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Dev blog: PLEX Changes On The Way!

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Richard TheLordOfDance
Operation Fishbowl Inc.
#421 - 2017-03-18 03:43:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Richard TheLordOfDance
I like all the changes, and understand from a gamedesign point of view why this is happening, except how the PLEX vault would work. So I would like to make some suggestions on how to improve it and fix the main problem.

The only real problem with the Vault is that it makes PLEXes a virtual item accessible from anywhere, which goes against the whole philosophy of EVE.

To change this I would make the Vault a physical place and PLEXes a physical item. You would still be able to exchange them for game time or use them to shop in the New Eden Store from anywhere in the universe but you would only be able to sell them where they are being stored. If you would like them somewhere else, for selling or any other reason, you would still have to physically move them to that location.

Regarding where PLEXes bought from CCP would appear I would make players choose a main Vault the first time they buy PLEX where it will spawn in from then on, you should be able to change this location though to match the current system of redeeming. Moving this location should not move the PLEXes being kept there though only where new ones would appear when buying from CCP. (you could also make it toggleable option so you can choose where they appear for every time you buy them)

Since new players not understanding that they can loose PLEXes when they go out flying with them is an issue trying to be addressed, put up some big red letters telling them the risks when choosing your primary vault and when you try to take them out of the Vault. (of course you should be able to choose if the warning should appear every time)
Ronnie Rose
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#422 - 2017-03-18 03:49:08 UTC
Richard TheLordOfDance wrote:
I like all the changes, and understand from a gamedesign point of view why this is happening, except how the PLEX vault would work. So I would like to make some suggestions on how to improve it and fix the main problem.

The only real problem with the Vault is that it makes PLEXes a virtual item accessible from anywhere, which goes against the whole philosophy of EVE.

To change this I would make the Vault a physical place and PLEXes a physical item. You would still be able to exchange them for game time or use them to shop in the New Eden Store from anywhere in the universe but you would only be able to sell them where they are being stored. If you would like them somewhere else, for selling or any other reason, you would still have to physically move them to that location.

Regarding where PLEXes bought from CCP would appear I would make players choose a main Vault the first time they buy PLEX where it will spawn in from then on, you should be able to change this location though to match the current system of redeeming. Moving this location should not move the PLEXes being kept there though only where new ones would appear when buying from CCP. (you could also make it toggleable option so you can choose where they appear for every time you buy them)

Since new players not understanding that they can loose PLEXes when they go out flying with them, put up some big red letters telling them the risks when choosing your primary vault and when you try to take them out of the Vault. (of course you should be able to choose if the warning should appear every time)

Those are terrible ideas for PLEX

We're not here to change the game, we're here to change YOUR game

Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#423 - 2017-03-18 04:03:33 UTC
Orca Platypus wrote:

Hello mr. CSM market manipulating NDA profiteering alt.
**** you.

P.S. Don't listen to him, market has been manipulated by CSM, for each billion you spend on market PLEX, 200 million go to CSM mortgage RMT fund.

Greetings! It would seem we(1) have triggered a friendly pod pilot into protestations of profanity about our claim that other pod pilots are smart enough to see the writing on the wall as it were and that it is the community who have taken it upon themselves to buy PLEX to stave off asset forfeiture via the new aurum to plex model.

Perhaps you could enlighten us(2) with a preponderance of evidence that the CSM is profiteering on this latest change to our wondrous Eveonline community? We are sure there is ample appetite for such revelations from this community of pod pilots and that if such evidence was brought forth, Jita protests would surely ensue for a prolonged period of time.

We await your cordial response with bated breathe and much joviality.

Fine Print:
(1)We denotes the royal we. My alternate personality is a queen. When I take my meds she quiets down. Personally, I dont like that. As the old saying goes, two heads are better than one.
(2)Denotes that the multiple personality disorder continues in this post as the effeminate side of me giggles like an eleven year old school girl while typing out this missive.

