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pyfa 1.15.0 (Vanguard)

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Annika Keikira
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#681 - 2014-10-15 18:26:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Annika Keikira
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
Fandy Fendy wrote:
Where i can save proxy-server login and password? Pyfa can not get characters info by api key only known proxy-server and port. Sorry for my English :)

Proxy passwords are not supported as this time.

I was going to include it in the network overhaul but couldn't get password functionality working correctly on my Linux box.

Annika Keikira wrote:
I'm on Windows 8 at the moment. HTML exports are disabled in preferences.

I'm not sure then. On Win 7 I can add / remove modules as quickly as I can click on them. What specifically are the steps you are taking?

No specific steps. Activating/deactivating or adding/removing modules causes lag, not always but often.
Molith Corbec
#682 - 2014-10-16 07:30:26 UTC
Thanks for this great tool.

maybe the Ancillary Shield Boost calculation is wrong. If you activate "factor in reload time" it has no impact on Sustained HP/s calculation. Real value is much lower (only 1/3).
Ibeau Renoir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#683 - 2014-10-16 12:52:47 UTC
On Mint 17, I had to manually install python-sqlalchemy and python-dateutil packages. Pyfa recognises the former and gives an error, but the latter just crashes. I guess dateutil is installed by default on the distros the devs use? Neither message is visible if you just run from a desktop shortcut - an error dialogue in this case would be nice.

Ceci n'est pas un sig.

Blodhgarm Dethahal
8 Sins of Man
Stray Dogs.
#684 - 2014-10-17 05:12:51 UTC
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
Kane Fenris wrote:
hi, ive trouble with pyfa it wont start (1.5.1 !)
tried zip and .exe installer and other stuff (deactivateing anti virus softawere etc.)
eft works just fine but i like pyfa way better any things i can try to fix this?

ps.: running win 7

Similar sounding issue here:

Please read and let me know if any of the advise works for you.

I've had a similar issue myself but the proposed solution has not worked. Even stranger, the updated version worked well up until yesterday, which is when it stopped opening.

Bit at a loss on what caused it to stop working when it was uptodate and working for over a week.
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#685 - 2014-10-20 18:18:51 UTC
Ibeau Renoir wrote:
On Mint 17, I had to manually install python-sqlalchemy and python-dateutil packages. Pyfa recognises the former and gives an error, but the latter just crashes. I guess dateutil is installed by default on the distros the devs use? Neither message is visible if you just run from a desktop shortcut - an error dialogue in this case would be nice.

dateutil is listed as one of the requirements as it's used in update notifications (and I think somewhere else too, don't remember). We could test for it and warn on startup, but that would require a new skeleton being generated (which what caused a lot of trouble with v1.5.0).

As of right now, I think it's sufficient to include it on the list of required modules.

In other news, I'm taking a hiatus until further notice. I will still continue to work on pyfa in my spare time, but the time that I can devote to it has shrunk dramatically in recent weeks and will not recover any time soon. I will be around to help Kadesh with expansion updates, and I will still tinker with things here and there, but new bug fixes / features from me will become few and fewer until I get a few things in RL sorted out.
Takatak Patchkof
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#686 - 2014-11-03 13:37:04 UTC
First of all, thanks for all your hard work. PyFA is a great tool!

However, on Mac, the ship menu runs terribly slow(!). The same experience occurs when trying to return to the ship menu. Any advise on how to speed it up?

The Python version I am running is Python2.7.6, unless it is PyFA hardcoded to use 3.x, but since it is already compiled I am guessing the Python environment must be included within the compiled package.

Live well and prosper.
Jimmy Mallmann
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#687 - 2014-11-04 10:46:42 UTC
Hello, how about adding the drone volley to the total volley, or in a different view?

tks for the great tool
We pooped on your lawn
#688 - 2014-11-04 12:24:06 UTC
As always, awesome tool! :D
Also, please allow to be the 2 identical fits project to each other (Project fit A to fit A) - Would be useful when fitting Augs/Osprays
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#689 - 2014-11-04 15:09:09 UTC
Takatak Patchkof wrote:
First of all, thanks for all your hard work. PyFA is a great tool!

However, on Mac, the ship menu runs terribly slow(!). The same experience occurs when trying to return to the ship menu. Any advise on how to speed it up?

The Python version I am running is Python2.7.6, unless it is PyFA hardcoded to use 3.x, but since it is already compiled I am guessing the Python environment must be included within the compiled package.

Live well and prosper.

Mac client ships with it's own environment, yes. You can try to run pyfa from source as long as you meet the requirements and see if that speeds it up (may be an issue with mac python environment that is shipped). Honestly, I cannot test this as I do not own a mac and can only run through a VM, which itself is slower overall so I don't notice hiccups like these.

