtesan
#43 - 2012-02-13 21:03:12 UTC
Look at it this way. He did wonders for Destroyers and AF's (not single handedly but was a key influence as far as I am concerned).

If you would like to see continued balances made to other ship classes then you know what to do.
OldMan Gana
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-02-13 21:44:49 UTC
The most concise and articulate post by any CSM candidate yet. Not only that, but read his qualifications/experience and his knowledge on the game. Bravo sir. Now here's a guy who should be first on the new CSM.

Love United- Hate Glazer

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2012-02-14 19:32:13 UTC
To summarize you pushed for and got a nerf of the dram, ninja nerf of the sabre and most dictors with af's, made the enyo fotm when it was fine beforehand in the hands of someone who didn't suck (AF's in general were fine before imo), and kept drugs relatively ******, despite CCP's proposed changes on sisi making them actually look viable. Now you're planning on nerfing falcons and unprobable t3 links. I voted for you last time, and I respect you as a pvper, but there's no way I'm voting based on the above.
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2012-02-14 20:31:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
Lelob wrote:
To summarize you pushed for and got a nerf of the dram, ninja nerf of the sabre and most dictors with af's, made the enyo fotm when it was fine beforehand in the hands of someone who didn't suck (AF's in general were fine before imo), and kept drugs relatively ******, despite CCP's proposed changes on sisi making them actually look viable. Now you're planning on nerfing falcons and unprobable t3 links. I voted for you last time, and I respect you as a pvper, but there's no way I'm voting based on the above.

The majority of the eve community pushed for a Dramiel nerf. The CSM was just there to nod it through.
The ship did everything too well, and it didn't take a genius to see that. I'm sorry, but no, you can't have your 11km/s Dramiel back.

You're bad if you can't kill AFs with a destroyer hull. Interdictors have their role, and that is to bubble first and act as anti-support second. If you're getting destroyed by AFs, change up your fit to handle support better. Destroyers on the other hand have their first priority of being anti-support. They need to be balanced against frigates, but still be threatening to AFs when piloted by low-sp players. Fun Fact: They are.

AFs were bad before, are decent now, and the Enyo is the worst excuse for a fotm.
AFs had no life expectancy outside of empire, and that has been remedied. They haven't killed EVE, and I've yet to come across some undeniably ridiculous setup that doesn't involved a billion or so in links & implants. The Enyo as FOTM is just a poor excuse from a bad pilot. Of all the AFs, the Enyo is arguably the easiest to kill. Weak tank, weak capacitor, low speed, and low effective range. If you're dying because you're trying to brawl him down with another frig or destroyer hull, just unsub now.

IIRC The entire CSM was against the drug changes. They were not only weaker than the current implementations (ie: strong being slightly better than standard), but also pushed them into the realm of mandatory items for successful pvp. The best solution for drugs was, and still remains, to remove the legality issues and/or increase production volumes.

ECM is a broken mechanic, and it has been broken for years. Links are on a similar path.
Being such critical fleet components, link ships shouldn't be hidden away and comparatively invulnerable.
The majority of people who don't agree spend their time relying on said mechanics.
They need to be brought closer to the combat. This would likely require tweaking the T3 subsystem.

With that said, if you're not one to listen to logic & reason that works in favor of EVE, I don't want your vote.


State War Academy
Caldari State
#47 - 2012-02-14 20:45:52 UTC
If it wasn't for block voting, and the fact that I would be too lazy to vote at all without it, I would definitely consider voting for this guy
Supernatural Penguins
#48 - 2012-02-15 08:06:46 UTC
Love the new balancing, like your ideas.

Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#49 - 2012-02-15 20:34:35 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2012-02-15 20:53:51 UTC
I want the Bounty Hunting system to actually work.
I like the fact that there are advertised bounties on people, but I would also like to see something like covert bounties.

Putting a hit on someone shouldn't necessarily be advertised around the world, and having contracts from anonymous sources would be pretty cool (imo). And when the time comes, it would be nice to be able to.. uh.. "claim your bounties" while walking in station.

With that said, CCP has already stated that they are designing a new crimewatch system, so I'm expecting bounties to be part of that overhaul.


Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#51 - 2012-02-15 20:58:31 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
I want the Bounty Hunting system to actually work.
I like the fact that there are advertised bounties on people, but I would also like to see something like covert bounties.

