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Carnyx release - General feedback

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Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#421 - 2015-06-02 21:33:41 UTC
I guess I'm the only one who kind of likes the new icons?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Total Newbie
State War Academy
Caldari State
#422 - 2015-06-02 21:35:07 UTC
CCP Surge wrote:
Also to address some of the concerns voiced, our overall aim was not to change the old icons just for the sake of something new or because we thought they weren't working, but to provide better granularity and at-a-glance awareness of the objects on grid.

But change is tough and we are definitely keeping an eye on your feedback in all channels as we had been during testing on Singularity for the past while. This relatively small icons swap isn't an end-all-be-all "tough luck" change we're aiming to saddle the playerbase with.

For now a few things

  • I urge patience. There are dozens of new icons to learn, and it might take the brain a while to untangle the new "messy blob" at first. Post back in a few days and share if they've changed your game for better or worse after you've gotten a little more comfortable identifying them. We'll be keeping an eye on this post initial-reaction feedback closely.
  • Check out this image to help learn your icons:
  • While “deconstructive feedback” is cathartic in some ways I am sure, it’s likely not going to help get your point across. We are looking for specific feedback: What specifically don't you like about the new icons? Can you share an in-game story or experience which backs up your conclusions? It's the kind of feedback that's most useful to us when making calls on these types of things.
  • We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option. Originally we thought having two sets of icons in the client might just cause confusion and miscommunication among players, and tough learning/teaching decisions for newbros as well as vets welcoming them in. However these concerns might be overblown, especially in regards to little bracket icons. In any case its definitely a debate worth having.

Thanks for reading!

I still don't understand your insistence that this even needed a change. You guys keep asking us "Why"? How about you guys give us some reasoning behind the change, other than granularity. WTF is that? Catch phrases don't create.....

Next thing you know you're going to use "transparent".....

You are killing your player base one silly change at a time. THAT is the bottom line.
CCP Surge
C C P Alliance
#423 - 2015-06-02 21:35:53 UTC
Porucznik Borewicz wrote:
OK, so after an actual elite PVP fleet I have some more feedback regarding the new overview icons / brackets. Apart from the fact that the drones Xes need to come back, because the new icons look just silly and clutter the view anyway, there is one major issue with the new icons - they are unreadable when no standings / background colours are set towards a neutral player you are fighting. Stuff just looks too much the same. And the more things you have on your OV the more you are screwed. The new icons are OK-ish in a way. You could get used to them. We just need a more "at a glance" way to tell the player controlled ships in space. Like a colour maybe. Making the player ships green for instance would help me a lot. And I bet a lot of colour blind people would also welcome the option to change player ships colour. Right now, everything on the OV that is not a waypoint object (stargate, station) has the same colour. The other way would be reverting the old brackets for player ships.

TL;DR: Let me change the player controlled ships icons colour and it will be much better.

Hey, thanks for sharing your experience. And keeping in mind color blindness :) I agree NPC distinction is rather nuanced with the new icon set - NPC icons have a faint inner fill compared to players ships.

We also color hostile NPCs red by default, but we don't allow players to change this, or set any color for the icons themselves besides background and colortags.

Anyone else think a custom "icon color" would be a good option to expose to aid in situational awareness?
Ripblade Falconpunch
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#424 - 2015-06-02 21:35:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Ripblade Falconpunch
CCP Surge wrote:
Also to address some of the concerns voiced, our overall aim was not to change the old icons just for the sake of something new or because we thought they weren't working, but to provide better granularity and at-a-glance awareness of the objects on grid.

  • We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option. Originally we thought having two sets of icons in the client might just cause confusion and miscommunication among players, and tough learning/teaching decisions for newbros as well as vets welcoming them in. However these concerns might be overblown, especially in regards to little bracket icons. In any case its definitely a debate worth having.
  • [/list]

    Thanks for reading!

    Well, it didn't work because I have no idea what I'm looking at. I'm curious as to what your thought process was in going live in the current state, especially after the massive outpouring of bad feedback from SiSi.

    A classic bracket icons option would be fantastic. That way, everyone is happy regardless of what side of the new icon debate you fall on. You said your new icons improve "granularity" and make it easier to take everything in at a glance, and apparently the bulk of 20 pages of customer responses disagree. This way, we all go home happy.
    Jenn aSide
    Soul Machines
    The Initiative.
    #425 - 2015-06-02 21:36:32 UTC
    CCP Surge wrote:
    Also to address some of the concerns voiced, our overall aim was not to change the old icons just for the sake of something new or because we thought they weren't working, but to provide better granularity and at-a-glance awareness of the objects on grid.

