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[Kronos] Factional Warfare Complex Improvements

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Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#621 - 2014-06-30 15:09:34 UTC
I don't know why they rolled out both FW changes at the same time. WIth the quick turnaround expansions planned, they could have easily just used the higher tank NPC's in the last expansion, move cloaking to Crius, and more NPC spawns to the next one.

And listen to feedback as it goes through a slow evolution.

Right now it's just too much. Reduce the rat spawns to 1-2 extra spawns per plex. Maybe just one every 5 minutes randomly. So Novices have 2 spawns total (the original and one extra), Smalls have 3, Mediums have 4.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#622 - 2014-06-30 15:22:25 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Or another idea is: make the NPC neutral and call them Guardians. and make that you have to shoot them for offensive AND defensive plexing..
LOL, call them "UN Observers" - or "Sisters of Eve Observers." Big smile
Master Sergeant MacRobert
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#623 - 2014-06-30 16:15:15 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Or another idea is: make the NPC neutral and call them Guardians. and make that you have to shoot them for offensive AND defensive plexing..
LOL, call them "UN Observers" - or "Sisters of Eve Observers." Big smile

I like "Blue Beret's" ...

...or was it Blue Berries (with Pancakes) that I like ???

"Remedy this situation or you shall live out the rest of your life in a pain amplifier"

Plus 10 NV
#624 - 2014-06-30 16:51:47 UTC
Aiphona wrote:

....Having to kill 7 NPC totally unbalances Offensive Plexing vs Defensive Plexing.
Look at the FW sov changes.
It is too hard to do offensive now and it is too easy to defensive plexing.
Warzone control is at a stalemate now.

Defensive Plexing at Tier 4 (like Minmatar is now) is more profitable and easier then Offensive at Tier 2.

this means no one is gonna bother doing offensive anymore and will completely stop fighting over systems.
The lucky ones are the ones that have the most systems at the moment and it will probably stay that way. Although the LP is getting useless since Minmater can easily make 1 bill per hour running lvl 4 missions in a stealtbomber.
Missions are too easy and Offensive is too hard....

I am not sure this will be unbalanced. If I recall the defensive plexing = the amount you would get at that tier if you were offensive plexing * 75%* the amount the system is contested. So People will get very little lp for defensive plexing a system down to 0%. Offensive plexing should eventually wear down the defensive plexers. (this is how I think it used to be unless ccp changed it)

Plus, as you said, the missions work to devalue the lp and are much more lucrative than defensive plexing. Since they don't effect occupancy it works to balance things.

My issue just has to do with the pvp. Its not fun to take a fight with an unkillable mwding rat constantly shooting you. Thats why I think if you don't aggro the rat it shouldn't shoot you.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

State War Academy
Caldari State
#625 - 2014-06-30 22:46:48 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Aiphona wrote:

....Having to kill 7 NPC totally unbalances Offensive Plexing vs Defensive Plexing.
Look at the FW sov changes.
It is too hard to do offensive now and it is too easy to defensive plexing.
Warzone control is at a stalemate now.

Defensive Plexing at Tier 4 (like Minmatar is now) is more profitable and easier then Offensive at Tier 2.

this means no one is gonna bother doing offensive anymore and will completely stop fighting over systems.
The lucky ones are the ones that have the most systems at the moment and it will probably stay that way. Although the LP is getting useless since Minmater can easily make 1 bill per hour running lvl 4 missions in a stealtbomber.
Missions are too easy and Offensive is too hard....

I am not sure this will be unbalanced. If I recall the defensive plexing = the amount you would get at that tier if you were offensive plexing * 75%* the amount the system is contested. So People will get very little lp for defensive plexing a system down to 0%. Offensive plexing should eventually wear down the defensive plexers. (this is how I think it used to be unless ccp changed it)

Plus, as you said, the missions work to devalue the lp and are much more lucrative than defensive plexing. Since they don't effect occupancy it works to balance things.

My issue just has to do with the pvp. Its not fun to take a fight with an unkillable mwding rat constantly shooting you. Thats why I think if you don't aggro the rat it shouldn't shoot you.

