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Dev Blog: Introducing Clone States & the Future of Access to EVE

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Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#861 - 2016-09-01 12:16:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Andre Vauban
David Grogan wrote:
Andre Vauban wrote:
After thinking about this some more, I really think 99.9% of the issues with this idea revolve around people abusing alpha clones to scale alts in ways that haven't been thought out yet.

The way to solve this is to limit the number of alpha accounts belonging to a single human that can be simultaneously logged in to one. The problem here is that people are clever and just using a simple 1 account per PC check isn't sufficient in the days of people having multiple computers and VMs and containers (the real scary one because containers scale much better).

The way to achieve this is really to tie all characters to a human being (name, credit card number, street address, mobile phone number, etc). Make alpha players pay 1 USD/EUR via credit card to verify they are a real person. Make players do mobile phone verification via SMS text messages. Etc, etc, etc.

Then, completely scrap the concept of having multiple accounts. Every human gets exactly 1 account. This new account can have an unlimited number of alpha characters on it (or some large limit that CCP sets for database reasons). The new account also gets the ability to log in a single alpha character (ie 1 simultaneous login). Whenever you purchase a monthly subscription (plex, time card, monthly fee) you get the following: designate 3 characters on your account that are upgraded to omega clone and you get +1 simultaneous logins for omega clones. You can let people remap which characters are omega clones using a timer similar to the attribute remap timer.


i have multiple paid accounts as do many players. by doing what you suggest you would end up killing off all our paid alt accounts, years of training have gone into them.

no to this. just limit alpha accounts like they do trial accounts only 1 per computer.

I wasn't clear, let people that currently have multiple accounts role all those accounts into a single one of the new accounts. I have 4 accounts myself. ie when the transition occurs mark all current accounts as "old style". "Old style" accounts are no longer allowed to log into the game. However, a player can migrate all the characters (and game time) from an "old style" account to the "new style" accounts.


Yarosara Ruil
#862 - 2016-09-01 12:20:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Yarosara Ruil
Andre Vauban wrote:
I wasn't clear, let people that currently have multiple accounts role all those accounts into a single one of the new accounts. I have 4 accounts myself.

But that would mean you'd be able to login on several characters in the same account. which would render your little thought experiment moot, and cost CCP a bundle in subscription fees.

That's textbook dumb as far as I can tell.
David Grogan
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#863 - 2016-09-01 12:22:29 UTC
CCP please add entoising mods to the list of banned skills for alpha accounts. it would break sov mechanics so badly.

the abuse of having thousands of alpha accounts training to entosis would make it impossible for anyone to hold sov.

Everytime you buy something that says "made in china" you are helping the rising unemployment in your own country unless you are from china, Buy locally produced goods and help create more jobs.

Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#864 - 2016-09-01 12:26:33 UTC
Yarosara Ruil wrote:
Andre Vauban wrote:
I wasn't clear, let people that currently have multiple accounts role all those accounts into a single one of the new accounts. I have 4 accounts myself.

But that would mean you'd be able to login on several characters in the same account. which would render your little thought experiment moot, and cost CCP a bundle in subscription fees.

That's textbook dumb as far as I can tell.

Huh? You only get to log in more than one character at a time if you pay for the equivalent of a monthly subscription. (ie you pay the equivalent of 1 monthly subscription = you get to log on 1 omega character at a time; you pay the equivalent of 2 monthly subscriptions = you get to log on 2 omega characters at a time; etc; plus everybody always gets the ability to log on a single alpha clone).

The whole point was the ability to hard force it that no single human can ever log on more than one alpha clone at a time. The only way to do this is to verify which person owns every character. This is really hard to do when people can have multiple accounts and it isn't clear which accounts are owned by the same person.


Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#865 - 2016-09-01 12:27:21 UTC
I was thinking about this on the commute this morning, and one of the common concerns I've seen voiced in the thread was regarding warp core stabbed Alphas in FW complexes. Why not disable the ability to use warp core stabs on Alpha characters?

Most Alpha characters and ships will be unable to insta-warp (it's doable on a few ships for a few of them, but most will be unable to, and for those that can be made to insta-warp, you can't really achieve it while having warp core stabs fit, as well), and they'll still have access to the Venture, but it's impossible to fit the Venture to insta-warp and since it will show up on DScan, it provide a known variable when considering whether or not you should bother trying to go after someone in a plex.

