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Rising PLEX prices

Nero Jove
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2017-06-29 01:10:08 UTC
Hmmmm. CCP employs a number of fulltime economists to manage the in game economy. Is it a surprise to anyone that PLEX prices are soaring? This is NOT an unintended consequence, but as someone who runs multiple accounts it is wearing on my desire to continue to play. Most of my game time use to be having fun. Now it's all about grinding ISK which frankly is pretty damn tedious. I am thinking it is time to take a break and go play something else for a while.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2017-06-29 03:06:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Coralas
Nero Jove wrote:
Hmmmm. CCP employs a number of fulltime economists to manage the in game economy. Is it a surprise to anyone that PLEX prices are soaring? This is NOT an unintended consequence, but as someone who runs multiple accounts it is wearing on my desire to continue to play. Most of my game time use to be having fun. Now it's all about grinding ISK which frankly is pretty damn tedious. I am thinking it is time to take a break and go play something else for a while.

For you to play the game for free, means fundamentally someone else has to pay for you. You are looking directly at the limits of how much they ware willing to pay for you and what they want for it. IMO it also ultimately distorts the ingame economy so I'd not shed a tear if you and some of your ilk go. There is no other solution for plex prices other than some of you stopping doing this, just like there is no other long term solution for car traffic other than some people taking the train.

CCP does have issues with plex, in that if ingame plex isk prices get too high people need to buy less plex to complete any individual project (like buy a rorqual) and that will eventually outweigh the finite number of people that will buy plex, at which point the price runs away, but I also imagine they work on figuring out where that point is.
LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2017-06-29 03:43:12 UTC
Corales nails it.

Supply and demand. With free alpha, more players are trying to omega free. Price of PLEX will climb until a new equalibrium is established between people buying PLEX with real and selling it for ISK and people buying g PLEXA with real to get free play time.
Jedidiah Togenada
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2017-06-29 04:22:19 UTC
How many large MMOs allow you to earn something ingame that will pay for the full game experience?

If that's your yardstick for enjoying a game, I think you're going find few options, other than EVE.

Ministerstvo na otbranata
#5 - 2017-06-29 04:39:47 UTC
This is where Sonya comes in and tells you if you cannot afford to pay 10$ a month, you are playing the wrong game Big smile

And he/she is right. EVE is cheap. You will pay the same price for a burger. If PLEX is too expensive for someone, then why not switch to sub? PLEX is a luxury, I am the 1000th man saying this and this is the 100th+ thread on the topic.

I used to buy PLEX for 270 mil ISK. In 10 years 500 PLEX might equal 5 billion ISK. Better get used to it. Smile
Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#6 - 2017-06-29 11:46:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Algarion Getz
Coralas wrote:

For you to play the game for free, means fundamentally someone else has to pay for you. You are looking directly at the limits of how much they ware willing to pay for you and what they want for it. IMO it also ultimately distorts the ingame economy so I'd not shed a tear if you and some of your ilk go. There is no other solution for plex prices other than some of you stopping doing this, just like there is no other long term solution for car traffic other than some people taking the train.

No other solution? Maybe nerf the ISK faucets so that we dont get 60 trillion extra ISK per month? Where do you think all this extra ISK goes? There is very little destruction, so nothing to replace and the material deflation caused by Rorqual makes PLEX the only good gold item. There are players who hoard millions of PLEX.

Another solution would be to nerf SP farms, because they consume large amounts of PLEX, but CCP wont do this because they earn twice as much with an SP farm account than with an regular account.

But why do this? PLEX hoarders and SP farmers, who only log in once a month, are more important than active players, right?
Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#7 - 2017-06-29 11:56:14 UTC
u3pog wrote:
This is where Sonya comes in and tells you if you cannot afford to pay 10$ a month, you are playing the wrong game Big smile

And he/she is right. EVE is cheap. You will pay the same price for a burger. If PLEX is too expensive for someone, then why not switch to sub? PLEX is a luxury, I am the 1000th man saying this and this is the 100th+ thread on the topic.

