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NPC corp standing loss LE podding

Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#41 - 2013-08-24 11:22:15 UTC
Arya Regnar wrote:
Sorry for not holding a grudge against a random player that podded me when he could, I'd have done the same.

No I don't really get it.

Of course you get it. You just don't accept it, but let me explain it this way:

EVE did something bad to you and now, you are harboring a grudge, which is why you are on this forum. If you were such a forgiving person, you would accept the "random" standing loss that EVE imposed on you and just move on.
Alex Tutuola
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#42 - 2013-08-24 12:41:44 UTC
I notice that the only people in favor of this are beneficiaries of the corrupt mechanic.

+1 to the OP.
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2013-08-24 13:19:59 UTC
Beliar Gray wrote:
With new aggression mechanics people are allowed to kill pods if they have limited engagement with someone.
If the target is in player corp there are no repercussions.

If target is in NPC corp you lose 42.8571%
That is equal to neutral standing -> -4.29 for a single pod kill.

While that would be okay if it would be global since you couldn't before... It's not. It only applies to NPC corps.
You only get penalized for killing NPC corp players in legitimate engagements. NPC corp players are already protected versus wardecs, awoxing and thefts.

Question is, why are they also protected versus pod kills by punishing the "offenders"

This mechanics needs to be fixed. NPC corporations are safe enough without any extras like this.

Let me know what you think.

Since you asked what I think:

I think a pod-kill in eve is about as close as you can get to committing an atrocity or war crime (yes, I do it myself, but in wormhole space where there are no inconvenient record-keepers).

I think it's reasonable that the friends and allies of someone against whom you committed an atrocity will be upset and demand that their corporation marks you out for special attention.

They certainly aren't going to want you turning up and asking for work!

So a standings loss with an NPC corp of which you have smeared the body one of their valued members across the stars seems to me to be the very least of sanctions.

If I were running that NPC corp I think I'd wardec you, your corp, your wife, children and the next 5 generations of your family.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#44 - 2013-08-24 18:19:12 UTC
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
Beliar Gray wrote:
With new aggression mechanics people are allowed to kill pods if they have limited engagement with someone.
If the target is in player corp there are no repercussions.

If target is in NPC corp you lose 42.8571%
That is equal to neutral standing -> -4.29 for a single pod kill.

While that would be okay if it would be global since you couldn't before... It's not. It only applies to NPC corps.
You only get penalized for killing NPC corp players in legitimate engagements. NPC corp players are already protected versus wardecs, awoxing and thefts.

Question is, why are they also protected versus pod kills by punishing the "offenders"

This mechanics needs to be fixed. NPC corporations are safe enough without any extras like this.

Let me know what you think.

Since you asked what I think:

I think a pod-kill in eve is about as close as you can get to committing an atrocity or war crime (yes, I do it myself, but in wormhole space where there are no inconvenient record-keepers).

I think it's reasonable that the friends and allies of someone against whom you committed an atrocity will be upset and demand that their corporation marks you out for special attention.

They certainly aren't going to want you turning up and asking for work!

So a standings loss with an NPC corp of which you have smeared the body one of their valued members across the stars seems to me to be the very least of sanctions.

If I were running that NPC corp I think I'd wardec you, your corp, your wife, children and the next 5 generations of your family.

Okay back to the logic of NPC corp gives bad standings because player corps would too.

Why don't NPC corps give bad standings for nullsec and WH space if they are so damn self sentient hiveminds.

I call bs.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#45 - 2013-08-25 22:21:37 UTC
Arya Regnar wrote:

Okay back to the logic of NPC corp gives bad standings because player corps would too.

Why don't NPC corps give bad standings for nullsec and WH space if they are so damn self sentient hiveminds.

I call bs.

Why don't NPC corps give bad standings for nullsec and WH space? Because ::CCP logic::; that's why.
Riddle me this: How does killing NPCs in null yield the highest security status gains but killing pod after pod after pod after pod after pod after pod . . . for no justifiable reason whatsoever does not yield ANY security status loss, nor killright?

You call bs? I concur. BULL [expletive deleted]!
Azrael Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#46 - 2013-08-26 06:17:01 UTC
Beliar Gray wrote:
With new aggression mechanics people are allowed to kill pods if they have limited engagement with someone.
If the target is in player corp there are no repercussions.

If target is in NPC corp you lose 42.8571%
That is equal to neutral standing -> -4.29 for a single pod kill.

While that would be okay if it would be global since you couldn't before... It's not. It only applies to NPC corps.
You only get penalized for killing NPC corp players in legitimate engagements. NPC corp players are already protected versus wardecs, awoxing and thefts.

