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First Maxed Eve account.

First post
Ranger Industries
The Rogue Consortium
#21 - 2016-02-14 10:19:07 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
PsiMin wrote:
Lathael wrote:
This destroys a lot for me. Ouch.

Can someone do the math for me and tell me how much that costs?

Thx in advance *sigh*

CCP has destroyed this game as its now P2W

yawn so ironbank is officiallly the strongest and most elite character in the game, undefeatable because he paid to win and nobody is as high ranked as him because thats what pay2win is right?

its not winning its just epeen, nothing more, showing off how he has so much isk to be able to do pointless things

there will be a lot more chars if not already as in the huge corps / alliances 2 trillion isk is pocket change for them, but even 100-300B it will give a huge boost to chars, it spoils the whole dynamics of the game I feel, there will be no new chars as they can instantly jump 500k SP per injector now

Daniela Doran
#22 - 2016-02-14 10:23:05 UTC
So finally you people are starting to get it...sigh.

BTW, he won't be the only one to do this.
#23 - 2016-02-14 10:29:41 UTC
Something fishy is going on with that site. What's up with the character's DoB and time onlne etc.? Daily average online time is 21 days - you what mate?
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#24 - 2016-02-14 10:29:46 UTC
This shi.t is broken beyond repair.

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

State War Academy
Caldari State
#25 - 2016-02-14 10:33:37 UTC
So does he get the no skill in training warning everytime he logs in now ?
If yes, that's a good reason not to max skills, would get really annoying after a while.
Barrett Fruitcake
#26 - 2016-02-14 10:35:23 UTC
I once thought is was amazing that it would take 20-30 years to train all this skills in this game.

I think something has been lost....

Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#27 - 2016-02-14 10:40:32 UTC
so that's it, you people think he won eve now?

so what will he be doing next? he'll start slaughtering fleets? flipping systems? solo incursions? crash the economy? capture sovs? crush the goons atleast? lead the anti-gankers?

well, i hope he'll do something really, really, really spectacular and impressive or else this is gonna be veeeeeery disappointing...

Just Add Water

#28 - 2016-02-14 10:42:24 UTC
And will he undock? If he does, loads of us will want his corpse, and if he doesn't, think of how many unused SP that represents.

A cheaper way to always be primaried is to roll an alt called '4aron Aardvark', surely?
Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2016-02-14 10:43:40 UTC
Nat Silverguard wrote:
so that's it, you people think he won eve now?

so what will he be doing next? he'll start slaughtering fleets? flipping systems? solo incursions? crash the economy? capture sovs? crush the goons atleast? lead the anti-gankers?

well, i hope he'll do something really, really, really spectacular and impressive or else this is gonna be veeeeeery disappointing...

probably get banned for trying to rmt his account because he ruined his own game, infinite isk and full skills, he done an endgame and has nothing left to play for, usually what happens in real p2w games

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Big Lynx
#30 - 2016-02-14 10:57:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Big Lynx
Admiral Mason wrote:
NUBIARN wrote:
incredibly he has astronautics science skill which I thought no more existed, be interesting if chribba verified this is a genuine API.

The guy did it all on stream. He's still streaming.
Not gonna link it though because this guy seems so sketchy. (RMT)

He is RMTing with very smart and well-thought method ccp can't retrace. I guess he makes roughly 100k per year, like Somer did once.

RIP Eve btw
#31 - 2016-02-14 10:57:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Avvy
It has ruined the goal of those that where aiming for maximum skills doing it the old way.

But for most I doubt it has ruined the game. What's the point in having all the skills where you won't even use them all. Probably about a 1/3 of the skills I probably will never train or have any intention of training.


Actually he hasn't ruined the goal, as someone would have done it.

The decision from CCP to not put a limit on their use is what has ruined those peoples goals.
#32 - 2016-02-14 11:01:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Avvy
Big Lynx wrote:
Admiral Mason wrote:
NUBIARN wrote:
incredibly he has astronautics science skill which I thought no more existed, be interesting if chribba verified this is a genuine API.