It won't stop the Alpha characters from participating in FW (either via combat or farming), but it would make them counterable in that you would have a viable chance to catch and kill them instead of simply having them warp off.
The Vendetta Mercenaries
Vendetta Mercenary Group
#866 - 2016-09-01 12:28:07 UTC  |  Edited by: CoffinQueen
FTP is a great idea and long overdue. CCPlease dont listen to the whiners, just make it happen. Bigger flaws can be corrected later and smaller ones will make the game more lively Smile Oh, and dont forget to add a big publicity campaign.
Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#867 - 2016-09-01 12:31:09 UTC
Winter Archipelago wrote:
I was thinking about this on the commute this morning, and one of the common concerns I've seen voiced in the thread was regarding warp core stabbed Alphas in FW complexes. Why not disable the ability to use warp core stabs on Alpha characters?

Most Alpha characters and ships will be unable to insta-warp (it's doable on a few ships for a few of them, but most will be unable to, and for those that can be made to insta-warp, you can't really achieve it while having warp core stabs fit, as well), and they'll still have access to the Venture, but it's impossible to fit the Venture to insta-warp and since it will show up on DScan, it provide a known variable when considering whether or not you should bother trying to go after someone in a plex.

It won't stop the Alpha characters from participating in FW (either via combat or farming), but it would make them counterable in that you would have a viable chance to catch and kill them instead of simply having them warp off.

This is only really a problem if a person can use multiple alpha clones at the same time. If CCP restricts 1 simultaneous alpha clone login per human being, this problem goes away.


Kybernauts Clade
#868 - 2016-09-01 12:43:44 UTC
Here's another spin.

I have paid CCP in cash for my 84 odd million SP.

Why can't I just use what I've paid for?

Just don't let me train further in Alpha state.
Goonswarm Federation
#869 - 2016-09-01 12:45:23 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

Yes, on average you can pay for your sub, but the problem with averages is that some months you won't and you'll shell out nearly $1500 to keep the game going.

you still can't remember plex exist, even in a post where you discusses plex

this is really amazing how badly you want to not be wrong

unfortunately for you, today is just like any other day, a day filled with you both metaphorically and literally faceplanting left and right
Drazz Caylen
Team-Pyro Industries
#870 - 2016-09-01 12:45:56 UTC
Kusum Fawn wrote:
If one would only read the Dev blog like one was suggesting to others, one would know that the screaming you hear from people talking about alpha swarms is not entirely unfounded.

You just quoted it yourself. Let me repeat;

Dev Blog wrote:
A: We have not decided whether the simultaneous log on restrictions from the current trial system will apply to Alpha Clones. The decision will partly depend on your feedback, as well as our technical investigations over the coming months.
You have to really understand what has been said.
This does NOT permit multiple Alphas despite a lack of definite restriction. Yet.
The emphasis in their train of thought is based on trial limitation instead of subscription freedom. This puts in the notion they lean towards restriction and not mutliboxing. This further infers they ponder if they will keep it as restricted or make it a little bit more loose, with a limited amount of Alphas at the same time, or many Omegas and one Alpha.
While reading between the lines is important, it was completely unjustified to construe this section as "OMFG they will allow unlimited Alpha accounts!!!!!11!!!1!!1!1oneleven"
Any and all arguments dooming a game based on this notion - which is not even remotely proven to be decided - are not helping at all and need to be called out.

If people want to voice their concern, they should do it, albeit taking multiboxing Alphas as future fact is a hyperbole.

