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As an official response to CCP tuesdays nerf

First post
Vortexo VonBrenner
#41 - 2017-06-11 17:10:51 UTC
Op, you are 100% correct!

This is outrageous!

This is too far!

Can I have your stuff, please?

HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#42 - 2017-06-11 17:18:48 UTC
Skorpynekomimi wrote:
Radkiel wrote:
Skorpynekomimi wrote:
All ten of you nullbears and your 50+ alts each are going to cancel your tickets to an event?
Oh noes.

Stop whining already. They've been steadily ******* with high-sec for years, and this is the only time it's affected your overinflated supply of free money. You nullbears have no idea how the economy works, you just sit there PvEing all day on ten accounts rolling n the ISK and showing up for CTAs, or docking up when someone rolls into the system.
Maybe when you can't trade all that ISK for real money, you'll get REALLY mad. What are you gonna do then? Unsub? Oh, you already did that.
You're like tiny little dogs thinking they can stop a train by yapping at it.

You have no idea of what you are talking about. You think people are using ten accounts to multi-box Anoms with Supers without a third party program?,you have proof? Using software like ISboxer? Isn't using ISboxer against the rules? If it is why not go after the cheaters instead of punishing me? It sounds some multiboxer touched you in the wrong place.

P.S I only have three accounts and only one of those can fly carriers.


This is what they call 'damage control', or 'being defensive'. Maybe you should go back to not afk-ing your money?

What happened to 'goons don't mine', anyway? I see Delve is way up on afk mining as well. I guess it's okay to do stuff if it involves a capital ship, right?

I don't afk anything, and mining puts me to sleep. Who is the alleged hacker, exploiter, multi-boxer, boxing 15 supers?
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#43 - 2017-06-11 17:32:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
Rain6637 wrote:
Nana Skalski wrote:
I think they exploit these psychological mechanics already just by making use of RNG and random loot mechanic in the game, and PvP fights are fairly random and exciting. It would be just another means of gambling. Risk is addicting.

Compared to other games, most of the products and items you buy or receive in EVE are straightforward. There are situations like loot drops and anomaly spawns, but they're not directly connected to real-money purchases in an EVE store. I hope this is intentional and they keep it up.

Now I have been on a trip to low sec and back, and actually it felt like a gamble in few places, and there was real ISK on the table. And that was only travel and some sites when pirates are around.

So actually they may have enough people hooked on this multiple means of achieving gamble reaction to facilitate only PLEX sold on market for ISK. If someone loses anough ISK in this gamble.

Maybe these situaltions involve skills to some extend, but it also includes many hidden factors that work as random risk generators.
Renee Frost
Sarah's Covenant
#44 - 2017-06-11 17:57:54 UTC
On the bright side, PLEX prices might finally fall with the rage quitting of carrier ratters subbing 50+ accounts using ISK. P
Mestori Anar
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Federated Alliance of Mafias
#45 - 2017-06-11 20:15:51 UTC
Renee Frost wrote:
On the bright side, PLEX prices might finally fall with the rage quitting of carrier ratters subbing 50+ accounts using ISK. P

Where is this myth of carrier ratters subbing multiple accounts coming from? Have you tried carrier ratting? You can't multibox carrier ratting. Stop spreading myths that aren't true
Jason Galente
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2017-06-11 20:33:37 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:

They patch it because well oraganised group of players take it to the level of an exploit. Goons didn't create imbalance, CCP did. They just showing that CCP lack of imagination.
As for your keepstar comment, again where is the goon fault in that?

I never implied any of this was goon's fault per se. Just that their interest lies in stonewalling this change, so it's hardly compelling when a goon doesn't like a carrier nerf.

Only the liberty of the individual assures the prosperity of the whole. And this foundation must be defended.

At any cost

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#47 - 2017-06-11 20:36:22 UTC
Vortexo VonBrenner wrote:
Op, you are 100% correct!

This is outrageous!

This is too far!

Can I have your stuff, please?

In this case I guess that means a ticket to Vegas.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#48 - 2017-06-11 20:37:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
I think CCP worked on this very hard.

They buffed Carriers, they added skill injectors, they added more SKINS and clothes and changed PLEX so it can be used to buy those things directly from NEStore.

