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Hyperdunking removal

Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-10-08 15:11:08 UTC
Seriously? You are removing a tactic that can literally be fuily countered by a single T1 logi frigate, any form of last locking dps or... basically any kind of actual effort to save a ship at all?
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#2 - 2015-10-08 16:19:56 UTC
I should add furthermore that this is not just a nerf to hyperdunking, boarding in space is used for podding logged off characters and pulling individual CONCORD squads in systems which previously had many squads spawned.
Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#3 - 2015-10-08 16:22:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Arya Regnar
*Not very nice* CCP, you have been shitting on creative styles of gameplay for the last 4 years and now you start with the removal of ganking?

Let's see you keep those damn subscriptions up after there nothing at all happening in highsec and everyone is just farming incursions not interacting with anybody.

More fun timers, *no you can't do anything for the next 15 minutes*

Jump timers
Wormhole rolling

It all makes eve less constant and brings in the necessity of other games to fill in the void, eventually you will have players just stop playing it all together.

Hyperdunking didn't need a nerf because there are at least 10 hardcounters to it.

The result of removal of it will be everyone who has been doing their thing with a friend or two joining CODE. or Miniluv and spite ganking everything.

On the long term we will just leave this game because it's been going to hell for a while now.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Romana Erebus
Syndicate Enterprise
Sigma Grindset
#4 - 2015-10-08 16:33:30 UTC
I don't think you guys realize CCP isn't afraid of losing subscribers because they make changes to the game. You can be sure for every person who rage quits over a change a player who previously rage quit will resub. It's been that way forever. So you can unsub if you want I'm guessing for every 1 of you that unsub CCP gets 2 resubs back over this change.
Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#5 - 2015-10-08 16:48:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Arya Regnar
This change in itself isn't removing ganking, it's only removing a small segment of people who could apply their numbers well and were completely preventable.

Also you probably don't realize that highsec without any risk will get so tediously boring that people will have nothing left to do and when they get bored of mining missions and incursions they will just quit eve.

With no chaotic elements sandbox isn't a sandbox it's just a theme park.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Tisiphone Dira
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-10-08 16:59:03 UTC
Gotta protect those who won't make any effort to protect themselves, that's the eve philosophy right?

There once was a ganker named tisi

A stunningly beautiful missy

To gank a gross miner

There is nothing finer, cept when they get all pissy

Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#7 - 2015-10-08 17:44:56 UTC
What you refer to as a "Tactic" is a "Loophole" to the Devs. They merely fixed the loophole.
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#8 - 2015-10-08 17:55:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Masao Kurata
It's a tactic that anyone is free to employ... except for gankers. It's also a sudden reversal of their official opinion from January.
Irregular Apocalypse
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2015-10-08 19:32:43 UTC
The main thing that needs fixing is the way that concord will protect a ship that is tackling another ship (i.e. the bumping mach). The bumping mach is being aggressive, yet if you use the normal solution (shooting it), concord will **** you up then give the machariel pilot a killright for good measure! No idea how to fix bumping without breaking other parts of the game though, so better to leave it in than do a bad fix that has consequences elsewhere.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#10 - 2015-10-08 19:35:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
I find it funny that people, CFC and CODE in particular, complain about the removal of hyperdunking, while insisting on and proclaiming that people should socialize and play together to achieve things -- things that hyperdunking, which can be done by 1 player (with several characters) alone. The hypocrisy is strong in CFCODE.

The subscription argument is particularly hilarious in this regard as no hyperdunking means necessity for more characters to get a proper gank fleet going, which necessitates more subs. Gankers never fail to amaze me.

Arya Regnar wrote:
Also you probably don't realize that highsec without any risk will get so tediously boring that people will have nothing left to do and when they get bored of mining missions and incursions they will just quit eve.

With no chaotic elements sandbox isn't a sandbox it's just a theme park.

Arguably, Null sec is more boring than High sec. Currently, High sec is a lot more interesting in terms of action than Null sec (even where I live, imagine the north). If this change made more people go at least to low sec to find some action they cannot any more in High sec, the game at large is helped a lot. Or if those people not being able to gank alone anymore to go back to Null sec and populate Null sec again, the game is also helped. If this contributes to bring back more chaos character by character to Null sec instead of having the chaos focused on High sec, the game at large is helped a lot.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2015-10-09 11:18:53 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
Masao Kurata wrote:
It's a tactic that anyone is free to employ... except for gankers. It's also a sudden reversal of their official opinion from January.

Because never have they changed their minds before.

entosis ceptors
garage door cynos
titan bowling (both types)
e-warp bumping to catch supers on login.

They were all also fine, until they were not.

I could go on, but you get the point.
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#12 - 2015-10-09 17:32:42 UTC
afkalt wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:
It's a tactic that anyone is free to employ... except for gankers. It's also a sudden reversal of their official opinion from January.

Because never have they changed their minds before.

entosis ceptors
garage door cynos
titan bowling (both types)
e-warp bumping to catch supers on login.

They were all also fine, until they were not.

I could go on, but you get the point.

CCP Falcon wrote:
Due to the fact no rules are being broken and any ship that is involved in a criminal act is being destroyed by CONCORD as intended, that this tactic is simply an unintended but legitimate use of new game mechanics, and is not in breach of the rules.