Now let me address the Alpha swarm again, and why it is bogus;
  1. If the only concern is suicide ganking, then you can be damn sure CCP will drop the hammer on them. There is no swarm of trial accounts killing ships in highsec. Suicide ganking ships are exclusively subscriptions. If CCP loses these ganker subscriptions because gankers can just as well go Alpha and stay there, CCP will go as the money flows and turn to protect their paying customers which fly are mining Barges and Exhumers.
  2. Go grab the most common suicide ganker ships and put them into EFT and compare the damage numbers to what an Alpha can field. Then math up how many Alpha ships are needed extra to field a proper gank. Not even all ganker ships are destroyers. Look at the Talos. That's not possible for Alpha accounts.
  3. Furthermore, I'd like to point out how in the past there was a limit on trial accounts allowed online on Tranquility at 1500. CCP can decide to limit Alpha characters in parallel and if they see how the allocated slots are taken up by gankers who are taking space away for possible customers, they will act accordingly.
  4. If we get 1 Alpha + X Omegas making every Ganking player +1 stronger then the easiest way would be Safety restriction to yellow. Done.
  5. Venture mining swarms. Again, take EFT, math out how many Ventures it takes to match the yield of a common Mining Barge / Exhumer. This is how many Alphas it takes.
  6. T1 Alpha combat swarms. Your point? If you say the poor will use hordes of multiboxed Alphas and beat the rich, then the rich will laugh at you because they have better computers than the poor and can multibox even harder than the poor as they stack even more Alpha accounts on top of their Omega accounts. And? The fights are bigger, and the chances for actual new players to be involved there is higher too. Because if the vets multibox throwaway Alphas, why not take some real Alphas with you too? Same goes for the above mining point. If you can have free ventures on top of your subscribed alts in your belt, why shouldn't you use them?
  7. Any argument which says more Alphas means more combat alts and more Alphas means more mining ships... can't do math. The increased mining output would be eaten up by the increased ship production. Most rocks are still in nullsec.

Let's summarize: take the average amount of ganking ships and Ventures required to do the same as one subscription character can with access to better ships and skills and equipment. As long as the Multibox Alpha limit is below that, who cares. I'm still convinced the limit to be 1. An optimistic outlook would be 1 Alpha beside X Omegas.

If CCP wants new players but the vets abuse the system in a way it conflicts with CCPs marketing, changes will roll out faster than you would ever believe.
And this is the ultimate reason why we're not going to see unlimited or barely limited Alpha accounts. They WILL be strongly limited. There is no way around it.
Game mechanics may change, but if the game becomes TiDi everywhere because there are ten times as many Alphas as there are Omegas online, this is the worst reputation for the game. Worse than any gameplay change they can make. If you can't even begin to play the game properly as it is unresponsive, objectively, for everyone... it's the ultimate reason to quit it.

Now please don't come to me with player online counters when you talk about money. They're meaningless in this regard.
Players online do not necessarily reflect the amounts of subscriptions running, and neither do players online reflect the amount of money generated by microtransactions.
Unless CCP publishes data, which they won't, this argument is worthless as it is pure speculation, spindoctored to fit the rhetoric. I think there have been fiscal reports floating around though, and they're not writing negative numbers.

If player counters were representative of CCP's equity, then we wouldn't see such a content schedule and neither would we be seeing hardware upgrades. A company for an MMO which goes not well has less content stretched over longer periods of time, has staff layoffs left and right, and takes down server hardware. To my knowledge, CCP has not just purchased new hardware, but will be continuing to use the old hardware on top of it. This adds maintenance and power cost. A company which doesn't do well wouldn't do this.
Velores Prokhozai
Sad Frog Space Fighters
#871 - 2016-09-01 12:48:21 UTC
I want to ask all those lowsec fw true gf pewpeers who are complaining aboun warpstabs, did you ever tried to fit triple scramblers to catch all those ****** frigates that are farming LP so you can get awesome 500k isk killmail and awesome killmark on your hull?
Goonswarm Federation
#872 - 2016-09-01 12:55:37 UTC  |  Edited by: EvilweaselSA
Teckos Pech wrote:
Also claims of mineral prices crashing are highly over wrought as well. Sure it might happen, but considering that mineral prices and the economy were fine back when we had a peak of 50,000 players logged in, I doubt this is going to suddenly change. It might, but those predicting this have absolutely no evidence and are just resorting to absurd claims.

One of the key aspects of this is how many new players will there be as a result of this? 25,000 logged in? Great, we'll go back to where we were about 2-3 years ago. Will this mean economic catastrophe? Don't be so fecking absurd. Back in 2013 the average PCU was 48,000. The average PCU now? 20,000. So all the hystronics about T1 production, minerals and the like are just simply bullshit. Literally bullshit. Lies spewed by people who are ignorant and do not know what they are talking about.

