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Open invitation to 0.0!

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Syna Anima
#41 - 2015-04-16 07:31:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Syna Anima
Ocih wrote:
Syna Anima wrote:
Deal all interested parties,

Are you interested in 0.0? You want to try something else than high sec? Or maybe you just want a change?

Corps or individual players, this might be your chance! 0.0 is the reason I still play EVE after 8 years, give it a try!

If you are not a pirate and you are a honourable citizen of EVE, then contact me in game or join syndax channel.

Providence = most active and fun 0.0 region in EVE.
NRDS = Not Red Don't Shoot = neutral friendly, we don't shoot first, but we certainly shoot last.

Ping me and I will guide you!

Fly safe,

/Syna Anima

Former CVA,
Never red to Provi but it was ignored.
What changed in Provi that it's a thing now?

Hey mate, you are most welcomed to join again.

Basically, Providence, right now, is the only place people still have fun in 0.0. The rest of null is empty and boring. So Providence gets all the good fights and nice brawls, hence the attention. Welcome to Provi 2.0. We even won a war against Brave... that was a lot of fun for both parties until the big boys came to spoil the fun, because they can't allow others to enjoy their game too much with them looking on the side. So we usually get fights with 4-5 third parties.

Last weekend we killed 100 bil in sub-caps... was amazing fun. So we get a lot of media attention in general, since there is nothing else interesting in the whole of null lol, except the random titan kill.

This is why CCP is changing sov so that more regions will be LIKE Providence, full of activity and pew pew. Even CFC is interested in testing the new sov mechanics in Providence, because it is the only region you can realistically test this, because all other regions are empty. With 75 stations Providence is the most developed region, from an infrastructure point of view.

My corp is a sov holder in Yulai Federation, so if that interests you, join my channel (syndax) or mail me.

For the troll here, since there are quite a few, I'll take Provi over any tech moon or whatever ISK amounts. Playing with friends and having fun is wining EVE, not farming moon goo and dropping supers on random people since you have nothing left to do with all that ISK.

Anyway, it's interesting to see people's reactions.
Caldari Provisions
#42 - 2015-04-16 07:49:33 UTC
Syna Anima wrote:

For the troll here, since there are quite a few, I'll take Provi over any tech moon or whatever ISK amounts. Playing with friends and having fun is wining EVE, not farming moon goo and dropping supers on random people since you have nothing left to do with all that ISK.

Anyway, it's interesting to see people's reactions.

I highly doubt you are saying this from the point of view of someone who has had goo to farm and supers to drop. You somehow got into your little imagination machine, and pretended that you could've played with the big boys, but you'd rather "have fun" in Providence. As if somehow the mighty Goonswarm Federation, mailed fist of the Imperium, has existed for close to a decade in Eve because we're not friends.

We're not coming to test sov mechanics. We're coming to destroy those who support a pretender to the throne.
Syna Anima
#43 - 2015-04-16 08:32:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Syna Anima
thetwilitehour wrote:
Syna Anima wrote:

For the troll here, since there are quite a few, I'll take Provi over any tech moon or whatever ISK amounts. Playing with friends and having fun is wining EVE, not farming moon goo and dropping supers on random people since you have nothing left to do with all that ISK.

Anyway, it's interesting to see people's reactions.

I highly doubt you are saying this from the point of view of someone who has had goo to farm and supers to drop. You somehow got into your little imagination machine, and pretended that you could've played with the big boys, but you'd rather "have fun" in Providence. As if somehow the mighty Goonswarm Federation, mailed fist of the Imperium, has existed for close to a decade in Eve because we're not friends.

We're not coming to test sov mechanics. We're coming to destroy those who support a pretender to the throne.

We are not playing with the big boys, we are playing in Provi and we are very happy, for some reason the big boys always come to our region, better ask them why this is the case...

And no, I don't have a super, nor do I need one, I can buy it tomorrow, but to what purpose? We can't realistically use them and we can't replace them that easily either as Provi. So we skip them entirely, fun is not related to the ships you fly. It's all about pew pew with your friends against honourable enemies that come for the fun and good brawls.