Question is, why are they also protected versus pod kills by punishing the "offenders"

This mechanics needs to be fixed. NPC corporations are safe enough without any extras like this.

Let me know what you think.

Well now I see it kinda logical. I mean If you would kill a member of my corporation it would have an effect with our standings. Eventualy you would be set red or organge or a shady gray or something. So it's the same with NPC corporations. You are attacking their members and they do notice it.

This also means you need to choose your targets more carefuly if you want to have standings with spesific corporations.

So in the end the mechanic is working just fine and there is no need to make your empire ganking any easier than it alreay is Lol

After centuries of debating and justifying... Break Cloaks tm

Dark EcheIon
#47 - 2013-10-07 08:42:47 UTC
Sorry to reopen this thread, didn't think it was necessary to open a new one.

ive just stumbled upon this problem and was wondering if anyone has managed to get any clarification from CCP.

basically 1 pod kill of a yellow brutor tribe guy has wiped out 5 years of missioning with 1 nado burst.

now i am -2.5ish from +9.something, i under stand if pod killing is bad, but 5 years work in one minute?

Come on CCP sort it out.

have petitioned and if noone has anything to say i will see what they say and report back, (the bits im allowed to share)
Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#48 - 2013-10-07 09:47:23 UTC
It's ok cannon, the OP is still around.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Rhianna Ghost
Ghost Industries Inc.
#49 - 2013-10-07 09:57:33 UTC
OK, adding my 2 cents here.

Disclaimer: I am not in ganking business, and not in an NPC-Corp (obviously).

I think, the idea of getting standing loss for a pod kill, even in an limited engagement is not bad. Podkilling is ment to take place in Null/WH, not in high / low.

You can argue over the amount of standing loss. going from "We love the dirt under your shoes" to "Get the f... out" for one pod is definetly to harsh. Maybe from around 9 to just <5, to withhold level 4 missions, but nothing more. Please do the math yourself, where we end after multiple kills, I am no lazy atm. But I think, it should work out a lot nicer that way.
XS Tech
#50 - 2013-10-07 10:21:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Velicitia
Mournful Conciousness wrote:

I think it's reasonable that the friends and allies of someone against whom you committed an atrocity will be upset and demand that their corporation marks you out for special attention.

Awesome part is those "friends" probably died 4 seconds prior when the ship went boom Blink.

Though, to be honest ... it's probably more an "atrocity" that you just killed the ~1,000 crew on a battleship than one single immortal pilot.

Closest thing I can come up with is "bastard just cost us a new clone" ... and well, profit is everything to a corporation, so ...

EDIT -- though, honestly, if the [edit: NPC Corp Standings] loss is as high as people are saying, well, that's just wrong (isn't it only like 15-20% sec status loss?)

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#51 - 2013-10-07 10:41:31 UTC
Can't you two dumbasses learn to read?

It's standings loss not sec loss and I'm not crying about standings loss but about standings loss only for NPC corporations, player corporations hold zero power in highsec so if they set standings towards you to -10 I don't even give a damn, it's different when NPC corp charges you extra and won't let you do their missions on the other hand...


EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

XS Tech
#52 - 2013-10-07 11:15:26 UTC
chillout Arya ... I'm on your side (edited my previous post for some clarity ... i hope)

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#53 - 2013-10-07 11:45:13 UTC
Who the **** cares about NPC corp standings?

You'll get into one whenever you want if that's what you want, no matter what standings you have.


Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#54 - 2013-10-07 11:50:05 UTC
Roime wrote:
Who the **** cares about NPC corp standings?

You'll get into one whenever you want if that's what you want, no matter what standings you have.

Sometimes it's nice to run a locator agent on your main character.
I'm more bothered by the fact that staying in NPC corporations is encouraged this much.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Federal Navy Academy
#55 - 2013-10-07 14:43:50 UTC
penalties for podding players should be reserved for the sec status system. There shouldn't be an extra penalty for one side if the other side is in an NPC corp. All the standings stuff is legacy stuff that was written and been largely unchanged forever.

