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Black Rose Fleet Systems Fundraising

Black Rose Fleet Strategics
#1 - 2017-06-26 23:31:11 UTC
Greetings Capsuleers!

I am the CEO and council Executor for my company, Black Rose Fleet Systems, whom is dedicated to the purpose of producing and selling ships for the cheapest possible rates in your local market hub. My organization's origins begin after my return to EVE where I came back to a vastly different game kicking my old stomping grounds of Heimatar where I found myself short on cash with no one to help, so I did a little fundraising with the help of some donations and the help of an experienced partner. We established a presence within Metropolis despite my lack of knowledge regarding CODE's idiocy and presence, we made our headquarters in Nakugard.

After my partner left thanks to a small War declaration from one of CODE's weak minded Vassals, I decided to consolidate assets and pack everything up before sulking off, and ultimately depressing every alliamce member i met on the way, into the Cloud Ring on a whim hoping to find some sort of treasure in Nullsec. Of course likey anyone needing a little hope, I got roped into an Alliance and ended up losing my ass on that since there wasn't any money to be made applying my trade in said alliance, proving to be a Giant isk sink in itself so I got out of that steaming mess. Believe it or not, I lost 80 million ISK from joining said alliance when I could've used that to join a more likeminded group, and only had ten mil left to my name after leaving that fiasco, forcing me back into empire space, mind you within a week's time no less.

Now mind you I've some time to recover thanks to this Rogue Swarm Event, but my company is still reeling from the loss which is why I'm here today to ask for your help. Any pilot or corporation that donates a significant sum will receive preferred customer status and notifications for our private mailing list in regards to ships we have in line for production so they have a chance to nab them before they even reach market. Preferred Customers will also be considered as Non-Targets for BRFS Fleet Operations, if a war declaration occurs between a preferred customer's corporation, we will put you as low priority on targeting

P.S. we are currently looking for members

Areen Sassel
Dirac Angestun Gesept
#2 - 2017-06-27 00:13:40 UTC
StarterrorPrime wrote:
Of course likey anyone needing a little hope, I got roped into an Alliance and ended up losing my ass on that since there wasn't any money to be made applying my trade in said alliance, proving to be a Giant isk sink in itself so I got out of that steaming mess.

Anyone who doesn't read C&P can read that tale of hilarity here. Potted summary: you can't manufacture and sell to individual members of an alliance the same ships the alliance gives them for free, who knew?
Preferred Customers will also be considered as Non-Targets for BRFS Fleet Operations, if a war declaration occurs between a preferred customer's corporation, we will put you as low priority on targeting

Bit of a paper tiger, this; when you say "we" that's not strictly accurate. Your membership is down from the giddy heights of "two" it has reached in the past.

Cute begging letter, though.
Donna Dolore
Delirium Trigger Industries
#3 - 2017-06-27 02:32:20 UTC
I wish I could have that minute back :(
Dark Lord Trump
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#4 - 2017-06-27 16:16:05 UTC
Even putting aside your history, why should I give you anything? You just say "if you donate a signifcant sum" while making absolutely no attempt to define that. For all I know you'll take my donation and then claim that it wasn't subjectively significant. Furthermore, the "benefits" you offer are a complete joke. Unless you're producing capitals (which you're almost certainly not if an 80mil ISK loss sends you "reeling") there's really no point in getting advance access to stuff that I could easily buy in a trade hub. You also say I'll be a "low priority" target in your one-man fleet operations. Does that mean you'll just shoot me last if I'm on field?

0/10, not sure if scam or just bad idea.

I'm going to build a big wall that will keep the Gallente out, and they're going to pay for it!

William Ormono
Reason Will Prevail
#5 - 2017-06-27 18:05:02 UTC  |  Edited by: William Ormono
I've read your post here and have the following constructive criticisms to offer you, if you're interested in reading them. If not, I'll simply wish you good luck!

First, you might want to drop the historical part of your post where you explain where you've been and how you got here. I read through your thread regarding the PanFam Scam (linked by Areen above) and if I'm being honest, it did not shine you in a very good light. If anything, it would make me more inclined to NOT give you a donation. No offence intended, I'm just being honest. A clean slate might be a better starting point.

