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What if cynos couldn't be lit within 10 kilometers of a station?

First post
Hellen Killer
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#261 - 2015-05-19 19:49:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Hellen Killer
There is no way this is exploitable.

This would be great for industrialists in null and low sec, when the prices of everything go to hell because null and low sec freights are getting sacked on the regular. I mean seriously, once people just start bumping and interdicting capitals when they come in at 10k that should help with raising the prices of minerals and other goods destroyed en masse by pirates and every other type of opportunist looking for tears and gear. Dude, I mean, think of it, people will have one hell of a time supplying null sec and that should destroy countless jobs and opportunities, it would be great!

This cant possibly have unforeseen consequences. Because an idea that should have been thought out long ago being implemented this late in the game always has good feedback and works out just fine. Its not like empires rely on the mechanic or anything. No one needs to have their freighters actually be able to come in at a reasonable distance to safety, its just cheating.

On top of that, everyone will still buy jump freighters despite being a big flying piece of bankruptcy waiting to happen.

Not to mention it isent exclusionary at all, it shouldn't have any effect on small corperations trying to expand or move out to null, they have unlimited armed guards to protect their 7 bil isk freights, who needs cynos anyway? Its not like they are that important. And besides, it wont stunt any competition and it definitely wont prevent people from moving into the power vacuum or continuing out into null sec, if anything, it opens it wide and welcomes players.

Just do it already, Cynos and using this game mechanic is care bear crap anyway. It makes sense in the lore at least and no one cares if null and low get supplied as is, just let them sort it out amongst themselves. Personally, I cant wait for this update, its been long over due and has been broken for a long time.

Its going to go over just fine, I promise. Once its implemented you wont see much change to anything and everybody will love it as much as Phoebe, probably much more!

We should do this as soon as possible, players wont mind.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#262 - 2015-05-19 20:12:44 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:

I'll be honest with you. I want to kill cynoing dreads and carriers. I want them to call in support when I tackle them. I want to fight that support and make explosions.

So you want easier killmails.

Wow, what a stellar reason. Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#263 - 2015-05-19 21:07:31 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:

I'll be honest with you. I want to kill cynoing dreads and carriers. I want them to call in support when I tackle them. I want to fight that support and make explosions.

So you want easier killmails.

Wow, what a stellar reason. Roll

Did you not see the part where I want them to call in support and that I want to fight that support?

I routinely go into every part of null (wh gal) and have no issues fighting in your null home systems. I bring 5-7 into your systems of 20+. I don't want easy kills - I want explosions. Stop blaming me for the average null bear being bad at pvp.

My true hope is that some of these station humping numpties get out of their precious dock ring and see how awesomely fun this game actually is. If Eve were mine to code and design.... deagressing (to jump, dock or whatever) wouldn't even be a thing. Once you engage on a gate or station you're all in. No docky and no jumpy one you choose to engage.

TL/DR - If I only went for easy killmails my kb stats would be at 99% awesomeness.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#264 - 2015-05-19 21:15:11 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:

I'll be honest with you. I want to kill cynoing dreads and carriers. I want them to call in support when I tackle them. I want to fight that support and make explosions.

So you want easier killmails.

Wow, what a stellar reason. Roll

Did you not see the part where I want them to call in support and that I want to fight that support?

I routinely go into every part of null (wh gal) and have no issues fighting in your null home systems. I bring 5-7 into your systems of 20+. I don't want easy kills - I want explosions. Stop blaming me for the average null bear being bad at pvp.

My true hope is that some of these station humping numpties get out of their precious dock ring and see how awesomely fun this game actually is. If Eve were mine to code and design.... deagressing (to jump, dock or whatever) wouldn't even be a thing. Once you engage on a gate or station you're all in. No docky and no jumpy one you choose to engage.

TL/DR - If I only went for easy killmails my kb stats would be at 99% awesomeness.

Bottom line is you want it to be easier.

Not a very impressive reason. Something not being easy does not imply a broken mechanic.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

New Eden Ferengi
#265 - 2015-05-20 07:45:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Dustpuppy
I can only repeat: "Any ship is invulnerable as long as you don't make a mistake".

Let's use this little gem as proof of the concept:
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

As for being invulnerable by warping to 0km . . . warping to 0km could land you up to 2.5km away from your intended position. And, do you know what can happen in that last 2.5km before you reach the station?

