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Carnyx release - General feedback

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Willco Inc.
#1621 - 2015-06-15 05:54:45 UTC
It's been some time and the vast majority have asked for the option - at least - to undo these horrid new icons. Where is it?

CSM - where are YOU in all this? Cowards... at at the very least non-representative. Shock.
Sullen Bear
Arctic Spirit
#1622 - 2015-06-15 06:26:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Sullen Bear
IMO it is not possible to get used to new icons because they are not new mechanic or new ability. New icons broke our ability to distinguish player ships, NPC ships and structures. Does not matter how much time we will endure this broken mechanic - it still broken. The only way to repair it is return to simple logic - equal icons for all player ships, anothe equal icons for all NPC, oh, you know how it must look. Like perfect old icons.
"Old icons does not allow to distinguish cruisers and battlecruisers". OK, with new icons we IN THEORY can do it. So what? How can it help me? Battlecruisers is more dangerouse than cruisers? Or cruisers more dangerouse? Eagle at 100 km is dangerouse, drake is not. So cruisers are more dangerouse? But stop, naga at 100 km is dangerouse, omen is not. So battlecruisers are more dangerouse?
This was simplified example, only for guys who have never played EVE. The reality is much more complicated. In PvP nobody care about ship class. We need (from icons) only first quick classification - this is player, this is wreck, this is structure, this is drone. Thats all.
PS: please, NEVER disable old system map. New map unsuitable and I seriously affraid it never will be. Old system map is almost perfect, because it work, because it work fast, and because it contain ONLY usable information. This is base rules how to create perfect instrument. New map is something completely different, like new icons. It is not work, it is not work fast, and it contain unusable graphic stuff.
Lara Divinity
Pidgeon Cartel
#1623 - 2015-06-15 07:00:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Lara Divinity
Patch Notes for Carnyx
2015-06-11 11:36
Patch notes for Carnyx 1.5

Released on Thursday, June 11, 2015


Fixed the tracking camera moving erratically when the new map is docked, and made various other small improvements to the general functionality of the tracking camera.

the tracking camera is not fixed undo these changes!!!
i dont use the new map n the camera still moves eradiocally where ever it wants
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1624 - 2015-06-15 09:14:12 UTC

CCP please reply to your employers
John Lawyer
#1625 - 2015-06-15 09:14:26 UTC

Sry, did not read all the 80 pages - did someone mentioned that new icons are ... bad?
If no - I can confirm - they are bad. Really.

Main problem for me - I cannot differentiate meaningful groups of objects: player ships, NPC ships and other stuff (i call it Misc. as my overview tab).

Also, as for icon's design...

New ones has many curves and lines now (which complifies its transcription greatly) - old ones had less (but still enough to differentiate)= squares and crosses.

I think, new design will win with this minimalistic approach - player would concentrate more on gameplay than on 'icons reading', IMHO.

Many carebears has the most beautiful and iconic symbol hardprinted in their subconciousness - "Red-Big-Fat-Cross-NPC-Battleship-Yeah!"
If you ruin it - how much efforts should be put to form a new one? Is this sacrifice is really worth?

C'mon, guys, my hope is still alive ;)
Natya Mebelle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1626 - 2015-06-15 09:16:04 UTC
Eraza wrote:
*snippety snip*

So there was certainly room for improvement.. however this system, I really cant call an improvement.
Several of my ingame friends stopped logging in at the patch, and the rest don't have anything positive to say about the icons.

In the end, the "dont fix it if it's not broken" is something CCP needs to consider for their last year of patches.
There have been a LOT of those small "improvement" patches, many of which did not actually IMPROVE the thing in question.
Then CCP ignore feedback, declare success no matter what, and move on to "improve" the next thing.

I snipped the part where you explained how the difference between extenders and plates is there, and is bad. While I was never questioning that and I'm totally on board with you there, it sure was good to have another detailed look on it c:
It is also very interesting how diverse Eve is, because I wasn't talking about big fleet activities either and thought you were :D Because the small engagements I know are mostly armor. But again, this is how different people play eve, which is a good thing!

And yes, this is what it all boils down to, as I mentioned before. The intention was well meant, but the priorities were skewed and the outcome left wanting. Things started out good for the first two patches or so for the rapid deployment schedule, but then more and more issues came along.

Dangeresque Too wrote:
But we will still run into the same core issue, they would only use that longer lead time for the really big feature changes, not the little things like icons. They would still wait until just before the intended patch to work on them and/or release them for testing.

