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EVE General Discussion

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so this is there real future for new players? gate camp?

First post
Salvos Rhoska
#181 - 2017-02-08 18:14:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Jenn aSide wrote:

So everything is fine.

No change or discussion on change, is necessary or validated.

The game is entirely perfect.

Fire the Devs, cease development, shutdown the forums.

Everything is fine as it is.
Do not question how things are.
They are what they are.
Arthur Aihaken
#182 - 2017-02-08 18:39:59 UTC
Everything is fine. EVE is boasting record numbers of players and all the new game mechanics (Fozziesov, Citadels, Alphas) that have been introduced are working great and exceeding players' expectations. And I have a bridge to sell you...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#183 - 2017-02-08 18:41:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

So everything is fine.

No change or discussion on change, is necessary or validated.

The game is entirely perfect.

Fire the Devs, cease development, shutdown the forums.

Everything is fine as it is.
Do not question how things are.
They are what they are.


This right here man, it's perfect. It's the typical response of the unhappy type of person that wants 'change' in everything they encounter. I've dealt with people like that my entire life and it's equal measures of annoying and funny.

If you like something for what it is and don't see it as some broken thing only some genius on the forum (who isn't any kind of game designer) can fix, you are "against all change and want things to stay the same" according to the "any change" types. What you said here is literally the default answer every.single.unhappy forum poster has ever given me.

What you (and the kind of folks I mention) don't understand is that some of us just don't care about such things. If we like a video game we play it (and talk about it, like on these forums), if we don't we leave and find something we do like. But the 'force change!' people stay and complain and make long winded posts about what should be fixed and then start spouting nonsense about conspiracies surrounding why it's not 'fixed' etc etc.

TL;DR For those of us who adapt to things rather than try to change them to suit our wants and needs, yea, everything is fine for the most part. It's ok if things change for the better, but no rush, we're pretty content right now. If you aren't then well, that's your issue.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#184 - 2017-02-08 19:10:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Neuntausend
Salvos: Change is good and all, but not just for changes sake. Changing something just so you can say you've changed it is stupid and a good way to cause all sorts of problems. But I bet you exit through the windows too - a different one every day, because using the door is stale and old, and needs to be changed, right?

What I am lobbying against is not change in and of itself, but fixing things that aren't broken.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#185 - 2017-02-08 19:21:03 UTC
Neuntausend wrote:
Salvos: Change is good and all, but not just for changes sake. Changing something just so you can say you've changed it is stupid and a good way to cause all sorts of problems. But I bet you exit through the windows too - a different one every day, because using the door is stale and old, and needs to be changed, right?

What I am lobbying against is not change in and of itself, but fixing things that aren't broken.

Damn you to Hek (the minmatar planet, it's a real ghetto) for saying this better than I could.
Keno Skir
#186 - 2017-02-08 19:21:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Keno Skir
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:
are you assuming its only new players who fly these ships? you will be suprised who puts high grade pods, plex and bpo's inside shuttles.

Just concede that you're a pirate, that you shoot anything and everything - and stop trying to white knight it. Because all the stuff about being generous to new players is just complte horsesh*t. You fly a smartbomb-equipped Machariel that you run continuously within range of the gates in Tama to catch players both leaving and entering the system.

I'm a pirate. You're a risk averse butt-hurt carebear. We exist at opposite ends of the spectrum. Only one of those things is worth being embarrassed about, and strangely it's not the PvP guy in the PvP game.

Gatecamps are easy to avoid just like everything else dangerous in EvE, it just takes education. Something which you obviously lack in bucket loads.

If you think there's time to check the age of a player before you shoot them you clearly have no experience of PvP to base your rubbish on. I offer assistance to every new player i kill (i check AFTER because before would be stupid) as long as they aren't total whiners like you Arthur. I have recruited / taken under my wing many newbros who showed the right attitude, and you are completely mistaken in your opinion that new players are defenseless little snowflakes who should be protected from anything scary.

There's nothing wrong with shooting anything you please, because it's a VIDEO GAME where that is expressly allowed. Anyone who takes any real life hard feelings from it needs to re-evaluate their priorities. Contrary to a certain popular saying internet spaceships are actually the least serious business ever, just like every other GAME.

Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

So everything is fine.

No change or discussion on change, is necessary or validated.

The game is entirely perfect.

Fire the Devs, cease development, shutdown the forums.

Everything is fine as it is.
Do not question how things are.
They are what they are.

I can really imagine you pouting and tearing up as you write that Pirate
Arthur Aihaken
#187 - 2017-02-08 21:49:57 UTC
I've already conceded the argument. If you want to continue to draw it out for your pound of flesh then knock yourself out.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Hiasa Kite
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#188 - 2017-02-08 23:01:08 UTC
That's cool, man. At least one person learned something from today's conversation.


