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Last thread about CSM was closed for not being constructive... Take 2 on the CSM

Shobon Welp
Band of Brothers
#241 - 2011-12-06 16:55:36 UTC
The real issue here isn't that Nullsec is over-represented, its that the smarter highsec people who could get an organised CSM campaign running know better than to shout too loud about highsec since they don't want to bring too much attention to their gravy train. When CCP does start to pay attention to highsec by carrying out much needed fixes there (nerfing risk-free and effort-free income streams) the highsec loudmouths will start to wish CCP had carried right on with their 0.0 focus for a few more expansion cycles.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#242 - 2011-12-06 17:05:11 UTC
Shobon Welp wrote:
The real issue here isn't that Nullsec is over-represented, its that the smarter highsec people who could get an organised CSM campaign running know better than to shout too loud about highsec since they don't want to bring too much attention to their gravy train. When CCP does start to pay attention to highsec by carrying out much needed fixes there (nerfing risk-free and effort-free income streams) the highsec loudmouths will start to wish CCP had carried right on with their 0.0 focus for a few more expansion cycles.

Honestly, EvE simply won't survive if all the developers focus on is 0.0 for the next few expansion cycles. Several expansions in a row devoted to nullsec would be catastrophic in terms of player satisfaction and subscription retention. There simply are too many other players that don't live in nullsec and need their issues fixed as well if they are to remain happy, paying customers.

All this business of nullsec being more important than highsec, or lowsec being more important than nullsec, its all completely subjective and irrelevent in the greater scheme of things. The fact remains that EvE is driven by a diverse player base living in all three areas of secure space, all of which have core gameplay issues that are fundamentally broken and in need of attention if they will continue to drive dynamic activity in those regions. CCP cannot afford to simply pull one "sec" out of a hat and say this is the most important, alienating the other 2/3 of customers in the process.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Shobon Welp
Band of Brothers
#243 - 2011-12-06 17:11:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Shobon Welp
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Shobon Welp wrote:
The real issue here isn't that Nullsec is over-represented, its that the smarter highsec people who could get an organised CSM campaign running know better than to shout too loud about highsec since they don't want to bring too much attention to their gravy train. When CCP does start to pay attention to highsec by carrying out much needed fixes there (nerfing risk-free and effort-free income streams) the highsec loudmouths will start to wish CCP had carried right on with their 0.0 focus for a few more expansion cycles.

Honestly, EvE simply won't survive if all the developers focus on is 0.0 for the next few expansion cycles. Several expansions in a row devoted to nullsec would be catastrophic in terms of player satisfaction and subscription retention. There simply are too many other players that don't live in nullsec and need their issues fixed as well if they are to remain happy, paying customers.

I agree wholeheartedly. Highsec badly needs some developer attention.

Its just that the issues that need fixing in highsec are not ones that most primarily highsec residents will benefit from, since they mostly boil down to 'no risk, no effort, all reward'. Any highseccer with the slightest awareness of the game beyond their missioning hub or ice belt knows this, the ones shouting about WHY DOESN'T CCP WORK ON HIGHSEC WHY ARE YOU CAPITULATING TO THE BIG 0.0 POWERS will start to wish they'd kept their mouth shut when CCP's gaze swiches back to empire.

All this business of nullsec being more important than highsec, or lowsec being more important than nullsec, its all completely subjective and irrelevent in the greater scheme of things. The fact remains that EvE is driven by a diverse player base living in all three areas of secure space, all of which have core gameplay issues that are fundamentally broken and in need of attention if they will continue to drive dynamic activity in those regions. CCP cannot afford to simply pull one "sec" out of a hat and say this is the most important, alienating the other 2/3 of customers in the process.

quoting this because I am down.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#244 - 2011-12-06 17:33:05 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Shobon Welp wrote:
The real issue here isn't that Nullsec is over-represented, its that the smarter highsec people who could get an organised CSM campaign running know better than to shout too loud about highsec since they don't want to bring too much attention to their gravy train. When CCP does start to pay attention to highsec by carrying out much needed fixes there (nerfing risk-free and effort-free income streams) the highsec loudmouths will start to wish CCP had carried right on with their 0.0 focus for a few more expansion cycles.