With more players there will also be an increased demand for T1 modules and ships. Therefore, there will also be more demand for minerals. There will also likely be more ships destroyed meaning which is also good for ship, module and mineral demand.

Anyone who thinks more players in game is bad is a complete blinkered moron. The claims of catastrophe are also wildly exaggerated claims based on outlers and non-standard behavior as if it were the norm. Now, could this be bad? Sure it could. But I have yet to see a claim that is not based on histrionics and nonsense.

reminder: this guy can't remember plex exist for longer than ten seconds

the particular reality that our loser of the intellectual lottery here is missing, of course, is that alpha clones will have very low demand for minerals because they can only fly low level ships: they can and will easily outproduce and outmine the minute amount of extra demand they add, pcu counts are obviously irrelevant since its the balance of production and demand that matters

t1 production is extra-dead as there is literally no cost whatsoever to going wide, you have as many free t1 production lines as you want, even limited to logging in one at a time, and corporate hangars and roles make it real easy to go wide and you just log in the alt to start jobs every month
Drazz Caylen
Team-Pyro Industries
#873 - 2016-09-01 12:55:39 UTC
Kusum Fawn wrote:
Drazz Caylen wrote:
Why else were Achura scientists the go-to research alt?

because we could put the lowest number of attribute points into charisma of all the different starting characters. Eve alt autists who did nothing but research and copy.
No. Because Achura scientists started with the skill requirement on level 5 to add even more research slots with barely any wait. Achuras have been chosen for their lowest charisma skill in general over many other bloodlines, but Achura Scientist alts specifically were chosen for their ability to research more and earlier than any other combination.

Kusum Fawn wrote:
one is forgetting the restrictions on trial accounts that are not currently listed as being on alphas.
Please regard the post I just made above. The restrictions are being pondered with the implication to be limited like Trial accounts. This is telling as it is not based on pondering to have them free as Omega accounts.
Neither of this confirms the status of multiboxing Alphas, which is the entire base of argument for some. They argue based on a speculation and throw tantrums based on a speculation and doom the game based on a speculation.
If I haven't heard that before somewhere Lol
Velores Prokhozai
Sad Frog Space Fighters
#874 - 2016-09-01 12:56:42 UTC
Volstruis wrote:
Here's another spin.

I have paid CCP in cash for my 84 odd million SP.

Why can't I just use what I've paid for?

Just don't let me train further in Alpha state.

Oh its about half of year pass, and somebody still didn't get how things works.

Your character gets about 1.5mil SP per month - you can fill 3 skill extractors with it, and then sell them on market for 600mil each, you will get 1800mil isk = 1100mil for one plex + 700mil to buy 3 extractors for the next month

You see it, it's free to play this game if you do not want to learn skill.
Goonswarm Federation
#875 - 2016-09-01 13:01:09 UTC
Drazz Caylen wrote:
Please regard the post I just made above. The restrictions are being pondered with the implication to be limited like Trial accounts. This is telling as it is not based on pondering to have them free as Omega accounts.
Neither of this confirms the status of multiboxing Alphas, which is the entire base of argument for some. They argue based on a speculation and throw tantrums based on a speculation and doom the game based on a speculation.
If I haven't heard that before somewhere Lol

i will deign to explain to you why you're an idiot: since multiboxing has not been explicitly prohibited in the devblog, people are telling ccp they need to explicitly prohibit multiboxing of alpha accounts, because very, very frequently these obvious things are missed even when ccp is told repeatedly about them (e.g. entosis links on interceptors)

explaining over and over the ways that allowing alphas to be multiboxed will continue until ccp, and not some fawning idiot, says they're going to apply the trial account multiboxing restriction to alphas
Drazz Caylen
Team-Pyro Industries
#876 - 2016-09-01 13:04:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Drazz Caylen
David Grogan wrote:
CCP please add entoising mods to the list of banned skills for alpha accounts. it would break sov mechanics so badly.
the abuse of having thousands of alpha accounts training to entosis would make it impossible for anyone to hold sov.

Come again please?
Entosis Link requires the skill Infomorph Psychology. The current list in the devblog does not show Infomorph Psychology.
You ask for something that has already been taken care of in the devblog.