The game mechanism:
A station is built up out of three pieces. The center which is marked with a square. You can see it when you are on grid of the station. Then we have the structure, the building itself, and last but not least an invisible sphere with the square as center. The size of the sphere is depending on the station type, we have 29 different types in game (plus 3 outposts) with different ranges. Only if you land with you ship inside this sphere you are in docking range and can dock immediately.

When you choose the square as target and warp to it or click "approach", then you won't land in the center where the visible sqaure is but your ship moves to the edge of the sphere. If you warp to the square representing the station you actually land 2500m away from the edge of docking range sphere in a random direction. This is wanted because otherwise you would warp to the center, land 2500m away from it and by doing this land in the structure. You would bump and land far outside the station

The error:
The poor pilot I have quoted doesn't understand this game mechanism. He thinks the game is broken and wants this to be fixed instead of understanding that by warping to the edge of the docking range sphere he has a slightly less than 50% chance of actually landing inside the safe area and otherwise must slow boat up to 2.5km until he is safe.

The solution:
Instead of crying for help make a bookmark which is at least 2500m away from the edge of the docking range sphere towards the station but still more than 5000m away from any kind of structures of the station. Then warp to the bm instead of the station square and you will instadock 100% of the time because you will always land within the docking range.

So all you need to "fix" this is to know how to make bookmarks.

More explanation:
The additional space between bm and structure is required because the ship also is built up with an invisible sphere around it. The size is depending on the ship type and the 2500m extra space I have added here are required so the sphere of the ship doesn't hit by accident the edge of the station structure and bumps off even when using a bigger ship like orca or rorq.

Last words (especially for the TO):
The point with sphere around the ship and the required additional space is also unknown to a lot of capital pilots and even in the cyno docking guide you can find pictures which show that the author doesn't know this concept. The same situation applies to everyone telling you to use a salvager (5km range) for finding cyno spots around a station.

So if you find a cyno less than 7700m away from the next structure you only have to wait until the cap pilot will bump off the wall while jumping in and then you can kill him, just like it happened here:

As I said: "Any ship is invulnerable as long as you don't make a mistake". So learn how to play the game, complain less and wait. Suddenly you have your kills.
TSOE Po1ice
TSOE Consortium
#266 - 2015-05-20 10:44:31 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I don't want easy kills - I want explosions. Stop blaming me for the average null bear being bad at pvp.

Your killboards speak otherwise. Seems to me you're preying on people flying solo with your group of nitwits.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#267 - 2015-05-20 15:21:06 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:

I'll be honest with you. I want to kill cynoing dreads and carriers. I want them to call in support when I tackle them. I want to fight that support and make explosions.

So you want easier killmails.

Wow, what a stellar reason. Roll

Did you not see the part where I want them to call in support and that I want to fight that support?

I routinely go into every part of null (wh gal) and have no issues fighting in your null home systems. I bring 5-7 into your systems of 20+. I don't want easy kills - I want explosions. Stop blaming me for the average null bear being bad at pvp.

My true hope is that some of these station humping numpties get out of their precious dock ring and see how awesomely fun this game actually is. If Eve were mine to code and design.... deagressing (to jump, dock or whatever) wouldn't even be a thing. Once you engage on a gate or station you're all in. No docky and no jumpy one you choose to engage.

TL/DR - If I only went for easy killmails my kb stats would be at 99% awesomeness.

Bottom line is you want it to be easier.

Not a very impressive reason. Something not being easy does not imply a broken mechanic.

I'll bottom line this for you. I've been in wh space pretty much from the beginning. It's eve on hard mode. I want to go somewhere I scan a route to it. You.... You are a null bear. You need SRP, you need non destructable stations, you need asset protection. You probably fly ishtars. SO.... You telling me that I want easy is just laughable. You calling me out for wanting easy while defending the need for on station cynos is hypocritacal.

Look at the reality of how we each play eve. If I ever want easy... I'll put an application in to Executive Outcomes.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#268 - 2015-05-20 15:23:43 UTC
Lakotnik wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I don't want easy kills - I want explosions. Stop blaming me for the average null bear being bad at pvp.

Your killboards speak otherwise. Seems to me you're preying on people flying solo with your group of nitwits.

