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Lugh Crow-Slave
#1541 - 2016-04-13 23:07:38 UTC
Guys dailies may not be what we should be most worried about. I was thinking why they picked 22 and not just used an easier system. Well this could be used to make things like hourlies getting players to not just do something real fast and log out or go about there day but make sure they need to keep doing the task

ima need a double layer of foil for my hat
Rex Usurious
Indulgent Enterprises
#1542 - 2016-04-13 23:10:09 UTC
Actually after some careful consideration, I support this system. I will quit my wh corp for all my accounts and sit them in a hisec system with lots of belts so I can maximize my efficiency at logging in, getting my xp and moving to the next alt. This is the intended gameplay effect right? Boosting daily log ins? /s
Bodb Derg
#1543 - 2016-04-13 23:10:16 UTC
So I pay to train my alts SP up since 2008 and now you're giving away a few thousand SP per rat kill? Thanks CCP. I was hoping this was a joke. Terrible terrible terrible idea.

Hi. I'm Bodb Derg. I'm salty about links.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#1544 - 2016-04-13 23:14:42 UTC
Bodb Derg wrote:
So I pay to train my alts SP up since 2008 and now you're giving away a few thousand SP per rat kill? Thanks CCP. I was hoping this was a joke. Terrible terrible terrible idea.

you may not find it funny but ccp will be laughing all the way to the bank
Bodb Derg
#1545 - 2016-04-13 23:46:46 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Bodb Derg wrote:
So I pay to train my alts SP up since 2008 and now you're giving away a few thousand SP per rat kill? Thanks CCP. I was hoping this was a joke. Terrible terrible terrible idea.

you may not find it funny but ccp will be laughing all the way to the bank

True indeed.

Hi. I'm Bodb Derg. I'm salty about links.

Barco Gray
Second Town Corporation
#1546 - 2016-04-13 23:59:12 UTC
I don't think this is a good idea, and apparently many others don't either.

Random thoughts:

Re: the argument "you don't have to do them," well, no, but given the competitive nature of players, they will feel obligated to do them, and stress out when they fail to keep up.

The real-time based acquisition of skill points is one of the defining features of EVE, and the proposed dailies-for-skill-points undermines this. Same reason I don't really like the skill injectors, which at least I can ignore.

I suspect that some manager at CCP has looked at EVE, looked at other (more popular) MMOs, and said "What do they have have that we don't?" and is insisting on this. This would explain why the feature is being implemented in a manner identical to the first announcement, in spite of all the negative feedback. Next time don't bother to ask for players' opinions if they are just going to be ignored, you just **** off everybody twice as much.

Personally, I often take several days off between logging, knowing that my skill points are advancing more or less like everybody else in the game. Now they won't, and the sense of falling behind will eventually frustrate me and I will quit. I guess a casual player like myself is not part of the target market any longer? Maybe I never was.

Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#1547 - 2016-04-14 00:03:45 UTC
Barco Gray wrote:
I don't think this is a good idea, and apparently many others don't either.

Random thoughts:

Re: the argument "you don't have to do them," well, no, but given the competitive nature of players, they will feel obligated to do them, and stress out when they fail to keep up.

The real-time based acquisition of skill points is one of the defining features of EVE, and the proposed dailies-for-skill-points undermines this. Same reason I don't really like the skill injectors, which at least I can ignore.

I suspect that some manager at CCP has looked at EVE, looked at other (more popular) MMOs, and said "What do they have have that we don't?" and is insisting on this. This would explain why the feature is being implemented in a manner identical to the first announcement, in spite of all the negative feedback. Next time don't bother to ask for players' opinions if they are just going to be ignored, you just **** off everybody twice as much.

Personally, I often take several days off between logging, knowing that my skill points are advancing more or less like everybody else in the game. Now they won't, and the sense of falling behind will eventually frustrate me and I will quit. I guess a casual player like myself is not part of the target market any longer? Maybe I never was.

Yeah, people will actually quit over this, I'm not sure CCP realize this.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#1548 - 2016-04-14 00:29:49 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Bodb Derg wrote:
So I pay to train my alts SP up since 2008 and now you're giving away a few thousand SP per rat kill? Thanks CCP. I was hoping this was a joke. Terrible terrible terrible idea.

you may not find it funny but ccp will be laughing all the way to the bank

And short on free advertising from news stories, because the people who know better tend to be the ones who make game life interesting enough to mention on the evening news occasionally.

A signature :o

Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#1549 - 2016-04-14 00:34:22 UTC
Barco Gray wrote:
I don't think this is a good idea, and apparently many others don't either.

Random thoughts:

Re: the argument "you don't have to do them," well, no, but given the competitive nature of players, they will feel obligated to do them, and stress out when they fail to keep up.

The real-time based acquisition of skill points is one of the defining features of EVE, and the proposed dailies-for-skill-points undermines this. Same reason I don't really like the skill injectors, which at least I can ignore.

I suspect that some manager at CCP has looked at EVE, looked at other (more popular) MMOs, and said "What do they have have that we don't?" and is insisting on this. This would explain why the feature is being implemented in a manner identical to the first announcement, in spite of all the negative feedback. Next time don't bother to ask for players' opinions if they are just going to be ignored, you just **** off everybody twice as much.