What they SHOULD be doing with the 6 week release cycles is working on each feature/change for a long time before their intended release patch. They should be spending the time during all the previous patches (for example for a June release, Jan, Feb, Mar, April, May) working on the feature that will be released in June. Instead they seem to be waiting until after the May patch to start working on June features, or maybe at best only giving themselves a one patch lead time and starting in April.

*snip because it's the same as above*
You wrote quality stuff before in this topic, but what happened here? You claim things as fact which you simply have no idea about. Do you sit in the office of CCP ? Do you know if they squeeze in small things with large updates? No, you don't. You talk about what they should do, but who says they are not doing that already? Only because the result is broken does not mean they haven't been working on it for all that time. Also, if you have checked the updates website, you would have seen how the plans for future releases have been carved for quite some time, but this update schedule had less and less glimpse on future content as the patches went on. So there was very well development planned ahead. They sure spent their effort, but it isn't always coming out as good as we want to, which is certainly showing more and more as the release schedule keeps being on a tight leash.

Makkuro Tatsu wrote:
The new release cadence is fine. Greater release intervals would result in a much reduced flexibility, making it harder to fix problems, introduce new features or alter existing ones. People who are unfamiliar with professional software development might disagree, but I am working in this business for more than 20 years and know exactly what I am talking about.
And the next one. Do you sit in the CCP office and can tell if the developers are not hard pressed and need to push out half-finished products BECAUSE of the fast update schedule and because they simply don't have enough time to flesh them out properly? No, you don't. And only because you work for 20 years in the "software development" which is a pretty ambiguous and broad term doesn't mean your company relates to CCP or any other similar company.

Joia Crenca wrote:
Right, it's not necessarily the cadence, but the 'maturity' of the change that's the problem. If it's not ready, it's not ready.

Was no effort made to have a roll back plan, based on the strong possibility that the testing group on Singularity was correct about the playerbase issues with this icon set?
THIS is a much more accurate depiction of the problem.

Even if we disregard the difficulties to adapt to a fast paced content schedule when there is not enough content ready to be delivered and even if we disregard the obvious presence of half-finished products, the mentality to work on this is clearly showing a lack of adaptability. Even if we disregard the possibility of management pushing half finished products instead of throwing in the brakes to get it right, it still looks fishy.

Something obviously is wrong but we cannot say for sure what it is.
What if the developers wanted to listen to the feedback, but management said "nope" ?
What if the developers were confident with the update schedule at first, but it turned out it was too much to keep up with and now there is an internal fight between the development teams and management?
What if the developers had a skewed view on what is going on in the game and their ideas on how to improve it were actually counter-productive, and now they have to face the consequences for possibly driving the company down?

We simply don't know.
All we can do is wait for official statements that explain what happened, similar to what was going on with Incarna. And of course, we can keep our feedback rolling while others cancel their subscriptions. Those are the only two things that will really matter in the end.
Arline Kley
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#1627 - 2015-06-15 10:45:06 UTC
I attempted to instigate some pvp over the weekend - the icon set has pretty much made me decide to sit in station.

Seriously, CCP, i know the old icon set wasn't exactly perfect (transport ships having the BS icon for example) but at least we understood the minor foibles of the system. Currently its exceptionally difficult to see what each icon is meant to represent. The ISIS icons would be still be damn sight better than the pictographs that are in use now which make an Ork glyph look like a Monet..

Under the old system, i actually understood what sort of ship (ish) i was facing - this set, i now need to "get" a method of artistic methodology which means *nothing* to me. I actually abandoned using the icons for that reason during my PvP and have resorted to minimising it and using the ship class as my identifier now...

"For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." - Father Grigori, Ravens 3:57

Sophia Mileghere
Scandium Defense and Security Inc.
Sleeper Protocol
#1628 - 2015-06-15 12:08:37 UTC
Still no patch for the icons and no new comment here in this post.

1) What was the opinion of our elected representatives (CSM) who do not log in here to speak?

2) What happens now with the icons? Will there be a choice between old and new?