Again, CCP stated that it was a loophole in the rules and mechanics that they did not anticipate.
#13 - 2015-10-09 19:32:03 UTC
Your tears are absolutely divine, like a fine fine wine, rolling down your cheeks until they flow down the river of LOL

GM Guard > I must ask you not to use the petition option like this again but i personally would finish the chicken sandwich first so it won´t go to waste. The spaghetti will keep and you can use it the next time you get hungry. Best regards.

Azedi Zucow
Kybernauts Clade
#14 - 2015-10-12 19:03:35 UTC
Ah finally, how bliss, they finally did it. Been hating on your work for a bit CCP but this is long overdue, GG. Don't forget to get the tear jar ready, you could make a fortune.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#15 - 2015-10-13 05:17:53 UTC
Irregular Apocalypse wrote:
The main thing that needs fixing is the way that concord will protect a ship that is tackling another ship (i.e. the bumping mach). The bumping mach is being aggressive, yet if you use the normal solution (shooting it), concord will **** you up then give the machariel pilot a killright for good measure! No idea how to fix bumping without breaking other parts of the game though, so better to leave it in than do a bad fix that has consequences elsewhere.

This has little to do with the topic but you could always you know bump the mack
ThisandThat Whatever
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2015-10-15 20:50:20 UTC
There's still high sec can flipping, ninja salvaging... you know.
CODE could become the successors of Rooks&Kings - i can certainly imagine them being highly successful.
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#17 - 2015-10-16 13:11:24 UTC
ThisandThat Whatever wrote:
There's still high sec can flipping, ninja salvaging... you know.

You cannot force someone to shoot you and the majority of carebears never will no matter what, because they are carebears. This is irrelevant to the discussion of ganking mechanics.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2015-10-19 10:03:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Edriahn
Rivr Luzade wrote:

With no chaotic elements sandbox isn't a sandbox it's just a theme park.
Arguably, Null sec is more boring than High sec. Currently, High sec is a lot more interesting in terms of action than Null sec (even where I live, imagine the north). If this change made more people go at least to low sec to find some action they cannot any more in High sec, the game at large is helped a lot. Or if those people not being able to gank alone anymore to go back to Null sec and populate Null sec again, the game is also helped. If this contributes to bring back more chaos character by character to Null sec instead of having the chaos focused on High sec, the game at large is helped a lot.

You actually got something going there buddy.
How about I raise your bet? Instead of depriving players of ingenious ways to have fun in high-sec, so they're forced to live in 0.0, why not put some f*ckin effort into making 0.0 an interesting place.

For some people, hyperdunking is just a way of showing useless carebears and moonminers stuck in 0.0 that even though they have 10,000 guys guarding them while they run anomalies with their supercarriers or mine their 100 R64 moons, they can still lose and get hurt.

All this crying about hyperdunking hurting the little guy, the poor and defenseless freighter pilot just trying to make a living is BS. They wanna feel safe while carrying 10b of moongoo or the modules for their Officer-fitted Golem, they should ask one of their corp or ally mates to come along. Or just use an alt, not like they can't afford it. As already stated, there are 10 different way sto counter hyperdunking.

[20:46:05] Komahal > pl is cancer

Faylee Freir
Slavers Union
Something Really Pretentious
#19 - 2015-10-20 17:50:36 UTC
Still waiting on CCP to comment on this.
Old and Petrified Syndication
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#20 - 2015-10-21 03:38:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Petrified
TheMercenaryKing wrote:
afkalt wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:
It's a tactic that anyone is free to employ... except for gankers. It's also a sudden reversal of their official opinion from January.

Because never have they changed their minds before.

entosis ceptors
garage door cynos
titan bowling (both types)
e-warp bumping to catch supers on login.

They were all also fine, until they were not.

I could go on, but you get the point.

CCP Falcon wrote:
Due to the fact no rules are being broken and any ship that is involved in a criminal act is being destroyed by CONCORD as intended, that this tactic is simply an unintended but legitimate use of new game mechanics, and is not in breach of the rules.

Again, CCP stated that it was a loophole in the rules and mechanics that they did not anticipate.

By that reasoning we should expect CCP to remove all anchored POSes from moons in wormhole space to restore it to a day trip environment.

Use of loopholes in EVE certainly makes EVE more interesting and diverse... but just because it can be used and provides entertainment, does not mean that we should expect it to remain there. On the flip side, CCP allowing loopholes to remain in game is also a good thing.

It was not breaking a mechanic in the game to anchor a POS in wormhole space for the purpose of living there - just unexpected. It was not breaking a mechanic in the game to use skynet or garage door cynos - it was just unexpected as well. Hyperdunking was not a game breaking mechanic - just unexpected.

Some things remained in game. Others did not. I was disappointed that garage door cynos were nuked. But I enjoy this game for other reasons. Hyperdunking is simply solo ganking as an extreme sport. Ganking is still ok in EVE and if you like it, keep doing it. You just can't hyperdunk anymore.

Is it something to quit EVE over? Well, if Hyperdunking was your raison d'ĂȘtre then yes, you should leave EVE. Otherwise know that Hyperdunking is pretty new and short lived compared to other loopholes that survived in game for years before being removed.

Cloaking is the closest thing to a "Pause Game" button one can get while in space.

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