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EVE General Discussion

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#241 - 2013-11-12 17:22:33 UTC
I dont know who erotica 1 is and I would never support anyone with such a silly name.

Why are people talking about CSM already?
Jessica Braun
#242 - 2013-11-12 17:22:42 UTC
Seven Koskanaiken wrote:
wtf is a bonus room

It is the measure of the level of stupidity in this game. The greater the participation, the greater the ignorance in the community.

Jessica Braun
#243 - 2013-11-12 17:25:04 UTC
Galadriel Vasquez wrote:
Interesting announcement. Who is the real Erotica1??

1) A low down dirty scammer who lures pilots into a web of ISK doubling and makes profit off of the hapless fools in Jita.

2) A philanthropist that is a genuine ISK doubler and offers a legitimate service...

3) An opportunist that has cleverly maneuvered himself to being the prime contact for ISK rinsing.

4) A political animal that has aspirations of being the next big thing and using the CSM to achieve fame/notoriety?

5) A genuine guy who is trying to make EVE online a better place and is enjoying his role play tremendously too!

6) A James315 alt.........

Whatever the definition of the real Erotica1 I enjoy the countless threads and I do like to watch in Jita the outbreaks of verbose jousting.

Good luck to you .

I will watch the developing plot with interest - the Meta is too strong to resist!

7. A pathetic shut-in who, without EVE, would have to resort to posting YouTube videos of fat WalMart shoppers to gain approval from anonymous drones on the Interwebs.
Scope Works
#244 - 2013-11-12 17:26:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Anslo
Uses shills to fake legitimacy.
Humiliates people like Heavy Rayne and manipulates the story to raise more ****.
Using self created **** storm as platform.

gr8 b8 m8. I r8 8/biomass.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#245 - 2013-11-12 18:02:10 UTC
Galadriel Vasquez wrote:
Interesting announcement. Who is the real Erotica1??

1) A low down dirty scammer who lures pilots into a web of ISK doubling and makes profit off of the hapless fools in Jita.

2) A philanthropist that is a genuine ISK doubler and offers a legitimate service...

3) An opportunist that has cleverly maneuvered himself to being the prime contact for ISK rinsing.

4) A political animal that has aspirations of being the next big thing and using the CSM to achieve fame/notoriety?

5) A genuine guy who is trying to make EVE online a better place and is enjoying his role play tremendously too!

6) A James315 alt.........

Whatever the definition of the real Erotica1 I enjoy the countless threads and I do like to watch in Jita the outbreaks of verbose jousting.

Good luck to you .

I will watch the developing plot with interest - the Meta is too strong to resist!

Is there an all of the above option? Never thought about isk rinsing though... hm, that could be an interesting service.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Tollen Gallen
Glory of Reprisal Enterprise
#246 - 2013-11-12 18:06:41 UTC
I like Snow.

Zimmy Zeta - I f*cking love martinis. the original ones, with gin, not that vodka martini crap. Your old Friends can use me for 7 days, free!!!

Xavier Higdon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#247 - 2013-11-12 18:08:52 UTC
Here, allow me to repost this, as it appears it was overlooked on accident:

Erotica 1, you have stated that you would make an excellent advocate for all play styles, that you do not believe one play style is correct and another is incorrect. You said, in the press conference, that you believe all types of players need a voice. This included high sec miners, missioners, gankers, scammers and so on. A number of your core supporters, however, have expressed the view that certain play styles are invalid, as well as expressing the view that "some" people shouldn't even be playing EvE Online. On the other side of this are those players that feel your play style is invalid, or that you victimize unknowing players, specifically newer ones, for your enjoyment. Since you have stated that you would be an advocate for both of these groups, how do you plan on reconciling their vastly different opinions?

Erotica 1, some of your core supporters often express the opinion that Hi Sec should be removed from the game, denegrated into another segment of Null Sec or otherwise changed in a manner that would result in it no longer being Hi Sec. Is this your view as well? If it is, how do you reconcile that with your claim of being a fair representative of all players? If it is not your view, how do you intend to appease those core supporters that believe this is an integral part of "their" EvE while also maintaining the integrity of Hi Sec?

