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Can't believe Off Grid Boosting is still around. Srsly?

First post
Aston Martin DB5
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#201 - 2015-03-14 02:44:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Aston Martin DB5
Having the bonuses rock but I will say this: I would love for their roll to be on the battlefield (pve or pvp) even if it means they must target the ships for the bonuses with max range 100km.

Be creative and make new high slot modules? Make them similar to logi pilots or link up with them on the battlefield how cap transfer work with Amarr logi? Who knows... but I don't like afk boosting - just the buffs haha Roll
kraken11 jensen
#202 - 2015-03-14 06:00:44 UTC
Aston Martin DB5 wrote:
Having the bonuses rock but I will say this: I would love for their roll to be on the battlefield (pve or pvp) even if it means they must target the ships for the bonuses with max range 100km.

Be creative and make new high slot modules? Make them similar to logi pilots or link up with them on the battlefield similar to how cap transfer work with Amarr logi? Who knows... but I don't like afk boosting - just the buffs haha Roll

Afk boosting= Scan down = Kill Booster = Hah. So, why you don't like it? :P
Antagonistic Tendencies
#203 - 2015-03-14 12:35:22 UTC
TBH most people who use links as a gross generalisation try to use every tool available to get themselves an edge and the people complaining want the same results without having to go to half the efforts and if/when OGBs go will move straight onto whining about whatever else gives those players an edge.
Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#204 - 2015-03-15 14:06:50 UTC
Can't believe this thread is still going!

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

Buhhdust Princess
Mind Games.
Suddenly Spaceships.
#205 - 2015-03-15 23:07:55 UTC
Budda Kuha wrote:
I recently bought this toon and returned to EVE after a break due to rl obligations and I was shocked to see that ogb was not only still around but that it has spread like a desease and infested most of lowsec and nullsec even. Before anyone calls me a whiner let me say this: I have much love for EVE as a game and even though i don't have much time to play it I will probably keep my accounts subbed until tranquility shuts down.I'm not a "pro" and I don't care for kb stats but i do care for good fights which way too often simply get ruined by off grid boosted undercover super ships! Wasn't this supposed to be dealt with a long time ago!? Why do you even bother balancing hulls if you're allowing a condor being turned into a garmur from off grid without any notable risk?!

The arguments for getting rid of this terrible mechanic are well known so I won't enumerate them again but seriously: CCP, get your stuff together! You guys know what a turn off ogb is for half of the pvp community, you know how it caters to a dumped down, tedious, slow and risk-averse playsyle that is literally poison to pvp as a whole! If the dogma rewrite still takes time give us something in the meantime! This bullshit mechanic has been around for way too long and not everybody is enough of an eve fanboy to endure your disregard in that respect.CCP, do something!

Shut up and unsub again seriously... stop whining about things and get on with it. OGB is a thing and SHOULD remain a thing, it's the ONLY thing that allows soloers/small gangs to fight outnumbered and have fun anymore.
B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#206 - 2015-03-16 12:09:26 UTC
Personally I think OGB should be removed.

I have no fancy arguments, no witty comments, no disparaging remarks, and no anecdotal evidence to back up my position.

Am I concerned about it remaining in game? Not really.

Would I like to see it gone? Yup.

Will I whine on the forums if it remains? Nope.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

Budda Kuha
Buster Blade
#207 - 2015-03-16 12:27:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Budda Kuha
Buhhdust Princess wrote:
Budda Kuha wrote:
I recently bought this toon and returned to EVE after a break due to rl obligations and I was shocked to see that ogb was not only still around but that it has spread like a desease and infested most of lowsec and nullsec even. Before anyone calls me a whiner let me say this: I have much love for EVE as a game and even though i don't have much time to play it I will probably keep my accounts subbed until tranquility shuts down.I'm not a "pro" and I don't care for kb stats but i do care for good fights which way too often simply get ruined by off grid boosted undercover super ships! Wasn't this supposed to be dealt with a long time ago!? Why do you even bother balancing hulls if you're allowing a condor being turned into a garmur from off grid without any notable risk?!

The arguments for getting rid of this terrible mechanic are well known so I won't enumerate them again but seriously: CCP, get your stuff together! You guys know what a turn off ogb is for half of the pvp community, you know how it caters to a dumped down, tedious, slow and risk-averse playsyle that is literally poison to pvp as a whole! If the dogma rewrite still takes time give us something in the meantime! This bullshit mechanic has been around for way too long and not everybody is enough of an eve fanboy to endure your disregard in that respect.CCP, do something!

Shut up and unsub again seriously... stop whining about things and get on with it. OGB is a thing and SHOULD remain a thing, it's the ONLY thing that allows soloers/small gangs to fight outnumbered and have fun anymore.