Honestly, EvE simply won't survive if all the developers focus on is 0.0 for the next few expansion cycles. Several expansions in a row devoted to nullsec would be catastrophic in terms of player satisfaction and subscription retention. There simply are too many other players that don't live in nullsec and need their issues fixed as well if they are to remain happy, paying customers.

All this business of nullsec being more important than highsec, or lowsec being more important than nullsec, its all completely subjective and irrelevent in the greater scheme of things. The fact remains that EvE is driven by a diverse player base living in all three areas of secure space, all of which have core gameplay issues that are fundamentally broken and in need of attention if they will continue to drive dynamic activity in those regions. CCP cannot afford to simply pull one "sec" out of a hat and say this is the most important, alienating the other 2/3 of customers in the process.

That's the point. If Crucible and the previous devblogs are a hint of things to come, then EVE is going to take another serious blow next year.

The risk that nullec is overworked is already high; CCP needs to fix nullsec in order to complement with Dust 514, and in case CCP noticed that there is inteligent life in distress outside of nullsec, they've been very quiet about it. The biased composition and interest of the CSM just makes it worse.

And as i said, fi the CSM has to play a role in developign EVE, then must reprrsetn everybody itnersted in how EVE develops. And there are only three ways, either CCP changes the rules to increase the chance that a hisec candidate enters de CSM and/or nullsec ovelords un-vote each other leaving open room for moderate candidates, or hisec dwellers self-organize, or the CSM is pressured from both ends to bloody begin worrying about every player and not just their buddies and subjects.

I would try and forward as candidate if i thought I was fit to that job, but I am aware of my limitations and so will just point the direction rather than lead there; i am a thinker, not a maker.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#245 - 2011-12-06 17:47:26 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
either CCP changes the rules to increase the chance that a hisec candidate enters de CSM and/or nullsec ovelords un-vote each other leaving open room for moderate candidates, or hisec dwellers self-organize, or the CSM is pressured from both ends to bloody begin worrying about every player and not just their buddies and subjects.

I would try and forward as candidate if i thought I was fit to that job, but I am aware of my limitations and so will just point the direction rather than lead there; i am a thinker, not a maker.

I guess I just disagree that CCP has to change the rules to make it possible for a "high sec" candidate to obtain office. There isn't anything in mechanics preventing a candidate from stepping forward and being willing to voice concerns on behalf of high sec. If recent candidates haven't been willing to convince enough of the high sec players (who far outnumber the Goons) to vote for them, that isn't a good enough reason for CCP to arbitrarily force a candidate into a seat just because he's from high sec. They must be trusted and advocated for by the people, in the end.

CSM7 should be different though, there is certainly a large swath of players like yourself that are thirsty for a change in the council makeup, and hopefully everyone now realizes that the stakes are high enough that voting is more critical than ever.

As for Crucible being a nullsec-catering expansion, I think you'd have to clarify more what you mean exactly. Most of the expansion serves everyone - New ships, new graphics, UI overhauling, and combat balancing. Those are generic features that benefit every player regardless of where you live.

Supercaps were nerfed (a huge boon to low sec inhabitants like myself, Pandemic Legion hasn't been out thumping down Nyx fleets to gank BC gangs) and most importantly, anomolies were given an isk boost. This attracts the nullsec alliances back out into nullsec, and away from ganking noobs in high sec, because after the last expansion's nerf they ended up making the same income in Empire space at greatly reduced risk. Boosting null and getting alliances interested in living out there again is as much a buff to high sec life as it is the null alliances.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#246 - 2011-12-06 18:11:56 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
either CCP changes the rules to increase the chance that a hisec candidate enters de CSM and/or nullsec ovelords un-vote each other leaving open room for moderate candidates, or hisec dwellers self-organize, or the CSM is pressured from both ends to bloody begin worrying about every player and not just their buddies and subjects.

I would try and forward as candidate if i thought I was fit to that job, but I am aware of my limitations and so will just point the direction rather than lead there; i am a thinker, not a maker.