Putting a hit on someone shouldn't necessarily be advertised around the world, and having contracts from anonymous sources would be pretty cool (imo). And when the time comes, it would be nice to be able to.. uh.. "claim your bounties" while walking in station.

With that said, CCP has already stated that they are designing a new crimewatch system, so I'm expecting bounties to be part of that overhaul.

Thank you, will quote in general thread.
penguin man
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#52 - 2012-02-17 22:55:33 UTC
+1 Good luck
Goonswarm Federation
#53 - 2012-02-18 16:52:59 UTC
How do you feel about some of the more useless crusiers the eagle,imo rhe muinn.and what about tech2 insurance do you feel that is fair?
Amarr Empire
#54 - 2012-02-18 18:35:36 UTC
This guy is our best hope for positive fixes to ships and other game mechanics, which affect everyone. I hope you get in this time round.
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2012-02-18 19:08:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
doombreed52 wrote:
How do you feel about some of the more useless crusiers the eagle,imo rhe muinn.and what about tech2 insurance do you feel that is fair?

There are a number of fairly useless ships, and the two you mention are some of them.
The Eagle needs a bit more kick, and adding 25m3 of drones is the best way of doing it. Adding more grid would actually make it way way better for kiting than anything else (lol optimal bonus + null), so I'm against that idea. The drones would bump up its damage by 100 (hob2s) and offer some utility and defense against frigates.

The Muninn is on the same boat. As a sniper, it's a bit outclassed by the Tornado.
My solution for this thing is for it to lose one of its utility high slots and to gain a low.
Voila you've now got a better armor tanker or damage dealer (near & far), and retain a utility high for whatever.

I think T2 insurance is *okay*. A little bit better would be nice, but at the moment the payout actually reflects the cost of the ship at the time it is insured. It's not perfect, but it's better than what we had and it's a step in the right direction.


GeeShizzle MacCloud
#56 - 2012-02-22 12:17:16 UTC
+1 prom btw

just wanted to ask what u thought about invulerabilities in certain ship classes, and about infinite value attributes on weapons and items.

do you consider them game breaking and if so, why?
#57 - 2012-02-23 14:11:52 UTC
+1 vote for Prom.

Seeing his LONG posts. He got to know Something . . .

Also. His PvP vids are Super
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2012-02-23 15:03:56 UTC
GeeShizzle MacCloud wrote:
+1 prom btw

just wanted to ask what u thought about invulerabilities in certain ship classes, and about infinite value attributes on weapons and items.

do you consider them game breaking and if so, why?

It's my personal opinion that no ships in the game should be indefinitely invulnerable to any mechanics.

What may have made sense as a design decision years ago, no longer works with the thousands of players playing at once, often in the same types of ships. I don't have a solution or a very clear idea of what the results of such a change would be, so you may be best suited bouncing the thought off of the capital-flying community Smile


Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#59 - 2012-02-23 15:48:03 UTC
[quote=LelobNow you're planning on nerfing falcons and unprobable t3 links. I voted for you last time, and I respect you as a pvper, but there's no way I'm voting based on the above.[/quote]

ITT Butthurt PL Falcon pilots

Prometheus, keep up the good work. I'm pretty sure you're the man when it comes to balancing ships and modules, sov warfare will be dealt with by others, just keep coming up with that kind of features (AF Buff, Hybrid Rebalancing and such).

I'll just leave this here :

Split Blackops in 2 categories (Combat Blackops, Support Blackops) ?

200km on-grid warps ? Or maybe 250km ? Buff sniping, for once ?

And please, the most important of them all (for me, at least, and probably quite a lot of peoples), the removal of the tier system ?

Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2012-02-23 16:24:34 UTC
SMT008 wrote:
I'll just leave this here :
Split Blackops in 2 categories (Combat Blackops, Support Blackops) ?
200km on-grid warps ? Or maybe 250km ? Buff sniping, for once ?
And please, the most important of them all (for me, at least, and probably quite a lot of peoples), the removal of the tier system ?

- The BlOps should be balanced a bit before one can even considering adding more P
- I've wanted longer grid warps for a LONG time, and would totally back that.
- I'd like to give the **** tiers a chance with some fixed fitting and other changes, before I back tiericide Smile