When it comes to PvP, I am like a chiwawa hanging from a grizzley bears pair of wrinklies for dear life.

Teddy J Rogers
Society of Mechanics Engineers and Gearheads
#424 - 2017-03-18 04:32:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Teddy J Rogers
#1. Place the plex vault in the wallet.

#2. Set the granularity of 1 plex to the minimum amount of redeemable time. (currently 30 days)

#3. If a smaller unit is needed to replace aurum, call it milliplex or centiplex based on the conversion factor. Allow the vault (within the wallet) freely convert milliplex to plex and vice versa. Or allow the purchase and usage of fractional amounts of plex. (1 : 500 = mediocentiplex) ((I'd consider NOT using 1:500))

#4. To preserve value, convert current holdings of aurum immediately into game time. The conversion is close to 120 aurum per game day. This is at most 8 game days added to the current subscription. This is hardly onerous on CCP's part.

#5. Fix the New Eden Store. 95% of the time I try to access the NES from in game I get the message "Store is currently unavailable - Timeout. Please try again later." How can I spend what aurum I do have if I can't get into the store?
Plus 10 NV
#425 - 2017-03-18 04:50:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain
Olleybear wrote:

Perhaps you could enlighten us(2) with a preponderance of evidence that the CSM is profiteering on this latest change to our wondrous Eveonline community?


"What happens when you put the long term planner on the CSM and seeing the long term plans. Good things for us that's what."

BTW for those who don't know Aryth is a member of csm.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Epic Ganking Time
#426 - 2017-03-18 04:55:49 UTC
Richard TheLordOfDance wrote:
I like all the changes, and understand from a gamedesign point of view why this is happening, except how the PLEX vault would work. So I would like to make some suggestions on how to improve it and fix the main problem.

The only real problem with the Vault is that it makes PLEXes a virtual item accessible from anywhere, which goes against the whole philosophy of EVE.

To change this I would make the Vault a physical place and PLEXes a physical item. You would still be able to exchange them for game time or use them to shop in the New Eden Store from anywhere in the universe but you would only be able to sell them where they are being stored. If you would like them somewhere else, for selling or any other reason, you would still have to physically move them to that location.

Regarding where PLEXes bought from CCP would appear I would make players choose a main Vault the first time they buy PLEX where it will spawn in from then on, you should be able to change this location though to match the current system of redeeming. Moving this location should not move the PLEXes being kept there though only where new ones would appear when buying from CCP. (you could also make it toggleable option so you can choose where they appear for every time you buy them)

Since new players not understanding that they can loose PLEXes when they go out flying with them, put up some big red letters telling them the risks when choosing your primary vault and when you try to take them out of the Vault. (of course you should be able to choose if the warning should appear every time)

This is the right answer.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Shibari Mure
Dutch Trade Association
#427 - 2017-03-18 08:19:21 UTC
Jagged Palleon wrote:
The problem is that CCP seems to be playing the short term route atm to rake in money.

You *do* know how long this game has been running, don't you?
Shibari Mure
Dutch Trade Association
#428 - 2017-03-18 08:23:32 UTC
Vulvona Ride-in wrote:
My bet: montly plexing fees will explode ISK-wise!

Maybe, but ATM only the wealthiest players can afford to trade in PLEX. With smaller units, more ppl can do so, so you'll have more volume with more competition. This should drive the price down rather than up.
Naye Nathaniel
Seventh Sanctum.
#429 - 2017-03-18 09:56:47 UTC
Richard TheLordOfDance wrote:
I like all the changes, and understand from a gamedesign point of view why this is happening, except how the PLEX vault would work. So I would like to make some suggestions on how to improve it and fix the main problem.

The only real problem with the Vault is that it makes PLEXes a virtual item accessible from anywhere, which goes against the whole philosophy of EVE.

