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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Daishan Auergni
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6141 - 2013-10-17 17:54:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Daishan Auergni
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Check in journal what is minimum pilot count for VG I think 3 ppl will net you 0 isk even if you complete a site

In a hi-sec incursion I got ~3 million isk per pilot for two pilots, warping in the command ship booster right before killing the last frig. And like 5 million per pilot with 3 in fleet and on grid. I think.

Full payout (10.3 mill per pilot in hi-sec, 15 mill in low/null sec) happens with 5-10 pilots on grid in a Vanguard site.

Here's some information about that.
Planetary Interactors
#6142 - 2013-10-17 18:00:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Elindreal
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

On TQ right now, my crew runs 18 webs, all bonused, all faction, all off-grid boosted.
There is zero chance with this new setup, that the ships will be as effective.

Plus, and am quite interested in the fact that Yitterbum refuses to respond, when command ships are forced on-grid, how will they jump with the Marauders, given that Yitterbum has said many many times that is the new method of flying these ships? Will the Marauders be given 100 km reppers? Will the Command ship be given MJD capabilities?

Or are people who fly Marauders be penalized again, and not fly with boosters?

obviously you're doing it wrong if you have 18 webs and no target painters.

learn2minxmax correctly

command ships don't need to mjd

if i was a dev i wouldn't respond to your tantrums either, (partly because it's funny) but mostly because you have not raised a valid point aside from "wahhh my webs, i can't do what i want to do!"

but i'm not a dev and i find it rather hilarious how mad you are getting. your favourite toy is being changed and you can't stand it. why haven't you threatened to rage quit yet?

instead all you're doing is yelling at others and telling them they don't know how to play and that your opinion and knowledge is superior, which, it isn't, cause this is a game.

the new marauders will open up more options than they remove. you should embrace that instead of whine that your extremely niche mindset is being set back (but not erased because, *gasp* vindicator)

open your mind buddy, you're stuck in this tiny elite incursion realm that you've created for yourself. did you know there are things to do in EVE other than incursions with an elite 10 paladin 1 onieros fleet?

did you know others still make more ISK than you do no matter how elite you are at incursions?

some battleship hulls lend themselves better to long range weapons over short range. some vice versa.

imo, currently the pirate battleship hulls are very short range oriented. (bhaal can web out to scorch, vindi webs for blasters, mach gets great falloff for ACs, nightmare sorta swings both ways) it will be nice to have ships which are so well specialized to long range battleship sized weapon platforms.

the MJD bonus gives this a completely new and added flavour which no other ship class that uses long range weapons can enjoy.

the only anomaly to this template, as yitterbum has stated, is the paladin, and this is basically because scorch can reach out to beam range anyway negating its necessity to use long range weapons.

as a halfway concession, someone else in this threadnaught did mention it... maybe adding a bit more falloff to bastion mode would be welcome, but imo not necessary for a system which is seems very primarily geared for long range combat.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6143 - 2013-10-17 18:20:27 UTC
I've been testing these since they released them.

As far as the Golem goes, I'm quite happy.

The only thing I really have to pay attention to is keeping bastion from running another cycle if the room is almost cleared.

Apart from that.
Cruise missile buffs made Golem better.
Not having to worry about cap or tank due to uber tank is pretty nice.

MJD means I can get around faster than I ever could.

While I feel sorry for those that preferred mobility when missioning, I am quite happy as I'm a tank a spank player.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#6144 - 2013-10-17 18:56:27 UTC
Serge SC wrote:
DSpite Culhach wrote:
Question for people that know what they are doing:

If you got into say, a Golem, and went into an Incursion site, and just bunny hopped via MJD a LOT, and just stayed as far as possible with cruise missiels and popped stuff, even assuming you'd eventually pop big triggers and start running into some nasty DPS before having to skedaddle - oh look I used a new word - will that actually still make you more then running an L4?

I have another 2 bored people that I might be able to get to fly Marauders, maybe we can squeeze some new fun out of this, we're still too wussy to go in WH's.

Well, you can use MJD to move, but as incursion fleets manage nowadays, an MWD is more efficient. However, you can drop bastion and 4 open highs for 2xRR and 2xCap Xfers, making marauders a desireable ship to low-logi fleets, should they be organised.

Will you do more than lvl 4s? Most likely yes, if you're in a fleet.