Mac developers wanted, please let us know

Discomanco wrote:
As always, awesome tool! :D
Also, please allow to be the 2 identical fits project to each other (Project fit A to fit A) - Would be useful when fitting Augs/Osprays

This is very hard to achieve due to recursion issues that haven't been worked out and are difficult to fix. See
We pooped on your lawn
#690 - 2014-11-06 00:58:01 UTC
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
Takatak Patchkof wrote:
First of all, thanks for all your hard work. PyFA is a great tool!

However, on Mac, the ship menu runs terribly slow(!). The same experience occurs when trying to return to the ship menu. Any advise on how to speed it up?

The Python version I am running is Python2.7.6, unless it is PyFA hardcoded to use 3.x, but since it is already compiled I am guessing the Python environment must be included within the compiled package.

Live well and prosper.

Mac client ships with it's own environment, yes. You can try to run pyfa from source as long as you meet the requirements and see if that speeds it up (may be an issue with mac python environment that is shipped). Honestly, I cannot test this as I do not own a mac and can only run through a VM, which itself is slower overall so I don't notice hiccups like these.

Mac developers wanted, please let us know

Discomanco wrote:
As always, awesome tool! :D
Also, please allow to be the 2 identical fits project to each other (Project fit A to fit A) - Would be useful when fitting Augs/Osprays

This is very hard to achieve due to recursion issues that haven't been worked out and are difficult to fix. See

Aww, shame :( Hope a fix can be found, and if not.. well, then it has to be so.

Add a way to force a price update or clear the price cache (may already be in the app?).
My router crashed mid-fitting, which made multiple modules (and ship) have no price at all and I can't find any way to make it force update so I can see the actual price of the ship.
Kadesh Priestess
#691 - 2014-11-06 22:39:07 UTC
New release for Phoebe, which you can find on github release page.

Sorry for some delay, I've got lost in time after last weekend :P

Discomanco wrote:
Add a way to force a price update or clear the price cache (may already be in the app?).
My router crashed mid-fitting, which made multiple modules (and ship) have no price at all and I can't find any way to make it force update so I can see the actual price of the ship.
It remembers time of last failed fetch for each item and re-requests it in 4 hours. I don't know if we need separate button or option with such mechanics in place.
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#692 - 2014-11-07 03:03:54 UTC
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
It remembers time of last failed fetch for each item and re-requests it in 4 hours. I don't know if we need separate button or option with such mechanics in place.

Might be able to create a context menu for the price pane to force a price refresh of the current fit. I'll add it to the issues
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#693 - 2014-11-07 03:58:52 UTC
I'm getting the old "pyfa Error" with a link to the ancient MacPython site. Is anyone getting this under Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)? The last posts I found about this error were from back in 2011. Thanks!
Macker Momo
The Big Moe
#694 - 2014-11-07 04:35:46 UTC
Where does PYFA store the fits I have made in Win 7, assuming I use the .exe version and auto-install? I need a way to delete them all and start over. When I try to open several types of ships, I see an indication that I have 1 or multiple ship fits, but the whole ships display crashes and the ship fitting screen won't open. The problem started with the last release and has continued through this release.

I have tried deleting the entire x86/pyfa directory and uninstalling PYFA without success. Sure, the app is removed, but somehow PYFA remembers my ship fits, which leads to me not being able to open any ships with previously stored fittings.

Thank you. I have enjoyed this tool for at least a couple of years. I would like to be able to use it again.

Life is short. Have fun.

Kadesh Priestess
#695 - 2014-11-07 09:56:54 UTC
Tynbor wrote:
I'm getting the old "pyfa Error" with a link to the ancient MacPython site. Is anyone getting this under Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)? The last posts I found about this error were from back in 2011. Thanks!
It is generic error. Unfortunately i don't think i can help you in this case, we do not have developers with mac to debug it.

Macker Momo wrote:
Where does PYFA store the fits I have made in Win 7, assuming I use the .exe version and auto-install? I need a way to delete them all and start over. When I try to open several types of ships, I see an indication that I have 1 or multiple ship fits, but the whole ships display crashes and the ship fitting screen won't open. The problem started with the last release and has continued through this release.

I have tried deleting the entire x86/pyfa directory and uninstalling PYFA without success. Sure, the app is removed, but somehow PYFA remembers my ship fits, which leads to me not being able to open any ships with previously stored fittings.

Thank you. I have enjoyed this tool for at least a couple of years. I would like to be able to use it again.
[your user folder]/.pyfa/saveddata.db

But before removing it, please upload it somewhere so we can check what went wrong.

