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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Aleks Cave
#1801 - 2014-10-01 23:15:39 UTC
I hope CCP implements these changes and maybe includes my fingerchop proposal
Shaera Taam
Khanid Prime Free Irregulars
#1802 - 2014-10-01 23:15:42 UTC
as a non-jump capable pilot, atm, my favorite bit was this...

CCP Greyscale wrote: ships will be able to use stargates, but will for the time being they will still be barred from entering Highsec...

but really, why *stop* the supers from jumping into hisec?

no, really, hear me out on this one...

everyone is always chanting "death to supers," right? so why not let them use the stargate to get in? CCP just needs to do two things as soon as they land in hisec:
-- immediately give that cap aggro from whichever empire navy they encounter first
-- and flag them "suspect" to all capsuleers

emergent gameplay? check...
fewer supers in new eden? check...
giant frickin space fights in hi-sec? check...

Thus Spake the Frigate Goddess!

Boomer Zedroid
Treasure Seekers Society
#1803 - 2014-10-01 23:15:47 UTC
At this point his cooldown timer is 2 hours 2 minutes 8 seconds, and his fatigue is 706.74. At this point his total distance travelled is 17.51 LY, leaving him with 37.04 LY to go. He looks at his map, and finds a 40-route jump through nullsec to get to the same destination, and figuring two minutes per system, his warp travel time for the whole journey is a bit over half the cooldown for his next jump. He decides to throw his computer out the window.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1804 - 2014-10-01 23:15:55 UTC
Holy freakin crap you're actually going to do it. Capitals using gates *drools*. This is huge and my eve-related interest has spiked once more. Ooo, that's a good feeling. I'd like to add that capitals in highsec at some point (given appropriate measures to ensure game balance i.e. balancing capitals with subcaps) is something I would like to see.

Just want to point out the needless complexity of having two separate cooldown timers for jump drives. Keep it simple, guys.

"Wow, that internet argument completely changed my fundamental belief system," said no one, ever.

Edgarr Friendly
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1805 - 2014-10-01 23:16:18 UTC
Maybe I'm missing something but surely this just makes the bigger corps/alliances stronger?

You take over a corner of space, you only need to protect the borders because nobody has the range to jump in beyond you, and if they do they are stuck with such large timers that you can activate your defense fleet and destroy them before they can get away. which allows you to have minimal forces within the boundary where you can rent away or operate with impunity.

I'm still waiting to see how small corps alliances benefit
Neckbeard Nolyfe
Zero Fun Allowed
#1806 - 2014-10-01 23:16:21 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
FYI jump fatigue and jump activation timers will NOT be affected by TiDi. They will also continue running during downtime or while an account is lapsed.

Did you not get the hint?
Continue with this change, and o7 to you're game m8.

~lvl 60 paladin~

Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1807 - 2014-10-01 23:16:28 UTC
The days of hotdropping rifters are over.


Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1808 - 2014-10-01 23:16:48 UTC
I cant help but feel that this will village-ize eve, making logistics so much harder, and making deep null-sec extremely difficult to service logistically.
Leave jump ranges as they are, introduce the fatigue system first, monitor that, THEN reassess the impact.
Too much, too fast.
Goonswarm Federation
#1809 - 2014-10-01 23:17:31 UTC
Stop ******* posting spoilers! I never have this much fun chewing on changes
Miyammato Musashi
Freeport Exploration
Loosely Affiliated Pirates Alliance
#1810 - 2014-10-01 23:17:35 UTC
Aleks Cave wrote:
this makes me wanna go back to providence again....

...and me Fountain. I better stock up on supplies soon!

I am a meat popsicle. 

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#1811 - 2014-10-01 23:18:34 UTC
Home turf: super cap holding alts in various systems. Pilot flies to system using interceptor, holding alt deposits super in a POS, pilot picks super up from POS and starts operations from there.

Water-bucket-chain: (super)cap is jumped to destination through a series of holding alts. Pilot flies to staging system using interceptor, picks (super)cap up from holding alt. No pilot in the chain gains enough fatigue to prevent the ship being returned to base the same way after a short fight.

Too many hangars: pilot owns capital ships in vast quantities, stored in hangars at various stations around the cluster. Pilot flies to station using interceptor, picks capital up and flies from there.

At any point, if the fleet needs to move the holding alt can move the ship or the pilot can stow the capital at the local station.

The pilot on the battlefield will never have a cool down timer or jump fatigue larger than one or two jumps.

Of course if you're in a small alliance, tough luck.

Jump fatigue being reduced so significantly on materiel logistics ships doesn't change anything from today, except for jump range.