Personally, I often take several days off between logging, knowing that my skill points are advancing more or less like everybody else in the game. Now they won't, and the sense of falling behind will eventually frustrate me and I will quit. I guess a casual player like myself is not part of the target market any longer? Maybe I never was.

A manager?

Does anyone live in Iceland and know how to play golf? Or what is the stupid "time-honored" ritual out there?

A signature :o

Kieron VonDeux
#1550 - 2016-04-14 00:37:24 UTC
Arya Regnar wrote:
Yeah, people will actually quit over this, I'm not sure CCP realize this.

It will take the release of a similar game to get a serous outflow from this game.

I hear Star Citizen may not be too far off.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1551 - 2016-04-14 00:49:56 UTC
Arya Regnar wrote:

Yeah, people will actually quit over this, I'm not sure CCP realize this.

It's sad that the player base has some people with a large problem of self control but people burning out on optional content is hilarious.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1552 - 2016-04-14 00:54:55 UTC
Barco Gray wrote:
I don't think this is a good idea, and apparently many others don't either.

Random thoughts:

Re: the argument "you don't have to do them," well, no, but given the competitive nature of players, they will feel obligated to do them, and stress out when they fail to keep up.

The real-time based acquisition of skill points is one of the defining features of EVE, and the proposed dailies-for-skill-points undermines this. Same reason I don't really like the skill injectors, which at least I can ignore.

I suspect that some manager at CCP has looked at EVE, looked at other (more popular) MMOs, and said "What do they have have that we don't?" and is insisting on this. This would explain why the feature is being implemented in a manner identical to the first announcement, in spite of all the negative feedback. Next time don't bother to ask for players' opinions if they are just going to be ignored, you just **** off everybody twice as much.

Personally, I often take several days off between logging, knowing that my skill points are advancing more or less like everybody else in the game. Now they won't, and the sense of falling behind will eventually frustrate me and I will quit. I guess a casual player like myself is not part of the target market any longer? Maybe I never was.

You can ignore injection of 500k SP into a character with no daily limit be can't ignore a 10k one with a daily limit?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1553 - 2016-04-14 00:55:17 UTC

[11:15] Day 1 after the patch where completing corporation contracts achieved the daily requirement is introduced and the servers have just come online.

Your corp has 200 members who you know will all want their daily reward. You're a "mixed bag" nullsec corp that does both pvp and pve content, including some industry. Up till now you generally had about 50 corp contracts at any one time for your SRP and a few other incentive programs.

Now you'll need to come up with 150 extra contracts at least and you're really worried this will end up consuming your game time, but you realize you have to create those extra contracts or your "employees" will lynch you for denying them the daily reward.


After some considerable time spent stressing about this you're still no closer to coming up with ideas, you're really tempted to have them all just ask for the contract fee in exchange. But the idea is too depressing and you recall the story of CEO Grindar... all those assets he lost, including some of those tasty new citadels... wait, citadels...that gives you an idea.

Due to a certain.... lack of enthusiasm in the corp, you and just a few others have ended up taking responsibility for refueling the corp's citadels. You just couldn't consistently keep up their enthusiasm for mining the nearby ice belt to fuel the citadels. When it got to the point that you were just buying the fuel, you gave up trying to get them to do it as a group. You and a hardcore group have kept at it, but it's getting to "burnout" levels...

Your corp has 4 citadels in the pocket you call home, each using the 3 modules market, clone and reprocessing at just under 1000 fuel blocks per day.. You figure the costs and reckon 200 fuel blocks without payment seems about the right level of effort vs reward, at least to start with, you can always change the numbers tomorrow. That's 20 contracts and you can even have them deliver the fuel right to the citadels. At this point you no longer care if your employees mine/produce the ice themselves, buy it or even steal it. You'll just be glad to get rid of the chore with less than ten minutes worth of effort every day.


So... maybe this new feature can work, but still, coming up with just that first idea was bloody hard, you're not looking forward to it taking you all day to figure this wonder if other CEOs are having the same problem and what they plan to do so you check the forum for ideas.

Funnily enough you find a good one for you 5 pages into a thread on that topic, create "suggestion box" contracts (cargo containers can have 80 character names, short enough to force each suggestion to be succinct/simple). Hell, for today you'll probably get 130 crappy ideas, but you figure out that, again, this is an opportunity to delegate your workload that costs you relatively little effort. Mind you, now you need to put a supply of cheap cargo containers in the corp hangars...

[11:15] Day 2

Yeah...maybe that wasn't such a great idea, 130 was too much for a start, but lesson learned. The case where the one person who'd been allowed 2 alts in the corp had sent the same suggestion 3 times... at least the one where you ended up reading dirty limericks showed he put some effort in.

Funnily enough, the very last suggestion of the day, indeed the last contract to be completed, was a very good one. As the lone player from the APJ region they'll almost always be the last person to complete whatever contract nobody else had felt like doing, which they pointed out didn't seem fair.