Depends where you live. In Europe, everyone has to pay 15$ a month for an EVE sub, but the average net wage varies between 205$ and 5310$. A Swiss citzten earns 26 times more than a Ukrainian citizen, but both have to pay 15$ for a sub.
PLEX is not a luxury, it is essential for some players.
Tuttomenui II
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-06-29 12:39:09 UTC
I don't play much these days but I do a bit. And I am Alpha, max Alpha. And I just consider it playing eve on hard mode.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2017-06-29 13:36:05 UTC
Algarion Getz wrote:

PLEX is not a luxury, it is essential for some players.

TIL playing EVE online is essential. I wonder how the billions of human being who never played it manage to survive.
Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#10 - 2017-06-29 15:19:17 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Algarion Getz wrote:

PLEX is not a luxury, it is essential for some players.

TIL playing EVE online is essential. I wonder how the billions of human being who never played it manage to survive.

I said its essential for some players, not people. If PLEX gets too expensive, they have to unsub.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2017-06-29 15:38:39 UTC
Algarion Getz wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Algarion Getz wrote:

PLEX is not a luxury, it is essential for some players.

TIL playing EVE online is essential. I wonder how the billions of human being who never played it manage to survive.

I said its essential for some players, not people. If PLEX gets too expensive, they have to unsub.

It's still a luxury which mean CCP does not ahve to make it "affordable" no matter how space poor you or anyone else might be.
Marcus Binchiette
Federal Vanguard
#12 - 2017-06-29 15:48:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Marcus Binchiette
Coralas wrote:

CCP does have issues with plex, in that if ingame plex isk prices get too high people need to buy less plex to complete any individual project (like buy a rorqual) and that will eventually outweigh the finite number of people that will buy plex, at which point the price runs away, but I also imagine they work on figuring out where that point is.

You are quite correct with this being the sole exception. CCP is compeletely insulated from the in-game movements of PLEX prices because of the way the system is designed. The $/month income which CCP derives from EvE Online is driven only by the number of subscribed Omega accounts. Regardless of whether those accounts have been activated using in game PLEX or with real world money. At some point someone paid real money for that PLEX - so if you are PLEXing your account, you are basically spending your game time working so that someone else can pay for you to play.

Once you understand how this game economy works you'll probably get less precious about PLEXing your account. If you were to spend your time more productively you'd be better of simply paying the subscription fee, and using all that extra time to do something more productive with your life...

Life is too short to be wasted on playing a video game. So if it isn't fun, don't do it.
Vortexo VonBrenner
#13 - 2017-06-29 19:39:37 UTC
Op, you are 100% correct!

This is outrageous!

This is too far!

Can I have your stuff, please?

Radical Posture
The Outsiders.
#14 - 2017-06-30 01:42:52 UTC
Oh what I would give to see a graph of subscribed accounts from beta until now.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2017-06-30 06:31:46 UTC
Algarion Getz wrote:
Coralas wrote:

For you to play the game for free, means fundamentally someone else has to pay for you. You are looking directly at the limits of how much they ware willing to pay for you and what they want for it. IMO it also ultimately distorts the ingame economy so I'd not shed a tear if you and some of your ilk go. There is no other solution for plex prices other than some of you stopping doing this, just like there is no other long term solution for car traffic other than some people taking the train.

No other solution? Maybe nerf the ISK faucets so that we dont get 60 trillion extra ISK per month? Where do you think all this extra ISK goes? There is very little destruction, so nothing to replace and the material deflation caused by Rorqual makes PLEX the only good gold item. There are players who hoard millions of PLEX.

If you reduce income, the price of plex falls, but the time taken to farm the plex rises until the price of plex falls to the old relative level.

Its not really going to go back into a box of taking less actual time to farm, because the time to farm is a reflection of how much time / effort multiaccounting people are willing to go through to farm plex, which will remain constant.
Baron Chauman
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2017-06-30 07:54:05 UTC
Nero Jove wrote:
Hmmmm. CCP employs a number of fulltime economists to manage the in game economy. Is it a surprise to anyone that PLEX prices are soaring? This is NOT an unintended consequence, but as someone who runs multiple accounts it is wearing on my desire to continue to play. Most of my game time use to be having fun. Now it's all about grinding ISK which frankly is pretty damn tedious. I am thinking it is time to take a break and go play something else for a while.