I guess I just disagree that CCP has to change the rules to make it possible for a "high sec" candidate to obtain office. There isn't anything in mechanics preventing a candidate from stepping forward and being willing to voice concerns on behalf of high sec. If recent candidates haven't been willing to convince enough of the high sec players (who far outnumber the Goons) to vote for them, that isn't a good enough reason for CCP to arbitrarily force a candidate into a seat just because he's from high sec. They must be trusted and advocated for by the people, in the end.

I think you missed my previous listing of the "three ways"; by changing the rules I was refering to my proposal of establishing compulsory, preferential vote as election mechanics so scattered hisec dwellers are forced to do something or at least see who's runing as candidate.

CSM7 should be different though, there is certainly a large swath of players like yourself that are thirsty for a change in the council makeup, and hopefully everyone now realizes that the stakes are high enough that voting is more critical than ever.

As for Crucible being a nullsec-catering expansion, I think you'd have to clarify more what you mean exactly. Most of the expansion serves everyone - New ships, new graphics, UI overhauling, and combat balancing. Those are generic features that benefit every player regardless of where you live.

I was talking about what has NOT been done. Some of us have not got new gameplay despite it already is developed -namely release the NEx items that can be seen in the market, and nerf NEx prices ti fit MT standards. It was 5 minutes worth of developer time but hasn't been done because of... not a single word from CCP.

Not the most encouraging start of "we're back to our dear customers and the CSM after giving them the finger for The Eighteen Months(TM)". Roll

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#247 - 2011-12-06 19:20:13 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

I think you missed my previous listing of the "three ways"; by changing the rules I was refering to my proposal of establishing compulsory, preferential vote as election mechanics so scattered hisec dwellers are forced to do something or at least see who's runing as candidate.


I was talking about what has NOT been done. Some of us have not got new gameplay despite it already is developed -namely release the NEx items that can be seen in the market, and nerf NEx prices ti fit MT standards. It was 5 minutes worth of developer time but hasn't been done because of... not a single word from CCP.

No, I didn't miss your proposal, I just think its been explained pretty well that compulsory voting causes far more problems than it does solutions. Mainly, that people who simply don't care enough to read about candidates and place a vote have made it clear that they are forfeiting their right to be represented on the council. Also, every capsuleer should be allowed to refrain from voting if they feel it is a corrupt system. The percentage of players even willing to vote in the first place is a powerful, informative statistic, and a barometer of player faith in the CSM process. I'd hate to see that go to waste because someone decided players needed to have a gun to their heads when it comes to the political process.

Many players just don't care about EvE politics, and just want to log in and blow something up and have fun, than log off. Many never even read the forums. And god bless them, that's their right. It's a video game.

Preferential voting still doesnt address the issue of representing diverse constituencies. Either CCP arbitrarily slices up the player base into arbitrary categories, and has a preferential voting system for a player from each category, or the preferential vote system only gives nullsec alliances the ability to ensure that their victory over the entire council is even more absolute. Problem is, players don't just fall into neat categories. Many move, change, adapt, migrate, and learn new gameplay styles, and can't be classified strictly as "nullsec players" or "highsec players"

Also, you don't have to convince me, a career Faction Warfare pilot, about what hasn't been done in terms of expansion material. We've been fighting for recognition (not even change, simply recognition mind you) for years now, and finally we've gotten one (just one) small bug fix.

Surely, though, you understand that your demand for more work on the NeX store is quite unique amongst the vast majority of EvE players. Its not just nullsec that wanted focus on spaceships, its almost everyone. The "eighteen months" you speak of has been the 18 months dedicated to the Incarna build-up, and players have been fairly appalled at how little was produced in such a long time. The flood of items implemented with Crucible over a short couple of months should be a clear demonstration that Avatar gameplay simply is not CCP's strength and that continuing to work on Walking in Stations was an extremely inefficient use of their time. That is not to say we will never iteration there again, only that I think your expectations are misplaced if you think that CCP is about to return to that quagmire in the near future. They have too many other angry customers in high, low, and null sec alike that have demanded a return to spaceship-based gameplay.