Proper minmaxed fleets wont have space for marauders. They will be 3 logis and about half half t3 and Vindicators (or other flavor damage ship of the season).

Marauders cannot replace any of those in fleets and tryign will result in less money per hour.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Christyna Ishiyama
Caldari State
#6145 - 2013-10-17 18:58:06 UTC
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap/s) : 7500(+1875) / 1000s (+76.1s) / 8 cap/s (+2)

I think that in new version there should be 7,5 cap/s and lowerd +compared to current version :-)

I tried to recount it and it still pretty fine :-)
#6146 - 2013-10-17 19:00:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Shivanthar
Joe Risalo wrote:
I've been testing these since they released them.

As far as the Golem goes, I'm quite happy.

The only thing I really have to pay attention to is keeping bastion from running another cycle if the room is almost cleared.

Apart from that.
Cruise missile buffs made Golem better.
Not having to worry about cap or tank due to uber tank is pretty nice.

MJD means I can get around faster than I ever could.

While I feel sorry for those that preferred mobility when missioning, I am quite happy as I'm a tank a spank player.

I knew, somewhere inside you were thinking all of us ;)

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#6147 - 2013-10-17 19:09:18 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:

pfffft easy. mjd to a mid point 100km away from gate/ starting point

Whats the point of mjd if warpgate is at half of mjd range?, u will jump it over and end on other side as far as u was before. learn math mate

Besides half missions got npcs between your warpingpoint and warpgate, and some got npcs at warpgate, so juimping around in random directions wont help at all.


learn math?

Hahahaha omg I cant breathe!

pythagoras would like to have a word with you, as would your primary school math teacher.

Ive tested this on sissi. it works. your theory crafting means nothing in the face of actual expetience.

But doing triangulation would still be slower than traveling those same 60km for example on a vargur with deadspace ABurner.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Serge SC
The Valhalla Project
#6148 - 2013-10-17 19:31:13 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Serge SC wrote:
DSpite Culhach wrote:
Question for people that know what they are doing:

If you got into say, a Golem, and went into an Incursion site, and just bunny hopped via MJD a LOT, and just stayed as far as possible with cruise missiels and popped stuff, even assuming you'd eventually pop big triggers and start running into some nasty DPS before having to skedaddle - oh look I used a new word - will that actually still make you more then running an L4?

I have another 2 bored people that I might be able to get to fly Marauders, maybe we can squeeze some new fun out of this, we're still too wussy to go in WH's.

Well, you can use MJD to move, but as incursion fleets manage nowadays, an MWD is more efficient. However, you can drop bastion and 4 open highs for 2xRR and 2xCap Xfers, making marauders a desireable ship to low-logi fleets, should they be organised.

Will you do more than lvl 4s? Most likely yes, if you're in a fleet.

Proper minmaxed fleets wont have space for marauders. They will be 3 logis and about half half t3 and Vindicators (or other flavor damage ship of the season).

Marauders cannot replace any of those in fleets and tryign will result in less money per hour.

I'm moslty talking about large size fleets (Assaults and up). But you are right. Marauders can't actually replace ships in an incursion fleet, unless you get 10 marauders for VGs with local tanks and know what you're doing and how to FC a different kind of fleet, even then it would be arguable.

My point is that Marauders shouldn't be shunned from the incursion community or fleets in general. Its a different ship now, it fulfills a new role, they aren't out yet, but people have already called them DOA. Either we adapt to the changes (since the BS hulls are getting the rebalance next), or we just perish and give up. The first is harder but you get to learn way more from a game that has hundreds of possibilities, some better, some worse, some fun, some boring, some more effective, some lousy... the second is the easy solution - don't touch the status quo and resist it as much as possible - giving us a rather stagnant game (and to be very honest, EVE doesn't need more stagnation anymore, the pace of the game is slow already, slowing it down would make it terrrible)

Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#6149 - 2013-10-17 19:43:01 UTC
Serge SC wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Serge SC wrote:
DSpite Culhach wrote:
Question for people that know what they are doing:

If you got into say, a Golem, and went into an Incursion site, and just bunny hopped via MJD a LOT, and just stayed as far as possible with cruise missiels and popped stuff, even assuming you'd eventually pop big triggers and start running into some nasty DPS before having to skedaddle - oh look I used a new word - will that actually still make you more then running an L4?

