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Re-Elect Prometheus Exenthal for CSM7

First post
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#21 - 2012-02-10 16:51:49 UTC
Fully supported!
Largo Coronet
Caldari State
#22 - 2012-02-10 16:55:32 UTC
I like the cut of your jib, good sir.

This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.

Someday, this signature may save my life.

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#23 - 2012-02-10 18:52:36 UTC
Well, that didn't take long to get 100 likes. Good luck to you!

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#24 - 2012-02-10 19:31:23 UTC
You have my 200mm AC. Fix EAF!
Elenor Kharne
ergo optima
#25 - 2012-02-11 12:13:14 UTC
Nice work. Was hoping that you will apply for CSM7 again. +1 vote

Btw. How do you envision the use of warfare linked t3 cruisers in future?
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-02-11 19:19:01 UTC
Elenor Kharne wrote:
Nice work. Was hoping that you will apply for CSM7 again. +1 vote
Btw. How do you envision the use of warfare linked t3 cruisers in future?

Not to get into too much detail, but I'd like to bring link ships out safe spots & POSes (all of them).
This would include looking at, and improving upon, fitting issues for ships like the T3 hulls (which suck when fitting links).


Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#27 - 2012-02-11 19:43:13 UTC
The benefit of having someone on the CSM who genuinely understands the fine detail of small numbers combat is hard to overstate.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2012-02-11 19:45:46 UTC
Weren't you completely AWOL from the CSM for the first six months last year, and only made a return when support for the CSM started to rise?

You're the wrong sort of guy for the CSM. Sorry.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2012-02-11 19:57:18 UTC  |  Edited by: illusionalsgcty
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Weren't you completely AWOL from the CSM for the first six months last year, and only made a return when support for the CSM started to rise?

You're the wrong sort of guy for the CSM. Sorry.
Coming from a renowned idiot and somebody who supports Darius III, another world-class chucklefuck, I'd say that's a compliment.
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2012-02-11 20:17:59 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Weren't you completely AWOL from the CSM for the first six months last year, and only made a return when support for the CSM started to rise?

You're the wrong sort of guy for the CSM. Sorry.

To quote myself from a couple FHC posts on the matter:
Prom wrote:
Nobody is denying that I was pretty much awol for a couple of months.
Poor timing IRL resulted in very little EVE-action, as I was working my ass off to keep a job that I ultimately lost.
My entire summer was shot and I've nothing to show for it, both IRL & in EVE.

Prom wrote:
Steph wrote:
I like the part where Prom proclaims that he accomplished basically everything on his platform. How he did this without participating in the CSM for six months he doesn't say.
I did all the research & number crunching. I looked at all the angles and reported my findings and concerns to the dev team.
I extensively tested changes, made observations, proposed changes, expressed player issues and changed peoples minds.
And lastly, I was relentless, persuasive, logical, and informed. I knew what needed to be done, and I did my best to make sure it got done.

It's not hard to understand; I worked my ass off, and Crucible is the first of the work I have to show for it.
Had I actually been able to put forth my efforts from the start, there is no doubt in my mind that I'd have been able to achieve everything on my list.
It shouldn't puzzle you how I managed to achieve so many of my goals in such a short time, it should puzzle you that others haven't.


Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#31 - 2012-02-12 17:40:38 UTC
I've read these proposals that Prom has put forwards to CCP and I have to say I'm stunned with the thorough level of detail that he puts into them, never mind the extensive testing; to hear him talk about the changes and goings on on Sisi you can tell he is putting the hours in.

Making a dumbass remark about absence, when he has already addressed this concern honestly and openly is pretty pathetic and just highlights how cretinous you are.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Gregarious Games Mechanized Federation
Solyaris Chtonium
#32 - 2012-02-12 18:07:33 UTC
You will always have my support in your running for CSM.
As you are out there all the time, experiencing what truly needs a nerf or a buff

Your strongest point imo is the war on ECM, I can't force enough how much I support this

#33 - 2012-02-12 21:19:28 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
I’ve got the momentum, influence & know-how to push CCP into devising changes to low-tier T1 Frigates & Cruisers, Electronic Attack Ships, and Command Ships; All of which are in need invigoration.