You are mistaken to think CFC invasion is all PR and propaganda, there are very good reasons your leader has decided to do this at this time, it's all related to the new sov mechanics, whomever gets lost in the propaganda and PR is well... a sheep.

Providence is the best place to be in when the expansion is released on 2nd of June, so I guess, the big boys don't want to miss that train... we will welcome you, Provi style. It will be fun, it will be epic! Only in Providence!
Desimus Maximus
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#44 - 2015-04-16 23:16:35 UTC
"Open Invitation..." to the .05% that aren't set as red to Provi-bloc because they have like a 7-ways-to-Kevin-Bacon way of deciding you are KOS.

Desimus Maximus
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#45 - 2015-04-16 23:20:19 UTC
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
Worst Null Sec > High Sec
SKINE DMZ wrote:
How the hell am I KOS? I've never even been there
Probably corp related.
Desimus Maximus wrote:
Oh and, I'm KOS because I was in a corp. This is not NRDS, your policy towards me personally is unjust.
The system is pretty simple. Repent to the Empress and lead a good and noble life (there are was of automatically becoming Not KOS) Blink

Who are you and why does your opinion matter? You are not Provi. I'm just another 91m sp pilot with no home. You don't want me, fine.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#46 - 2015-04-16 23:31:17 UTC
Even if I weren't quite likely KOS for talking crap about you guys, you could not pay me enough to live under NRDS.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Chopper Rollins
#47 - 2015-04-16 23:50:38 UTC
Luna Arindale wrote:
I'm guessing 90% of the forums are red. They fly down here when they get the chance to shoot at us, then receive the Proviblock hug of death.

My experience in Provi was more Handshake of Fear.
I cloaked in the busiest ratting system the map would show, watched the stats drop from 6k rats killed over 24 hours down to less than 500. Killed a few bads who persisted in ratting until after about 2 weeks i was contacted by a reasonable sort of chap who likes to rat all the time. I was paid 2 billion to take my act on the road.
People there are too rich from pve.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Chopper Rollins
#48 - 2015-04-16 23:54:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Chopper Rollins
Syna Anima wrote:
We even won a war against Brave....

That's an interesting spin.
I saw a pilot in Provi who had a medal displayed "for particiation (sic) in a pvp operation"

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Space Mermaids
#49 - 2015-04-17 04:54:58 UTC
Chopper Rollins wrote:
Luna Arindale wrote:
I'm guessing 90% of the forums are red. They fly down here when they get the chance to shoot at us, then receive the Proviblock hug of death.

My experience in Provi was more Handshake of Fear.
I cloaked in the busiest ratting system the map would show, watched the stats drop from 6k rats killed over 24 hours down to less than 500. Killed a few bads who persisted in ratting until after about 2 weeks i was contacted by a reasonable sort of chap who likes to rat all the time. I was paid 2 billion to take my act on the road.
People there are too rich from pve.

PvE rich in Provi. Imagine how much is being hoovered in 40 jumps from low sec. behind 6 systems of multiple drag bubbles.
Jenshae Chiroptera
#50 - 2015-04-17 05:56:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenshae Chiroptera
thetwilitehour wrote:
... you could've played with the big boys, but you'd rather "have fun" in Providence ....
I often say, I will fight with anyone if it is against Goons or Pandemic Legion.
(I would even send Tora my collection of corpses and escorts and help Marmite and CODE fight one of those two if High Sec rose up against them)

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Space Mermaids
#51 - 2015-04-17 06:24:52 UTC
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
thetwilitehour wrote:
... you could've played with the big boys, but you'd rather "have fun" in Providence ....
I often say, I will fight with anyone if it is against Goons or Pandemic Legion.
(I would even send Tora my collection of corpses and escorts and help Marmite and CODE fight one of those two if High Sec rose up against them)

If you really want to fight CFC or PL, contact one if their diplo's about setting you blue.
Luna Arindale
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#52 - 2015-04-17 06:40:13 UTC
Chopper Rollins wrote:
Luna Arindale wrote:
I'm guessing 90% of the forums are red. They fly down here when they get the chance to shoot at us, then receive the Proviblock hug of death.