Free strawberries for all!

"Playing an MMO by yourself is like masturbating in the middle of an orgy." -Jonah Gravenstein

Akane Togenada
#189 - 2017-02-08 23:05:46 UTC
As a Explorer I'm grateful for all pirates, gankers and other players who are out there making my trips into Wormhole and Null space exiting. I don´t want to think about how tedious and boring it would be if I didn´t have to be alert and looking for danger.

One would think that I as a non-violent character (Corp Credo) would dislike PvP but as have been said before in this thread being the prey in the hunt can be just as fun if not more then to be the hunter. This is also why I like Wormholes the most, the lack of Local makes the tension even greater since you never know who else is in there and what their objectives are.

To the OP and others who don´t like PvP I can just say: Embrace the danger and turn it into something positive and exhilarating. PvP can be fun regardless of wheater you search for or try to avoid it.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#190 - 2017-02-08 23:37:23 UTC
The pathetic low numbers worldwide are indicative of how crap the pvp really is.
Gretek Moergyn
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#191 - 2017-02-09 00:09:15 UTC
Keno Skir wrote:
...EvE is big enough for the clever at the top, and big enough for the stupid right at the very bottom. If you don't have time to "figure out blockade runners and T3Cs and Cloak-MWD warp trick [whatever that is]" you are doomed to be farmed like the food you have chosen to be. I don't call you food because you like to PvE in hisec though surely that is also a kinf of food, i call you food because you refuse to learn how to PvE safely. Instead you bleat to anyone who will listen that the game is broken and you shouldn't have to adapt in any way because it's a game and "games are supposed to be fun".

EvE is big enough for all kinds of players but it's narrow minded to assume your playstyle has any right at all to exist seperately from the rest. We are all intertwined, that's the point.

Why all the agro? Why the name-calling? Do you understand the glaring contradiction in your statement " it's narrow minded to assume your playstyle has any right at all to exist seperately from the rest." That statement is the very definition of narrow-mindedness. It sounds like you are telling me that if I don't come to wherever you are in-game and submit to being blown up every time you and your friends feel like blowing someone up, I'm somehow lesser than you. It sounds like you are trying to FORCE everybody to play your way. I'm not trying to force you or anyone who likes PVP combat to play my way. As I said before, "more power to you." I get the feeling that you just can't stand the knowledge that somewhere in EVE, there are people who are perfectly happy mining veldspar and making munitions and ship components and hauling them around to see if they can get a better price. You might call that boring. Well, TO ME, sitting by a gate waiting for somebody to jump through so you can attack them is boring. But hey, it's your account; do what you want.

The other night I spent a couple hours mining scordite, then flew to a system where I sold it and bought some skill books. Then I returned to my base and started a production run of 500 Scourge light missiles. I really enjoyed myself. As much, I'm sure, as you enjoyed your gaming session that night. I don't feel threatened by the way you choose to play, because I don't go to 0.0 space. Why do you feel threatened by the way I play? I'm not "stupid." I'm just different from you.

Please read a post before you attack the person who wrote it. You wrote: "...Instead you bleat to anyone who will listen that the game is broken and you shouldn't have to adapt in any way because it's a game and 'games are supposed to be fun' ". I never said the game is broken, and I never said I should not have to adapt in any way. I said I DON'T CARE about adapting the way you apparently think I should. It simply IS NOT IMPORTANT TO ME.

Maybe the person who started this thread thinks those things, but I don't interface with gate campers so it does not bother me. What I DID say is that unless there can be found some middle ground between one playing style and the other, people will leave and EVE will go away for good. Who wants that? I don't.

Do you understand that this is just a game?

You are probably young enough to be my grandson. Which means that you have not done a lot of living. So trust me on this one: EVE is not teaching you any life lessons. It's just entertainment--and good entertainment at that. If you think you are learning any valuable life lessons by playing this online game, you are probably not a person a well-rounded human being would want to meet.

EVE is simply a distraction from life's problems. The fun you have playing it isn't any more or less valid than the fun I have playing it. You simply do not have the right to pass judgment on how I spend my free time and what I determine to be fun FOR ME.
Tarsis Inc
#192 - 2017-02-09 00:31:54 UTC
Lowsec pirate gate camps is why many high sec bears can enjoy living quietly in remote high sec islands that are basically cut off from the main high sec game space. They're also the reason why freight service logistic corps exist.