The guy did it all on stream. He's still streaming.
Not gonna link it though because this guy seems so sketchy. (RMT)

He is RMTing with very smart and well-thought method ccp can't retrace. I guess he makes roughly 100k per year, like Somer did once.

RIP Eve btw

Well if he was smart enough to get away with it (not that I'm saying he has done anything outside the EULA) then it's unlikely he would be dumb enough to make himself the centre of attraction.
#33 - 2016-02-14 11:02:48 UTC
NUBIARN wrote:
incredibly he has astronautics science skill which I thought no more existed, be interesting if chribba verified this is a genuine API.

the funny thing is he has all 4 faux skills for 14mil sp that will be reallocated in the march patch according to latest dev blog !!

He bought the book for 49B
Andrew Space
#34 - 2016-02-14 11:06:32 UTC
aw man thats a lot of sp.. Shocked
Big Lynx
#35 - 2016-02-14 11:14:23 UTC
On the other hand I am glad that IronBank demonstrated this level of absurdity. It shows the radical change of CCP's CRM for more profit and the painful sacrifice of a USP and kind of magical feature of EvE Online. It all has a bitter and strange taste.... Eve Online quo vadis?
Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2016-02-14 11:19:41 UTC
Yeah, this whole thing with injectors has made me sad. I feel the same way I did when I first heard about injectors. I was for the idea of SP being remapped locally within a single character for a fee when that was proposed... then that idea manifested itself in to what we see today. Cry

Of course, I must take the good with the bad if I continue to play. The bright side is that the SP come from somewhere, and at a degraded amount.... and eventually the harvest will be reaped, and the price of SP will inflate, etc, etc.

What I have trouble understanding is why anyone was for this, especially the ones who have invested countless days queuing skills over the course of many years. Why were they so supportive? It obviously wasn't the Isk they would make selling their SP, since most are filthy spacerich anyway. Not even mad really, just haven't excepted reality yet... Ugh

Drops Mic

#37 - 2016-02-14 11:20:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Cometopappa
I'm gaining extra sp a much cheaper way. Around 15 of my alts who don't need SP any more are just training spaceship command skils with 32 per/26 willpower and then extracting that SP to make injectors to go on my main :D

Meanwhile my main focuses training on skills my attributes are set to and injects mostly skills they are not.
Bellanea Rajanir
Obolka Kin
#38 - 2016-02-14 11:21:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Bellanea Rajanir
Eh people.

You are arguing game changed here. What if I have Skills to fly perfectly with Merlin? Does it make me worse than him in flying merlin? This amount of skillpoints isnt synonymous with anything what one could consider having fun. Its only a boasting that you have more ISK or SP than someone else, purely for recognition purposes.

Ask someone who extracted SP because he did not needed them so much, how he is doing. Not the guy who injected everything there is to ISK sink and SP sink.

I would like to see if he can do that again, just with his alt, and alts alt, so he can "win" even more. Lol

Things just are different, but not bad, just different.

It was a day when the forum post became sentient

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2016-02-14 11:23:46 UTC
"I haven't got enough isk to do this, thus it is pay to win and I disagree with this mechanic, eve is dying" - Every eve player that can't buy a maxed character
Dawny Star
Mount Othrys
Brave Collective
#40 - 2016-02-14 11:25:09 UTC
I'd really like to hear a Dev. viewpoint on this, a lot of Dev's are ex-players and I can't imagine this was what they had in mind for this service?

Some possible restrictions you could add to the service.

1. After 100 Mil SP, you can only extract or move your SP you cannot not inject more.

2. You can only inject a hard cap amount of SP per Month

Also, please let us nuke the injects skill books (if we desire) for skills we've stripped... there's still evidence I used to be able to mine on my character sheet!