Well, like Aiphona said, if you make the NPC neutral plex-defenders that you have to shoot for both Offensive AND Defensive, then you can make the LP reward for Defensive pretty much the same, wich will make defending much more interesting.
And that will create more fighting over systems.
The only reason Defensive LP is so low because it was too easy to do.
This solution will solve that, since there will be no longer an advantage.
Plus 10 NV
#626 - 2014-07-01 02:37:31 UTC
Madbuster73 wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Aiphona wrote:

....Having to kill 7 NPC totally unbalances Offensive Plexing vs Defensive Plexing.
Look at the FW sov changes.
It is too hard to do offensive now and it is too easy to defensive plexing.
Warzone control is at a stalemate now.

Defensive Plexing at Tier 4 (like Minmatar is now) is more profitable and easier then Offensive at Tier 2.

this means no one is gonna bother doing offensive anymore and will completely stop fighting over systems.
The lucky ones are the ones that have the most systems at the moment and it will probably stay that way. Although the LP is getting useless since Minmater can easily make 1 bill per hour running lvl 4 missions in a stealtbomber.
Missions are too easy and Offensive is too hard....

I am not sure this will be unbalanced. If I recall the defensive plexing = the amount you would get at that tier if you were offensive plexing * 75%* the amount the system is contested. So People will get very little lp for defensive plexing a system down to 0%. Offensive plexing should eventually wear down the defensive plexers. (this is how I think it used to be unless ccp changed it)

Plus, as you said, the missions work to devalue the lp and are much more lucrative than defensive plexing. Since they don't effect occupancy it works to balance things.

My issue just has to do with the pvp. Its not fun to take a fight with an unkillable mwding rat constantly shooting you. Thats why I think if you don't aggro the rat it shouldn't shoot you.

Well, like Aiphona said, if you make the NPC neutral plex-defenders that you have to shoot for both Offensive AND Defensive, then you can make the LP reward for Defensive pretty much the same, wich will make defending much more interesting.
And that will create more fighting over systems.
The only reason Defensive LP is so low because it was too easy to do.
This solution will solve that, since there will be no longer an advantage.

I am not in favor of defensive plexing much at all. I think people should fight for their systems and not be able to plex when the wartargets leave.

dplexing is easy for more reasons than just the npcs. Its also easy because you know anytime you see a wt he is not docked. So its easy to defensive plex after the enemy players have left. This imo is the real problem with defensive plexing and faction war in general. Too many plexes are run with no enemies even knowing the complexes are being taken.

You can change the rats back and forth and that really wont effect anything. The current situation is still not even close to when the amarr had to deal with huge waves of target painting rats. Amarr would generally go back and forth and likely would have been winning the occupancy war had it not been for one player in the minmatar.

In the end I am not really against balancing against defensive plexing. But in general I am against looking to rats to try to balance this war which should be pvp. I think ccp needs to redirect its attention to giving the players better tools to defend plexes and stop spending time messing with the npcs.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#627 - 2014-07-01 03:04:14 UTC
Madbuster73 wrote:

The only reason Defensive LP is so low because it was too easy to do.
This solution will solve that, since there will be no longer an advantage.

While I agree you could make it worth more LP than it is now, I don't think it should be the same as oplexing. You're still within the same system, and you could literally just sit in a backwater system of your own faction and nobody will come to see you. At least if you're in a hostile system, you can push it to vulnerable, but I feel that it is still much easier than oplexing.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#628 - 2014-07-02 11:28:32 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
Madbuster73 wrote:

The only reason Defensive LP is so low because it was too easy to do.
This solution will solve that, since there will be no longer an advantage.

While I agree you could make it worth more LP than it is now, I don't think it should be the same as oplexing. You're still within the same system, and you could literally just sit in a backwater system of your own faction and nobody will come to see you. At least if you're in a hostile system, you can push it to vulnerable, but I feel that it is still much easier than oplexing.

Well you can defensive plex all you want in a backwater system, but once it is at 0 you wont make any LP anymore...
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#629 - 2014-07-02 20:22:58 UTC
It's still easier and not promoting PvP as much as oplexing does. If it was just based onthe percentage level, that would be fine. IE 50% rewards at 50% contested, 20% rewards at 20%.

Or even a little skewed.
100-85% - 100% rewards
85-60% - 75% rewards
60-40% - 50% rewards
40-15% - 25% rewards
15-0% - 0 reward
State War Academy
Caldari State
#630 - 2014-07-02 22:19:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Madbuster73
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
It's still easier and not promoting PvP as much as oplexing does. If it was just based onthe percentage level, that would be fine. IE 50% rewards at 50% contested, 20% rewards at 20%.