CCP or one of the CSM-Members: Give us some good news, please.
Hard Carnt
Barney Gumble Combat Club
End of Life
#1629 - 2015-06-15 12:20:46 UTC
I have been logging in the lasr few days after 6 months hiatus.have to say Ui
I changes- not good ATM. However there is an area where i can see it with refinement becoming usable. Thrusti g this interface upon new players is kind of like just happening to be a civilian in stalingrad in the early to mid forties... what is going on look at that im dead. I do see pote tial for it with experie ced players that can customise it for specific purposes. I wanna grind some missions in hjghsec, fine i might use the advanced interface for wahyever reason. Im in a large engagement of some sort? I just wanna know what i can shoot at and what i can warp to - 'legacy' overview it is. Where i can see real potential for it is as a customizable option for solo pvp. I do however think it needs to be customizable, and the option of the old interface to be used when needed so as players don't have to spend the next 7years of the life at ccp university getting doctorates in overview icon identification.
Cheers HC
Shai'd Hulud
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1630 - 2015-06-15 12:33:13 UTC


1- New Icons
2- Bad quality of Golem skins (basic skin and Kaalakiota skin)
3- Camera and option "Turn Tracking Camera = On"

Thank's for fast answer.... lol........and good day to you!
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1631 - 2015-06-15 14:43:11 UTC
No changes, no subscription. Pirate
Makkuro Tatsu
Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure
#1632 - 2015-06-15 15:13:37 UTC
Natya Mebelle wrote:
Do you sit in the CCP office and can tell if the developers are not hard pressed and need to push out half-finished products BECAUSE of the fast update schedule and because they simply don't have enough time to flesh them out properly? No, you don't.

I don't need to. Inexperienced (in terms of software development) people tend to confuse the possibility of releasing fixes/changes frequently with the necessity of introducing new features frequently. A team can release what was finished in a sprint (I prefer the term iteration) and maintain a backlog of unfinished work for future iterations in a Scrum-like process much more easily than in monolithic releases.

Natya Mebelle wrote:
And only because you work for 20 years in the "software development" which is a pretty ambiguous and broad term doesn't mean your company relates to CCP or any other similar company.

Should I ever feel the need for (or even the slightest interest in) your blessing for anything I do, very successfully, I'll be sure to let you know. Smile
Dino Zavr
Shadow Owls
#1633 - 2015-06-15 15:36:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Dino Zavr
Dear CCP,

It is not my habit to post at forum, however the current situation with game UI urges to discuss it.
I have started playing EVE Online roughly two years ago and participated in “little things” voting, which made me think that you still care about players community.

What happens now is really sad. And I do apologize for being not polite.
“GUI Modernization” initiative went wrong. In my understanding the root of problem is that new map and overview designers, probably, do not care much about results and their acceptance. Also the phrase “Quality Control” sounds like a mockery for me, because at 90% UI scale new icons are the complete mess and just one this fact alone was enough reason to prevent their deployment to TQ.

The new overview is “fancy”. Too excessive and hard to distinguish glyphs. As EVE Online is mostly PVP game I'd prefer more minimalistic approach: to be able to immediately distinguish player's ships, NPCs and celestials at a single look. This worked good with old icons and doesn't work at all with the new ones. Even after a week they were implemented.

Generally speaking, many new UI improvements were not for better:

1) Jump animation
Please, make it optional, like camera shake. Of course, it deserves “wow!s” at Fanfest, but each every day I make dozens of gate jumps and it causes only negative mood. I'd like to remind you that on many concert DVDs there is a warning printed “contains stroboscopic effects”, as not 100% of people like watching flashing vertigo. Please, make alternative in graphics options: fade in to black – fade out.

2) Neokom
Old neokom was more compact and more informative. New icons are simply worse.

3) Damage control icon
I have absolutely no idea why it was so necessary to change it.

4) Map
The only advantage of new map is that it can be windowed. All the rest are disadvantages. While scanning with the old map it was perfectly clear where POSes are located and manipulating probes was also easier. Please, do not remove old map.

5) Brackets and icons. They are excessive and inefficient. Please make them optional like a new map.

As far as I understand making simple things “prettier” is the wrong priority. Revolutionary changes are required to break something old inefficient and to build something more useful. Denying old features noone ever complained about and replacing them with less usable stuff is the mistake. Can you, please, set usability as the main priority for “UI modernization” rather than “fancier look”.

The “red crosses” are already eponymic, please, bring them back ASAP.

Lara Divinity
Pidgeon Cartel
#1634 - 2015-06-15 16:00:31 UTC
Dino Zavr wrote:
Dear CCP,

It is not my habit to post at forum, however the current situation with game UI urges to discuss it.
I have started playing EVE Online roughly two years ago and participated in “little things” voting, which made me think that you still care about players community.