As well, you have recently stated in this thread that you want to improve EvE for the "broad community." Can you please explain to us what this broad community is? Does it constitute the whole of the EvE playerbase? If it does not, please explain which parts of the playerbase are apart of the community and which parts are not, in your opinion. If it does, please further explain how you intend to represent such a large disparity of play styles.
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#248 - 2013-11-12 18:09:22 UTC
Laserak wrote:
I dont know who erotica 1 is and I would never support anyone with such a silly name.

Why are people talking about CSM already?

Same people who wish Xmas in October.
Winchester Steele
#249 - 2013-11-12 18:54:29 UTC
X. Without hesitation on all my accounts.


Haedonism Bot
People for the Ethical Treatment of Rogue Drones
#250 - 2013-11-12 19:29:09 UTC
Someday I hope to be so EVE famous that the various threads about me in General Discussion need to be consolidated by ISDs.

Vote Sabriz Adoudel and Tora Bushido for CSMX. Keep the Evil in EVE!

Katarina Panatri
#251 - 2013-11-12 20:56:58 UTC
I don't like what you do, but that doesn't mean I don't understand or appreciate it.

Yes I would vote you in
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#252 - 2013-11-12 21:07:32 UTC
Katarina Panatri wrote:
I don't like what you do, but that doesn't mean I don't understand or appreciate it.

Yes I would vote you in

Why, when there's so many other candidates that run on similar platforms who aren't lazy, egotistical (for no good reason, I hadn't heard of the guy before a few days ago and he's in my coalition), media-whores?
Vadimus Quarrier Works
#253 - 2013-11-12 21:27:35 UTC
Not now, not ever.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#254 - 2013-11-12 21:30:15 UTC
no reason to bother; the last one from miner bumping was all talk and no walk.
Katarina Panatri
#255 - 2013-11-12 21:31:54 UTC
Because I don't think the act of mobilising a shift in views and general community contribution is bad.
Whether you like it or not erotica has been a source of much that has recently happened in the high security environment of the game.
Yes it is at the expense of some players but you play eve, it's a social game no matter if you like it or not.

I don't think you can say that he is lazy, seems a bit unfair a statement. He has catalysed a change in attitudes and game play for many a player if even only that miners are learning to stay aligned, it may seem small but every step of this has benefited players. What better excuse is there to learn and immerse yourself than fear of harm?

If you wish to join the rackets that is equally an option, and this speaks to me as anything but laziness.

I think erotica has done the game good, and if he would like to take that to a more official level I am happy to give my support.

I myself don't mine anywhere they can touch me, and if they did try we would bring out fleets to protect ourselves and be happy for the opportunity of a good fight. I have no interest in joining the new order or any of that zealotry. I just support what he has achieved and acknowledge that in the former of support for CSM
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#256 - 2013-11-12 21:35:16 UTC
Honestly, depends how many other CFC candidates there are. One coalition shouldn't be over-represented on the CSM.
I Love Boobies
All Hail Boobies
#257 - 2013-11-12 21:40:49 UTC
KnowUsByTheDead wrote:
Tonight Erotica 1 announced his intent on running for CSM.

x up if you would support him.

If you do not, please post a thread voicing your concerns, and perhaps he could address them.

His? Crap... I had all these lesbian fantasies going on about her... sigh. And no, I wouldn't support him. I don't support anyone because I think the CSM is a sham. Blink
Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#258 - 2013-11-12 21:58:46 UTC
Laserak wrote:
I dont know who erotica 1 is and I would never support anyone with such a silly name.

Why are people talking about CSM already?

Erotica 1 is bigger than John Lennon and Jesus combined. Fact.

That being said, I am still not sure if voting him on the CSM would be any good.
There are many current and former CSM members, some of them even pretty decent.
But there is only one 100% legit isk doubler in this game.
ISK doubling is serious business and simply too important for the whole game, not sure if we can afford losing Erotica 1 to the CSM.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#259 - 2013-11-12 22:03:32 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Honestly, depends how many other CFC candidates there are. One coalition shouldn't be over-represented on the CSM.