Suddenly they care about EVE economy?
Seeing how it all looked in the graphs, its a desperate means of rescuing it and too late, but you know the answer, the skill injectors. Players had to use them to get into ratting carriers. Dealing with bounties issue and economy now is looking like a desperate thing and a hack job at best, looks like decision was made in a hurry, not thinking how would people react, or maybe the reaction was understated and they think everything will be fine. But... ISK will flow into the economy only a little slower. Players will rat in something else. Maybe only a little less efective. What CCP will do then? Nerf next ship because it kills rats too fast? 🤔

Actually yes. That would be excellent occasion to sell even more skill extractors. Greed is good and all of that. 💵💰
Videles Silenthunter
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#49 - 2017-06-11 20:44:54 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Smuff Gallente wrote:
I propose that as a proportional response to CCP's Tuesday Nerf we as the community Cancel our Eve Vegas tickets and demand a refund and that en-mass cancel our paid accounts. they want to hurt us in our wallet's lets hurt them in there's
Dude, they are just doing what is necessary to balance their game. Sure, this drastic and inelegant solution probably could have been avoided if they actually had someone monitoring the economy and making timely balance changes, so they deserve to be splashed with some tears, but seriously something needed to be done. Sorry if it was your toy they toned down, but honestly the income sources in this game need a fair bit more rebalancing if Eve is going to continue, at least as an interesting game worth playing.

Do what you feel is necessary. I caution you though, that nerfs almost always look and feel worse at the time. You, or somebody else, will figure out another way to play the game and achieve your goals. You are in real danger of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

First of all it doesnt effect me since i dont fly carriers yet but i can imagine people getting pissed off. If you pay really a lot of money on skill injectors (real cash) for that last 5% and the week after they suddenly remove that feature then at least you should get a refund.

If they wanted to add sinks to could have actually added another layer like for example tech 2 battleships, which would cost really a lot and would require those bpc apart of manufacturing. Nerfs like this just appear to be uncreative solutions to game design flaws. You can at least agree that there would have been plenty of other more creative options to figure a solution that didnt hit the players in their wallet.

I already know a few peopl;e whom gonna quitte the game. And thats a shame

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#50 - 2017-06-11 20:54:13 UTC
All those buff and nerf shenanigans are looking now like a means of selling more skill extractors really.

Economy? Why they did not react faster? Economy my a$$. Or they really are out of touch.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#51 - 2017-06-11 21:07:17 UTC
Videles Silenthunter wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
Smuff Gallente wrote:
I propose that as a proportional response to CCP's Tuesday Nerf we as the community Cancel our Eve Vegas tickets and demand a refund and that en-mass cancel our paid accounts. they want to hurt us in our wallet's lets hurt them in there's
Dude, they are just doing what is necessary to balance their game. Sure, this drastic and inelegant solution probably could have been avoided if they actually had someone monitoring the economy and making timely balance changes, so they deserve to be splashed with some tears, but seriously something needed to be done. Sorry if it was your toy they toned down, but honestly the income sources in this game need a fair bit more rebalancing if Eve is going to continue, at least as an interesting game worth playing.

Do what you feel is necessary. I caution you though, that nerfs almost always look and feel worse at the time. You, or somebody else, will figure out another way to play the game and achieve your goals. You are in real danger of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

First of all it doesnt effect me since i dont fly carriers yet but i can imagine people getting pissed off. If you pay really a lot of money on skill injectors (real cash) for that last 5% and the week after they suddenly remove that feature then at least you should get a refund.

That's nonsense, everything in EVE is "use at your own risk". It's not CCPs fault if people stupidly skill inject into a Flavor of the month thing in a game where everything is guaranteed to change.


If they wanted to add sinks to could have actually added another layer like for example tech 2 battleships, which would cost really a lot and would require those bpc apart of manufacturing. Nerfs like this just appear to be uncreative solutions to game design flaws. You can at least agree that there would have been plenty of other more creative options to figure a solution that didnt hit the players in their wallet.

You don't fix an imbalance by buffing everything around it, you fix the imbalance. CCP is doing that.


I already know a few peopl;e whom gonna quitte the game. And thats a shame

Not to me, if people are so incautious as to get caught up short by a change that anyone with any sense knew was inevitable, those people need to not be playing EVE anyway.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#52 - 2017-06-11 21:20:50 UTC
Goonswarm Federation
#53 - 2017-06-11 21:45:11 UTC
ISD Stall
ISD Alliance
#54 - 2017-06-11 22:00:28 UTC
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