Also, there's known issue with polarized guns which make armor/shield resistances negative, resulting in a way less EHP than intended. We already have fix in git, i will make new release with few bug fixes this weekend.
We pooped on your lawn
#696 - 2014-11-07 13:40:52 UTC
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
New release for Phoebe, which you can find on github release page.

Sorry for some delay, I've got lost in time after last weekend :P

Discomanco wrote:
Add a way to force a price update or clear the price cache (may already be in the app?).
My router crashed mid-fitting, which made multiple modules (and ship) have no price at all and I can't find any way to make it force update so I can see the actual price of the ship.
It remembers time of last failed fetch for each item and re-requests it in 4 hours. I don't know if we need separate button or option with such mechanics in place.

Didn't know that, thanks for the info Smile
Still, I think a "force price update now" method could be useful, but maybe it's just me

Also, thanks for the update Big smile
Macker Momo
The Big Moe
#697 - 2014-11-07 17:57:26 UTC
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
Tynbor wrote:
I'm getting the old "pyfa Error" with a link to the ancient MacPython site. Is anyone getting this under Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)? The last posts I found about this error were from back in 2011. Thanks!
It is generic error. Unfortunately i don't think i can help you in this case, we do not have developers with mac to debug it.

Macker Momo wrote:
Where does PYFA store the fits I have made in Win 7, assuming I use the .exe version and auto-install? I need a way to delete them all and start over. When I try to open several types of ships, I see an indication that I have 1 or multiple ship fits, but the whole ships display crashes and the ship fitting screen won't open. The problem started with the last release and has continued through this release.

I have tried deleting the entire x86/pyfa directory and uninstalling PYFA without success. Sure, the app is removed, but somehow PYFA remembers my ship fits, which leads to me not being able to open any ships with previously stored fittings.

Thank you. I have enjoyed this tool for at least a couple of years. I would like to be able to use it again.
[your user folder]/.pyfa/saveddata.db

But before removing it, please upload it somewhere so we can check what went wrong.

Also, there's known issue with polarized guns which make armor/shield resistances negative, resulting in a way less EHP than intended. We already have fix in git, i will make new release with few bug fixes this weekend.

Thank you. I have uploaded all the files I think might be helpful with your debugging. The most repeatable situation is when you click on exhumers-->skiff. It locks up every time on my computer. Links below.

Life is short. Have fun.

Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#698 - 2014-11-07 18:45:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Sable Blitzmann
Tynbor wrote:
I'm getting the old "pyfa Error" with a link to the ancient MacPython site. Is anyone getting this under Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)? The last posts I found about this error were from back in 2011. Thanks!

Most likely this is pyfa crashing on database initialization. Try this:

I am debating on putting old upgrade paths back in for those that are coming back after a long time away, which should help in this issue =)
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#699 - 2014-11-07 18:54:20 UTC
Macker Momo wrote:

Thank you. I have uploaded all the files I think might be helpful with your debugging. The most repeatable situation is when you click on exhumers-->skiff. It locks up every time on my computer. Links below.

A very quick check of error log shows that you have a fit that seems to be missing an attribute. This has happened before to someone who upgraded to a version that included this extra attribute and made a fit. The fit had this attribute. But then downgraded for whatever reason to a version that did not have this attribute. Made another fit, which did not have this attribute. Then upgraded again. Now the fit made with the downgraded version is missing that attribute, and the whole thing chokes on the new version.

I will have to confirm later when I have a chance to look at the actual database file. I'll also try to find a proper fix for this.
Macker Momo
The Big Moe
#700 - 2014-11-07 22:29:51 UTC
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
Macker Momo wrote:

Thank you. I have uploaded all the files I think might be helpful with your debugging. The most repeatable situation is when you click on exhumers-->skiff. It locks up every time on my computer. Links below.

A very quick check of error log shows that you have a fit that seems to be missing an attribute. This has happened before to someone who upgraded to a version that included this extra attribute and made a fit. The fit had this attribute. But then downgraded for whatever reason to a version that did not have this attribute. Made another fit, which did not have this attribute. Then upgraded again. Now the fit made with the downgraded version is missing that attribute, and the whole thing chokes on the new version.

I will have to confirm later when I have a chance to look at the actual database file. I'll also try to find a proper fix for this.

Thank you. To the best of my knowledge I have only upgraded when new versions became available. I did not uninstall PYFA in the past, thinking the install .exe would delete the old files. It's entirely possible one or more of my installs resulted in old files remaining in the PYFA folder. That situation has been remedied now, though. PYFA is working again quite well, though my old fits are gone, which is no big deal to me. CCP has rebalanced so many ships in the past year, I usually just start over when I want a good ship fitting.

Thank you for your part in maintaining and enhancing such a valuable tool. My game play is enhanced immensely through PYFA. ;-)

Life is short. Have fun.