Second, I see you're asking for a donation, but the way you list the "benefits" makes me feel less like I'd be giving you a donation and more like I'd be buying something from you. The benefits you're offering (as I understand them) are pretty much worthless at the time (again, just being honest, not trying to be mean). So it kind of comes off like you're selling me something that has no value.

An alternative approach would be to simply, humbly ask the MD community for a donation. Apply to their altruism. Be polite, humble and appreciative of any donations that come your way. And try to burn as few bridges as possible.

You would also do well to provide more details on what you plan to do with the donation. What sort of ships will you build? What region(s) will you operate out of? What market(s) will you be supplying? Will you be mining your own materials? Etc. For me, these sorts of details can help me sort of relate to the person and make it more likely I'd give 'em some ISK. You also might get feedback from people if they feel your plans aren't sound, which could be invaluable (if you're willing to listen).

And lastly, it's good to have goals/dreams, but don't go getting any delusions of grandeur (doncha love Star Wars?). Talking about how preferred customers will be low priority war targets for BRFS Fleet Operations when you are the only person in your one man corporation makes you seem like more of a dreamer than a realist. Own what you are - a one man corp who is going to try and make it big. And keep in mind, actions speak louder than words. Lots of people come on the Forums claiming they will be the next Emperor of New Eden, only to disappear into the background without a trace. Big talk is everywhere in this game and holds little value. Action is the true currency and can convince people of your intentions where words alone cannot.

Anyway, this is just my two cents, so take it for what it's worth ($0.02).

May fortune and glory find you. Big smile
Black Rose Fleet Strategics
#6 - 2017-06-28 05:11:32 UTC
William Ormono wrote:
I've read your post here and have the following constructive criticisms to offer you, if you're interested in reading them. If not, I'll simply wish you good luck!

First, you might want to drop the historical part of your post where you explain where you've been and how you got here. I read through your thread regarding the PanFam Scam (linked by Areen above) and if I'm being honest, it did not shine you in a very good light. If anything, it would make me more inclined to NOT give you a donation. No offence intended, I'm just being honest. A clean slate might be a better starting point.

Second, I see you're asking for a donation, but the way you list the "benefits" makes me feel less like I'd be giving you a donation and more like I'd be buying something from you. The benefits you're offering (as I understand them) are pretty much worthless at the time (again, just being honest, not trying to be mean). So it kind of comes off like you're selling me something that has no value.

An alternative approach would be to simply, humbly ask the MD community for a donation. Apply to their altruism. Be polite, humble and appreciative of any donations that come your way. And try to burn as few bridges as possible.

You would also do well to provide more details on what you plan to do with the donation. What sort of ships will you build? What region(s) will you operate out of? What market(s) will you be supplying? Will you be mining your own materials? Etc. For me, these sorts of details can help me sort of relate to the person and make it more likely I'd give 'em some ISK. You also might get feedback from people if they feel your plans aren't sound, which could be invaluable (if you're willing to listen).

And lastly, it's good to have goals/dreams, but don't go getting any delusions of grandeur (doncha love Star Wars?). Talking about how preferred customers will be low priority war targets for BRFS Fleet Operations when you are the only person in your one man corporation makes you seem like more of a dreamer than a realist. Own what you are - a one man corp who is going to try and make it big. And keep in mind, actions speak louder than words. Lots of people come on the Forums claiming they will be the next Emperor of New Eden, only to disappear into the background without a trace. Big talk is everywhere in this game and holds little value. Action is the true currency and can convince people of your intentions where words alone cannot.

Anyway, this is just my two cents, so take it for what it's worth ($0.02).

May fortune and glory find you. Big smile

I've been put through Hell so far and I'm still smiling because I will not break at what EVE has to throw at me, regardless even if an entire alliance comes to hang me. Believe it or not, the purpose of that thread was to discourage active horde recruitment and membership while smoking out any potential hordeling alts due to my poor memory, as I currently have a list of corpses I want to add to my trophy collection. Summarily for that, I will stand by conviction and let it be known where my allegiances stand, because I won't for the suffering of others at the hands of a despotic oligarchy influenced by cronyism but thats a personal aspect outside of my business.

I simply offer a perk for donating to my organization that will later on reward those who did so, and present the chance to reap the benefits of their support. The funding earned through this method will be used to expand my current infrastructure, acquire the nessecary assets, and commit to more active recruitment of members. I could possibly debate that your average consumer purchases things with no value, but time has value to leave it simply at that.