I have another 2 bored people that I might be able to get to fly Marauders, maybe we can squeeze some new fun out of this, we're still too wussy to go in WH's.

Well, you can use MJD to move, but as incursion fleets manage nowadays, an MWD is more efficient. However, you can drop bastion and 4 open highs for 2xRR and 2xCap Xfers, making marauders a desireable ship to low-logi fleets, should they be organised.

Will you do more than lvl 4s? Most likely yes, if you're in a fleet.

Proper minmaxed fleets wont have space for marauders. They will be 3 logis and about half half t3 and Vindicators (or other flavor damage ship of the season).

Marauders cannot replace any of those in fleets and tryign will result in less money per hour.

I'm moslty talking about large size fleets (Assaults and up). But you are right. Marauders can't actually replace ships in an incursion fleet, unless you get 10 marauders for VGs with local tanks and know what you're doing and how to FC a different kind of fleet, even then it would be arguable.

My point is that Marauders shouldn't be shunned from the incursion community or fleets in general. Its a different ship now, it fulfills a new role, they aren't out yet, but people have already called them DOA. Either we adapt to the changes (since the BS hulls are getting the rebalance next), or we just perish and give up. The first is harder but you get to learn way more from a game that has hundreds of possibilities, some better, some worse, some fun, some boring, some more effective, some lousy... the second is the easy solution - don't touch the status quo and resist it as much as possible - giving us a rather stagnant game (and to be very honest, EVE doesn't need more stagnation anymore, the pace of the game is slow already, slowing it down would make it terrrible)

BS hulls already got the rebalance pass!

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Serge SC
The Valhalla Project
#6150 - 2013-10-17 19:48:50 UTC
Kagura Nikon[/quote wrote:

BS hulls already got the rebalance pass!

Not the pirate faction hulls though.

Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6151 - 2013-10-17 20:42:39 UTC
Shivanthar wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
I've been testing these since they released them.

As far as the Golem goes, I'm quite happy.

The only thing I really have to pay attention to is keeping bastion from running another cycle if the room is almost cleared.

Apart from that.
Cruise missile buffs made Golem better.
Not having to worry about cap or tank due to uber tank is pretty nice.

MJD means I can get around faster than I ever could.

While I feel sorry for those that preferred mobility when missioning, I am quite happy as I'm a tank a spank player.

I knew, somewhere inside you were thinking all of us ;)

I still think CCP should build the hull as a mobile brawler and then give bastion module fitting penalties to kinda nerf it down a little.

That way you can either mobile brawl, or bastion up, but not both with the flick of a module.

I've said that many times..
Synth Tech
#6152 - 2013-10-17 20:53:09 UTC
Shivanthar wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
I've been testing these since they released them.

As far as the Golem goes, I'm quite happy.

The only thing I really have to pay attention to is keeping bastion from running another cycle if the room is almost cleared.

Apart from that.
Cruise missile buffs made Golem better.
Not having to worry about cap or tank due to uber tank is pretty nice.

MJD means I can get around faster than I ever could.

While I feel sorry for those that preferred mobility when missioning, I am quite happy as I'm a tank a spank player.

I knew, somewhere inside you were thinking all of us ;)

Sigh I just don't get it. Ytterbium said the mobility nerf was to penalize the ship for being tanky... but it doesn't become any tankier until activating bastion... at which point, it stops overrides all mobility nerfs by becoming immobile.

Just to summarize:
mobility was nerfed to compensate for additional tank gained only while the ship isn't able to move???

Pls revert these mobility nerfs.
Brib Vogt
#6153 - 2013-10-17 21:19:58 UTC
chaosgrimm wrote:
Sigh I just don't get it. Ytterbium said the mobility nerf was to penalize the ship for being tanky... but it doesn't become any tankier until activating bastion... at which point, it stops overrides all mobility nerfs by becoming immobile.

Just to summarize:
mobility was nerfed to compensate for additional tank gained only while the ship isn't able to move???

Pls revert these mobility nerfs.

True, especially the strange mass increase of the vargur which negates the +5 m/s speed by far.
#6154 - 2013-10-17 21:35:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Shivanthar
While re-balancing, devs might skip the bigger picture, as many games felt into this error many times in the past. The more numbers they play with, the more the whole picture fades away. I thought addition of the mass to hulls was a mistake (in reverse order) at first, but when I realize that they really added those to "balance" numbers, this made me sure of that they're missing the whole picture again.