When I played this game, I plexed three accounts doing things I enjoyed doing. When those things became less profitable and the PLEX price still kept rising, I quit and moved over to other games. It is a game, if you don't enjoy it, stop doing it.

You have to look at what the people who are fine with paying 1.5b for 30 days are doing to make isk, and either keep up with that, or quit if subscribing is not an option.

One standard response to these threads, besides the ones already here, used to be "you can make that easily 30 minutes per day AFK in an Ishtar". I guess an hour per day doesn't sound as easy, so people don't say that anymore?

Are we past the point where the slightly-above-average player can at least in theory afford to PLEX, or have people just forgotten how to do plex price threads?
Marek Kanenald
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2017-06-30 09:02:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Marek Kanenald
Plex prices increased due to a number of factors:

1. Isk faucets leading to inflation
2. Skill extractors increase demand for plex
3. Switch to mini plex led to speculation and hoarding

Size of the playerbase shouldn't impact Plex prices as long as the ratio of people who buy plex and those who don't remains the same.

Skill injectors are a luxery item for the rich, if you just want to sub your account every month than you are hurt by the way demand for skill extractors drive up prices. I would be very interested to see what portion of plex goes to buying skill extractors.
Salvos Rhoska
#18 - 2017-06-30 10:17:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Consider PLEX as a luxury, and approach EVE as a subscription game.

Once you internalize that, you can rationalize your plans in EVE without feeling like you are being screwed.

I know this is painful for players that managed to setup multi-account operations that where previously successful, but you have to adapt to PLEX price. Whether that means playing more, or more efficiently, or changing activities or cutting back accounts for now is up to you.

That is part of the fun and challenge of EVE.
You constantly have to find new ways to play, to survive, to adapt.
That is a very good thing.
Everyday in EVE is a new day, with new obstacles to overcome.
I spend substantial parts of my time commuting daydreaming, plotting, researching and planning my next move in EVE.
I wouldnt exchange that for anything. That intellectual content/fun is invaluable to me.

Ive had to change operation models several times in my relatively short period of time in EVE.
Ive also had to unsub accounts because they no longer paid out enough to be worthwhile.
But they arent lost, one day I hopefully will find use for them again as EVE continues to evolve.

Consider it like a business owner battling against market changes.
You have to adapt to a changing environment.
If you dont, you are gonna have a bad time.

Its not a mind****, per se, though it might feel like that at first till you get over the conceptual hump.
Its realizing the true status quo of EVE

Take my word for it.
You will be much happier once you swallow that pill.

PLEX when you can and have had a good month.
Consider that a real achievement and be proud of it.
Have a good time and enjoy a celebratory beverage and snacks when you managed to buy PLEX by earning enough isk to not spend cash.
You've EARNED that.
You played hard/smart, you did good. It was a good month.
Non-EVE players might consider this a frivolous, pointless achievement, but **** them.
All EVE players, we in this community, know the value of that. Feelsgoodman.

Sub when you cant, but dont feel bad about it.
You sub so you can do better next month, or whilst your plans culminate.
Its just the nominal cost of participating in EVE.
EVE is cheap for what it offers. Its a good deal.
You get your moneys worth in spades.

I have never regretted subbing, especially cos I know my money is helping support the continuity of a game I find absolutely irreplaceable and which I love to hate to love.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#19 - 2017-06-30 20:11:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Lan Wang
Algarion Getz wrote:
PLEX is not a luxury, it is essential for some players.

cry me a river Roll

you sund like a plexoholic, maybe you should attend a meeting

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

#20 - 2017-07-01 21:14:44 UTC
CCP is not putting a gun to your head to coerce you into buying the PLEX with isk.
As long as the PLEX will be a useful item people will buy it, until the price will go above its actual value.

Its capitalism at work, its beautiful. How much more are you willing to pay for your plex? Looks like not a lot more.

Remember like in real life, its not consumption that creates demand its work.
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