    Personally, that was unnecessary, the UI already gave more than enough information for us to do what we wanted to do. This new scheme is a messy clutter. I was just in a fight in providence and it was awful, I turned my brackets off and if I could have turned the overview icons off too I would have.

  • We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option. Originally we thought having two sets of icons in the client might just cause confusion and miscommunication among players, and tough learning/teaching decisions for newbros as well as vets welcoming them in. However these concerns might be overblown, especially in regards to little bracket icons. In any case its definitely a debate worth having.
  • [/list]

    Thanks for reading!

    This part is, again, the only thing that give me some hope here. The new icons aren't a "shoot the monument and unsubscribe" issue, but they do lessen my enjoyment of EVE Online. The old icons were not perfect, but they were simple (Spartan even) and I think you'll find a good few of us player like that aspect of a thing...which is why were playing EVE Online in the 1st pace lol.
    Nemesis DCC
    Patriarch Of Destruction
    Solyaris Chtonium
    #426 - 2015-06-02 21:36:43 UTC
    Sissy Fuzz wrote:
    Nemesis DCC wrote:
    Sissy Fuzz wrote:
    Nemesis DCC wrote:
    Is there a way to fix the launcher not and game not responding issue? Seems to have utterly failed to launch the game since the new release!

    Hate to ask: Have you tried rebooting?

    Yes I have tried. Just nothing seems to work. The game starts and just goes to Not Responding Mode. Then the launcher follows. Everything was fine until Carnyx!!

    Run the launcher and try clearing the cache. Under Advanced tab use 'Clear all cached data'.
    If that doesn't work run the 'EVE Repair Tool' on the same tab.

    /Sissy F

    The repair toold brings an error message. I cleared the cache. Now the launcher won't start LOL

    I will just download and reinstall the whole game I reckon. See how that goes.
    Hoplite Brigade
    #427 - 2015-06-02 21:37:18 UTC
    Cargo container dropped from MTU remains same intensity color in overview after being checked. It is supposed to appear more greyish or a darker white, if you prefer, in order to show it has being already opened.

    What did you say about CODE?

    Lil' Brudder Too
    Pistols for Pandas
    #428 - 2015-06-02 21:38:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Lil' Brudder Too
    CCP Surge wrote:
    but to provide better granularity and at-a-glance awareness of the objects on grid.

    Umm....when there are a bunch that look insanely similar...okay?

    CCP Surge wrote:

    Post back in a few days

    So, this is your plan, to wait a few days and see that nobody is still complaining, (which we get yelled at for continuing to bring up the same things repeatedly) then call it good since "nobody came back to say it was still terrible for them" ???

    What about the throngs of feedback you've been getting for a month on SiSi...??? Does that not count?

    CCP Surge wrote:
    especially in regards to little bracket icons. In any case its definitely a debate worth having.

    So, something that every. single. player. uses nearly 100% of their time in game is considered a 'little' thing? Good to know.

    An example of a good version of your ship that doesn't easily confuse CRUISER and DREAD!!! It has an understandable progression from small to big...
    Lyta Jhonson wrote:

    There is much more constructive feedback in the SiSi thread, and the thread about the last attempt that covers the whats/whys/hows in the theory of what good icons do. Please re-read that

    Again, neutral NPC's by themselves look like player ships. They need to be distinctly different. (as was mentioned in SiSi thread(s))

    Cargo container icons essentially are that of something that is 'empty' does that make sense...

    Wreck icons are essentially hiding an tiny icon in an already TINY icon...

    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    once we feel it meets the quality level our customers expect.

    Posted about delaying the Sov changes, but still VERY relevant to the icons. These new Overview icons do NOT meet that "quality level" you speak of.
    Valterra Craven
    #429 - 2015-06-02 21:39:43 UTC
    CCP Surge wrote:
    Also to address some of the concerns voiced, our overall aim was not to change the old icons just for the sake of something new or because we thought they weren't working, but to provide better granularity and at-a-glance awareness of the objects on grid.

    But change is tough and we are definitely keeping an eye on your feedback in all channels as we had been during testing on Singularity for the past while. This relatively small icons swap isn't an end-all-be-all "tough luck" change we're aiming to saddle the playerbase with.

    For now a few things

    • I urge patience. There are dozens of new icons to learn, and it might take the brain a while to untangle the new "messy blob" at first. Post back in a few days and share if they've changed your game for better or worse after you've gotten a little more comfortable identifying them. We'll be keeping an eye on this post initial-reaction feedback closely.
    • Check out this image to help learn your icons:
    • While “deconstructive feedback” is cathartic in some ways I am sure, it’s likely not going to help get your point across. We are looking for specific feedback: What specifically don't you like about the new icons? Can you share an in-game story or experience which backs up your conclusions? It's the kind of feedback that's most useful to us when making calls on these types of things.
    • We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option. Originally we thought having two sets of icons in the client might just cause confusion and miscommunication among players, and tough learning/teaching decisions for newbros as well as vets welcoming them in. However these concerns might be overblown, especially in regards to little bracket icons. In any case its definitely a debate worth having.