In fact, I'd venture and say most of us wouldn't even qualify additional clothing releases as "gameplay" at all. On top of the fact that an overwhelming amount of players didn't even EvE to ever include MT(whether they give advantages or not), much of the outrage could have been prevented if CCP had proven their ability to actually implement anything meaningful to do in the CQ environment.

Production efficiency should be as valid a measure of what gets worked on as anything else, if CCP can't produce meaningful gameplay through Incarna after a year's work, than players deserved for them to get back to rapidly releasing content that does give players more to enjoy.

Like I said, as a player engaging in a feature enjoy by a minority (Faction Warfare), I completely sympathize with your frustration that what you wanted to see didn't make it in. I'm just hoping you understand where your interests lie in relation to those of the rest of the player base.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#248 - 2011-12-06 20:33:20 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
[quote=Shobon Welp]Honestly, EvE simply won't survive if all the developers focus on is 0.0 for the next few expansion cycles. Several expansions in a row devoted to nullsec would be catastrophic in terms of player satisfaction and subscription retention

*releases Tyrannis*
*releases Incursion*

*EVE nearly dies*
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#249 - 2011-12-06 20:35:49 UTC
Be fair, that wasn't really "focusing" on anything space-related.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#250 - 2011-12-06 20:50:47 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
[quote=Shobon Welp]Honestly, EvE simply won't survive if all the developers focus on is 0.0 for the next few expansion cycles. Several expansions in a row devoted to nullsec would be catastrophic in terms of player satisfaction and subscription retention

*releases Tyrannis*
*releases Incursion*

*EVE nearly dies*

This is precisely my point. For EvE to continue to stay healthy, development needs to occur (in smaller amounts if necessary) on all three sectors of the game. Focusing merely on highsec or merely on nullsec, either way, disenfranchises a huge swath of players in the process that end up feeling left behind.

There are broken mechanics affecting every region of space at the moment, releasing entire expansions arguably dedicated to one or the other has proven to be catastrophic in terms of player satisfaction and player retention. Instead of sweeping, time consuming additions to the game in one element or the other, development time should be spent making sure the fundamental gameplay structure in each area is intact and healthy before progressing on to actual expansions of content.

I applaud CCP's desire to constantly provide brand new shiny features for players to enjoy, but when they come at the detriment of fixing what thousands of players are already stuck with and struggling to enjoy, it cannot really be called progress. It is absolutely vital that player feedback from diverse sources are used to ensure the quality of the core game before extra frosting is spread on top of the cake.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Comrade Commizzar
Eve Revolutionary Army
#251 - 2011-12-06 20:57:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Comrade Commizzar
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Comrade Commizzar wrote:

You imply with your statement that the only votes that can be gathered are the ones forced by Alliance blocs, and since there is no one forcing high sec players to vote a certain way, their votes cannot be concentrated onto a single candidate. Have you considered the possibility that voters have free will and can support a candidate voluntarily? I don't think you're giving high sec players enough credit here, you seem to feel that everyone is akin to cattle to be herded rather than a bunch of independent thinkers.

Lets assume for a moment that you are right, how than do you suggest a bunch of disparate groups that can't agree on anything and don't want to vote be best represented on the council?

I'm asking genuinely here, these are very important things to discuss, I'm hoping we can keep the conversation civil and avoid the doomsday rhetoric as much as possible.

No matter what form of government the CSM is modelled after, there will always be minority interests that don't have a candidate that directly represents them. The challenge, of course, for those that feel a majority vote system is unfair, is to suggest a reform system that can ensure minority interests are protected despite the existence of voting blocs.

With or without CSM electoral reform, I think we need to migrate away from the divisive idea that CSM candidates must represent a particular demographic or constituency, and implement their agendas. That has never been the purpose or design of the CSM, although I completely understand (and sympathize with) the fact that the council is currently comprised mostly of nullsec candidates, despite high sec residents being in the majority. This imbalance if nothing else builds distrust with the community since nullsec alliances have real power in the way that an individual from a small high sec or low sec corp may not.

