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Jester Trek Latest Blog

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Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#321 - 2014-03-25 15:58:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Sephira Galamore
I think..
- Ripard's blog is overly polemic
- E1 is ethically wrong, on a worse level than The Mittani at Fanfest
- the victim overreacted aswell, but that does not make E1 right

We as a gaming community and CCP as a gaming company have a certain ethical background by which actions are judged. If my local chess club has a member that keeps dissing people we may very well debar hir. If an internet forum has a member that continuously keeps harassing other participants ze may very well get banned. If a certain customer is often near my store (on public ground) promoting a sect and I notice that it drives away other customers I may very well ban him from my store.
I see the problem being that the Eve community is a very broad one, with players from all over the world.
But maybe it's up to CCP here to make clear what they as a company think is right and what is wrong, what kind of behaviour they think is tolerable and which isn't, with the best for the overall player community in mind.
(Don't forget, we are talking about people conduct here, not character conduct)

Re: "No one was forcing him"
That's not as easy. I am sure E1 is a very intelligent person. And when it comes to rhetoric and psychology you have to look deeper.
E1 is doing his scheme in a very distinct way, on purpose. _First_ the player has to give up everything of ISK value ze owns. Players who are sufficiently intelligent (and are not trying to counterscam E1 or just messing around) likely stop right before that. Players that did this first step, are likely in a weaker state of mind. A player such as that, who already is heavily invested via the prepaid high stakes (high to hir at least), will have serious trouble just stopping.
Prince Kobol
#322 - 2014-03-25 15:59:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Darek Castigatus wrote:
Kara Vix wrote:
If CCP takes no action against Erotica, then they are sanctioning this behavior and are no better than he is. I expect better from them.

So you expect them to take action when no breach of either the EULA or the TOS has occured purely based on your dislike of his behaviour?

No but sometimes there are occasions, situations which fall outside the the EULA and TOS.

Not everything in Life is black and white.

Every so often something will happen that will fall outside the EULA and TOS and which is morally wrong.

In this situation we have a person / small group of people who have taken an in game situation outside the game to circumvent the rules to a level which at best can be described as bullying.

Now yes CCP can say that since it is happening on voice comms outside of their control they can ignore it and say it is outside their control, or they can say that they find this behaviour reprehensible and do not want their game to be associated with this type of behaviour and act in what ever way they feel is appropriate.

One thing they can not do is stay silent and hope it all goes away because people like Erotic and his friends tend to keep pushing the envelope further and further and will one day no doubt one day find somebody who is vulnerable, a 12 year or somebody in a weak mental state and the result will be terrible.
Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#323 - 2014-03-25 15:59:34 UTC
Ameline Veil wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

Citation needed.

Article 68 (of the Constitution of Iceland)

No one may be subjected to torture or any other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

That must hit the BDSM community pretty hard.. unless of course the torture has to be non-consensual in which case Erotica 1 is fine.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Goonswarm Federation
#324 - 2014-03-25 15:59:47 UTC
Seven Koskanaiken wrote:
TigerXtrm wrote:
What I would say is "wow, that's an unstable person who should not have been playing EVE online of visiting a comms channel with some easily google-able person like Erotica1 in the 1st place"

Did somebody hold a gun at that guy's head to make him do all those idiotic things? Seriously, you can have no idea about who Erotica1 is and what he does in Eve and still not let him put you through those silly things. You got baited into isk doubling scheme, fine, cut your loses and walk away.

And to everyone else who thinks that people who play EVE should all harden the f*ck up and all be emotionally stable super soldiers:

This might be a good time to point out that EVE Online is rated PEGI 12 and that children younger than 12 are actually allowed to play with their parent's consent.

Now imagine Erotica pulling this sort of bullsh*t on a 12 year old kid that is about as emotionally stable as a house made of sand and who may already be dealing with enough bullying in their real lives.

And regardless of that, I think it's absolutely repulsive that certain people around here believe that Erotica's behavior (or any bullying behavior within EVE) should be classed as 'normal and to be expected within EVE'.

This is the only rule change I would support. Making the game 18+, it's a double win both for the kids who should be playing outside, and for those of us who don't want annoying kids around.

Or we could try to... you know, not create such a hostile environment and actually be nice to people.

My YouTube Channel - EVE Tutorials & other game related things!

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Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#325 - 2014-03-25 16:00:37 UTC
TigerXtrm wrote:
Darek Castigatus wrote:
Malcolm from Marketing wrote:
Darek Castigatus wrote:
Kara Vix wrote:
If CCP takes no action against Erotica, then they are sanctioning this behavior and are no better than he is. I expect better from them.

So you expect them to take action when no breach of either the EULA or the TOS has occured purely based on your dislike of his behaviour?

Like mittani was you mean? Yeah that would be outrageous indeed.

Right, because E1 was totally in a speaking role at a major CCP sponsored convention when this happened, it isn't the same and you know it.

