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Loan request for Rattlesnake dualboxing

Manbun Scarfbeard
#21 - 2017-04-10 20:34:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Manbun Scarfbeard
Solonius Rex wrote:
Again, only shows the incompetance of your corp/alliance if they become so poor after a single defense as to not being able to afford 1.2 bill loan for you.

My concerns are valid. You are the second person ive seen in the past few months claiming to have a dual box rattlesnake set up and asking for a non-collateral loan.

I don't want to take a corp loan, not because my alliance is poor, but because I decided not to given the circumstances.

I haven't asked for any loans before.

Just get out of my thread, thanks.
Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2017-04-10 21:59:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Solonius Rex
Manbun Scarfbeard wrote:
Solonius Rex wrote:
Again, only shows the incompetance of your corp/alliance if they become so poor after a single defense as to not being able to afford 1.2 bill loan for you.

My concerns are valid. You are the second person ive seen in the past few months claiming to have a dual box rattlesnake set up and asking for a non-collateral loan.

I don't want to take a corp loan, not because my alliance is poor, but because I decided not to given the circumstances.

I haven't asked for any loans before.

Just get out of my thread, thanks.

I dont think you understand what "Everyones wallets are a bit thin" means. Your words, not mine.

Also, we dont know that you never asked for a loan before, because you are posting on an alt. A 10 day old alt, just to post this, by the looks of it. But even if you were correct, you are basically saying you have a Zero credit score and therefore Zero reliability/trust. Not really making a good argument here.

And if you dont want people posting in your thread with criticism, maybe you should come back with a better argument.

Or collateral.
Manbun Scarfbeard
#23 - 2017-04-10 22:16:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Manbun Scarfbeard
Solonius Rex wrote:
And if you dont want people posting in your thread with criticism, maybe you should come back with a better argument.

Or collateral.

My arguments are fine, it's that you can't seem to comprehend them. Which is why i asked you to share your opinion based on missing the entire point of what I wrote so far elsewhere.
#24 - 2017-04-10 22:21:06 UTC
Manbun Scarfbeard wrote:
Solonius Rex wrote:
And if you dont want people posting in your thread with criticism, maybe you should come back with a better argument.

Or collateral.

My arguments are fine, it's that you can't seem to comprehend them.

Then take one of the many offers you claimed to have received and let this thread die, yeah?
Manbun Scarfbeard
#25 - 2017-04-10 22:24:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Manbun Scarfbeard
ScanAlt wrote:
Manbun Scarfbeard wrote:
Solonius Rex wrote:
And if you dont want people posting in your thread with criticism, maybe you should come back with a better argument.

Or collateral.

My arguments are fine, it's that you can't seem to comprehend them.

Then take one of the many offers you claimed to have received and let this thread die, yeah?

I'd like to keep this thread open until I come to an agreement with someone. But everyone seems eager to share unwanted input. Not my fault.

If you aren't interested, I'm not interested.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#26 - 2017-04-10 22:29:44 UTC
As far as scam attempts for loans go this is one of the more interesting proposals I've read lately.

This forum is generally pretty dilligent and it will be hard to scam a lot here. OP, you might do better elsewhere.

Loans with no collateral usually only work if you invest considerable time into crafting a believeable story that hasn't been done time and time again. This rattlesnake story is full of holes - if you can service the loan as trivially as you claim, you certainly can manage without it.

Do try again though, OP. I'm interested to see what sort of scams your alts can come up with.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Manbun Scarfbeard
#27 - 2017-04-10 22:39:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Manbun Scarfbeard
I'm not trying to scam anyone. 1.8b is still a lot of time i'd have to put in if i were to farm that much with only 1 rattler. I've answered every question thrown at me that wasn't just the author being a smartass - I'm sorry if uncollaterized loans have a bad rep.
Me posting from an alt has to do with opsec in general, we have strict rules regarding posting with an in-corp toon. Seems like a good idea in hindsight with all the hate i'm getting.
Saints Of Havoc
#28 - 2017-04-10 22:54:49 UTC
I'd say it's less that you're asking for an uncollaterized loan and more the fact that you're asking for one with a 10 day old character (as of this post time) while claiming you're already sitting on 5m SP with it. A Day 0 toon has maybe 500k SP, and even assuming you had cybernetics 5 for free and had +5s plugged in your head, there's no way a 10 day old character could possess 5m+ SP short of consuming skill injectors. That also means you've been able to easily afford at least 5 injectors for that character already.
Unfortunately, the whole "I fly safe so I wont ever lose these ships" assurance is also tissue paper thin for attracting potential loaners. It's much for the same reason I havent tried picking one up myself for busting out T2 hulls from the dozens/hundreds of blueprint copies I have. Market volatility is so unstable right now that "I dont know what the profit margins are today, but yesterday they were at 1.337 billion isk! And a 9001 isk loss the day before that, but dont mind that, think of yesterday's profit!" hardly has the ring of a safe investment to people.
Manbun Scarfbeard
#29 - 2017-04-10 23:05:02 UTC
Krysenth wrote:
That also means you've been able to easily afford at least 5 injectors for that character already.