However, in the CSM just as real life politics, it is impossible for any candidate to guarantee that an agenda, platform, etc can actually be implemented anyways. Certainly not when its evident that CCP has the final say in what gets developed, and in what order. At this point and time the CSM has been frank they simply provide feedback on the topics CCP cares to discuss with them. Instead of parsing the whole debate in terms of direct representation and special interests, I think voters would be best served by evaluating the character and wisdom of prospective candidates, and elect members based on who they trust isn't solely in the council seat to gain an advantage for their constituency.

Good ! Good! You are almost there. Now go back and read what I said once again, but this time try to absorb the message without trying to imply that I have any agenda. All I said was that there are reasons that THE WHOLE CSM is populated by ZERO DWELLERS and gave you those reasons. As to solutions for balanced representation, a more Republican approach would have the CSM divided into 3 "groups" (Zero, Low, High) with maybe 3 representatives elected for each.

But of course, the Goons will game that too. So you're still hosed. No I'm afraid the only real answer is a proletariat based revolution born of rabidly angry mobs from HighSec who ban together in "Public Safety Commitees" and begin the Great Terror. Maybe the best thing CCP could do is introduce a new weapon.....
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#252 - 2011-12-06 21:06:41 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

No, i think you dont get what the 18 months were about. They were about laying foundations; there's been a lot of work done behind the scenes as to allow futuee growth. That work has been very intensive but not PR worthy; players won't notice that half the core of EVE and all the graphic engine (over 550 Mb worth of libraries) have been completely rebuilt.

The problem has been that, while laying foundations, there's been a shortage of developer bandwith, which to make things worse, was spread between two different Carbon-based projects. And when the time came to start releasing Carbon delicacies, ti was made too late, too few, and completely dismissing that a majority did wanted other stuff rather than Carbon delicacies.

But now the foundations have been laid and ti's quite easy to develop new content. Very likely, WiS is a matter of art assets rather than actual coding. The four CQs were all done by june -just their art asets weren't finished, and the poorer of all CQs was released technically broken and under the Holy Cow name of "Incarna".Then added NEx, Greed is Good, et cetera.

Btu that does not mean CCP "isn't good at avatars". Geez, go look at Skyrim's characters, then go look back at your avatar in your CQ... and tell me who is YEARS ahead of industry!

Contrary to your opinion, clothes ARE gameplay, if you like dressing dolls, that is. But, interestingly enough, there are qutie players aorund who enjoy precisely that aside of FiS stuff. And these players have been ignored despite it was overly easy to please them, which is a bad sign.

Also contrary to what some claim, hisec troubles are related to LACK OF GAMEPLAY rather than "broken stuff". How CCP is not even asking "what else would you like to do in hisec?" is another bad sign.

Crucible has been rushed as an art asset issue by simply puting on hold Carbon-based art assets. But now that (likely) art team is gonna get some spare time, and now that developers are going to get enough time to look at al the broken toys, it would be wise to do NEW stuff if even along lines already existing (NEx but with reasonable prices so its items can be collected). Not just look back and gather all the hapless old features, but also do something for people whose features are not broken, rather are UNEXISTANT.

Very FAI, a lack of hisec endgame to those not itnerested in broken nullsec, working nullsec, shiny nullsec or whatever nullsec. FAI too, WiS gameplay for people not that much interested in FiS stuff.

Your minority feature is broken and I wish you that it is fixed; yet mine neither exist nor are planned nor are being talked about.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#253 - 2011-12-06 21:10:55 UTC
Comrade Commizzar wrote:

Good ! Good! You are almost there. Now go back and read what I said once again, but this time try to absorb the message without trying to imply that I have any agenda. All I said was that there are reasons that THE WHOLE CSM is populated by ZERO DWELLERS and gave you those reasons. As to solutions for balanced representation, a more Republican approach would have the CSM divided into 3 "groups" (Zero, Low, High) with maybe 3 representatives elected for each.

But of course, the Goons will game that too. So you're still hosed. No I'm afraid the only real answer is a proletariat based revolution born of rabidly angry mobs from HighSec who ban together in "Public Safety Commitees" and begin the Great Terror. Maybe the best thing CCP could do is introduce a new weapon.....