To change this I would make the Vault a physical place and PLEXes a physical item. You would still be able to exchange them for game time or use them to shop in the New Eden Store from anywhere in the universe but you would only be able to sell them where they are being stored. If you would like them somewhere else, for selling or any other reason, you would still have to physically move them to that location.

Regarding where PLEXes bought from CCP would appear I would make players choose a main Vault the first time they buy PLEX where it will spawn in from then on, you should be able to change this location though to match the current system of redeeming. Moving this location should not move the PLEXes being kept there though only where new ones would appear when buying from CCP. (you could also make it toggleable option so you can choose where they appear for every time you buy them)

Since new players not understanding that they can loose PLEXes when they go out flying with them, put up some big red letters telling them the risks when choosing your primary vault and when you try to take them out of the Vault. (of course you should be able to choose if the warning should appear every time)

Do we just found a RTM?
Cause only a RTM would complain that he can't make deals anymore cause of this changes ; )
Orca Platypus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#430 - 2017-03-18 10:17:59 UTC
Naye Nathaniel wrote:
Do we just found a RTM?
Cause only a RTM would complain that he can't make deals anymore cause of this changes ; )

Remembering all those salty "looking for a new sponsor for my ****** pvp videos, add me on X for details" after casinoids got rekt...
Yeah, totally not RMT.
Laura Andelare
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#431 - 2017-03-18 11:15:50 UTC
The idea is great. The new PLEX teleport is a game design issue that is entirely up to CCP so I don't mind either way.

What I don't like is the super overcomplicated way of doing this. While I was not playing, the single most iconic item in EVE for me as an outsider was the PLEX. With this change it ceases to be a Pilot License Extension, and it essentially becomes AUR just with a different denomination.

I think the equivalent of this entire change could be done a lot simpler by selling game time in the NES for AUR and making AUR tradeable, instead of the current plans.
#432 - 2017-03-18 11:31:31 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Ptraci wrote:
So these old accounts I have with 5500 AUR each I was given as part of the promos held post "summer of rage"....

That's a good question. My accounts haven't ever lapsed, and you have a lot more than me in your idle alts. You must have gotten extra for something somewhere along the line...

5500 was the amount that you got if you started before the Summer of Rage and stayed subbed over that period. I had 5500 on both my accounts until very recently as there wasn't really anything in the NES that I wanted to buy.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#433 - 2017-03-18 11:53:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
Laura Andelare wrote:
The idea is great. The new PLEX teleport is a game design issue that is entirely up to CCP so I don't mind either way.

What I don't like is the super overcomplicated way of doing this. While I was not playing, the single most iconic item in EVE for me as an outsider was the PLEX. With this change it ceases to be a Pilot License Extension, and it essentially becomes AUR just with a different denomination.

I think the equivalent of this entire change could be done a lot simpler by selling game time in the NES for AUR and making AUR tradeable, instead of the current plans.

They wanted to keep PLEX because of its image in the playerbase. Its truly an AUR with an option to exchange to a game time with this change. They may call it PLEX charges or whatever.

But as AUR had always something wrong about it, its literally gold as in every other MMORPG fantasy game, they want to get rid of this name to keep the guise of originality.
Space Cake Inc.
#434 - 2017-03-18 11:53:50 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Kyttn wrote:
"Q: For balances over 1000, will the entire balance be converted or only the amount exceeding 1000?
A: The entire balance will be converted. For example, a balance of 1050 Aurum would be converted into 150 PLEX."

Could someone please explain this to me? I don't seem to understand the math here

7 aurum will become 1 plex.

so 1050 aurum is 150 plex.

They're ignoring aurum balances below 1000

You mean they are stealing form the people that have less than a 1000 aurum.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#435 - 2017-03-18 12:06:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
In all this, I like one thing. Every new player will essentialy start with a CONCORD License extension card. He would only need to buy some PLEX charges and spend them to extend license to the available options.

It will be like a second job to make ISK to spend it on license extensions. Well it had been for some for years.

