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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Lord Mantus
Death Troopers
#1161 - 2014-10-01 20:44:06 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Does this make it too difficult for new pilots to get out into 0.0?
Yes, it probably does. We are going to look at this tomorrow to try and make this easier.

Basically we didn't fully think of all the things this would effect before suggesting it, but who cares.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1162 - 2014-10-01 20:44:15 UTC
I have mixed feelings about this change. My main concern comes from the fact that I haven't seen the other changes that would accompany it. The quality of these changes depend ENTIRELY on their interaction with whatever new sov and ship balance changes you have coming. The fact of the matter is that despite whatever reservations you as a company may have about releasing too much information too soon, those concerns are irrelevant in this very specific case. The more information we as a community have about things that change the foundational aspects of how this game is played the better. The proposals to sov change need to be released POSTHASTE. Capital ships including supers and titans need to be rebalanced and polished to reflect their diminished potential in their current aspect. Titans especially need a rebalance. Shirking these things off saying "they aren't ready yet" or "they aren't on the agenda for this expansion" is frankly a non answer. If you release these changes without clearly outlining how they are going to interact with future iterations of the sov system then you have failed miserably, MISERABLY in your capacity as developers.
Soridar Ravencroft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1163 - 2014-10-01 20:44:21 UTC
OK...I know I don't always see the big picture in some issues, but as a cap pilot who actually uses my ships for basic moving, deploying of ships for diff PvE and other basic goofy null sec crap, THIS IS TOTAL CRAP...

This is a complete farce, and one in which it seems that the Devs responsible are either not cap pilots or just don't do anything other than point a..b..c..home and log, so they don't even have an iota of a clue as to the rest of the players they are screwing. These proposed changes are gonna hit the non sov aspects of EvE 1000% more than they will have any effect on sov warfare. I will break this down by points to clarify.

Effects on Joe the non combat cap pilot vs Sam the combat jockey:

Joe is always making jumps in his jump freighter to move and restock null while bringing goods from null to be traded in the hubs
Sam makes a max of 5 jumps a day...if there is a combat op at all

Joe not only has a JF for trading but enjoys a side business of transporting the ships of some friends for PvE goofyness like incurtions and such
Sam flies an interceptor looking for kills while not running his daily cap op, or just gate camps

Joe having one of the few JFs in his corp is called on for running POS fuel, moduals and system upgrades because no one else trained for it cause they wanted combat ships
Sam doesn't worry cause dreads are never needed for moving crap

Joe goes on cap ops when ever he is free to do so in his carrier
Sam goes on every cap op in his dread

This is a generalist look at how 2 cap pilots play the game, and while it doesn't represent everyone, it does fit a lot of pilots and how they play. So in the end what you really have is not nearly the nerf to combat projection but rather a significant nerf to trade, general game play and logistic capabilities.

If you really want to fix long distance force projection and the way in which capital ships are able to move and fight, then rather than some BS fatigue a pilot receives that changes a "jump cool down" instead have it effect combat skills and capabilities of the actual force being projected. I mean seriously, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if you wanna effect how combat is controlled you penalize the combat skills.

Penalizing jumping itself does nothing other than break down the ability to travel, for good or ill, which last time I heard is not really the real issue here. This seems more of an arbitrary step in reducing and removing capital ships from the field which will not happen as those alliances and coalitions which the numbers and resources will instead just move capitals in anyways. Pilots rarely pay for the fuel for these campaigns, but rather the alliances themselves, which means costs of travel is rarely a concern for major powers.

The real issue here is that forces can stage from nearly any place in EvE and with a proper chain get to anywhere in a matter of tens of minutes, but that means rather little, as Interceptors can do the same and even do so safer, if not faster. So what really is of concern is what kind of power projection can be applied at long range. This is the real issue and should be what is effected.

The way this can be done is to have fatigue effect combat skills, especially those that are based on PvP combat. This ensures that no matter the size of your pilot base or your wallet, that force projection is weakened. Secondly it prevents other areas of the game that are NOT out of balance to be penalized due to bad planning. Third it doesn't effect pilots who where out doing basic trading, logistics and ferrying friends, when the call goes out that you are needed for an op.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1164 - 2014-10-01 20:44:27 UTC
Here for the nullbear tears. How yummy they are!

Congratulations CCP on taking the brave steps fix the terrible state of nullsec.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

knobber Jobbler
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1165 - 2014-10-01 20:44:38 UTC  |  Edited by: knobber Jobbler
Capitals and gates. Never to be uttered in the same sentence unless its an ALOD.

Needmore Longcat wrote:
Is today April 1? Capitals taking gates? Jump fatigue? These are some of the worst ideas.

Look at who is announcing them. Capt. Ibrokesov
Talon Purvanen
Yulai Heavy Industries
#1166 - 2014-10-01 20:44:53 UTC
I don't have a jump ship operating clone just yet, but it's on the way. With that in mind, I was thinking about the Blog updates and I have to say that I think there is a more equitable method of limiting the jumps.

Keep the jump cool down, as it can represent the amount of time needed for a ship to cycle its systems and prepare to jump again, but make it a set cool down for each ship. Obviously, a supercarrier or a titan would require a longer cooldown than a frigate.