To be perfectly honest, when you told me T1 frigs would be getting looked at I assumed you were simply trying to get me to leave your AF thread alone. Lol I was very happy to hear CCP seeks to keep us competitive.

Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
The primary purpose would be to lower the skillpoint & wallet requirements for players to have success in combat. Statistically speaking, yes, I'd like to see t1 named weapons perform better, possibly with best-named being *better* than their T2 counterparts."

I very much like hearing this. I've felt for a long time that rebalancing the T1 frigates and cruisers without looking at the Problem With Non-T2 Modules is a waste of effort. One has only to look at the Armor Plate modules to see how completely out of whack things are (i.e., why do we even have anything besides rolled-tungsten?).

Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Not to get into too much detail, but I'd like to bring link ships out safe spots & POSes (all of them).

Now I'm close to ******* cheering. If you cannot get them out of their little safe hidey-places, would you be willing to propose to CCP a simple 'Pilot was in Gang" yes/no on the killmail? If you're into the solo fighting scene, it really sucks not knowing if you fought well but lost to a boosted opponent, or fought badly. The effects of booster alts is considerable when two ships of the same type face off, and in a semi-crowded system it becomes impossible to tell if someone's boosted.

Same question I asked Seleene: I d-scanned a Rifter in a belt in lowsec, and warped to that belt at range. I aligned for the planet, and after allowing time for the pilot to see where I was going, I warped there. The other Rifter followed and we fought.

Given the circumstances, we both wanted to fight. One of us took a GCC and lost security status. Eventually that pilot will have to start shooting little red crosses or suffer the consequences of 'going pirate'. On this occasion, it was me. Perhaps tomorrow it will be him.

Why are we punished for seeking combat? Is this working as intended or something you feel needs fixing?

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#34 - 2012-02-12 21:56:05 UTC
Prom was indeed pretty much MIA for the first half of CSM 6. However, one day he crawled out of his grave and decided to join the rest of us all supercharged and we couldn't shut him up some days. I got a chance to meet Adrian at the last CSM summit. He's very laid back, spoke up in the meetings and articulated his points well. If you want a human spreadsheet on the CSM, Prom is about as close as you're gonna get. Smile

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2012-02-12 22:07:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
Plutonian wrote:
Why are we punished for seeking combat? Is this working as intended or something you feel needs fixing?

I wan't to say this is working as intended, but I get the feeling that isn't what you want to hear P
I don't think it's means of punishment as much as it could be a restriction to the crimewatch system.

There are ways to get a fight in low-sec without getting GCC, but they aren't always convenient.
Dropping cans and/or looting/salvaging wrecks gives aggro now, and that's still a fairly popular mechanic.

I think FW is something CCP is trying to push onto the low-sec population for this very reason.
If you're living in low-sec you'd probably be doing one of four things:
- pirating (don't care about GCC)
- hunting pirates (not affected by GCC)
- pve (not related to GCC)
- fw (not affected by GCC)

If you're looking to shoot someone without going through those avenues, you still have the looting mechanic.
Point is, the above list will be the big ideas, and will probably work alright.

At the end of the day though, you can always goto NPC 00 P

On the other hand.. it could be neat to have mutual aggression mechanic, similar to trading but results in a private timer.


#36 - 2012-02-12 22:31:41 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
I wan't to say this is working as intended, but I get the feeling that isn't what you want to hear P

Hell... I'm used to it. I've not joined a fleet in over 4 years. I refuse to have a second account. I'm a six-year old character who enjoys solo T1 frig PvP in lowsec.

I believe this puts me into the smallest category of the lowest population in the game. Lol

The Initiative.
#37 - 2012-02-13 00:22:19 UTC
It'll be nice to vote for someone who wants to buff underused ships into relevance rather than nerf popular ships into irrelevance.
Caldari State
#38 - 2012-02-13 09:31:55 UTC
Good solo pvp'er focused on balance issues relating to small-scale pvp? Check
Good videos? Check
Not prone to making random outbursts in support of National Socialism? Check

A+ candidate, will vote again.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2012-02-13 18:16:42 UTC
Andrea Griffin
#40 - 2012-02-13 19:16:49 UTC
Bump for a candidate with a deep understanding of Eve's mechanics at a mathematical level.