Not easily, but yes. I started farming out skill injectors well before I made the toon to spend it on.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#30 - 2017-04-11 00:23:38 UTC
would like pledge 20b


Jax Bederen
Dark Horse RM
#31 - 2017-04-11 06:12:18 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
would like pledge 20b

Thus we've come to the end of the road.
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#32 - 2017-04-11 07:09:14 UTC
Yea the hostile attitude, repeated insults "u guyz dunt know", lack of planning, poor numbers, no collateral and the proverbial "I have in game offers but want to keep asking here" makes this a no brainer.

Meh, who knows, someone might take a chance but I dont see the likelyhood. You might as well just go with Jerry T Pepridge's offer.
Manbun Scarfbeard
#33 - 2017-04-11 07:37:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Manbun Scarfbeard
cisea wrote:
Yea the hostile attitude, repeated insults "u guyz dunt know", lack of planning, poor numbers, no collateral and the proverbial "I have in game offers but want to keep asking here" makes this a no brainer.

It's easy to get on the bandwagon I suppose, but my attitude reflects the attitude of the post I'm answering to, the planning is good, the numbers are correct and I don't know what else to tell you, I do have offers, but the request was open-ended, hence the thread stays open.
If you are interested and have legitimate questions, shoot me a message and I'll go over them with you. Otherwise, I'm not really interested in your snobby attitude.
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#34 - 2017-04-11 13:41:55 UTC
Manbun Scarfbeard wrote:
cisea wrote:
Yea the hostile attitude, repeated insults "u guyz dunt know", lack of planning, poor numbers, no collateral and the proverbial "I have in game offers but want to keep asking here" makes this a no brainer.

It's easy to get on the bandwagon I suppose, but my attitude reflects the attitude of the post I'm answering to, the planning is good, the numbers are correct and I don't know what else to tell you, I do have offers, but the request was open-ended, hence the thread stays open.
If you are interested and have legitimate questions, shoot me a message and I'll go over them with you. Otherwise, I'm not really interested in your snobby attitude.

Just out of curiosity...after reading this thread I'd like to raise a few points
1.) "10-20 man rescue fleet" out of all those people, no individual has any money spare for you? Why do you assume asking for a loan here on an NPC character with no incentive to pay back will result in a better answer than asking your corp for money?
2.) "1.8b is still a lot of time" - if it's a lot of time, how do I know you won't just send ISK to main character and biomass? You're not losing anything after all.
3.) Why haven't you accepted the offers you have received so far? I don't see anything positive in this thread, I don't know how you yourself assume better offers will come forward from the discussion that has been conducted in this thread.

Honestly, was worth a shot, I suggest you get back to the drawing board and come up with something believable. Pay attention to the details and when replying, don't reply with something that can be used against you such as "20 guys can come rescue me but can't loan me money"


People who put passwords on char bazaar Eveboards are the worst.

Manbun Scarfbeard
#35 - 2017-04-11 14:00:12 UTC
lanyaie wrote:

Just out of curiosity...after reading this thread I'd like to raise a few points
1.) "10-20 man rescue fleet" out of all those people, no individual has any money spare for you? Why do you assume asking for a loan here on an NPC character with no incentive to pay back will result in a better answer than asking your corp for money?
2.) "1.8b is still a lot of time" - if it's a lot of time, how do I know you won't just send ISK to main character and biomass? You're not losing anything after all.
3.) Why haven't you accepted the offers you have received so far? I don't see anything positive in this thread, I don't know how you yourself assume better offers will come forward from the discussion that has been conducted in this thread.

1.) They might, but like I said in several posts above, I'd like to solve this without my corp. The emphasis was on the "I don't want to" part, and I told you why.
2.) I can't say anything that would make you believe I wouldn't, so I don't see the point in asking. Nature of the beast when it comes to uncollaterized loans from non-MD regulars. You either take a chance with me or you don't, I can't give you anything but my word.
3.) I have an interview set up for tomorrow with one of the people who offered the best terms. I have my phone to answer questions from, I don't see a reason to lock the thread. I'll post here if we've come to an agreement.