Read the Thread, will you? I specifically explained why boosts DON'T favor "soloers" and small gangs. They cater to larger stationary groups. Also: If you can't engage gangs without links you're just terrible at EVE. What really makes viable solo pvp tactics (kiting!) neigh impossible is when the enemy has skirmish links. You should also change your tone unless you like sounding like an egomaniac little brat.
knobber Jobbler
State War Academy
Caldari State
#208 - 2015-03-16 12:50:20 UTC
Buhhdust Princess wrote:
Budda Kuha wrote:
I recently bought this toon and returned to EVE after a break due to rl obligations and I was shocked to see that ogb was not only still around but that it has spread like a desease and infested most of lowsec and nullsec even. Before anyone calls me a whiner let me say this: I have much love for EVE as a game and even though i don't have much time to play it I will probably keep my accounts subbed until tranquility shuts down.I'm not a "pro" and I don't care for kb stats but i do care for good fights which way too often simply get ruined by off grid boosted undercover super ships! Wasn't this supposed to be dealt with a long time ago!? Why do you even bother balancing hulls if you're allowing a condor being turned into a garmur from off grid without any notable risk?!

The arguments for getting rid of this terrible mechanic are well known so I won't enumerate them again but seriously: CCP, get your stuff together! You guys know what a turn off ogb is for half of the pvp community, you know how it caters to a dumped down, tedious, slow and risk-averse playsyle that is literally poison to pvp as a whole! If the dogma rewrite still takes time give us something in the meantime! This bullshit mechanic has been around for way too long and not everybody is enough of an eve fanboy to endure your disregard in that respect.CCP, do something!

Shut up and unsub again seriously... stop whining about things and get on with it. OGB is a thing and SHOULD remain a thing, it's the ONLY thing that allows soloers/small gangs to fight outnumbered and have fun anymore.

Both sides in a fight can bring them though, so your point is void.
Budda Kuha
Buster Blade
#209 - 2015-03-16 13:03:02 UTC
knobber Jobbler wrote:
Buhhdust Princess wrote:
Budda Kuha wrote:
I recently bought this toon and returned to EVE after a break due to rl obligations and I was shocked to see that ogb was not only still around but that it has spread like a desease and infested most of lowsec and nullsec even. Before anyone calls me a whiner let me say this: I have much love for EVE as a game and even though i don't have much time to play it I will probably keep my accounts subbed until tranquility shuts down.I'm not a "pro" and I don't care for kb stats but i do care for good fights which way too often simply get ruined by off grid boosted undercover super ships! Wasn't this supposed to be dealt with a long time ago!? Why do you even bother balancing hulls if you're allowing a condor being turned into a garmur from off grid without any notable risk?!

The arguments for getting rid of this terrible mechanic are well known so I won't enumerate them again but seriously: CCP, get your stuff together! You guys know what a turn off ogb is for half of the pvp community, you know how it caters to a dumped down, tedious, slow and risk-averse playsyle that is literally poison to pvp as a whole! If the dogma rewrite still takes time give us something in the meantime! This bullshit mechanic has been around for way too long and not everybody is enough of an eve fanboy to endure your disregard in that respect.CCP, do something!

Shut up and unsub again seriously... stop whining about things and get on with it. OGB is a thing and SHOULD remain a thing, it's the ONLY thing that allows soloers/small gangs to fight outnumbered and have fun anymore.

Both sides in a fight can bring them though, so your point is void.

exactly and on top of that: Larger and more stationary grups will be more likely to have links and to have better links! Tbh the whole "links allow us to engage larger gangs"-argument says something about the person making it. Specifically that he or she is not capable of understanding a game mechanic and its impact beyond the limited scope of their personal experience.
#210 - 2015-03-16 15:53:41 UTC
Gonna be honest this is right up there with AFK cloaking in the "Things I don't care about" department.

If nothing else due to the afk nature of boosters it's quite fun to have someone with max probing/virtues out during a big fleet fight hunting them down and killing them.

Just make it so the boosts can't be run within a pos. All major problems fixed.
Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#211 - 2015-03-16 15:55:01 UTC
Budda Kuha wrote:
You should also change your tone unless you like sounding like an egomaniac little brat.

You should have one of those reader things that read your own comments back to you before posting them. It may help out with serious problems with your own posts.

And in other news. LINKS ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. CCP have said so. Again and Again. Get over yourselfs.

And if i go to the effort of skilling up a links pilot, why shouldn't i get an advantage? If i go to the effort of having a scout, why should that be bad? Seems there is just a lot of butthurt for people that can't be bothered with getting links, or even worse hate the idea of losing any fight.

If you want a perfectly even playing field, go play chess or Go.

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#212 - 2015-03-16 15:59:11 UTC
Rroff wrote:
TBH most people who use links as a gross generalisation try to use every tool available to get themselves an edge....

'every tool available' should not mean:
- second account for 'solo pvp'
- hacker attack to TS or to server
- other out of game mean

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Darth Virpio
The Jolly Leslies
#213 - 2015-03-16 20:44:34 UTC
OGB ships are bad in my opinion, simply as they are way too effective for the amount of risk involved. Some suggestions would be:

- Make boosts much weaker, with a boost (to the current level) if the ships are on grid with you. Probably difficult to code.