Everybody runs when we land on grid. Don't you dare blame me for everyone warping away, docking and waiting me out. You need to look inward to solve my kb issues.
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#269 - 2015-05-20 15:37:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
afkalt wrote:
You have a funny idea of 'all in agreement'

Read the post above yours and use that as a basis for how much loss is acceptable - keeping in mind it's apparently 'impossible' to lose a JF.....

Considering anywhere from 50bn to 250bn & more in cargo is moved at a time in one JF from invulnerability to invul - the current mechanics are broken and need to be fixed. You don't see pros on the killboard, because it is that safe.

Risk/reward etc etc
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#270 - 2015-05-20 15:57:52 UTC
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
afkalt wrote:
You have a funny idea of 'all in agreement'

Read the post above yours and use that as a basis for how much loss is acceptable - keeping in mind it's apparently 'impossible' to lose a JF.....

Considering anywhere from 50bn to 250bn & more in cargo is moved at a time in one JF from invulnerability to invul - the current mechanics are broken and need to be fixed. You don't see pros on the killboard, because it is that safe.

Risk/reward etc etc


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#271 - 2015-05-20 16:40:46 UTC
Find me a NS/LS JF kill with at least 50b in cargo.

Until then, the donut keeps on rolling, EVE keeps on hitting new activity lows.
Nasar Vyron
S0utherN Comfort
#272 - 2015-05-20 19:17:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Nasar Vyron
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Considering anywhere from 50bn to 250bn & more in cargo is moved at a time in one JF from invulnerability to invul - the current mechanics are broken and need to be fixed. You don't see pros on the killboard, because it is that safe.

Risk/reward etc etc

Uhh... where did you pull those numbers from? Please go find us a km so we can all join in on the ridicule.

And Serendipity, get over yourself and your WHs. Every area of space has it's benefits and drawbacks. WH space has their single system to defend, which they always have their assets ready to defend in place long before an attacker moves in to try and oust them. Null space is always open and controls multiple systems. You can defeat/force out an enemies capital fleet in one brawl and within a short time they can return with twice the numbers.

WH can lock down their system, null, low, and I'll even include empire on this, cannot. Every other area of space within eve is vulnerable to attack 24/7. A cyno can be lit in a null player's quiet pocket and he can quickly find himself dog piled by 50 bombers because a single player with a cyno entered his system. These are threats you may have forgotten about in your time in a WH, but threats that must remain on everyone's mind who resides here.

Null and LS rely on goods being moved to and from HS via JF because of the randomness of WHs appearing in our space make them an unreliable form of transportation, and gate travel through many systems can only be defined as suicide - not risk. A WH residence can roll holes until they get a connection they desire because mechanics require them to respawn after time, it requires a lot of patience and planning, but the travel is safe none-the-less once you get your near-direct hole.

Null and LS get their goods to the HS border by hopping station rings. Any mistake along this path can lead to the loss of everything. Where as when rolling holes only risks an orca or a few BS or w/e is used anymore, it's been a while I'll admit. So please understand, a WH player telling null players about risking assets to move their goods across the eve universe to the desired trade hub is quite seriously a joke and needs to stop.
Enya Sparhawk
Black Tea and Talons
#273 - 2015-05-20 19:34:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Enya Sparhawk
Nasar Vyron wrote:
The idea of escorting a freighter through HS is in itself a joke.

The attacker must make the first move before you can defend yourself or concord will simply target you as the aggressor, you cannot take preventative actions by wiping out the obvious camp or bumping mach before they create the problem. Bring a webbing ship? Pray they don't realize this and blap it before you can get your webs off. Bring logi? They'll kill your logi then turn their attention to you. Bring more logi? They have a bowhead/orca/corp hanger full of ships to kill off anything you brought and all the time in the world.

Your only hope of survival is a vigilant scout with a full watchlist and a LS cyno. Nerf cynoing on stations and watch HS industry burn.

Would make for some interesting gameplay if you could create some sort of fleet assist modules for this type of 'escort' gameplay...(You have them for mining, why not trade and commerce)

Fíorghrá: Grá na fírinne

Maireann croí éadrom i bhfad.

Bíonn súil le muir ach ní bhíonn súil le tír.

Is maith an scéalaí an aimsir.

When the lost ships of Greece finally return home...

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#274 - 2015-05-20 19:49:24 UTC
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Find me a NS/LS JF kill with at least 50b in cargo.

Until then, the donut keeps on rolling, EVE keeps on hitting new activity lows.