I would not reduce the penalty on JF and Rorq so significantly. I would also add cool down & fatigue timers to the hulls, with the timers affecting the pilot being the greater of the pilot's or the hull's timers. Indeed, I'd have one inherit the other's greater timer.
Immortal Chrono Pimpin
Avocado Cartel
#1812 - 2014-10-01 23:18:44 UTC
Well i was looking forward to some of the upcoming changes and wanted to see the blops re-do,

But as stated above o7 to your game and money if these changes are made.
The Abusement Park
#1813 - 2014-10-01 23:18:57 UTC
I sense free nullsec pockets popping up pretty soon.

Also WTB Avatar 1 bil
#1814 - 2014-10-01 23:19:16 UTC
The only thing I would like to have is an additional 4,000 m^3 low slot module that increases jump range by 15%

This means that JFs could fit a combination of these things with the jump fuel cost reducers and cargo expanders depending on their specific needs.
#1815 - 2014-10-01 23:19:21 UTC
Retar Aveymone wrote:

wrong...cause we will know what systems are in range of thier "local" forces...and stay just out of range of those... already planning what systems are 5ly+ away to start the attacks, if it holds it gives us a 11min window to kill things approx

we already watch their Titans and how many are ready to bridge....only this time we know either they will be out of range...or know it will take a fixed time to reach the engagement.... of which we can plan around...


man i cannot wait till you realize just how badly you ****** up

WHY? is it going to get any worse? we cant use any of our capital forces EVER anyway except a few ninja runs or we get blobbed off grid everytime.... we are in the midst of the CFC in a perma campaign against you.... what else are you going to do? you tried to hell camp we move to another system..big deal.... you meta game us to hell.... spies and metgaming every day.... and you cant break us... so what are you going to do now? we RF an infrastructure hub in EWOK...and the CFC response..... PING for 3 days and drop a 800 man combined fleet on us.... any sense can it get WORSE for us? Please tell me....

there is LITERALLY nothing you can do to make our existance worse or harder in 0.0 , we already live in the middle of the CFC..with little to no outside support...

any change is good for us..... and these changes ROCK>>>> they are pure gold....

Gen-Eve for the love of what little dignity you have left take Massa's forum rights away. And to think some of your sperglords think they will be "dunking" CFC.

GG Nosovers, cry as any chance you have at living in null turns to bitter dust in your mouths.
Quebec's Underdog League
Quebec United Legions
#1816 - 2014-10-01 23:19:26 UTC
What about giving capitals some warpcore bonus?
As far as I know, a capital ship warp core should be harder to disrupt than a battleship one.

It doesn't mean safe warping capitals in lowsec, but at least not getting pinned by stupid rats at a gate in which take a while to lock. (armor caps will have a significant advantage for that, reinforcing the fact that armor stuff is generally better than shield)
Katarina The Despoiler
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#1817 - 2014-10-01 23:19:29 UTC

Nuff Said.

Time Will Tell, Sooner or Later, Time Will Tell.

Arsine Mayhem
#1818 - 2014-10-01 23:19:39 UTC
Zel Juk wrote:
Most of the tears in this thread seem to be a general knee-jerk fear of change,

No one has any idea how these changes will pan out once implemented. Everyone saying they do is either lying, talking out of their arse, or a total idiot.

Many eve players spend vast quantities of their time and effort complaining that CCP have been reluctant to make big changes, preferring tinkering and balancing, which is a valid point.

CCP have come up with a fairly ballsy change that will certainly change things. For good or bad (I'll say again WE HAVE NO IDEA) cudos to CCP for having the balls to make dramatic changes to EVEs greatest asset, that unfortunately have been rendered safe and predictable.

We all need to get over Incana. We have to let CCP make the changes they feel are necessary. They are some of the few people involved in this game who do not have a personal interest in a set of specific game mechanics. I'd sooner listen to them than a bunch of nulbear shills just reacting without considering the game as a whole.

I know things will eventually slide into another comfortable predictable formulaic nul-sec, but it'll be interesting for the months when everyone is still working it out, at the very least.

Head over to reddit.

Seems all the 2 year olds gather here.
Eridon Hermetz
Jump 2 Beacon
Death Legion of Capybaras
#1819 - 2014-10-01 23:19:50 UTC
Make Blops immune to jump/bridge fatigue will be PURE GOLD for this under-used and expensive/intensive skill ships
John McCreedy
Eve Defence Force
#1820 - 2014-10-01 23:19:51 UTC
Here's a potential post-nerf jump route for people living in Stain:,054,S/9O-ZTS:Sagain

Compared to how it is now:,554,S,-Catch/9O-ZTS:Sagain

This will increase the size of blue lists, not decrease it because you literally cannot get to Empire from Stain without passing through currently hostile space because you can't jump directly from Stain to Delve. Presumably the same will apply to Venal. Over night, you've created two wasteland regions that no one will want to live in.

13 years and counting. Eve Defence Force is recruiting.