If a reduction in the distance of the jump is a set-in-stone policy, then I would hope that there is a corresponding reduction in fuel consumption.

A for pilot fatigue, I personally like the idea, but I would put it on a simple percentage scale. Once a pilot reaches 100% fatigue, he/she must have a minimum cool down period that would be equivalent to crew rest. Current day pilots are mandated an 8 hour crew rest period after coming in from a flight of any real length, but a small amount of flying really doesn't reach the point where that's needed. With this idea, a pilot would be forced to cool down for set amount of time once they reached the 100% fatigue, but, if they planned a mission right, they could jump into a system/fight with a minimal amount of fatigue and be able to jump out again, if they needed to.

I can't see the logic behind multiplicative penalties, even though I do fully see the logic of cumulative ones.
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#1167 - 2014-10-01 20:44:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Bienator II
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Nova Fox wrote:

1. Jump Ship
2. Clone Exits Ship
3. Fresh Clone Enters Ship
4. Jump Ship
5. Exited Clone Body Jumps Home
6. Rinse Repeat Until destination.

The actual logistics of doing this for a reasonable range of target systems are sufficiently involved that we do not expect it to happen in practice.

nobody would ever put a pos into a WH because ~effort~?

edit: the fix is probably to make the timer stick to the moved asset AND the body
edit2: if you don't do this people will just have an alt network for every major jump route and you will have to deal with a lot of account sharing problems

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1168 - 2014-10-01 20:45:39 UTC
Jessica Duranin wrote:
Etienne Picard wrote:
This will alienate a lot of elite pvp'ers and veterans from the game.

lol @ calling dropping more supers than the other guy "elite pvp"

How will that dynamic change with the proposed modifications? Numerical supremacy seems like a pretty age old way of winning battles, I'm not sure CCP should warp the rules of EVE enough to make that not so.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#1169 - 2014-10-01 20:45:58 UTC
Bamboozlement wrote:
Ackbarre wrote:
This devblog has to be the dumbest thing I've read in a very long time. You should just leave it the way it is right now and make no changes. If you continue with this course of action it's no wonder why so many CCP employees are jumping ship so to speak for other game companies. I predict Monoclegate and all the other issues brought about by Incarna. Will pale in comparison to the outrage this is going to generate.

Monoclegate was an issue for a majority of eve players, this is an issue for people with carrier alts.


Keep the tears coming tho

This will become an issue for the majority of Eve players because it affects the economy of the game (via logistics).


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Black Aces
Goonswarm Federation
#1170 - 2014-10-01 20:46:15 UTC
Lord Mantus wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Does this make it too difficult for new pilots to get out into 0.0?
Yes, it probably does. We are going to look at this tomorrow to try and make this easier.

Basically we didn't fully think of all the things this would effect before suggesting it, but who cares.

Boldly going where no man has gone before!
Nazri al Mahdi
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1171 - 2014-10-01 20:46:39 UTC
Scarlet Intelis wrote:
The way to fix all of this tedious game's problems is apparently by introducing more tedium. Roll

This 100% - I am at my very limit of how much tedium I can stand with the way jump freighters work TODAY. Take even .1 light years away and I will never fly one again.

Will Mods evac the entire east side of the map by petition since they are removing our ability to do it ourselves?
Gillia Winddancer
Gallente Federation
#1172 - 2014-10-01 20:46:44 UTC
Nagarisai wrote:
Gillia Winddancer wrote:
Nagarisai wrote:
bp920091 wrote:
Congratulations CCP, you've made Stain and just about every single NPC 0.0 region uninhabitable.

Good job, I couldnt have created a faster way to kill smaller groups if i tried.

totally agree from your brothers in venal!, you will cut us off logistically from the rest of new eden.........i just dont know what to say.........theres gotta be a better way that this??

Thought that there were lots of ways already. Interceptors, deep space transports, know, all the things that the stone-age players from around 2006 used?

love to see you get past some of the crazy ass gate camps on the way to venal, ceptor fine, but if you wanna move some heavy goods are you seriously telling me a heavy transport can cut it?? jesus man........this will just escalate pipe camping, bigger than what it already can be on some npc 0.0 can you argue about this? there is a rich ecosystem of old players scattered across the game, who effectively just chill and kill, and have effectively stopped large scale engagements due to a boredom with it and the interest in small gang pvp, these corporations are never huge, but decently sized and there are many, in stain, curse, venal, syndicate etc etc, moving large bulk supplies say from jita to venal now, will be such a ******* headache it may not even be worth it!........theres gotta be a better way than this.....seriously

Camps? Well, it being me, I've never really liked the whole gate system in EVE to begin with (man, is Elite awesome in that regard or what by the way), but gatecamps are gatecamps. The solution is what it has always been. Scouts. Teamwork. In worst case, hired guns. Solutions are still plentiful and frankly, this change just might give mercenary groups a lot of fresh business now as well.
Hra Neuvosto
Party Cat Enterprises
#1173 - 2014-10-01 20:46:54 UTC
brb, crafting a galleon
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#1174 - 2014-10-01 20:47:20 UTC
Bienator II wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Nova Fox wrote:

1. Jump Ship
2. Clone Exits Ship
3. Fresh Clone Enters Ship
4. Jump Ship
5. Exited Clone Body Jumps Home
6. Rinse Repeat Until destination.