Uhmmm you were the one making that you should provide the evidence.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#275 - 2015-05-20 19:51:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Nasar Vyron wrote:
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Considering anywhere from 50bn to 250bn & more in cargo is moved at a time in one JF from invulnerability to invul - the current mechanics are broken and need to be fixed. You don't see pros on the killboard, because it is that safe.

Risk/reward etc etc

Uhh... where did you pull those numbers from? Please go find us a km so we can all join in on the ridicule.

You don't happen to have a mere 568k units of Dysprosium to relocate to Jita, which is the total monthly production from only 7.8 moons? Smile

You may not be a professional. I'm sorry.

To wit:

12.65 Tn ISK-value destroyed in 1,425 Rhea JFs, or 8.8 billion ISK per kill.
14.85 Tn ISK-value destroyed in 4,201 Charon freighters, 3.53 billion ISK per kill.

People buy JFs to fly empty; Hisec is safe for freighters; < LS is dangerous with zero cynos from shining-station-to-shining-station.

You see, that's the point - go find such a killmail and try again.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Find me a NS/LS JF kill with at least 50b in cargo.

Until then, the donut keeps on rolling, EVE keeps on hitting new activity lows.

Uhmmm you were the one making that you should provide the evidence.

You think people are not moving those amounts in JFs? Smile

That's the whole point - the mechanics are so broken that is nearly impossible to muck it up if you know what you're doing.

Keep linking empty JFs and amateurs with 1.5bn in cargo - they keep the economy going.

Gank economy.
Nasar Vyron
S0utherN Comfort
#276 - 2015-05-20 22:21:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Nasar Vyron
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Nasar Vyron wrote:
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Considering anywhere from 50bn to 250bn & more in cargo is moved at a time in one JF from invulnerability to invul - the current mechanics are broken and need to be fixed. You don't see pros on the killboard, because it is that safe.

Risk/reward etc etc

Uhh... where did you pull those numbers from? Please go find us a km so we can all join in on the ridicule.

You don't happen to have a mere 568k units of Dysprosium to relocate to Jita, which is the total monthly production from only 7.8 moons? Smile

You may not be a professional. I'm sorry.

To wit:

12.65 Tn ISK-value destroyed in 1,425 Rhea JFs, or 8.8 billion ISK per kill.
14.85 Tn ISK-value destroyed in 4,201 Charon freighters, 3.53 billion ISK per kill.

People buy JFs to fly empty; Hisec is safe for freighters; < LS is dangerous with zero cynos from shining-station-to-shining-station.

Maybe I haven't made myself clear by now. I AM one of those people who handle such assets. I am telling you even when loaded down I do not move that much at a time. I am patient, and anyone who does move alliance assets are patient. We have limits on what we are willing to move at a time as to avoid putting all our eggs in one basket if you will. When I get anywhere near what I feel uneasy moving I have a webber, backup webber, and an exit cyno on standby.

Multitudes of precautions are taken even when moving an empty, out of alliance JFs through HS. Those that don't find themselves dead, those that do can even find themselves in some pretty hair raising situations. Such as just last week, was pointed damn near infinitely in HS, I wont say where for obvious reasons. They made a mistake and didn't repoint as their third of fourth tackle died to concord and I was able to spam jump and get out.

I am telling you, there is no sane JF pilot that will carry anywhere near 250 bill in cargo, let alone not being very careful about moving it. Unless of course you're talking about bugged BPCs that show up on kms as BPOs, in which case they still weren't actually carrying that value of cargo.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#277 - 2015-05-21 06:42:21 UTC
Xequecal wrote:
The Eve economy pretty much depends on Freighters and Jump Freighters being 99.9% safe. Do you want everything in the game to cost 10x as much? If you make these ships killable, that's exactly what will happen.

I think everything would be fixed by making all resources more available the further you move away from the galactic center, and also by making industry and trade just as easy if not easier out there, all while not having NPCs to soak up tax ISK on player-to-player transactions. The end result would be that supply chains could be smaller and not intersect with highsec; it would be cost-effective to guard shipments with large gangs; and the value of highsec goods and commerce would plummet, dramatically reducing the need for nullsec to rely on highsec. Players could and would continue to perform commerce in the safety of highsec, but the danger of nullsec trade would come with reasonable rewards.

If the above happened, it would be okay to prevent cynos from being lit within 10km of station docking rings.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."