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[Citadels] Supercarriers

First post
Mr Grape Drink
#61 - 2016-04-01 01:40:58 UTC
Swap the % bonus on the Hel? Let their specialty be counter fighters and frigs types with really fast fighters and that web bonus.

Let the Nyx keep that dank 10% damage with bonus tank where it would stick its fighters in the the "brawler" role.

Everybody gets their dank.

Aeon - Dank armor tank
Wyvern - Dank shield tank
Hel - Dank counter fighters
Nyx - Dank brawlers

Giuseppe R Raimondo
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2016-04-01 01:52:19 UTC
Mr Grape Drink wrote:

Hel - Dank counter fighters

so a super thats totally useless if you fit smartbombs on all your supers in fleet

Mr Grape Drink
#63 - 2016-04-01 01:59:19 UTC
Giuseppe R Raimondo wrote:
Mr Grape Drink wrote:

Hel - Dank counter fighters

so a super thats totally useless if you fit smartbombs on all your supers in fleet

Im failing to see how extra speed on the fighters makes it less useful than any other fighters when it comes to smartbombs?
Soleil Fournier
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#64 - 2016-04-01 02:13:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Soleil Fournier
Nyx issues aside, the hulls are looking really good and are making a ton of sense within the rebalance. The design had been solid and im excited for the future of capitals

The hull bonuses to projectors, plates, and warp core strength are right where they need to be and are balanced in my opinion.

Some suggestions for all hulls:

Fighter bays are too small. You're adding a ton of fighter options. Can barely fit one flight of 3 squads for each type, much less any replacements.They are destructible after all and fights tend to last a while.

Command link bonuses would make a little more sense if there were command links for drones/fighters. Nudge nudge. And hardwire implants for drones/fighters would be cool too since there aren't any at the moment.

EW resists at 50% seem a bit weak, a single T2 Web will really hurt. Sieged dreads get 80%. 75% for supers seems appropriate.

Fuel bays need a size increase if projectors use fuel.

Jump range increase as mentioned before. The 5 LY is excruciating. The range can increase without projection returning due to fatigue mechanics.
Giuseppe R Raimondo
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2016-04-01 02:45:06 UTC
Mr Grape Drink wrote:
Giuseppe R Raimondo wrote:
Mr Grape Drink wrote:

Hel - Dank counter fighters

so a super thats totally useless if you fit smartbombs on all your supers in fleet

Im failing to see how extra speed on the fighters makes it less useful than any other fighters when it comes to smartbombs?

i am saying that having the hel has the role of counter fighters is useless because other supers will easily kill enemy fighters with smartbombs wih out having to give up dps
Archeras Umangiar
Snuffed Out
#66 - 2016-04-01 05:38:51 UTC
LEAVE THE HEL AS IT IS YOU PEOPLES!.... its gud like that.... plz dont break thnx (maybe velocity factor instead of the range? :D)
Anthar Thebess
#67 - 2016-04-01 08:01:26 UTC
This apply both to Carriers and motherships.

Why making all ships flat?
Instead of this make them unique in the role.
- Give NYX much bigger dps boost
- Make HEL fighters travel much much faster
- AEON can be king of armor tank, but go into direction of maxing out raw hit points not resist ( yes Slaves should affect this even more, get dank tank but at very big cost).
- WYVERN make it most resistant to all kind of ewar. (If race specialize in ewar, it know also how to defend again it).

I don't expect that any of above will be considered.....

After the changes gaps are smaller, but again bigger ehp and better resist profile is better than bit bigger dps, especially when you have additional slot that allow you to reduce the gap while still geting more EHP.

CCP consider at least removing basic resist bonus and replace it with additional bonus to plates and extenders.
Aeon and Wyvern can keep current EHP levels, but they will lose huge bonus to remote reps that NYX and Wyven are missing.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#68 - 2016-04-01 08:08:40 UTC
LakeEnd wrote:
The Hels area of effect ewar bonus is useless, fleets usually focus fire on single targets and thus area of effect on target painter is by far weaker than other supers have. Please could you consider changing it to the other minmatar racial "ewar" ie. stasis webbing?

Think on target painting groups that are about to be bombed.......
Anthar Thebess
#69 - 2016-04-01 09:01:56 UTC
Droping a hel, on enemy fleet because it will be bombed is not a real option.
Any super will be able to use this module, but some will just have bonus to cycle time.

What i will mount on my super, super OP mothership class dictor bubble or a aoe target painter that i have bonus ....
Nope, dictor bubble wins.
Luscius Uta
#70 - 2016-04-01 09:53:58 UTC
CCP Larrikin wrote:

  • Cargo Bay: 1650m3

  • RIP 1337 Aeon Cry

    Workarounds are not bugfixes.