Consider this game's faction philosopies and their common construction practices as deities.

The more science you try to put into the mechanics, the less scientists left with belief to these deities, abandoning them, leaving whole idea to perish in the way of numbers of *balancing mechanics*.

This is why this thread is 300+ pages long.
To exaragate this and add some trolling, devs might end up putting laser bonus on the Vargur, in order to balance (*caugh* normalize *caugh*) faction differences some time in the future :P

I'm trolling a lot now, but I've seen this happening in different games, not one time, not twice, ... I hope people get what I mean.

Edit: I hope this trolling will end up with one dev reading into these lines and get some sort of early sign of warning. You guys running into wrong direction, with, unfortunately, right toolbox in your hands.

This bastion mod should be doubled, with another one giving more mobility bonuses. If not, since ccp philosopy is to create two different sides of same thing, you should boost mobility of normal Vargur, as much as you boost tanking on bastion mode. MJD is a way to go, but it will prevent some people from enjoying this game. A LOT.

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.

Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#6155 - 2013-10-17 21:36:59 UTC
Brib Vogt wrote:
chaosgrimm wrote:
Sigh I just don't get it. Ytterbium said the mobility nerf was to penalize the ship for being tanky... but it doesn't become any tankier until activating bastion... at which point, it stops overrides all mobility nerfs by becoming immobile.

Just to summarize:
mobility was nerfed to compensate for additional tank gained only while the ship isn't able to move???

Pls revert these mobility nerfs.

True, especially the strange mass increase of the vargur which negates the +5 m/s speed by far.

Confirming I don't get this part,was hoping it was typo...don't make a abbadon from skinny vargur plz...make / sense / doesn't <= guess the order.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

#6156 - 2013-10-17 23:25:17 UTC
Serge SC wrote:

Not to tell you how to EVE, but you do know that after the 3rd web, the rest are all wasted? 18 webs for Vanguards seems overkill to be very honest with you, and wasted potential. You'd be better of with several TPs added and just a couple of webbers. Granted, I specialized in HQs long ago, and ran those almost exclusively for a long time.

In an ideal world where every pilot does what they're supposed, yes, some of the webs are wasted (in VGs). In practical terms however, for a long grind fleet, the human factor has a little more weight.
You'll often notice when half the fleet is sleeping when only 1-2 frigates slows down. With painters, this will only get worse.

Now, a fully active Paladin fleet can pop frigates so fast that painters become very painful (due to their 10s cycle). This itself is a form of waste.
If the 5s painter cycle changes goes through in Rubicon, then it's use will certainly be re-evaluated.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6157 - 2013-10-17 23:33:32 UTC
Sturmwolke wrote:
Serge SC wrote:

Not to tell you how to EVE, but you do know that after the 3rd web, the rest are all wasted? 18 webs for Vanguards seems overkill to be very honest with you, and wasted potential. You'd be better of with several TPs added and just a couple of webbers. Granted, I specialized in HQs long ago, and ran those almost exclusively for a long time.

In an ideal world where every pilot does what they're supposed, yes, some of the webs are wasted (in VGs). In practical terms however, for a long grind fleet, the human factor has a little more weight.
You'll often notice when half the fleet is sleeping when only 1-2 frigates slows down. With painters, this will only get worse.

Now, a fully active Paladin fleet can pop frigates so fast that painters become very painful (due to their 10s cycle). This itself is a form of waste.
If the 5s painter cycle changes goes through in Rubicon, then it's use will certainly be re-evaluated.

5s TPs are currently on test server and are probably going through.

Apart from that, 18 webs is more than enough even without bonuses
Anize Oramara
#6158 - 2013-10-17 23:36:43 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:

pfffft easy. mjd to a mid point 100km away from gate/ starting point

Whats the point of mjd if warpgate is at half of mjd range?, u will jump it over and end on other side as far as u was before. learn math mate

Besides half missions got npcs between your warpingpoint and warpgate, and some got npcs at warpgate, so juimping around in random directions wont help at all.


learn math?

Hahahaha omg I cant breathe!

pythagoras would like to have a word with you, as would your primary school math teacher.

Ive tested this on sissi. it works. your theory crafting means nothing in the face of actual expetience.

But doing triangulation would still be slower than traveling those same 60km for example on a vargur with deadspace ABurner.