My experience in Provi was more Handshake of Fear.
I cloaked in the busiest ratting system the map would show, watched the stats drop from 6k rats killed over 24 hours down to less than 500. Killed a few bads who persisted in ratting until after about 2 weeks i was contacted by a reasonable sort of chap who likes to rat all the time. I was paid 2 billion to take my act on the road.
People there are too rich from pve.

well you were cloaked up so you can't complain about lack of fights. Maybe if you weren't they would of felt inclined to engage you, however every trap they would of set up, you could of easily avoided. If people stop ratting in a system that someone who was actively killing people that isn't fear. They are actively denying you chances to kill them, which is content because sandbox. The person who payed you was foolish and should of moved operations to another system. People who have lived down here for years have had experience with the hotdropper of month. So they generally ignore them and move somewhere else because what's the point of trying to engage? You know you won't, and so do the inhabitants.

Syna Anima
#53 - 2015-04-17 07:45:07 UTC
Seems to me that most high sec or new players don't really read the EVE Forums.

Most of the replies here are from bitter vets and frustrated pilots. Should war start in Provi, we welcome you all for a good brawl.

The invitation is still open thou, so if anyone reading this is interested, let me know.
Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#54 - 2015-04-17 10:48:56 UTC
Syna Anima wrote:
Seems to me that most high sec or new players don't really read the EVE Forums.

Most of the replies here are from bitter vets and frustrated pilots. Should war start in Provi, we welcome you all for a good brawl.

The invitation is still open thou, so if anyone reading this is interested, let me know.

I'm just calling it as it will happen ...
... but it makes your side the most attractive one

Only losers join those who they believe will win anyway.

How can I help defend your space?
Bubbles are a nightmare for me. :/
  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
Syna Anima
#55 - 2015-04-17 12:37:32 UTC
Eve Solecist wrote:
Syna Anima wrote:
Seems to me that most high sec or new players don't really read the EVE Forums.

Most of the replies here are from bitter vets and frustrated pilots. Should war start in Provi, we welcome you all for a good brawl.

The invitation is still open thou, so if anyone reading this is interested, let me know.

I'm just calling it as it will happen ...
... but it makes your side the most attractive one

Only losers join those who they believe will win anyway.

How can I help defend your space?
Bubbles are a nightmare for me. :/

Hi there and thanks for your reply.

The best way to help us, and this applies to everyone, is when Providence is invaded (regardless by whom), please join in the fights and kill as many enemies as possible. It does not matter if you will also shoot at us, as long as your first target is CFC or anyone else present that is not ProviBloc.

This will guarantee a lot of good fights for everyone and fun, but at the same time it will prove difficult for any one party to conquer Providence since it will be a Free For All feast.

Hope this helps, alternatively, you can join us until then. :)
Celise Katelo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#56 - 2015-04-17 14:31:59 UTC
Places pinky toe into the ocean of 0.0 Shocked

Looks about & spots piranha over yonder.... Hopefully they didn't notice me on D-scan Blink

EVEBoard ...Just over 60million skill points, each skill was chosen for a reason. I closed my eyes & clicked another skill to train... "BINGO...!!!" ... "This time i got something usefull"

Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#57 - 2015-04-17 14:52:54 UTC
My question didn't really get answered.

"Join the fights" .... sheesh, not gonna drone around having to listen
to some broken vinyl repeating everything three times,
because his squadmembers are too daft getting it on the first time.

Yeah no that's not restricted to Provi so don't take it personally please. ^_^

Is there actually anyone out there who started making plans for defense?
  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#58 - 2015-04-17 15:32:33 UTC
Are there any active Provi mining corps? I want to move out there to mine but would like to join a mining corp.
Eve Solecist
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#59 - 2015-04-17 15:37:45 UTC
Thirelian wrote:
Are there any active Provi mining corps? I want to move out there to mine but would like to join a mining corp.

  • All incoming connection attempts are being blocked. If you want to speak to me you will find me either in Hek local, you can create a contract or make a thread about it in General Discussions. I will call you back. -
Jenshae Chiroptera
#60 - 2015-04-17 15:51:15 UTC
Thirelian wrote:
Are there any active Provi mining corps? I want to move out there to mine but would like to join a mining corp.
Map -> Star Map -> Sovereignty -> Development Indicies -> Industry

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.