Or even a little skewed.
100-85% - 100% rewards
85-60% - 75% rewards
60-40% - 50% rewards
40-15% - 25% rewards
15-0% - 0 reward

And why is it easier if you would have to kill the same amount of NPC's?

It would be the same effort, the only difference is that IF it is in a station system the defending Faction can dock there.
But those docking rights is what we should be fighting about. And there should be a little advantage to defending.

AND like Aiphona said, if you make the NPC neutral plex-defenders that you have to shoot for both Offensive AND Defensive, then you can make the LP reward for Defensive pretty much the same, wich will make defending much more interesting.
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#631 - 2014-07-03 15:04:58 UTC
If I do two offensive plexes in Hykanima, I face a considerable amount of risk plexing in a highly populated Caldari home system. I also must put in effort into killing the rats who spawn.

Then, you undock after I leave, and dplex the two plexes. Sure, you have the same amount of effort, but nowhere near the same amount of risk.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#632 - 2014-07-03 15:24:52 UTC
Offensive plexing creates content (attempts to change status quo), defensive plexing destroys it. For this reason alone offensive plexing should be more rewarding than defensive plexing.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#633 - 2014-07-06 18:38:37 UTC
Well cheap thowaway alts that deplex the system with ease without having to kill any npc is way too easy....

That why I like the "Neutal NPC" idea

It would mean defending would take the same "effort" as offensive.

Catherine Laartii
#634 - 2014-07-06 20:54:18 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Aiphona wrote:

Warzone control is at a stalemate now.
We took Heydieles a couple weeks ago. It took LESS time than in previous offensives because more plexes are now available.

What's not flipping as quickly (if at all) are the far off backwater systems with less time zone coverage. But they can be flipped pretty easily if you have 3-6 guys coordinate across a few timezones. Squids did it in Mantenault and Okagaiken.

The benefits to this updated version of FW is that a small group of players can now colonize a nearly empty part of the map and live there without fear of farmers pushing them out. This is not a bad thing.

Meanwhile, calmil is busy flopping around like a squid out of water and not taking advantage of exactly what you just stated. We tend to waste more time on internal politics than we should, unfortunately. That being said, we'll still be out in force, and hopefully we can both avoid getting dumped on by waffle fleets. I still have no idea why Templis is hung up on kinakka...
Catherine Laartii
#635 - 2014-07-06 20:55:55 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Offensive plexing creates content (attempts to change status quo), defensive plexing destroys it. For this reason alone offensive plexing should be more rewarding than defensive plexing.

More rewarding than it is? Aside from an LP bump would you like to see more tags dropped, maybe have some cheesy t1 rats spawn with the elites?
Liandri Corporation
#636 - 2014-07-14 02:49:53 UTC
Alright, so decided to take some time away from this thread to nail down some ideas; and I think I've actually come up with something that is pretty interesting ... but keep in mind it /would/ require Dead Space to change (which isn't a bad thing)

First things first:
Something that can be implemented quickly (immediately)

Novice • 5,000 LP • 10 Minutes [500 LP / Minute] (Any Frigate and Down) 0.75% Capture
Small • 7,200 LP • 12 Minutes [600 LP / Minute] (Any Destroyer and Down) 1.00% Capture
Medium • 10,200 LP • 15 Minutes [700 LP / Minute] (Any Cruiser and Down) 1.25% Capture
*Large • 16,000 LP • 20 Minutes [800 LP / Minute] (Any Battle Cruiser and Down) 1.5% Capture
*X-Large • 22,500 LP • 25 Minutes [900 LP / Minute] (Any Battleship and Down) 2.0% Capture
**Capital • 30,000 LP • 30 Minutes [1,000 LP / Minute] (Any Capital and Down) 5.0% Capture

*Large and X-Large are Gated
** Capital has a Capital NPC, but also puts a System-Wide Cyno-Jammer in to effect. Spawns once per day, per Constellation.
It also disables Fighter / Fighter-Bomber Warp Capabilities.