So setting up all the contracts at once, also a bad idea, which is kind of a relief, you'll have to get someone else to take responsibility for later in the day as you log-off fairly early in the evening most days. So now you realize you're being "forced" to delegate the work that's so far ended up being used to delegate the work...amusing :)


After talking about it with the rest of the corp management you split the contracts into the following:

-20 Fuel contracts
-10 "Suggestion Boxes"
-30 Ammunition to restock the Free ammo hangar. Previously you just used corp funds to buy a bunch every few weeks, barely even registers as a chore, but now one less thing to think about.
-30 contracts requesting various "modest" amounts of minerals, to fund a 5th/backup citadel.
-60 contracts to be left "open to negotiation with the corp's officers"

[11:15] Day 7

You've been using the new daily system for a few days and after the slightly rocky start things are settling down. The ammunition contracts were really unpopular, you're still not quite sure why. Suggestion box, predictably, is a bit hit and miss, but the dirty limericks have almost become an institution already...

Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, the fuel and mineral contracts are the most popular. You're even thinking of expanding it to stock spare capitals and the like, it's even got you thinking about sovnull, that which you swore off so many years ago... whatever happens next, you realize the choices you've made appear to have created a bit of a monster. You're not quite sure why, but when some of the more dedicated pvpers said this "gave them an excuse to hunt down industrial/mining ships" it sent a shiver down your spine...

PS. I wont bother writing the CEO Grindar edition, clearly no one's interested, not even the forum trolls :( I guess I just have to accept that the fact I would strip my characters of all their SP and donate it to charity if this idea didn't work means I'm crazy.
Ysera Ambramotte
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#1554 - 2016-04-14 01:04:40 UTC
Just to add my two cents, I like the idea but having to log in each day or miss out should change to being able to "bank" maybe two or three days worth of them so if RL happens you don't lose out, so if I miss one day the next day you would be able to complete two of them so over the two days you still complete 2 opportunities but you just completed two of them in the one day. Hope I made sense and didn't just shut out jibberish
Imigo Montoya
Triglavian Outlaws and Sobornost Troika
#1555 - 2016-04-14 01:33:32 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
You can ignore injection of 500k SP into a character with no daily limit be can't ignore a 10k one with a daily limit?

The difference is that one only transfers existing SP and is a net drain of SP (with losses), and the other is a new source of SP.
Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#1556 - 2016-04-14 02:12:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
Imigo Montoya wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
You can ignore injection of 500k SP into a character with no daily limit be can't ignore a 10k one with a daily limit?

The difference is that one only transfers existing SP and is a net drain of SP (with losses), and the other is a new source of SP.

Not to mention one has a very high cost for the SP and the other has an incredibly low cost for the SP. Killing one random NPC is easy enough that 10k SP feels like a huge reward for it, while 150k-500k doesn't feel like a huge gain for 640 mil.
Advenat Bedala
#1557 - 2016-04-14 02:12:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Advenat Bedala
If you still want to make it a daily... well

You need to have a reward satisfy both conditions:
1) Valuable for everybody
2) Can be ignored without mental discomfort

SP reward isn't satisfy 2-d
Any reward which give player something valuable cannot satisfy 2-d condition

What about reward that will take something valuable? Skillpoints as example.
Take some skillpoints and make them unallocated?

you should make this accumulative
I newer know when I'll need free SP but I'll probably need many
Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#1558 - 2016-04-14 02:17:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
Advenat Bedala wrote:
If you still want to make it a daily... well

You need to have a reward satisfy both conditions:
1) Valuable for everybody
2) Can be ignored without mental discomfort

SP reward isn't satisfy 2-d
Any reward which give player something valuable cannot satisfy 2-d condition

What about reward that will take something valuable? Skillpoints as example.
Take some skillpoints and make them unallocated?

I still think that's the best possible choice of reward if they insist on doing this. It's helpful for people who are reasonably active and want to try new things or fix past mistakes, while not penalizing those who have a long-term queue running but can't log in every day. I'm 100% against the current plan, but if the reward were changed to allowing us to deallocate 10k-20k SP it would eliminate a lot of my discomfort over it.

The key when doing something like this is to make people want to log in without making them feel like they have to. If people start to feel like logging in is a job and they need to do it even when they don't want to, players will start leaving over it.
Stormy Dove
Gallente Federation
#1559 - 2016-04-14 02:57:11 UTC
Horry! Good for me, I am looking forward to this.
the Goose Flock
#1560 - 2016-04-14 03:15:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Chjna
This thread is filled with comments that points out that other stuff is like:
skill injectors are accepted, and why should this not be?

It's like saying that Clamydia can't be bad, as you already have Syphilis.

The reason that you did not complain that much about getting Syphilis, is that the guy you got it from was so sexy, that you forgot to think about how this would affect you in the long run.

This time around, he is not that good lookin, you are all out of birth control pills, and you know he is infected.
Most of all, you really do not want to raise a demanding kid by yourself, even if you would receive child maintenance.

Us capsuleers have accepted a lot of changes for the worse and all the time does ccp get it the way they want in the end. Last time when we shoot the monument, what did it acchive? appart from a new model for the monument? -Looking at this new feature, Nothing.

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