Could very well be. He's running for CSM (or so he claims). If he gets enough votes we're sending someone to Iceland that takes pride in humiliating and abusing the player base he provides a voice for.

Thats up to the people bothered enough with the CSM to vote, I wasnt planning on voting for him anyway so it makes no difference to me either way.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#326 - 2014-03-25 16:00:45 UTC
Seven Koskanaiken wrote:

This is the only rule change I would support. Making the game 18+, it's a double win both for the kids who should be playing outside, and for those of us who don't want annoying kids around.

I agree wholeheartedly. I dont like the idea of adults messing kids around, but I also dont like the idea of kids being in this game at all.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Winchester Steele
#327 - 2014-03-25 16:00:55 UTC
fudface wrote:
+1 for jester for trying but i dont think it will change anything. The crucial thing with this is the victim is a willing participant.

Personally i think its total madness to give all your stuff over to another player you dont know and trust regardless of the reason.

i only managed to listen to around 8 minutes before i was shaking my head and thinking no one is THAT blind to the obvious,

i know gamblers who cant help chasing their losses until they are totally broke. its human stupidity and greed that is being exploited here.

i mean come on, if it looks like easy money then you are the one creating the easy money.

my 1 isk worth.

I'm sorry. How are they a victim if they are a willing participant?

Oh. It's just more loaded terms and empty platitudes from the bubble wrap brigade. Got it.


Anna Karhunen
#328 - 2014-03-25 16:01:14 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

Citation needed.

I don't have the info in English, but here cyber bullying public shaming (which Erotica1 does to his victims) is illegal as the police says on its pages. I cannot point the lawtext to you, since at this moment the site hosting up to date law texts is under heavy stress and cannot be reached.

As my old maths teacher used to say: "Statistics are like bikinis: It's what they don't show that's interesting". -CCP Aporia

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#329 - 2014-03-25 16:02:06 UTC
TigerXtrm wrote:
Now imagine Erotica pulling this sort of bullsh*t on a 12 year old kid that is about as emotionally stable as a house made of sand and who may already be dealing with enough bullying in their real lives.

But he didn't so this argument is pointless here.

TigerXtrm wrote:

And regardless of that, I think it's absolutely repulsive that certain people around here believe that Erotica's behavior (or any bullying behavior within EVE) should be classed as 'normal and to be expected within EVE'.

CCP is making rules here and in the end our opinions don't matter at all. And I don't see anybody shooting statues over this "horrible behavior" so that means for all white knights here this is less important than pixel monocles.

Invalid signature format

Mario Putzo
#330 - 2014-03-25 16:02:19 UTC
Should have followed the rules in his Bio.
Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#331 - 2014-03-25 16:05:15 UTC
Really annoying to have to wade through the posts of CSM Malcanis. Stop obfuscating the issue here with talk of "gays" or "Hitler" - It saddens me you made it to be a CSM with such poor posting and a poor grasp of things, but *sigh* block voting.

This is a blatently exposed case of some horrible out of game bullying as a result of Eve gameplay.

CCP has a responsibility to act on the bullying to firstly protect the more vulnerable players of the game, and secondly to protect the credibility of the whole Eve community.

Will it take an event like those recent chat room bullying-suicides (and probably the subsequent closure of Eve) before people like you realise CCP need to properly police and moderate (which is different to consorship) their community for the benefit of the whole community.

Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#332 - 2014-03-25 16:05:16 UTC
TigerXtrm wrote:

Now imagine Erotica pulling this sort of bullsh*t on a 12 year old kid that is about as emotionally stable as a house made of sand and who may already be dealing with enough bullying in their real lives.

Erotica 1 is outrageously smart. I'm pretty sure he knows a 12yr old can't give the consent he asks for at the beginning of the audio recordings. Yes, yes you heard right.. Erotica 1 asks the "victim" for consent to record the whole thing.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Notorious Fellon
#333 - 2014-03-25 16:06:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Notorious Fellon
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Anna Karhunen wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Anna Karhunen wrote:
I read the Jester's blog post, but I haven't read any of the comments there, nor here. My opinion based on what Erotica1 has done, is to permaban him and all his accounts. No mercy whatsoever, no refunds for money spent. Nada.

Would you care to expand upon why Erotica and the like should suffer real world punishment for actions that are carried out within a virtual world that does not forbid said actions, no matter how distasteful you or I may find them?

Perspective is a quality that some in this thread appear to be lacking. If you don't like something that somebody is doing within the confines of Eve, then punish them for it, in game. Threats of real world violence for actions carried out within the context of Eve are not acceptable, people who make such threats, or condone them should be stomped on from a great height by both CCP and local authorities.

I don't know about Icelandic law, but in my country what Erotica1 does with the Bonus Room, is illegal. That alone is reason enough for me.

Citation needed.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, section 5 (torture). 1948 (I think)

Signed by the UK, US, Canada, Iceland and many more.

Only ones who abstained were Russia and a handful of mid-eastern and European countries.