Did you miss the post where I said it actually wouldn't?

Unless that is you are going faster than 700m/s you're not going to be faster than a MJD. if you are going around 700m/s it will take THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME as doing a triangulation.

9sec to spool up the MJD, 1min of bastion, another 9 sec to spool up. that's 88sec. 60km going at 700m/s will take you 85.7sec


A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#6159 - 2013-10-17 23:51:29 UTC
Serge SC wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Serge SC wrote:
DSpite Culhach wrote:
Question for people that know what they are doing:

If you got into say, a Golem, and went into an Incursion site, and just bunny hopped via MJD a LOT, and just stayed as far as possible with cruise missiels and popped stuff, even assuming you'd eventually pop big triggers and start running into some nasty DPS before having to skedaddle - oh look I used a new word - will that actually still make you more then running an L4?

I have another 2 bored people that I might be able to get to fly Marauders, maybe we can squeeze some new fun out of this, we're still too wussy to go in WH's.

Well, you can use MJD to move, but as incursion fleets manage nowadays, an MWD is more efficient. However, you can drop bastion and 4 open highs for 2xRR and 2xCap Xfers, making marauders a desireable ship to low-logi fleets, should they be organised.

Will you do more than lvl 4s? Most likely yes, if you're in a fleet.

Proper minmaxed fleets wont have space for marauders. They will be 3 logis and about half half t3 and Vindicators (or other flavor damage ship of the season).

Marauders cannot replace any of those in fleets and tryign will result in less money per hour.

I'm moslty talking about large size fleets (Assaults and up). But you are right. Marauders can't actually replace ships in an incursion fleet, unless you get 10 marauders for VGs with local tanks and know what you're doing and how to FC a different kind of fleet, even then it would be arguable.

My point is that Marauders shouldn't be shunned from the incursion community or fleets in general. Its a different ship now, it fulfills a new role, they aren't out yet, but people have already called them DOA. Either we adapt to the changes (since the BS hulls are getting the rebalance next), or we just perish and give up. The first is harder but you get to learn way more from a game that has hundreds of possibilities, some better, some worse, some fun, some boring, some more effective, some lousy... the second is the easy solution - don't touch the status quo and resist it as much as possible - giving us a rather stagnant game (and to be very honest, EVE doesn't need more stagnation anymore, the pace of the game is slow already, slowing it down would make it terrrible)

Shrug...others in my group have also tested the new and improved Marauders on Sisi, and have agreeed that you simply can't "adapt" the Marauder to a "new role".

Incursions are highly competitive, and only the best ships/best doctrine survives the crucible of winning/losing sites and ISK / hour. The Marauder was a highly effective ship because of its ability to RR in case of accidental logi drops, because of the web bonus, its use of less ammo, and of course, because of its large DPS (that is effective DPS).

Well, the web bonus is removed, the DPS from the drones is hugely nerfed ( my group used Gardes and Curators to superb effect), and that makes the ship less attractive than faction BS's now when not in Bastion mode, and complete laughing stock when in bastion mode.

So yeah, the Marauder will go extinct in these VG's , no doubt. It may still have a place as a sniper in HQ's, but when you want to talk about a niche role, that is sure one.

The fanbois can come on to the forums and say it isn't so, Marauders are better, with new tactics, but it is simply a lie.
#6160 - 2013-10-17 23:53:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Shivanthar
Anize Oramara wrote:

Did you miss the post where I said it actually wouldn't?

Unless that is you are going faster than 700m/s you're not going to be faster than a MJD. if you are going around 700m/s it will take THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME as doing a triangulation.

9sec to spool up the MJD, 1min of bastion, another 9 sec to spool up. that's 88sec. 60km going at 700m/s will take you 85.7sec


It is ~82 seconds for a gate @60km. Because, with ab/mwd or slowboating, you only need to go distance minus 2,5 km in order to activate the gate.

- You HAVE TO complete triangulation cycle for mjd in order to get your target, which is 88 seconds fixed at this example, even for a gate that is 20km away (considering perfect triangulation every time).
- In a chance of miss triangulation (which will be pretty common), you HAVE TO slowboat to the gate.
- Missions perspective, there are very rare 60km-away Gates from entry, most of them are located 10 - 40km in missions.

To summerize, anything closer than 61,6 km from you, will be faster with AB (with 700m/s on this example).

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.