What happens now is really sad. And I do apologize for being not polite.
“GUI Modernization” initiative went wrong. In my understanding the root of problem is that new map and overview designers, probably, do not care much about results and their acceptance. Also the phrase “Quality Control” sounds like a mockery for me, because at 90% UI scale new icons are the complete mess and just one this fact alone was enough reason to prevent their deployment to TQ.

The new overview is “fancy”. Too excessive and hard to distinguish glyphs. As EVE Online is mostly PVP game I'd prefer more minimalistic approach: to be able to immediately distinguish player's ships, NPCs and celestials at a single look. This worked good with old icons and doesn't work at all with the new ones. Even after a week they were implemented.

Generally speaking, many new UI improvements were not for better:

1) Jump animation
Please, make it optional, like camera shake. Of course, it deserves “wow!s” at Fanfest, but each every day I make dozens of gate jumps and it causes only negative mood. I'd like to remind you that on many concert DVDs there is a warning printed “contains stroboscopic effects”, as not 100% of people like watching flashing vertigo. Please, make alternative in graphics options: fade in to black – fade out.

2) Neokom
Old neokom was more compact and more informative. New icons are simply worse.

3) Damage control icon
I have absolutely no idea why it was so necessary to change it.

4) Map
The only advantage of new map is that it can be windowed. All the rest are disadvantages. While scanning with the old map it was perfectly clear where POSes are located and manipulating probes was also easier. Please, do not remove old map.

5) Brackets and icons. They are excessive and inefficient. Please make them optional like a new map.

As far as I understand making simple things “prettier” is the wrong priority. Revolutionary changes are required to break something old inefficient and to build something more useful. Denying old features noone ever complained about and replacing them with less usable stuff is the mistake. Can you, please, set usability as the main priority for “UI modernization” rather than “fancier look”.

The “red crosses” are already eponymic, please, bring them back ASAP.


do not forget about the tracking camera bug thats been around since the last "FIX"
Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#1635 - 2015-06-15 17:22:52 UTC
X4me1eoH wrote:
new drones icons are very awful, look this screen for 2 second, and say, how many there ships

7. But yeah... I'm not sure how necessary it is for drones to have their own icons. Reverting all drones back to little 'X's would make blobs of brackets read faster. Or at least fill in player ship icons so they are solid shapes, and leave drones hollow maybe.
Torxx Maxx
NemoThrax Mining Inc.
#1636 - 2015-06-15 17:22:53 UTC
CCP has to be reading this thread but why they don't respond is beyond me, the new icons are useless as well as a few other messes posted before me, it's the icons that made me unsub three accounts but the lack of caring for there paying member base is what will most likely keep me from coming back to Eve, I loved the game up to this point even with many other unneeded "fixes" before this but the longer this drags out with no response from CCP about a real fix for the icons (rollback or have them an option) the less I want to be involved with this game.

It looks as though another game will be getting my entertainment dollar very soon as it's a matter of days until all three of my accounts time runs out.
Silver Shield
#1637 - 2015-06-15 21:04:50 UTC
It really is hard to fathom a company that completely ignores the legitimate concerns of a large segment of their customer base. By the time CCP gets around to addressing the issues, so many of us will have left this game (perhaps never to return) and gone to other venues where we are more appreciated.

It occurs to me that IF there were ANY CCP employees who truly cared about this game, one of them would have "leaked" some info to one of the great players who have posted such valid and useful suggestions here, letting the community know what is really going on. The lingering silence suggests that no one inside CCP cares enough about us to level with us or that there is not enough testicular fortitude amongst the staff to induce them to provide such a leak.

As for the CSM - that bunch should be ashamed of itself and the entire group should be disbanded as worthless and ineffective.

And with that, I'll be quiet and let better players than I comment.

Koba Kyogen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1638 - 2015-06-15 21:06:47 UTC
Sophia Mileghere wrote:
Still no patch for the icons and no new comment here in this post.

1) What was the opinion of our elected representatives (CSM) who do not log in here to speak?

2) What happens now with the icons? Will there be a choice between old and new?

CCP or one of the CSM-Members: Give us some good news, please.

For real. Whiskey tango foxtrot, CCP? Give us the option to turn off your "improvements".

CSM - you're terrible. Resign.
Jeven HouseBenyo
Vanity Thy Name Is
#1639 - 2015-06-15 21:23:59 UTC
So, where are the notes from that Dev and CSM meeting of Uberness that was supposed to happen last week?

Where's an official update from CCP about this icon debacle?

You've blown through all your slack, cover, cute credits, and get out of trouble free cards.