Though maybe not entirely binding it is a clear message to the world that torture is not something universally acceptable.

Federal level and regional level laws exist all over the world on this topic. Don't play coy; you know said laws exist in most of the countries where the primary EVE population plays. If you need a citation, get off your lazy butt and look for one. It is impossible to google anything on the topic without a screen full of them.

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#334 - 2014-03-25 16:08:16 UTC
Sentamon wrote:
Xander Delacroix wrote:

If CCP don't do anything about this, then they are condoning this kind of behavior as being acceptable.

Look up the world slander.

If you're truly concerned you should forward this matter to law enforcement and let professionals deal with it, not smear CCP with it.

It's only slander, libel, or defamation if what is stated isn't true. Jester's blog links a file that was publicly posted, then makes comments on the contents of the file. That's not defaming anyone.
Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#335 - 2014-03-25 16:08:32 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

If he is a vulnerable person why is he playing EVE. If he's under someone's care they dropped the ball, if he's not then he's competent to make his own decisions and thus face the consequences of same.

According to him he's a grown married man knowledgeable enough to play EVE....but apparently not enough to use google.

Where is the sticker that say's you cannot play this game EVE if you have mental problems?
EVE is a GAME it means its meant to entertain.

The "people" involved in this didn't stop at scamming and kept going on and on and on and on in a real sociopathic way. Even when the victims wife asked them to give his stuff back they just rolled on in their despicable behavior.

What you write is not on trial here, not whether the guy should or not should have fallen for this scam but should we as a community say at some point this is enough. This has gone way too far?

Or would you rather say, gee, great job E1 &co. until someone gets driven over the edge kills him/herself, this ok behavior?
Goonswarm Federation
#336 - 2014-03-25 16:08:42 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:

But he didn't so this argument is pointless here.

No, but he would. He'd have a field day if he got a young kid on comms to play his bonus room. Plenty of clips on Youtube of 12 year olds raging over video game trolls and Erotica is a special breed of troll.

My YouTube Channel - EVE Tutorials & other game related things!

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Winchester Steele
#337 - 2014-03-25 16:10:02 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Just seize the accounts and ban him.

I mean honestly, I can appreciate some "for teh lols" as much as the next guy, but if you play that recording to any reasonably sensible people in a room, or for example outloud on speakers at the next Fanfest to the combined community represented there, I think the majority will most certainly agree that this is crossing the line too far.

Play it on the speakers and see what the reaction is. Go ahead, I dare you.

Here is the recording linked in the blog:

And apparently this is only one of many many such recordings and incidents.

My wife laughed her ass off at this one. So did my kids. Especially the part where he goes batsh*t crazy and starts smashing stuff in his room.

Who's fault is it that this person a) gave all his assets to a total stranger and b) has no levity whatsoever?

I enjoy Erotica1's content, but do you know what I would say if he asked me to participate in the bonus room? No.

And really, that is the end of the debate. Whether or not you or the 10 other PC muppets in this thread "like" this particular content is absolutely irrelevant. It was an entirely consensual process.

Now pull your socks up, wipe your nose and head back on over to facebook with all the other moms and tots. This game is for adults.


Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#338 - 2014-03-25 16:10:54 UTC
Faltharion Estidal wrote:
Hey malcanis this one is just for you;

The argumente of the gays has nothing to do with this conversation, way to use false cause hmmm?
here's to avoid falacy's for your enjoyment:

Very well, then what argument would CCP use to resist such demands?

I'll wait.

And wait.

Oh dear, it turns out that just calling something a fallacy doesn't make it one and you have to be able to logically demonstrate why.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#339 - 2014-03-25 16:11:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Ramona McCandless
Vyktor Abyss wrote:
the more vulnerable players of the game

How do you propose identifying these people? What makes someone vunerable? Should they wear a special badge or something?

Vyktor Abyss wrote:
protect the credibility of the whole Eve community.

Ill just let that sentence stand as it is.

Vyktor Abyss wrote:
Will it take an event like those recent chat room bullying-suicides (and probably the subsequent closure of Eve)

Ok well I assume those were not EvE related or the forums would be on melt-down. However I am certain that they are more complex issues than you have made out and did not include a full grown adult man with rage issues and a helluva greed for spacecash.

Vyktor Abyss wrote:
CCP need to properly police and moderate (which is different to consorship) their community for the benefit of the whole community.

Again, though, where is the line between "We deleted that comment because it could lead to unpleasant RL consequences" and "We deleted it because you like something we dont"?

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Mario Putzo
#340 - 2014-03-25 16:11:54 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Faltharion Estidal wrote:
Hey malcanis this one is just for you;

The argumente of the gays has nothing to do with this conversation, way to use false cause hmmm?
here's to avoid falacy's for your enjoyment:

Very well, then what argument would CCP use to resist such demands?

I'll wait.

And wait.

Oh dear, it turns out that just calling something a fallacy doesn't make it one and you have to be able to logically demonstrate why.

You know this is hardly true.