    Thanks for reading!

    You know what would have helped to alleviate problems one and four? Not doing all the icons at once. You guys wanted fast release schedules, this was a perfect thing to use. Release all drone icons for 6 weeks. release all station icons for 6 weeks, get gradual feedback etc. Sometimes ripping the band off quick and dirty is just a bad idea all around.
    Ben Cromwell
    Science and Trade Institute
    Caldari State
    #430 - 2015-06-02 21:40:16 UTC
    The new icons are a big improvement...say for example you sit on a gate and wait for T1 haulers to land at autopilot range...before the stupid industrial box that would pop up would cover everything from a venture to an obelisk, so it was pretty much useless. You had to identify the ship by its profile and coloring which meant lots of zooming in and out and UI menu navigating.
    Jenn aSide
    Soul Machines
    The Initiative.
    #431 - 2015-06-02 21:41:15 UTC
    Malcanis wrote:
    I guess I'm the only one who kind of likes the new icons?

    No there are others. The ONLY icon I've found I like so far is the acceleration gate icon, but the rest are silly and the overall scheme is overly complicated. As I've said, for at least some of us, simpler is better.

    On my other toon I sat on a Titan bridge waiting to jump into a fight for 2 hours this afternoon, and I had my brackets on. We were in Lokis sitting on a titan. The lokis had cruiser icons that look like houses.

    It like a Titan had just crash landed in some neighborhood...or into a huge game of monopoly lol. Other than believing this is an utterly unnecessary change and begging CCP to consider a classic icon toggle, I also think most of the icons are ugly to boot.
    Tyr Dolorem
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #432 - 2015-06-02 21:41:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyr Dolorem
    CCP Surge wrote:
    Also to address some of the concerns voiced, our overall aim was not to change the old icons just for the sake of something new or because we thought they weren't working, but to provide better granularity and at-a-glance awareness of the objects on grid.

    But change is tough and we are definitely keeping an eye on your feedback in all channels as we had been during testing on Singularity for the past while. This relatively small icons swap isn't an end-all-be-all "tough luck" change we're aiming to saddle the playerbase with.

    For now a few things

    • I urge patience. There are dozens of new icons to learn, and it might take the brain a while to untangle the new "messy blob" at first. Post back in a few days and share if they've changed your game for better or worse after you've gotten a little more comfortable identifying them. We'll be keeping an eye on this post initial-reaction feedback closely.
    • Check out this image to help learn your icons:
    • While “deconstructive feedback” is cathartic in some ways I am sure, it’s likely not going to help get your point across. We are looking for specific feedback: What specifically don't you like about the new icons? Can you share an in-game story or experience which backs up your conclusions? It's the kind of feedback that's most useful to us when making calls on these types of things.
    • We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option. Originally we thought having two sets of icons in the client might just cause confusion and miscommunication among players, and tough learning/teaching decisions for newbros as well as vets welcoming them in. However these concerns might be overblown, especially in regards to little bracket icons. In any case its definitely a debate worth having.

    Thanks for reading!

    I admire what you tried to do but I think it was implemented poorly. A different icon for small/medium/large asteroids? Common.

    I also just realised you have 12 different icons for cargo containers....

    You need to address the wreck icons, I don't feel different icons for player and NPC wrecks is necessary, and the difference between looted and unlooted is too subtle for both.

    Drones need to go back to being just a cross, the only drone I can actually easily distinguish at the moment is a sentry drone because it looks so different from player ships.

    I don't particularly like the new overall aesthetic either but I guess I'll just get used to it over time.

    CCP Surge wrote:
    We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option.

    e: also why are all the celestial icons filled with grey? They looked better clear.
    Hakaari Inkuran
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #433 - 2015-06-02 21:42:38 UTC
    CCP Surge wrote:
    Porucznik Borewicz wrote:
    OK, so after an actual elite PVP fleet I have some more feedback regarding the new overview icons / brackets. Apart from the fact that the drones Xes need to come back, because the new icons look just silly and clutter the view anyway, there is one major issue with the new icons - they are unreadable when no standings / background colours are set towards a neutral player you are fighting. Stuff just looks too much the same. And the more things you have on your OV the more you are screwed. The new icons are OK-ish in a way. You could get used to them. We just need a more "at a glance" way to tell the player controlled ships in space. Like a colour maybe. Making the player ships green for instance would help me a lot. And I bet a lot of colour blind people would also welcome the option to change player ships colour. Right now, everything on the OV that is not a waypoint object (stargate, station) has the same colour. The other way would be reverting the old brackets for player ships.