Alternatively you can be on welfare (alpha).
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#436 - 2017-03-18 12:34:55 UTC
Sharcy wrote:
Vulvona Ride-in wrote:
My bet: montly plexing fees will explode ISK-wise!

Maybe, but ATM only the wealthiest players can afford to trade in PLEX. With smaller units, more ppl can do so, so you'll have more volume with more competition. This should drive the price down rather than up.
No it won't. Those trading in smaller amounts still want to make a profit - Look at the prices of different size Aur lots on the market. My guess, the price of variable amounts of Plex will follow the same trend.

1 = 500 plex = 1.1 bil
.5 = 250 plex = 600 mil
.25 = 125 plex =325 mil
Smaller lots will cost more than a months subscription of 500 plex.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#437 - 2017-03-18 13:29:24 UTC
With these new changes you should also change its icon. Make it look like a batch of white powder or smth. At least it will help some players to understand why 1 PLEX is NOT ENOUGH Roll
CCP Falcon
#438 - 2017-03-18 14:01:17 UTC
Hey guys,

Just a quick update!

Thanks for all the feedback so far - it's clear that there's been some pretty active and somewhat vigorous discussion of the proposed changes.

Team Size Matters and the community team are running through this thread, looking over the feedback (both positive and negative) as well as the suggestions that all you guys are putting forward.

We'll be taking a look at it, discussing it internally early after the weekend, and will be looking at how best to incorporate relevant feedback into the changes that are coming.

Thanks again for all the feed back, and remember - Let's keep it civil here and within the realms of the forum rules Blink

CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

Lorelei Ierendi
We Care A Lot
#439 - 2017-03-18 14:23:32 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
Hey guys,

Gevlon says "Hi"... it's like he can't forget you, man!

CCP Falcon wrote:
Thanks again for all the feed back, and remember - Let's keep it civil here and within the realms of the forum rules Blink

All the Tinfoil CSM theories and leak theories make me smile... as if the CSM was that relevant... (says a Candidate).

Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#440 - 2017-03-18 16:06:38 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Olleybear wrote:

Perhaps you could enlighten us(2) with a preponderance of evidence that the CSM is profiteering on this latest change to our wondrous Eveonline community?


"What happens when you put the long term planner on the CSM and seeing the long term plans. Good things for us that's what."

BTW for those who don't know Aryth is a member of csm.

Salutations! It would seem you are implying that a CSM member by the name of Aryth is currently manipulating the market for PLEX based on two sentences that member apparently uttered. This hardly constitutes proof of a conspiracy over the price of PLEX via market manipulation. Indeed, the above sentence you quoted could mean just about anything.

We(1) do have a few questions as we dont follow the price fluctuations of PLEX on a regular basis:
Did the price fluctuations of plex happen a week or even a day before the official CCP annoucement?
Did the price fluctuations happen shortly after the official CCP announcement?
If price fluctuations happened before the announcement, has PLEX ever fluctuated in price before today?
Is there any hard evidence of conspiracy to manipulate the price of PLEX, based on insider knowledge, other than your quote of two sentences?

We all know that CCP has long term plans. Plans that dont always bare fruit. There are more than a few long term plans that have been completely dropped by CCP as resource allocation is switched around to work on other projects. One such prime example of a long term plan getting dropped is walking in stations.

As of right now, there appears to only be a market adjusting to what some movers and shakers in game think will happen to the future price of PLEX. If based on our feedback in this thread, CCP decides to change all aurum into PLEX, and not just aurum above 1000 units, it can be inferred from their own statements that PLEX will drop considerably in price thus leaving those who bought PLEX at a higher price in a bit of a pickle so to speak.

Fine print:
(1)Denotes the more masculine of the Royal We as today we are exercising our kingly personality to objectively consider the evidence brought forth.

When it comes to PvP, I am like a chiwawa hanging from a grizzley bears pair of wrinklies for dear life.