The actual logistics of doing this for a reasonable range of target systems are sufficiently involved that we do not expect it to happen in practice.

nobody would ever put a pos into a WH because ~effort~?

Titans are not cost effective, they're a giant phallus and we expect a handful of them to be built
Anonymous Forumposter
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1175 - 2014-10-01 20:47:44 UTC
My opinion is that a great deal of the complaining stems from a lack of capacity to think about the big picture. Changes on this scale will both destroy and create new opportunities and gameplay. New mid way trade hubs, Increased industry in low and null to offset the challenges of longer trade routes. Haulers will likely hand off their cargo more so instead of cargo using a single JF from deep null to Jita, It will jump part way, and hand it off to the next pilot.

In terms of combat, it will require alliances to be far more strategic in when, where, and how they use their assets. If you choose to go the gate route, you open yourself up for ambushes and hit and run tactics to slow you down. You provide the defenders more time to gather their forces promoting larger scale and more strategic conflicts. Every fight and every asset lost has the potential to become more and more significant allowing attrition strategies to come into play more so than before. I'm sure the majority of the players complaining don't think about strategy this way, all they see is themselves and how they want to do everything when they want to do it. EVE is a large scale war and economy strategy simulator. Sometimes effective strategy means planning weeks, months, years? in advance. You want to talk about significant gameplay, These changes open the doors to making your 1 ship kill mean more than it did before. It also encourages you to think more about how you use your ship because losing it means you can't simply hop back in.

This is all very different from the gameplay most people are used to. This will undoubtedly "ruin eve" for some players. They will unsubscribe. Does that make it a bad change? No. The problem is players are enjoying and engaging in play styles that are detrimental to engaging and emergent gameplay. You want your actions to matter on the battle field? These changes give you that power.

By adding all these challenges, CCP gets time to find and implement more changes. Titans were designed with the thought of only a few EVER existing in the game. Players proved them wrong. NULL was never supposed to become what it is. It did anyway. The players will always find a solution and no solution CCP implements is likely to be perfect.

The very bottom line is, there is no way to fix this problem without upsetting players. It's been the norm for far too long and people have become accustomed to it. But it needs to be fixed, and that means disrupting people's play styles because some playstyle's are bad for EVE.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1176 - 2014-10-01 20:47:56 UTC
Eigenvalue wrote:

How will that dynamic change with the proposed modifications? Numerical supremacy seems like a pretty age old way of winning battles, I'm not sure CCP should warp the rules of EVE enough to make that not so.

Not sure if sarcasm but it's what made nullsec stagnant.

I have a Ph.D

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1177 - 2014-10-01 20:47:57 UTC
@CCP Greyscale

Have you thought this through? The sheer amount of hell this will rain down upon the most respected logistics people. This change is going to be hell for logistics in outer space.

It is already one of the most time consuming jobs that exsist in a nul alliance, that just got even worse to a point that it is undoable.

One thing is sure, the ice market will collapse. Big time. Most likely the highsec market which thrives on purchases done by nul will probably crash as nul alliances are now forced to manufacture every single piece for a ship, ammo or whatever and mine every single ore in their own space. Jus because it is no longer an option to buy it in highsec and move it down.

Not to mention the amount of cyno accounts that will be unsubbed. Probably a huge chunk of capital alts as well.

Fights like Asakai and B-R will no longer happen. You can say that capitals can jump gates but it is far too easy to rapecage the entire range of gates needed to get to a fight. So that won't be an option as well. In other words, supercapital fights are a no no.

Think of the insane amount of consequences this change is going to have.
Judas Lonestar
Stryker Industries
Stryker Group
#1178 - 2014-10-01 20:47:59 UTC
Brutus Crendraven wrote:
Good News!!!

Plenty of space in wormholes. No Jump issues. No Tidi

Forgive my corp mate, he is always a bit vague.

We (Stryker) would be happy to escort any caps through WH space. Just let us know when and where our services are needed, and we promise you'll have a swarm of shiny ships headed your way as soon as you let us know.
knobber Jobbler
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1179 - 2014-10-01 20:48:18 UTC
Bamboozlement wrote:
Ackbarre wrote:
This devblog has to be the dumbest thing I've read in a very long time. You should just leave it the way it is right now and make no changes. If you continue with this course of action it's no wonder why so many CCP employees are jumping ship so to speak for other game companies. I predict Monoclegate and all the other issues brought about by Incarna. Will pale in comparison to the outrage this is going to generate.

Monoclegate was an issue for a majority of eve players, this is an issue for people with carrier alts.


Keep the tears coming tho

Most of nullsec either has a carrier alt or uses carriers to get stuff around if they don't have a JF. So yes, it does affect a large number of people.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#1180 - 2014-10-01 20:48:24 UTC

dinsdale is reading this ,

and I would pay serious isk to be a fly on that particular wall.