I can tell you right now that this guy will not be an official CFC candidate.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#260 - 2013-11-12 22:30:22 UTC
Xavier Higdon wrote:
Here, allow me to repost this, as it appears it was overlooked on accident:

Erotica 1, you have stated that you would make an excellent advocate for all play styles, that you do not believe one play style is correct and another is incorrect. You said, in the press conference, that you believe all types of players need a voice. This included high sec miners, missioners, gankers, scammers and so on. A number of your core supporters, however, have expressed the view that certain play styles are invalid, as well as expressing the view that "some" people shouldn't even be playing EvE Online. On the other side of this are those players that feel your play style is invalid, or that you victimize unknowing players, specifically newer ones, for your enjoyment. Since you have stated that you would be an advocate for both of these groups, how do you plan on reconciling their vastly different opinions?

Erotica 1, some of your core supporters often express the opinion that Hi Sec should be removed from the game, denegrated into another segment of Null Sec or otherwise changed in a manner that would result in it no longer being Hi Sec. Is this your view as well? If it is, how do you reconcile that with your claim of being a fair representative of all players? If it is not your view, how do you intend to appease those core supporters that believe this is an integral part of "their" EvE while also maintaining the integrity of Hi Sec?

As well, you have recently stated in this thread that you want to improve EvE for the "broad community." Can you please explain to us what this broad community is? Does it constitute the whole of the EvE playerbase? If it does not, please explain which parts of the playerbase are apart of the community and which parts are not, in your opinion. If it does, please further explain how you intend to represent such a large disparity of play styles.

Answer 1

The TL/DR answer is that I support the sandbox, which should be protected and enhanced. Let's take mining for example. Mining is a dreadfully terrible activity. Gankers bring some excitement to this. I am against anything that makes mining safer and more afk. I'm not a big fan of achieving things through nerfs and buffs, generally speaking. I have given an example in the past in the forums, and used the same example the other night on teamspeak...

Imagine all of the ice disappeared throughout all of high sec. Perhaps only a particular kind to start, but more varieties would continue to vanish until players start trying to solve the mystery. A news release comes out (a CCP live event- series of events) and from there we get some sort of storyline mission that requires a lot of players to join together to complete a variety of missions that develop over time to solve the mystery. Eventually... a few days or a month (depending on player involvement) the mystery is solved and the Ice returns. It may require a bunch of miners to join in and help in some way to achieve the group goal of solving the mystery.

The above example, which I think would be pretty cool, could bring different players together (miners, missioners, gankers- who wish to stop the mission from succeeding, etc.) It would break up the monotony if ice mining, offer mission runners a new and exciting story- that requires players to work together (or against each other) and just generally be a fun thing for lots of people to do, together, in this great multiplayer game we share.

A related idea which others, chiefly Sabriz Adoudel, have suggested is a new pvp/pve hybrid. A mission runner could go to an agent and accept a mission to blow up a certain number of miners in a particular system, or attack a specific player, or actively do a regular sort of mission but have someone else in the mission who accepted another mission from another agent to take the opposing side.

It's ideas like this that open up the sandbox further and encourage player interaction. These ideas will change the nature of certain play styles, I believe, for the better. Change can be scary.

I hope this helps to answer your first question. I'm sure this question of yours will be a central issue for voters to consider and debate. I['m sure we will revisit it a number of times.

Answer 2

I would like to improve the game for all players. I can imagine some followup questions to that, and I will address those.

Answer 3

You ask another question about the removal of highsec. Clearly, highsec needs to be changed over time. I believe CCP will be doing that, and they are starting with Rubicon. I do not think everything needs to be like nullsec. I like the general idea of jigh/low/null but would like to see some changes that make the differences more fun and make more sense. Concord and Concord response are a key part of that. It is not just about nerfing/buffing certain things such as Concord response times. We need bigger changes. I will get into this a lot more later. Right now, I need to go.

I hope that helps. I welcome your detailed and thoughtful questions.


See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.