As for new players, there's a big massive warning that pops up before you can jump through a gate into low sec. So if you lose anything there you were warned. If a player rage quits after that point, they're probably not really suited to this game in the first place.
Arthur Aihaken
#193 - 2017-02-09 01:00:11 UTC
For a game that promotes shooting other players, it's not exactly easy to achieve this. Low-sec, null-sec and wormhole space are really stacked against new players (at least until they get some combat experience and train-up some skills). Duels, flashy suspects and other station games are not geared towards new players.

If it didn't have such potential for abuse I'd let Alphas roam around shooting Omegas to get into limited engagements.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Lianara Dayton
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#194 - 2017-02-09 07:59:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Lianara Dayton
Ahhh, threads like this really remind me why it's so much fun to camp gates in lowsec. If you're simply sitting on the gate for a few hours here and there and insta-locking every target that comes by you simply don't realize just how much impact you're having on the players you shoot. It's a real shame that most sad people don't convo their killers in game anymore (or only very rarely) and cry to them directly. At least there are still threads like this. Pirate

On a slightly more serious note: please tell me more about how "EVE is dying" because of all those ebil gank0rs. I've literally never heard this theory before and in the case of such a young game as EVE, it's certainly important to take this kind of "valuable feedback" seriously.

If you're feeling sad, depressed or otherwise worthless, please do feel free to visit me. I provide free therapy sessions to anyone with less then 50mil SP. My office is on the station in Tama. Bear

Lianara Dayton, Society for Peace and Unity

Salvos Rhoska
#195 - 2017-02-09 08:14:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Neuntausend wrote:
What I am lobbying against is not change in and of itself, but fixing things that aren't broken.

In my view, Local in Player Sov is broken and irrational.

To use your analogy of windows and doors in a house, Local constitutes a panoramic, perfect view of surroundings from anywhere in your house. You never have to move to another window to check if anything is coming from that direction.

Player Sov is player controlled autonomous space. It is not rational that it should have automatic NPC sourced Local intel.
Players themselves should be responsible for accruing that intel, in player owned space.
Yebo Lakatosh
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#196 - 2017-02-09 11:47:30 UTC
Gretek Moergyn wrote:
Do you understand the glaring contradiction in your statement " it's narrow minded to assume your playstyle has any right at all to exist seperately from the rest." That statement is the very definition of narrow-mindedness. (...) It sounds like you are trying to FORCE everybody to play your way. I'm not trying to force you or anyone who likes PVP combat to play my way.
You are totally right if we ignore reality. If it would be a purely hypothetical discussion, I would agree with you that the wishes and ideas about a hypothetical spaceship game of both players are very valid.

But the debate is about an existing game. The player who locks your ship and blows you up isn't FORCING you to play the game his way. He just plays the game as it is, and as it was for ~14 years.

On the other hand, I feel advocating a change in one of the core concepts EvE is built upon is an attempt of forcing an imaginary style of gameplay upon many others. I say 'imaginary', as currently you -can't- exist on Tranquility separately from the rest of the players. And I say 'attempt' because my decades of gaming experience suggests me that devs don't alter the very foundations of what their games are built upon.

Elite F1 pilot since YC119, incarnate of honor, integrity and tidi.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#197 - 2017-02-09 12:23:08 UTC
Yebo Lakatosh wrote:
Gretek Moergyn wrote:
Do you understand the glaring contradiction in your statement " it's narrow minded to assume your playstyle has any right at all to exist seperately from the rest." That statement is the very definition of narrow-mindedness. (...) It sounds like you are trying to FORCE everybody to play your way. I'm not trying to force you or anyone who likes PVP combat to play my way.
You are totally right if we ignore reality. If it would be a purely hypothetical discussion, I would agree with you that the wishes and ideas about a hypothetical spaceship game of both players are very valid.

But the debate is about an existing game. The player who locks your ship and blows you up isn't FORCING you to play the game his way. He just plays the game as it is, and as it was for ~14 years.


You might want to check definition of words 'to force' and 'to play'.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#198 - 2017-02-09 13:42:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Yebo Lakatosh wrote:

On the other hand, I feel advocating a change in one of the core concepts EvE is built upon is an attempt of forcing an imaginary style of gameplay upon many others.

This is called hitting the nail right on the head Big smile What they are really saying is "you sholdn't be able to force me to play your way, but I should be able to force YOU to do exactly that." This kind of thinking is at the core of almost every "balance and mechanics" complaint you will ever see on these forums.


I say 'imaginary', as currently you -can't- exist on Tranquility separately from the rest of the players. And I say 'attempt' because my decades of gaming experience suggests me that devs don't alter the very foundations of what their games are built upon.

If they are smart they don't. And if they are wise they understand that all this talk about 'change' isn't really talk about change, it's actually just a form of meta-gaming with the goal of obtaining an advantage though forum advocacy that they can't have via the game. In plain English that means "they can't beat them in game so to the forums/DEVs they swarm". Add in a little fake "think about the children" hand wringing and you got yourself a Cause lol.