While I applaud the role playing here, this is the distant future, not 20th century Earth. Saying that CCP needs to start decapitating Goons and that we need a proletariat revolution isn't exactly an approach many are going to take seriously, nor does it demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the political reality in New Eden.

Besides, you've already discredited the angry mob approach by labeling all high sec dwellers as being incapable of agreeing on anything to work together, and stated that half of them are Goon plants as it is. I don't really understand why calling them "Public Safety Committees" would have any more success than a normal candidate who genuinely seeks a high sec vote.

But if you want to lead the angry mobs, Comrade, go for it!! I salute your efforts. o7

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Comrade Commizzar
Eve Revolutionary Army
#254 - 2011-12-06 21:21:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Comrade Commizzar
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Comrade Commizzar wrote:

Good ! Good! You are almost there. Now go back and read what I said once again, but this time try to absorb the message without trying to imply that I have any agenda. All I said was that there are reasons that THE WHOLE CSM is populated by ZERO DWELLERS and gave you those reasons. As to solutions for balanced representation, a more Republican approach would have the CSM divided into 3 "groups" (Zero, Low, High) with maybe 3 representatives elected for each.

But of course, the Goons will game that too. So you're still hosed. No I'm afraid the only real answer is a proletariat based revolution born of rabidly angry mobs from HighSec who ban together in "Public Safety Commitees" and begin the Great Terror. Maybe the best thing CCP could do is introduce a new weapon.....

While I applaud the role playing here, this is the distant future, not 20th century Earth. Saying that CCP needs to start decapitating Goons and that we need a proletariat revolution isn't exactly an approach many are going to take seriously, nor does it demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the political reality in New Eden.

Besides, you've already discredited the angry mob approach by labeling all high sec dwellers as being incapable of agreeing on anything to work together, and stated that half of them are Goon plants as it is. I don't really understand why calling them "Public Safety Committees" would have any more success than a normal candidate who genuinely seeks a high sec vote.

But if you want to lead the angry mobs, Comrade, go for it!! I salute your efforts. o7

Since you are trying to be serious, I won't insult you.
However, "distant future"?? Have you really looked at both the UI, scanning, and combat systems? We're in the PAST!
As for HighSec, yes it is disorganized, heterogeneous, and full of Goon Alts.
and finally
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#255 - 2011-12-06 21:53:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

No, i think you dont get what the 18 months were about. They were about laying foundations; there's been a lot of work done behind the scenes as to allow futuee growth. That work has been very intensive but not PR worthy; players won't notice that half the core of EVE and all the graphic engine (over 550 Mb worth of libraries) have been completely rebuilt.

The problem has been that, while laying foundations, there's been a shortage of developer bandwith, which to make things worse, was spread between two different Carbon-based projects. And when the time came to start releasing Carbon delicacies, ti was made too late, too few, and completely dismissing that a majority did wanted other stuff rather than Carbon delicacies.
Contrary to your opinion, clothes ARE gameplay, if you like dressing dolls, that is. But, interestingly enough, there are qutie players aorund who enjoy precisely that aside of FiS stuff. And these players have been ignored despite it was overly easy to please them, which is a bad sign.

Crucible has been rushed as an art asset issue by simply puting on hold Carbon-based art assets. But now that (likely) art team is gonna get some spare time, and now that developers are going to get enough time to look at al the broken toys, it would be wise to do NEW stuff if even along lines already existing (NEx but with reasonable prices so its items can be collected). Not just look back and gather all the hapless old features, but also do something for people whose features are not broken, rather are UNEXISTANT.

You're absolutely right, there was a lot of meat-and-potatoes programming that went on during the "18 months" that players neither see nor give credit for. Carbon goes far deeper than avatar gameplay though, and provided the basis for many of the art assets in Crucible as well. CCP has previously stated that the upgrade to Carbon was needed before ship skins, etc could be implemented. Incarna was indeed not as fruitless as some would give it credit.

My guess is that we'll still see those unreleased clothes and such deployed eventually, but I think Crucible was in large part a PR effort and quite reactionary as an expansion. When players are demanding "no more barbies", CCP would have insulted them by releasing more "barbie clothes" at such a sensitive time. Once some of the vehement reaction to Incarna has more or less subsided, I guarantee you CCP will try to recoup some of the cash they invested in those assets by placing them up for sale.