EvilweaselSA wrote:
multiboxing has not been explicitly prohibited in the devblog, people are telling ccp they need to explicitly prohibit multiboxing of alpha accounts

You do not understand the difference between voicing concerns for multiboxing and taking multiboxed Alphas for granted.
Both are entirely different arguments. I am on the side of voicing concerns for multiboxing. That doesn't make me believe it will happen, like others do.
David Grogan
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#877 - 2016-09-01 13:04:52 UTC
EvilweaselSA wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Also claims of mineral prices crashing are highly over wrought as well. Sure it might happen, but considering that mineral prices and the economy were fine back when we had a peak of 50,000 players logged in, I doubt this is going to suddenly change. It might, but those predicting this have absolutely no evidence and are just resorting to absurd claims.

One of the key aspects of this is how many new players will there be as a result of this? 25,000 logged in? Great, we'll go back to where we were about 2-3 years ago. Will this mean economic catastrophe? Don't be so fecking absurd. Back in 2013 the average PCU was 48,000. The average PCU now? 20,000. So all the hystronics about T1 production, minerals and the like are just simply bullshit. Literally bullshit. Lies spewed by people who are ignorant and do not know what they are talking about.

With more players there will also be an increased demand for T1 modules and ships. Therefore, there will also be more demand for minerals. There will also likely be more ships destroyed meaning which is also good for ship, module and mineral demand.

Anyone who thinks more players in game is bad is a complete blinkered moron. The claims of catastrophe are also wildly exaggerated claims based on outlers and non-standard behavior as if it were the norm. Now, could this be bad? Sure it could. But I have yet to see a claim that is not based on histrionics and nonsense.

reminder: this guy can't remember plex exist for longer than ten seconds

the particular reality that our loser of the intellectual lottery here is missing, of course, is that alpha clones will have very low demand for minerals because they can only fly low level ships: they can and will easily outproduce and outmine the minute amount of extra demand they add, pcu counts are obviously irrelevant since its the balance of production and demand that matters

t1 production is extra-dead as there is literally no cost whatsoever to going wide, you have as many free t1 production lines as you want, even limited to logging in one at a time, and corporate hangars and roles make it real easy to go wide and you just log in the alt to start jobs every month

i wonder how it will affected t2/t3 if more players choose to go alpha. not necessarily a bad thing for most but im wondering how t2/t3 builders + moon mining alliances will deal with the potential loss of revenue??

Everytime you buy something that says "made in china" you are helping the rising unemployment in your own country unless you are from china, Buy locally produced goods and help create more jobs.

Shaddn Arakh
Gallente Federation
#878 - 2016-09-01 13:05:19 UTC
Volstruis wrote:
Here's another spin.

I have paid CCP in cash for my 84 odd million SP.

Why can't I just use what I've paid for?

Just don't let me train further in Alpha state.

Under current system, you stop paying = you stop playing. Under new system, you stop paying = you can still play with t1 frigs and cruisers or at least log in to shuffle stuff in containers around and insult people in local.

So the new system is more permissive than the old one. And you're complaining? You want Eve to go more free to play than it is already going to?
Kybernauts Clade
#879 - 2016-09-01 13:06:40 UTC
Velores Prokhozai wrote:
Volstruis wrote:
Here's another spin.

I have paid CCP in cash for my 84 odd million SP.

Why can't I just use what I've paid for?

Just don't let me train further in Alpha state.

Oh its about half of year pass, and somebody still didn't get how things works.

Your character gets about 1.5mil SP per month - you can fill 3 skill extractors with it, and then sell them on market for 600mil each, you will get 1800mil isk = 1100mil for one plex + 700mil to buy 3 extractors for the next month

You see it, it's free to play this game if you do not want to learn skill.

Cool. I have no idea what those things are. Just subbed again yesterday.
Memphis Baas
#880 - 2016-09-01 13:08:07 UTC
We imagine that all the alphas will go gank people.

CCP probably imagines that all the alphas will go mine, so they can function as self-replenishing unlimited-resource targets for the veteran PVP'er omegas.

Wolves need sheep, and sheep hate being sheep. Well, now it's free.

I think CCP should reduce the limitations of what alphas can do, as far as mining. Let them go crazy with exhumers, let them experience CODE and/or PVP, maybe they join the game or start a sub in order to train combat ships to fight back.