You wanted feedback on Sisi about the icons, you got it. Ignored it. This is a general feedback for Carnyx. You got it, you're ignoring it as much as you can, but it's not going away like you're hoping it would. At what point does someone in your shiny glass walled office space frikiken 'man up' to getting rid of this mess in the most painless possible way, giving us the choice to use the old or new icons?

Or is your pride unwilling to back down? We all know what goes before a fall. As a company in the competitive world of MMO's, you should also know what happens when the customer base wanders off due to it's needs not being attended to, and don't come back out of sheer frustration. You had your Incarna, do you really want it in 2.0? I'm sure you won't give much of a damn about two of my accounts no longer active, and this one running out of time at the end of the month. I'll get by if need be in 30 day trials for Eve gaming. That way I don't feel 'scammed' or 'ripped off' since you've made it very clear by your few posts and otherwise silence...

You don't 'need' your player base to expand to new blood, when the alt accounts of the 'bitter vets' can cover your electric bills and payroll.

As for the current CSM. Pitiful. Cowardly. Ineffective. AWOL.

If that's what gets someone a free flight to Iceland now and again, being mostly useless with a membership to the 'cool kids club' of Eve, you can keep it. My integrity is worth more than tourist trips.


Minny boat flyer, unofficial squeaky wheel.

'Game Ethics and Morality Monitor' I remember promises.

Snark at 11-24/7/365.25. Overshare? Yup.

Yes it's my fault. And if you don't staap it I'll do it again. ;-P

No you can't has my stuffs OR my SPs.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1640 - 2015-06-15 21:28:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Delegate
Dino Zavr wrote:
Dear CCP,

It is not my habit to post at forum, however the current situation with game UI urges to discuss it.
I have started playing EVE Online roughly two years ago and participated in “little things” voting, which made me think that you still care about players community.

What happens now is really sad. And I do apologize for being not polite.
“GUI Modernization” initiative went wrong. In my understanding the root of problem is that new map and overview designers, probably, do not care much about results and their acceptance. Also the phrase “Quality Control” sounds like a mockery for me, because at 90% UI scale new icons are the complete mess and just one this fact alone was enough reason to prevent their deployment to TQ.

The new overview is “fancy”. Too excessive and hard to distinguish glyphs. As EVE Online is mostly PVP game I'd prefer more minimalistic approach: to be able to immediately distinguish player's ships, NPCs and celestials at a single look. This worked good with old icons and doesn't work at all with the new ones. Even after a week they were implemented.

Generally speaking, many new UI improvements were not for better:

1) Jump animation
Please, make it optional, like camera shake. Of course, it deserves “wow!s” at Fanfest, but each every day I make dozens of gate jumps and it causes only negative mood. I'd like to remind you that on many concert DVDs there is a warning printed “contains stroboscopic effects”, as not 100% of people like watching flashing vertigo. Please, make alternative in graphics options: fade in to black – fade out.

2) Neokom
Old neokom was more compact and more informative. New icons are simply worse.

3) Damage control icon
I have absolutely no idea why it was so necessary to change it.

4) Map
The only advantage of new map is that it can be windowed. All the rest are disadvantages. While scanning with the old map it was perfectly clear where POSes are located and manipulating probes was also easier. Please, do not remove old map.

5) Brackets and icons. They are excessive and inefficient. Please make them optional like a new map.

As far as I understand making simple things “prettier” is the wrong priority. Revolutionary changes are required to break something old inefficient and to build something more useful. Denying old features noone ever complained about and replacing them with less usable stuff is the mistake. Can you, please, set usability as the main priority for “UI modernization” rather than “fancier look”.

The “red crosses” are already eponymic, please, bring them back ASAP.


I second this opinion.

Sadly, new icons and, especially, new map trade a lot of usability for 'fanciness'. This is frustrating for players that squeeze efficiency from UI. I am also concerned that UI deficiencies are not getting fixed in reasonable time frame. New map was made default some weeks ago, but until this very day it is simply no-go for scanning.

CCP should put a simple acceptance test for any important change to UI: can I use this efficiently when under time pressure and overloaded by in-game events.
Answering yes to this question would probably mean inertia in the map must go away. Spurious animations in the map probably must go away. Minute details here and there in the icons probably must go away. Circle may turn out to not be the best pointer after all. And d-scan support may end up being rather important part of the solar system map.
Or at least give us options that make scanning map a professional scanning map and overview icons a proper PVP icons.