- Change the boosts to effect different characteristics. I don't think it is the tank bonuses that really get people - Its the massive speed boost combined with the boost to web/scram range. Either remove speed and/or web/scram bonuses and leave the rest as is. Its the combination of these two which makes links OP for the investment - And before anyone says but everyone could have one, can I just say that ANY game mechanic which encourages a second account or an ability/willingness to multi-box (with the investment in PC and screens etc...) is fundamentally bad. Really bad. Anyone who refuses to see that very obvious point needs their head examined as a matter of urgency.

- A new Hi Slot module that Jams links. Would be great if this could be fit as a hi slot module, but maybe more viable as a POS module - Similar to a Cyno Jammer - Just blocks all links in system when active. This would allow a legitimate counter to the OGB tactic. Simiar to fitting ECCM, tracking computers, sensor boosters etc...

Lots of other options to look at, but the only bit that is clear from my experience of the game (and reading this thread) is that OGB in the current format are unhealthy, generally unwanted and need alterations. I doubt CCP will even consider removing OGB, just from the sheer number of accounts that would be immediately expired, but changing them in a way that makes them a smaller factor in a fight (or make them counterable) I think is viable.
Kathryn Painway
Just a Ride
#214 - 2015-03-17 02:12:27 UTC
[quote= Ogb gives one half of pvpers a massive practically risk free advantage over the other half while dumpening down tactical depth in the process. It's the definition of a bad mechanic that messes with all the careful balancing and complexity that ccp has created. empire, lowsec, nullsec: doesn't matter, it's still a terrible mechanic![/quote]

I am usually on the wrong side of that senario but have no problems with it, especially when OGB have to be uncloaked, and that's how you get yourself a nice T2 or 3 kill. Besides, it also allows for more versatile mining fleets


Sylveria Relden
#215 - 2015-03-17 02:20:16 UTC
OGB... really simple- don't wanna lose it? Don't field it.

People like to talk a lot when it comes to "risk" and "risk adversity" yet then want to hide their ships off-grid while they reap the benefits for doing so.

How about practicing what you preach?

TL;DR If you didn't read the entire post perhaps you're probably ADHD. (seek help)

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#216 - 2015-03-17 02:26:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Budda Kuha wrote:
Tbh the whole "links allow us to engage larger gangs"-argument says something about the person making it

Here I would agree with you. It says those people are willing to accept responsibility to deal with things in game themselves, rather than crying to CCP to change things to make it easier for them.

Budda Kuha wrote:
Specifically that he or she is not capable of understanding a game mechanic and its impact beyond the limited scope of their personal experience.

My reading of this thread suggests very much the opposite, but experience should be changed to 'bias'. Whinging and moaning and not accepting other peoples valid views because of your own bias hasn't been the position of those in this thread that accept links as a valid part of play.

We all come up against skirmish linked Garmurs and similar. Yeah, they are a PITA but they can be countered. Whinging in the forum is the least of the ways to go about it.

CCP will make changes to links when they get around to it. Stomping feet aren't going to make that happen any faster.
Caldari State
#217 - 2015-03-17 05:07:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Avellean
No need to get rid of offgrid boosts, everything in this game has a counter and the counter to ogb is being able to scan them down and kill them, even if you cant kill them you can cause them to keep warping which kills the boosts. In order for them to remove ogb they would have to go through every grid and fix them. They would have to change every grid in the game to be exactly alike.
#218 - 2015-03-17 06:35:20 UTC
I don't like them, but they are probably hard coded into the fleet booster system. Ergo, they ain't going anywhere Soon™ or even in a near term span of time.

Simple solution:

Make links increase your signature, or decrease your sensor strength.

It's not as much fun as having them on grid, but ECCM is no longer effective against virtue probers, or any probers when combined with links. You can now tank and arm them, or watch as people figure out their covops have damage bonuses at your expense.

ECCM can still hide ships, just not booster ships.

If they're armed, you might as well have them on grid.
Khimes Quds
Eclipse Pulsar
#219 - 2015-03-17 07:20:22 UTC
OGB = Pay to win. At least for solo pvp. It unbalances the game by nullifying disadvantages of ships or by giving them enormous advantages. A ship with high tank, high speed and high dps is the exact opposite of good game design. OGB should at least give one direct disadvantage to its users.

People would brag for being good at pvp when I was doing FW pvp two years ago, now they are bragging for having a second account. This is simply terrible.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#220 - 2015-03-17 07:44:01 UTC
Off grid boosting removes the competitive solo pvp element of the game.
I prefer to play this way.
I have always enjoyed the 1v1 element to any game I've ever played.
Nothing more satisfying than going mind to mind / skill to skill with another opponent when playing games.
I think "OFF" grid boosting is unfair for people who want to only pay for one account.
If this "OFF" grid boosting was removed, which I think it should. Probably we would see more actual piloted command ships piloted in fleets? Since the only way other players can be boosted is through "ON-grid" boosting.

OGB, I'd prefer if this feature wasn't in the game. It's clearly unfair for 1 account people?
It's highly irritating IMO.