As far as new features vs broken features, I guess we simply disagree on the best use of CCP's time. I personally feel that the fixing of core, broken, features should supercede development of additional features to EvE, others may feel differently.

In the end, there are literally hundreds of not thousands of potential features players may feel strongly about. Anyone is free to stand up and say "CCP, I'd love for you to work on _______" But I think its unreasonable to simply call out CCP as "not listening to players" because they don't have time to get to every niche interest. If you spend the time, and continue to make a drive for improvement or iteration (as the Faction Warfare community has for years), even minority-requested updates can be implemented. But CCP is naturally going to migrate to the most popular requests first, and rightfully so.

Business is business, CCP has to work on the projects that will make the most players happy and lead to the greatest number of retained subscriptions. I think they re-evaluated the market demand for certain development features, and made a judgement call to postpone Incarna development in favor of the core spaceship crowd. Time will tell if they made the right decision, if indeed there are a significant number of players like yourself that need more Incarna features to remain a paying customer, we'll see a change in direction yet again. In the meantime, understand they are doing what they need to do to remain profitable. They're not a charity, after all.

This applies to NeX prices as well - they've done an analysis of what they need to charge to actually sell items, if players are willing to pay current prices, they will remain high. If you're upset about NeX pricing, you can't blame CCP as a business - you have to blame the monocle wearers. Without their purchases, supply and demand would force CCP to lower their price.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#256 - 2011-12-06 22:15:06 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#257 - 2011-12-06 22:21:12 UTC
Daviclond wrote:

I think the constructive thing to do here would be to lock you and the Comrade in a room together with a guillotine and see who comes out with their head still attached....Twisted

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#258 - 2011-12-06 22:22:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Just a quick note, i don't need explicitly incarna features. I would be happy grinding Lvl4 if I had a reason to, but just ran out of reasons after 3 years building my personal fleet of powerships. I counted on the NEx to be a reason to grind, but with one-skirt-per-month prices it's ludicrous.

I mean, i've been happily paying for 3 years just with Lvl4 (and they removed Lvl5 from me, dammit). i don't consider myself overly demanding. Gimme stuff to blow and a goal to do so and there I go.

If don't ,well, I enjoy playing space barbies with my female characters and will rehash them each now and then.

If that fails,then my third favorite activity in EVE are the forums...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#259 - 2011-12-06 22:26:50 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Just a quick note, i don't need explicitly incarna features. I would be happy grinding Lvl4 if I had a reason to, but just ran out of reasons after 3 years building my personal fleet of powerships. I counted on the NEx to be a reason to grind, but with one-skirt-per-month prices it's ludicrous.

I mean, i've been happily paying for 3 years just with Lvl4 (and they removed Lvl5 from me, dammit). i don't consider myself overly demanding. Gimme stuff to blow and a goal to do so and there I go.

If don't ,well, I enjoy playing space barbies with my female characters and will rehash them each now and then.

If that fails,then my third favorite activity in EVE are the forums...

I don't know why its taken me this long, I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but now my troll alert spidey senses are tingling.

Just for the record, you have no interest in any of the activity that goes beyond shooting NPC's and spending money on avatar clothes??

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Petrus Blackshell
#260 - 2011-12-06 22:30:53 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Just a quick note, i don't need explicitly incarna features. I would be happy grinding Lvl4 if I had a reason to, but just ran out of reasons after 3 years building my personal fleet of powerships. I counted on the NEx to be a reason to grind, but with one-skirt-per-month prices it's ludicrous.

I mean, i've been happily paying for 3 years just with Lvl4 (and they removed Lvl5 from me, dammit). i don't consider myself overly demanding. Gimme stuff to blow and a goal to do so and there I go.

If don't ,well, I enjoy playing space barbies with my female characters and will rehash them each now and then.

If that fails,then my third favorite activity in EVE are the forums...

Yeah I gotta say, the same troll sense that Hans has is tingling in me too.

I highlighted the part of your post that triggered it. You do what with your (massive-sounding) fleet of ships?!

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)