I won't react to the rest of your post, have a nice day.
Xylem Viliana
homeless bum
#36 - 2017-04-11 14:14:58 UTC
I dont want to dishearten you. MD can be a bit aggressive sometimes but we have seen basically every type of scam loan IPO and everything inbetween. people want to aggressively question to provoke mistakes. Ones that you have either intentionally or unintentionally left yourself open to.

If you get the loan, congrats, someone took a risk and there is a very strong possibility they dont expect it to be successful but it can happen. (more often that not private agreements are made with alts to farm reputation so if you need another loan in the future you may wish to be prepared for that)

If you dont get the loan, then dont kick a fuss, just get the funds through farming over time or as has been suggested speak to other alliance members. if there is a 10-20 man defense fleet willing to try to bail you out risking their own ships im sure borrowing from them would be managable should you opt to go that route in future.

I read this when it was posted and simply dismissed it as scam fodder, try as you may to say it isnt, you cannot change what another person believes, you can make counter claims but without evidence to back the claims up its 1v1 and no clear winner.

Collateral is always a game changer. people will look for collateralized loans because they are more secure, uncollateralized is balanced by interest, more interest more people may consider it and the more will be put off due to the interest. its finding a balance of attracting interested parties without scaring them away as the collateral is so high it screams scam.

Should you try again for a loan, set out the terms you would like, provide as solid a business plan as you can, if possible have collateral. solid business plan is not dualboxing wh sites and 10-20 people will come save me.
Manbun Scarfbeard
#37 - 2017-04-11 15:23:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Manbun Scarfbeard
Xylem Viliana wrote:

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
I didn't expect the hostility I got, but I guess it's understandable. If I had assets of value I could do without, I would have definitely gone for the collaterized option.

Xylem Viliana wrote:
Should you try again for a loan, set out the terms you would like, provide as solid a business plan as you can, if possible have collateral. solid business plan is not dualboxing wh sites and 10-20 people will come save me.

To be honest, I'm a pretty risk-averse person when it comes to PvE. If there's a slight possibility that I could get blown up, I don't really undock my PvE boats. There's no real risk/reward when it comes to blue loot - you won't make more if you start ratting with 5 neutral ships on dscan. I tried to give the impression that I know when it's safe and when it isn't, but I guess it's hard to put yourself in my shoes as an investor if you haven't lived with a large wh corp before.

Anyways, thanks for the advice.
Areen Sassel
Dirac Angestun Gesept
#38 - 2017-04-11 18:12:35 UTC
Manbun Scarfbeard wrote:
1.) They might, but like I said in several posts above, I'd like to solve this without my corp. The emphasis was on the "I don't want to" part, and I told you why.

That's the part that makes no sense. Who knows your main? Who already has to trust you? Who knows these Rattlers and ratting setup actually exist? Who knows the arrangements for security of the hole are good? Who will benefit themselves to a degree if you get this cash? Your corpmates. They're so obviously the first choice to borrow the money from that "I don't want to" doesn't really cover it.
Obsidian Blacke
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2017-04-12 05:26:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Obsidian Blacke
Manbun Scarfbeard wrote:
I'm not trying to scam anyone. 1.8b is still a lot of time i'd have to put in if i were to farm that much with only 1 rattler. I've answered every question thrown at me that wasn't just the author being a smartass - I'm sorry if uncollaterized loans have a bad rep.
Me posting from an alt has to do with opsec in general, we have strict rules regarding posting with an in-corp toon. Seems like a good idea in hindsight with all the hate i'm getting.

I don't mean to pile on, but 1.2-1.8 billion ISK is not a lot of time that you'd have to put in to farm with 1 rattler when you state you can make 200m-250m an hour solo. Further, it is quite strange that you refuse to ask your friends for help. Even if you don't want to ask them for actual ISK, you could still ask one of them to duo with you and let you keep the loot and salvage with a promise to pay them back after you use the money to train up your second rattler. That way your time is maximized as you want it to be, and you get the ISK to fund your second Rattler. I can't think of too many people who wouldn't be willing to spend 3 hours helping out a corp mate in that fashion. Hell if you can get more than one person in your corp who likes you enough to help you, it wouldn't even take 3 hours.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2017-04-12 05:58:06 UTC
You're stating you can farm for 4 to 5.5 hours in the weekends. You also stated you can make 200-250m solo. This is kind of basic math, right? Farm for a weekend. Buy your rattlesnakes. Profit.