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CCP Development Patterns

First post
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#21 - 2014-01-29 12:55:03 UTC
Or possibly trolls will be trolls and sensible people actually read the Devs comments and take them on board, while emo raging people will rage no matter what occurs. The standings bug is not as big a deal as people are making it out to be, and it was fixed in a day.
Treborr MintingtonJr
#22 - 2014-01-29 12:56:24 UTC
Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2014-01-29 13:13:46 UTC
Treborr MintingtonJr wrote:

Things can happen. xD Highly trained and experienced ... and no one set as blue.

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Random Woman
Very Professional Corporation
#24 - 2014-01-29 13:31:33 UTC
This is what I put into that survey form for whats bad/should change or whatever the last 3 yearly surveys. CCP QA is utter **** and needs to improve.

Either the testers have no idea what they are testing, they are just bad, or theiy are laughting their asses off after handing you test protocols.

I really do not think that there are full regression tests every two weeks, because then the only explanation for the product you ship is, that you do the testing, but ignore the results completly.

Most major patches come with a quality standard that is expected after the first one or two devoloper tests.

Developer tests suck, I do them all the time, and I miss a lot of bugs. Thats why you need a dedicated testing crew, that knows what the product is about in detail. Of cause that means to get told you made a mistake by someone, but it also means you have the chance to correct that mistake before everyone is affected by it.

Also it was on sisi for two weeks is no test either, I dont think that majority of eve knows anything about softwaretesting, they just want to fly ships they cant afford. And the ppl with software testing background probably cant be arsed to try stuff out, because software testing is work. I pay money to play a game, not to keep doing the suff I waste the other 10 hours every day on.
seth Hendar
I love you miners
#25 - 2014-01-29 13:32:42 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
The biggest bug that people are complaining about got through over a month of testing on Sisi.
Stop dumping on CCP and instead have words to all those people on Sisi to actually test stuff, not just fart around in expensive blinged out space ships that they can't be bothered affording or are too scared to ever fly on TQ.

it has gone throught because two things imao.

1- the release brought on TQ was NOT the same tested on SISI
2- there are NO test done in a systematic manner after compiling, and more alarming, before a realease is brought to TQ.

the minimalist of the test, I.E. having ONE person to actually connect to the game on a test server to actually check a few things was clearly NOT done, otherwise this bug wouldn't have slept through.

this one is major, and cannot be missed, we are not talking about an obscure issue occuring for a few ppl in a particular usecase with a probability to happen of 1%, we are talking about a major feature, not working for 100% of the players.....
Andrea Keuvo
Rusty Pricks
#26 - 2014-01-29 13:33:47 UTC
I think players would be more forgiving of bugs found on release day if the release wasn't chock full of features that players spent days and sometimes weeks speaking out against while being nearly 100% ignored by CCP.
Random Woman
Very Professional Corporation
#27 - 2014-01-29 13:38:42 UTC
Andrea Keuvo wrote:
I think players would be more forgiving of bugs found on release day if the release wasn't chock full of features that players spent days and sometimes weeks speaking out against while being nearly 100% ignored by CCP.

I disagree, i'd rather miss a feature than get 10 ****** features, that negatively affect onther 30 features that worked flawless before.

Something is systematically wrong with CCP QA, and it should change, there are no excuses.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#28 - 2014-01-29 13:41:10 UTC
Kryptik Kai wrote:
Its amazing how many software developers play EVE

Does 68xxx assembler count ??
seth Hendar
I love you miners
#29 - 2014-01-29 13:42:03 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:

Since you took the time to write this, I will give you as frank a response as possible on the subjects that are under my control.

C - We were on Singularity from the 6th January with this release. Familiar as I am with the term release candidate, being in the software industry myself, I can tell you it was deployed on Monday morning to Sisi, as is par for the course with our deployments. This might seem crazily short to you, but our development method allows us to work right up until then because we do not hamper teams with code/feature freezes and have mature teams which practice 'Whole Team Quality' (more on this later) giving them the responsibility and accountability over the quality of the features they ship. This is a process I have seen evolve in my 2.5 years here to really empower teams, and it is one that I think works well. Further than this though, we deploy daily updates to Singularity to ensure users have the latest stable build available. Combine this with the internal QA coming from the teams, and our outsourcers running a full regression suite every 2 weeks, and you're looking at a pretty robust testing process.