Problem is the thing they are whining about can be beat most of the times. The object of a game like EVE is to learn and overcome, like in this case learn how to use the MWD+cloak trick with ships that can't be smartbombed away with one or two machariels. And yep, getting blown up a few times till you get it right is great training.

It doesn't always work (which is one issue the anti-gate camp types hang their hats on, if something isn't 100% effective it's not a solution to them), I lost a Prorator in Rancer last week. What I did not do was run to the forums demanding the game be changed to my advantage.
Yebo Lakatosh
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#199 - 2017-02-09 13:46:30 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
You might want to check definition of words 'to force' and 'to play'.

I don't feel I'm having differences of a semantic nature here with Mr Moergyn (or the rest of the English speaking community). But I can very well be mistaken. Feel free to elaborate in order to further shape my language skills, I'm always glad to be corrected.

Elite F1 pilot since YC119, incarnate of honor, integrity and tidi.

Recettear Hariere
Kittens and Puppies Engineering Inc.
#200 - 2017-02-09 19:19:22 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Your reason is that you want to punch someone where they're vulnerable, which is fair enough; your method on the other hand destroys some of the meta-game of Eve that makes it so interesting to play. IMHO that is not a good thing.

You want to punch someone in the nuts via their alts? Do what everybody else does, infiltrate, gather intelligence, and get them when they're least expecting it, stab them in the back, steal their stuff; that is some of the game-play your solution destroys.

Yeah that sounds like a great pasttime.. for a bitter old ass ****

And what about the hostiliy and paranoia towards "nameless" characters? Its the newbies who actually pay for these degenerated minigames.

You do realise that the entire concept of Eve is based around conflict, and that the economy is powered by the destruction resulting from it?

If you produce stuff, destruction causes demand, if you mine destruction causes demand via production, if you farm LP destruction provides the market for the LP items you exchange it for, etc, etc. You don't get to play Eve as a single player game because everything is intrinsically linked.

Judging by your suggestion you'd be okay with me theoretically killing your industry alt while you move stuff to market because you theoretically ganked my newb ship a while back?
Where do clear identities inhibit conflict? Other than some rats fearing the consequenses of using underhanded bitchy cheesetactics.

also, A kills B in a bad place, B kills A in a bad place in return. does that cause any sort of problem?

Why shouldn't they have wealth? They have time and money invested in Eve, that is their reward for it. Remove it and their prior knowledge and experience means that 2 weeks after reset they'd have more wealth than someone without that knowledge and the ones that suicide gank now would still suicide gank then. A newbies disadvantage is not wealth, it is knowledge and experience; both of which, like wealth, take time to acquire.

Ganking is financially viable, CODE. proves it. As long as they keep ganking the unwary, the foolish, the greedy and the afk, and on occasion the targeting and destruction of NPC industry/ production chain alts, people who have interests in the market will keep funding their SRP. Tears are a bonus, if nobody produced them it would be impossible to farm them.

Paying other people to blow up miners and haulers makes sense if you happen to sell or make those ships and the modules that get used on them.

"The deserve it on account of seniority"
"It doesnt matter, the true wealth is knowledge and experience"
choose one. Either way, knowledge in itself doesnt cut the need to make money, it just increases their efficency. Which bestcase would simply allow them to play with bigger toys. A (single) reset is indeed not enough to keep this need in the game. some sort of tax maybe?
otherwise, a sessionbased setup might be possible. although i believe that this could discourage people.


It's not cowardice, it is the nature of the game. The destruction of BoB came about because of an alt, the Guiding Social Club assassination came about through the use of alts. What you consider to be a trivial thing to change has massive repercussions for a game that produces stories like these and is renowned for doing so.

So I say nay, your solution, to what many don't see as a problem, is an antithesis to everything Eve stands for.

Its as sissy as it gets.
That big ass alliance would have fallen anyways, you cant get that big without becoming the biggest target as well. And this assassination thing is hardly a positive example, talk about things getting personal.

I was looking around in the forum, where do you folks exchange your views on the latest episode of "desperate housewives" or whatever soap opera is "in" now? Feels like this would be a major thing among the senior parts of the community :P

Regarding that gatecamp talk: A gamemechanic with no reasonable counter its a ****** gamemechanic. If there is no healthy number of ships who can evade it without stupid amounts of isk or sp involved and without relying on serverticks or other rng then it needs to get fixed. (For clarity, a thirdparty guessmeter is not a valid counter, im talking about ships, fittings, skills here)

If it is possible to evade safely then its fine. then we are talking about wether its too popular and therefore how to reduce its successchances or about new alternative options to make it less prevalent.