    Emerson Bo
    Republic Military School
    Minmatar Republic
    #71 - 2016-04-01 09:54:28 UTC
    Any news re rorquals coming in this round of cap updates?
    Rek Seven
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #72 - 2016-04-01 09:59:46 UTC
    Where is the thread for dreads? They need some serious work from what is see on sisi.
    Strata Maslav
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #73 - 2016-04-01 10:49:05 UTC
    Anthar Thebess wrote:
    Droping a hel, on enemy fleet because it will be bombed is not a real option.
    Any super will be able to use this module, but some will just have bonus to cycle time.

    What i will mount on my super, super OP mothership class dictor bubble or a aoe target painter that i have bonus ....
    Nope, dictor bubble wins.

    The new AoE DDs are tied to sig.

    I imagine these will stack as well.
    Rivr Luzade
    Coreli Corporation
    Pandemic Legion
    #74 - 2016-04-01 11:13:36 UTC
    Mizhir wrote:
    Removal Tool wrote:
    Not sure if the slot layout on the Aeon is correct.

    16 total versus 18 for all the other non sansha supers

    Well the Aeon is only half a hull anyways. So it makes sense that it has less slots.

    The Aeon is a perfect ship for proper fleet placement and movement. What capsuleers call fleet placement and movement is just rubbish. I truly hope that CCP keeps that in mind when they every redesign the Aeon so that it does not lose its ability to function as a fortress wall on the field behind which damaged vessels find shelter and can be repaired without being bothered or harassed by enemy ships.

    UI Improvement Collective

    My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

    Kieron VonDeux
    #75 - 2016-04-01 11:47:28 UTC
    Mr Grape Drink wrote:
    Swap the % bonus on the Hel? Let their specialty be counter fighters and frigs types with really fast fighters and that web bonus.

    Let the Nyx keep that dank 10% damage with bonus tank where it would stick its fighters in the the "brawler" role.

    Everybody gets their dank.

    Aeon - Dank armor tank
    Wyvern - Dank shield tank
    Hel - Dank counter fighters
    Nyx - Dank brawlers

    Why must the Nyx always be the best at nearly everything? The best armor tank and the best brawler?

    Why would you ever fly a Aeon if the Nyx has nearly same tank with much better fighter damage?
    Why would you ever fly a Hel if doesn't have nearly the tank as any other Supercarrier? Hello Mr Primary
    Why would you fly a Wyvern when you don't have a tank that nearly every one else has?

    You wouldn't.

    Aeon - Dank Tank and nothing else worth mentioning
    Wyvern - Dank Tank that no one else uses.. pre patch that is.
    Hel - Dank Nothing... Well except killing Subcaps somewhat better, if your fighters don't run out of gas.
    Nyx - Dank Tank and Dank Fighter Damage...

    What do you fly?

    Anthar Thebess
    #76 - 2016-04-01 12:11:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
    It is all about making all supers useful.
    At current stats only super you want to have is Aeon or Wyvern.
    They outmatch Nyx and Hel.

    For me they should not be the same but designed in a way that bigger fleet should require all of them, or at least other of the same tank type.
    Harvey James
    The Sengoku Legacy
    #77 - 2016-04-01 13:21:38 UTC
    excessive bonuses anyone? .. .still not adding the supercarrier skillbook then? .. HP amounts + hp bonuses too extenders/plates are just odd.

    T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

    ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

    Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

    Justin Cody
    War Firm
    #78 - 2016-04-01 14:29:44 UTC
    ccp you can solve this my simply removing supers and titans from the game. Suddenly balance is achieved.
    Horde Armada
    Pandemic Horde
    #79 - 2016-04-01 18:21:53 UTC
    1.) Will the currently existing Fighters and Fighter Bombers just be converted 1 to 1 to the new Light and Heavy Fighters with the same name?
    This would mean a huge loss for every existing cap pilot as the current build cost are much higher and in future more fighters of the same type are required for comparable performance. Looking on SiSi build cost, I would expect 4-6 new fighters for one old fighter.

    2.) Will BPOs for the new fighter models get seeded earlier as the release itself?
    Archeras Umangiar
    Snuffed Out
    #80 - 2016-04-01 20:44:10 UTC
    Sooo looking at align times specificly.... how is the Nyx more agile than the Hel, sorry but that make little to no sense for me...

    have some differing stats really, the align time being EXACTLY the same for the aeon and the wyvern... comn ccp...