i am sorry, but i think i might share this thought with many others.

your "Whole Team Quality" thing is NOT working, clearly.

there have been enought proof of that for at least the last TWO years.

being accountable for a problem doesn't solve the problem itself, once it is in the wild (understand on TQ) it is already TOO LATE.
any efficient QA goal is to PREVENT issues from being released, not to blame someone once it's out.

regarding SISI, i really appreciate the work you do with it, especially the regular updates you bring, but judjing from, again, the past two years, the build released on TQ is NOT a build that happened to have been on SISI, wich allow you to fix a few things in between, i understand, but also bring some other issues, often FAR WORSE.

last point, regarding regression, please have a look at your last two years bug reports, then come here again and tell us you actually do run a regression suite.
Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2014-01-29 13:42:49 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
Kryptik Kai wrote:
Its amazing how many software developers play EVE

Does 68xxx assembler count ??

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Dior Rellik
#31 - 2014-01-29 13:58:35 UTC
seth Hendar wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:

Since you took the time to write this, I will give you as frank a response as possible on the subjects that are under my control.

C - We were on Singularity from the 6th January with this release. Familiar as I am with the term release candidate, being in the software industry myself, I can tell you it was deployed on Monday morning to Sisi, as is par for the course with our deployments. This might seem crazily short to you, but our development method allows us to work right up until then because we do not hamper teams with code/feature freezes and have mature teams which practice 'Whole Team Quality' (more on this later) giving them the responsibility and accountability over the quality of the features they ship. This is a process I have seen evolve in my 2.5 years here to really empower teams, and it is one that I think works well. Further than this though, we deploy daily updates to Singularity to ensure users have the latest stable build available. Combine this with the internal QA coming from the teams, and our outsourcers running a full regression suite every 2 weeks, and you're looking at a pretty robust testing process.

i am sorry, but i think i might share this thought with many others.

your "Whole Team Quality" thing is NOT working, clearly.

there have been enought proof of that for at least the last TWO years.

being accountable for a problem doesn't solve the problem itself, once it is in the wild (understand on TQ) it is already TOO LATE.
any efficient QA goal is to PREVENT issues from being released, not to blame someone once it's out.

regarding SISI, i really appreciate the work you do with it, especially the regular updates you bring, but judjing from, again, the past two years, the build released on TQ is NOT a build that happened to have been on SISI, wich allow you to fix a few things in between, i understand, but also bring some other issues, often FAR WORSE.

last point, regarding regression, please have a look at your last two years bug reports, then come here again and tell us you actually do run a regression suite.

How about all you arrogant players give me a list of games with out bugs or never have bugs after an update? Its impossible to guarantee a bug free release even if you tested an update successfully on another server prior to the live server release.

Get a grip guys.
Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#32 - 2014-01-29 13:58:51 UTC
What a dim view you take of professional testing and testers calling them semi- or un-skilled workers. Rather offensive.

Of course if you pay with peanuts you're going to get monkeys - but plenty of professional testers I worked with (funnily enough in an outsourced testing team) were massively skilled and came from development backgrounds themselves.

Something to be wary of about outsourcing your testing though is the feedback you get on your delivery quality is always going to be politically slanted so if you deliver some crap 'coal' release they will come back and tell you it was 'near diamond' quality.

Your users will not be so kind and regardless of what you outline as your procedure, the number of bugs slipping through the net into releases tells me you have plenty of room for improvement.

seth Hendar
I love you miners
#33 - 2014-01-29 14:05:41 UTC
Dior Rellik wrote:
seth Hendar wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:

Since you took the time to write this, I will give you as frank a response as possible on the subjects that are under my control.