    TL;DR: Let me change the player controlled ships icons colour and it will be much better.

    Hey, thanks for sharing your experience. And keeping in mind color blindness :) I agree NPC distinction is rather nuanced with the new icon set - NPC icons have a faint inner fill compared to players ships.

    We also color hostile NPCs red by default, but we don't allow players to change this, or set any color for the icons themselves besides background and colortags.

    Anyone else think a custom "icon color" would be a good option to expose to aid in situational awareness?

    I'm seconding the drone point to make sure you get it. Drones don't need icon distinctiveness or whatever. They're just friggin drones. The little x's were perfect.
    Goonswarm Federation
    #434 - 2015-06-02 21:44:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Citrute
    CCP Surge wrote:
    What are your reasons for doing so?

    Over the years the size of 'things' have been getting bigger, requiring more real estate for the same window/amount of information.

    Things like adding the undock/cq button to station services, agents/guests/offices/hangar buttons being oversized and no longer neat and tidy tabs (Merge ship and items in station services are still tabbed)
    Directional scanner when it got more options (Sliders etc)
    Unified inventory.
    Autopilot route/system descriptions maybe?
    iirc the standard font was also 'bigger' after it was fixed/changed

    i'm sure there are more but I have honestly forgotten specifics over the years and have adapted by using ui scaling.

    CCP Surge wrote:
    We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option.

    Please, there are situations where less is more. Overview icons are one of those situations.
    Taru Audeles
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #435 - 2015-06-02 21:45:12 UTC
    CCP Surge wrote:
    Also to address some of the concerns voiced, our overall aim was not to change the old icons just for the sake of something new or because we thought they weren't working, but to provide better granularity and at-a-glance awareness of the objects on grid.

    But change is tough and we are definitely keeping an eye on your feedback in all channels as we had been during testing on Singularity for the past while. This relatively small icons swap isn't an end-all-be-all "tough luck" change we're aiming to saddle the playerbase with.

    For now a few things

    • I urge patience. There are dozens of new icons to learn, and it might take the brain a while to untangle the new "messy blob" at first. Post back in a few days and share if they've changed your game for better or worse after you've gotten a little more comfortable identifying them. We'll be keeping an eye on this post initial-reaction feedback closely.
    • Check out this image to help learn your icons:
    • While “deconstructive feedback” is cathartic in some ways I am sure, it’s likely not going to help get your point across. We are looking for specific feedback: What specifically don't you like about the new icons? Can you share an in-game story or experience which backs up your conclusions? It's the kind of feedback that's most useful to us when making calls on these types of things.
    • We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option. Originally we thought having two sets of icons in the client might just cause confusion and miscommunication among players, and tough learning/teaching decisions for newbros as well as vets welcoming them in. However these concerns might be overblown, especially in regards to little bracket icons. In any case its definitely a debate worth having.

    Thanks for reading!

    You might to just stop attacking your player base and constanly saying the same thing. People are unlucky with the new icons and with the way you sneak them in without any information and warning. Just saying give our brains more time is not helping. At least say you where wrong and you look for ways to make it better. Just roll them back to the old state until you FIX the bugs. Just pushing unfinished features out brings you trouble. Please take this seriously.
    Give the players an option to activate the new icons. Nothing was wrong with the old ones so bring them back and give people the choice. You can monitor and track how many people use the old ones against the new ones and then make a decision based on that.
    This is NOT a small change like you think.
    Jenn aSide
    Soul Machines
    The Initiative.
    #436 - 2015-06-02 21:45:26 UTC
    Tyr Dolorem wrote:
    CCP Surge wrote:
    Also to address some of the concerns voiced, our overall aim was not to change the old icons just for the sake of something new or because we thought they weren't working, but to provide better granularity and at-a-glance awareness of the objects on grid.

    But change is tough and we are definitely keeping an eye on your feedback in all channels as we had been during testing on Singularity for the past while. This relatively small icons swap isn't an end-all-be-all "tough luck" change we're aiming to saddle the playerbase with.