I am asking humbly to my fellow entrepeneurs and traders to help support my aspiration, because I returned to a world that has changed from what it was seven years ago, and in the process I've made mistakes: I've stood up to CODE bullies by enduring their carebear fascism, flown all the way to the cloud ring in search of new beginning, joined a dysfunctional alliance, snared a TEST hurricane in Fac Warfare space then joined said Shortbus alliance, and insulted a French Ganker by saying a special needs child was more mentally and physically competent than him netting the bounty I currently possess. Of course like anyone, I'm learning and relearning aspects of this game both old and new so a helping hand to an Atlas struggling to rise on his knees.

The early stages of plan entail the acquisition of infrastructure and logistic points on major trade routes, namely offices in production facilities and accomodating stations that meet our needs as a Military-Industrial company. Phase 1 is evaluation of various regions for operations, determing viability of resources, security, and trade, essentially staging locations; Phase 2 is the establishmemt of offices in stations and facilities to operate from in said regions; Phase 3 begins the acquisition of minerals and resources for producing our staple of affordable hardware; Phase 4 is the transit of our wares to major trade hubs and the sale of them. I don't intend to be a one man corp forever as there is money to be made working for and with me, especially with how I do business, sure some may not like how do it but I am a man who intends to accomplish his goals regardless of obstacles and ensure those who help obtain them are treated well.

At the moment, I'm working small: I dredge ores hoping for some profit, do nullsec missions, and give newbies out small loans with 10% interest to earn some small capital alongside developing future business relationships with my current clientele. I currently work with a small association of industrialist who possess similar goals, and might form alliance with them in the near future if I commit to my current goal. I'm also working with the university to improve my current knowledge base so im improving
William Ormono
Reason Will Prevail
#7 - 2017-06-28 14:57:16 UTC
Well, if nothing else I admire your vision and passion. I'll be interested to hear how you and your company progress over time. Wishing you the best of luck Big smile
Black Rose Fleet Strategics
#8 - 2017-06-29 03:19:25 UTC
William Ormono wrote:
Well, if nothing else I admire your vision and passion. I'll be interested to hear how you and your company progress over time. Wishing you the best of luck Big smile

Hell, I'll even take a small loan from these known loan jockies just so i can either get a line of Battleships or cruisers up and running, or enough to plex my ars for another month to train my way into the skills for a mining barge so I can tap into rare ores along with the skill to reprocess them at max efficiency.
Professor JinMine
Project Fruit House
#9 - 2017-06-29 08:02:25 UTC
Given your stated history I am reluctant to donate ISK.
However what I can do, in order to help you out a bit, is to reduce the costs of your activities.

I am responsible for developing a HS Citadel market (not an off-shore platform) and its satellite Engineering Complexes. I can set up preferential broker fee, job tax, refine tax, and free office fee for your corp under the following conditions:

  1. You source a portion of your raw materials from this Citadel market (either from the sell orders or by placing buy orders)
  2. You list at least 1/4 of your products for sale here (you can take the rest to Jita)

FYI: This market sees currently ~400 transactions of ~350 item types valued ~10B a day (according to adam4eve), and has ~500B ISK standing orders at any given day. Not as big as what you see in Perimeter or Domain, but not a dead market either, which I think is OK for industrialists starting out small.

Open up the market browser in Everyshore and see for yourself. If you like what you see and are OK with the above conditions, send me an eve-mail and the rest is just a matter of few mouse clicks.
#10 - 2017-06-29 14:25:08 UTC
StarterrorPrime wrote:
Preferred Customers will also be considered as Non-Targets for BRFS Fleet Operations, if a war declaration occurs between a preferred customer's corporation, we will put you as low priority on targeting

Looking at your killboard you could put them at high-priority and it still would not make one difference.Also begging on the forums is not allowed , this is begging.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Donna Dolore
Delirium Trigger Industries
#11 - 2017-06-29 16:28:17 UTC
how is is thread still up? go away vagabond !!!!! Panhandle elsewhere ......
#12 - 2017-06-29 18:11:38 UTC
Donna Dolore wrote:
how is is thread still up? go away vagabond !!!!! Panhandle elsewhere ......

Hey you just bumped it .....

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.