Complex Gates:
• Unlocked ONLY for Friendly Faction
• Analyser will Unlock the Gate for 30 seconds (45 second if Tech 2) on successful Hack
• Any ship in Faction Warfare can fit a Military Analyser, which is installed like a Rig / Sub-System; which is destroyed when either un-fitted, repackaged or when no longer in Faction Warfare
• Military Analyser permanently unlocks Gate for users Faction on successful Hack.

• Off-Grid Links are Disabled
• 30km Warp Disruption Bubble around the Command Facility
• Complex Facility must be Hacked (see above for Military Analyser) up to 5x
• After each Firewall (Successful) Hack, an Enemy and Friendly NPC Wing will Warp In
• Exiting the Complex (i.e. no Players Left) will reset the Timer to 0 for that Firewall and NPCs will Warp Out
• Timers are not subject to Players being within a certain distance, merely /inside/ the Complex
• Timers are Stopped when either all Players Leave, or the Facility is Counter-Hacked
• While Hacking, all Weapon Systems (including Drones) are disabled / returned to bay
• Target Queue = Neutral > Enemy NPC > Enemy
• If the Enemy Out-Numbers Friendly then the Commander NPC provides Boost Links to increase the Resists and Repair to both NPCs and Friendly Militia
• NPC Wings Contain 4x Standard with 1x Commander... the Standard NPC are ~50% as effective as the current ones with the Commander on-par with a Faction Spawn and the current Repair amount on FW Spawns.

Reward Pay-Out:
• Each NPC Wing is worth 1/5th the Complex Loyalty Point Bounty, i.e. Small 1,000 LP per Wing, 400 LP for the Commander, 150 LP for each Squad Member.
• Wings will only appear once a Firewall is broken rather than Counter-Hacked
• If there are < 6 Pilots (total) in a Complex, only the first time a Firewall Level is hacked will the NPCs have LP Bounties paid; instead a "You have not qualified" will be next to the pay-out for additional back and forth (to prevent exploiting)

Upgrade Bonus'
• Tier 1 - 0% Bonus to I-HUB Upgrades
• Tier 2 - 20%
• Tier 3 - 35%
• Tier 4 - 45%
• Tier 5 - 50%

I-HUB Upgrades
Split in to 3 Categories:

Strategic • 5% Bonus (Per Level) to NPC Bounty Pay-Out (this includes FW LP)
Military • 5% Bonus (Per Level) to Faction NPC Defensive and Offensive Capabilities
Industrial • 2% Reduction (Per Level) to Starbase Fuel and Material Cost, 10% Market Cost Reduction

Bonus' are provided to Friendly Faction Warfare & Neutrals who have +3.0 Standing with Faction Warfare NPC Corporation
(This means even those 'New' to Faction Warfare MUST participate in order to Qualify)

The I-HUB is also transformed in to a Faction Outpost, with Repair, Clone Bay, Hanger, Production, Research and Refining Facilities available to the current Sovereignty Holder.

Upgrade Levels (for each Category) cost 60,000 - 120,000 - 240,000 - 480,000 - 960,000 LP (with a 300,000 Buffer)

Each Complex that Spawns in a System reduces the I-HUB by 45% the Complex LP Worth from all three Categories

Systems Spawn, 1x Novice, Small, Medium, Large and X-Large at a time. Their Spawn rate is 2x Base Complex Completion Time (i.e. Novice 20min, Small 30min, etc...)

- | -

What I would suggest for the Future, would be a Data Site that when completed provide +0.25% Capture and 25% LP Pay-Out... but successfully completing it would provide a random Bonus / De Buff for 60 minutes (stackable) for that System either in terms of Offensive or Defensive.

As such their primary purpose would likely be the Farmers would focus on them for the 'easy' LP but it would provide a benefit for the active participants.

Also believe that FW Missions should be removed, not changed, tweaked, etc... just completely removed.
They provide no benefits to the Warzone at all, they're merely LP / TAG ATMs; I do have an idea of how to better do Missions, as they would be better as 'Team Arena' style things that are more structured than the more 'free-for-all' of general FW... but for the time being they should simply be removed as they're useless and counter-productive.
Terpene Conglomerate
#637 - 2014-10-02 13:54:17 UTC
how about decreasing LP for offensive plexing in high contested systems(same as defending in almost stable system), so only guys who want to take that system will be doing that, not farmers?