    For now a few things

    • I urge patience. There are dozens of new icons to learn, and it might take the brain a while to untangle the new "messy blob" at first. Post back in a few days and share if they've changed your game for better or worse after you've gotten a little more comfortable identifying them. We'll be keeping an eye on this post initial-reaction feedback closely.
    • Check out this image to help learn your icons:
    • While “deconstructive feedback” is cathartic in some ways I am sure, it’s likely not going to help get your point across. We are looking for specific feedback: What specifically don't you like about the new icons? Can you share an in-game story or experience which backs up your conclusions? It's the kind of feedback that's most useful to us when making calls on these types of things.
    • We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option. Originally we thought having two sets of icons in the client might just cause confusion and miscommunication among players, and tough learning/teaching decisions for newbros as well as vets welcoming them in. However these concerns might be overblown, especially in regards to little bracket icons. In any case its definitely a debate worth having.

    Thanks for reading!

    I admire what you tried to do but I think it was implemented poorly. A different icon for small/medium/large asteroids? Common.

    I also just realised you have 12 different icons for cargo containers....

    You need to address the wreck icons, I don't feel different icons for player and NPC wrecks is necessary, and the difference between looted and unlooted is too subtle for both.

    Drones need to go back to being just a cross, the only drone I can actually easily distinguish at the moment is a sentry drone because it looks so different from player ships.

    I don't particularly like the new over aesthetic either but I guess I'll just get used to it over time.

    CCP Surge wrote:
    We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option.

    Well said, illustrates the issue of massive over complication perfectly.
    Headhunter JAX
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #437 - 2015-06-02 21:46:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Headhunter JAX
    seriously new ikons ? Iam palyin since 2005 - saw CCP doing the wrong way more then 10 times - 2-3 of those were really bad - ... normally i do not post on forums - but when I do .... means CCP went again wrong way :F ..... and they are about to destroy it for 11th time :AFSD.....

    I am like

    dear CCP please make at least option to turn off new icons :AFSD

    Sissy Fuzz
    Sissy Fuzz Communications
    #438 - 2015-06-02 21:46:28 UTC
    CCP Surge wrote:
    Also to address some of the concerns voiced, our overall aim was not to change the old icons just for the sake of something new or because we thought they weren't working, but to provide better granularity and at-a-glance awareness of the objects on grid.

    But change is tough and we are definitely keeping an eye on your feedback in all channels as we had been during testing on Singularity for the past while. This relatively small icons swap isn't an end-all-be-all "tough luck" change we're aiming to saddle the playerbase with.

    For now a few things

    • I urge patience. There are dozens of new icons to learn, and it might take the brain a while to untangle the new "messy blob" at first. Post back in a few days and share if they've changed your game for better or worse after you've gotten a little more comfortable identifying them. We'll be keeping an eye on this post initial-reaction feedback closely.
    • Check out this image to help learn your icons:
    • While “deconstructive feedback” is cathartic in some ways I am sure, it’s likely not going to help get your point across. We are looking for specific feedback: What specifically don't you like about the new icons? Can you share an in-game story or experience which backs up your conclusions? It's the kind of feedback that's most useful to us when making calls on these types of things.
    • We've taken seriously the calls to include a "use classic bracket icons" option. Originally we thought having two sets of icons in the client might just cause confusion and miscommunication among players, and tough learning/teaching decisions for newbros as well as vets welcoming them in. However these concerns might be overblown, especially in regards to little bracket icons. In any case its definitely a debate worth having.

    Thanks for reading!

    Thanks for writing.

    Well this feedback is about your process, if you don't mind? I am really sorry if it feels deconstructive at your end. Shocked

    Why change? You still haven't provided a proper reason for the change. What does "better granularity" mean? In terms of tangible benefits? Were people complaining about the old granularity?

    /Sissy F
    School of Applied Knowledge
    Caldari State
    #439 - 2015-06-02 21:49:19 UTC  |  Edited by: maredelsilenzio
    Sissy Fuzz
    Sissy Fuzz Communications
    #440 - 2015-06-02 21:49:24 UTC
    Nemesis DCC wrote:
    Sissy Fuzz wrote:
    Nemesis DCC wrote:
    Sissy Fuzz wrote:
    Nemesis DCC wrote:
    Is there a way to fix the launcher not and game not responding issue? Seems to have utterly failed to launch the game since the new release!

    Hate to ask: Have you tried rebooting?

    Yes I have tried. Just nothing seems to work. The game starts and just goes to Not Responding Mode. Then the launcher follows. Everything was fine until Carnyx!!

    Run the launcher and try clearing the cache. Under Advanced tab use 'Clear all cached data'.
    If that doesn't work run the 'EVE Repair Tool' on the same tab.

    /Sissy F

    The repair toold brings an error message. I cleared the cache. Now the launcher won't start LOL

    I will just download and reinstall the whole game I reckon. See how that goes.

    Good luck! :)