C - We were on Singularity from the 6th January with this release. Familiar as I am with the term release candidate, being in the software industry myself, I can tell you it was deployed on Monday morning to Sisi, as is par for the course with our deployments. This might seem crazily short to you, but our development method allows us to work right up until then because we do not hamper teams with code/feature freezes and have mature teams which practice 'Whole Team Quality' (more on this later) giving them the responsibility and accountability over the quality of the features they ship. This is a process I have seen evolve in my 2.5 years here to really empower teams, and it is one that I think works well. Further than this though, we deploy daily updates to Singularity to ensure users have the latest stable build available. Combine this with the internal QA coming from the teams, and our outsourcers running a full regression suite every 2 weeks, and you're looking at a pretty robust testing process.

i am sorry, but i think i might share this thought with many others.

your "Whole Team Quality" thing is NOT working, clearly.

there have been enought proof of that for at least the last TWO years.

being accountable for a problem doesn't solve the problem itself, once it is in the wild (understand on TQ) it is already TOO LATE.
any efficient QA goal is to PREVENT issues from being released, not to blame someone once it's out.

regarding SISI, i really appreciate the work you do with it, especially the regular updates you bring, but judjing from, again, the past two years, the build released on TQ is NOT a build that happened to have been on SISI, wich allow you to fix a few things in between, i understand, but also bring some other issues, often FAR WORSE.

last point, regarding regression, please have a look at your last two years bug reports, then come here again and tell us you actually do run a regression suite.

How about all you arrogant players give me a list of games with out bugs or never have bugs after an update? Its impossible to guarantee a bug free release even if you tested an update successfully on another server prior to the live server release.

Get a grip guys.

i think you just failed to read don't you?

i know that it is not possible to have a 100% free bug game, but i don't know any other MMO that screw up a major game feature EVRY SINGLE TIME they update the game.

tell me again how one would have missed the current standing issue if it would have been tested on another server? because except that the person running the test is blind, no way to miss it.
Prince Kobol
#34 - 2014-01-29 14:09:34 UTC
Can somebody fill me in over why there are so many tears?

What did I miss that was so incredibly game breaking that it has caused people to pretend they know anything about something?
Mario Putzo
#35 - 2014-01-29 14:12:59 UTC
I like this update! I don't know what everyone else is smoking but there is some stuff in here that badly needed to be changed. Keep up the great work CCP. EVE feels more accessible than ever before, and I feel that no matter what ship I undock in that I have a comparable chance of success as others in the same hull class!

Fix the Nestor though, its bonuses don't make a lick of sense to me.
silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#36 - 2014-01-29 14:19:30 UTC
Kryptik Kai wrote:
Its amazing how many software developers play EVE

Yes, it is.

But despite its flaws, we* like the basic product. Huzzah to the OP!

*(disclaimer: Only a some-time dev. More time spent in Validation Testing and actual operations, but I can hum the tune, and dance the step)

Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

BamBam Inc.
#37 - 2014-01-29 14:19:50 UTC
Random Woman wrote:

Also it was on sisi for two weeks is no test either, I dont think that majority of eve knows anything about softwaretesting, they just want to fly ships they cant afford. And the ppl with software testing background probably cant be arsed to try stuff out, because software testing is work. I pay money to play a game, not to keep doing the suff I waste the other 10 hours every day on.

Isn't there an incentive to find a bug on Sisi? I've never been there, so I just don't know.

I think I'd set a premium of say 100m ISK for finding bugs.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#38 - 2014-01-29 14:20:52 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Can somebody fill me in over why there are so many tears?

What did I miss that was so incredibly game breaking that it has caused people to pretend they know anything about something?

Standings got broken and people were scared to undock.
silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#39 - 2014-01-29 14:21:03 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
I like this update!

I don't have any specific hate against *this* update, other than for a few nasty bugs... which should not have happened.

Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

Random Woman
Very Professional Corporation
#40 - 2014-01-29 14:21:47 UTC
Dior Rellik wrote:

How about all you arrogant players give me a list of games with out bugs or never have bugs after an update? Its impossible to guarantee a bug free release even if you tested an update successfully on another server prior to the live server release.

Get a grip guys.

This has nothing to do with arrogance. CCP QA is systematically failing, not on this release not on the last, but for the last few years. And they dont learn from their mistakes, this is the part where some ppl, like me get angry.

It might not be "in" to talk about software quality in games industry in times of kickstarter, greenlight and whatever, but it seems its still very nessesary to bring that topic up.

Of cause Eve is an old application, but the more important is it to keep the code clean and well tested. I'd rather see one team testing and onther one refactorng code, than all teams doing stuff, and breaking even more stuff in the progress.

I live in w-space for the last 3 years or so, there were no major changes to w-space in that time, but every patch is breaking something inside w-space, even if there are no features at all in patches that concern w-space.

This is a very good indicator for regression testing not working at all at ccp.