A question, does taking a standings hit to a noob corp or npc corp or fw corp result in a derived hit with the parent faction? if so, then that would be a rather long-lasting and difficult to repair kind of penalty, which would be completely unjustified.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Omega Flames
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#56 - 2013-10-07 17:03:49 UTC
Common sense says if you shoot someone then you should expect their corp to like you less. Just because concord (one entity) is ok with you killing someone doesn't mean the corp the player is in (another entity entirely) is going to be ok with it. Also so what if you're in FW and the enemy corp doesn't like you? You planning on switching sides or something? You're at war, don't like it then make peace... The only reason this is even being brought up is because pod killing outside war decs can now possibly be ok with concord however that doesn't meant The Scope has to be ok with or any other npc corp, I also don't remember any npc corp only accepting "law abiding" pilots (or refusing "law abiding" pilots for that matter) so apparently they have different views than concord on who it is and isn't ok to shoot at. This is normal and frankly in line with how a player corp would interact. If you want to live in npc controlled space then you should be nice to the corps/factions in control, just like if you lived in player controlled space.
Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#57 - 2013-10-07 19:03:00 UTC
Omega Flames wrote:
Common sense says if you shoot someone then you should expect their corp to like you less. Just because concord (one entity) is ok with you killing someone doesn't mean the corp the player is in (another entity entirely) is going to be ok with it. Also so what if you're in FW and the enemy corp doesn't like you? You planning on switching sides or something? You're at war, don't like it then make peace... The only reason this is even being brought up is because pod killing outside war decs can now possibly be ok with concord however that doesn't meant The Scope has to be ok with or any other npc corp, I also don't remember any npc corp only accepting "law abiding" pilots (or refusing "law abiding" pilots for that matter) so apparently they have different views than concord on who it is and isn't ok to shoot at. This is normal and frankly in line with how a player corp would interact. If you want to live in npc controlled space then you should be nice to the corps/factions in control, just like if you lived in player controlled space.

Ok I podded around 100 guys in player corporations in highsec, some of them set standings towards me to -10, I also received threats of payback, insults and general asshatry.

NOTHING happened, standings were bad but players that I podded never came at me for it.
I have been in a player corp so they could wardec me but that didn't happen.

So why do I get punished when I pod a guy in NPC corp... Much less... Why do I get standings hit only in highsec and lowsec?

It's not the lore and even if it was a lore thing you have to have at least limited engagement of sorts to be able to pod someone with sec hit, meaning that fight is mutual and not one sided.

Gameplay wise there is no need for this **** and it would be better that all limited engagement or suspect flag where you pod someone incurs a small sec loss instead of NPC corp hit which are next to impossible to repair.

People whine about too many players in NPC corporations that you can't wardec.

This extra podding deterrent that only ever applies to them is additional reason for them to stay in NPC corporations.

Eve is a game with consequences but consequences should make sense and be more player based than to have some system preventing us from being bad to others instead. Player controlled environment is what defines a true sandbox.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#58 - 2013-10-07 19:30:16 UTC
RoAnnon wrote:
You pod a member of an NPC corp and your standings with that corp drop? What's the issue? Seems pretty reasonable to me. Not sure how you can compare that with a PC run/owned corp, since those are actual players who get to make up their own mind how they feel about you.

So what if you spent weeks if not months grinding up to +8 standings with a corp so you can install jumpclones only to have it instantly dropped to -1 because of 1 time a duel opponent didn't warp his pod off? Bearing in mind there is absoluetely no documentation or warning system for this in place... Would you still ask "What's the issue?"?

This is a terrible thread. As such, it's locked. - CCP Falcon

Omega Flames
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#59 - 2013-10-07 22:21:47 UTC
Arya Regnar wrote:
Ok I podded around 100 guys in player corporations in highsec, some of them set standings towards me to -10, I also received threats of payback, insults and general asshatry.

NOTHING happened, standings were bad but players that I podded never came at me for it.
I have been in a player corp so they could wardec me but that didn't happen.

So why do I get punished when I pod a guy in NPC corp... Much less... Why do I get standings hit only in highsec and lowsec?
but you did get punished when you killed someone in the player corps...they lowered their standings with you, just like the npc corps. YOU choose not to interact with those players corps other than shoot at them so YOU don't view it as a punishment, but regardless of how it affects you it is still in fact a punishment. If YOU choose not to interact with the npc corp of people you killed then YOU could also view that as not being a punishment, however YOU do choose to interact with those npc corps and therefore YOU must deal with the consequences of YOUR actions. The ONLY punishment for killing a person in a npc corp (that concord doesn't care if you kill) is the standings hit you get with that corp whereas you COULD get much more severe consequences from players, just cause you haven't gotten anything other than some mails (somehow i think you loved getting them too for the /tear value so that's a bonus not punishment in your case) doesn't mean it never will happen. However a npc corp can't put a fleet together and issue payback now can they?

It's not the lore and even if it was a lore thing you have to have at least limited engagement of sorts to be able to pod someone with sec hit, meaning that fight is mutual and not one sided.
faction missions are most def mutual and you better believe they result in the loss of standings (storyline too btw) so the lore is there you're just choosing to ignore it

Gameplay wise there is no need for this **** and it would be better that all limited engagement or suspect flag where you pod someone incurs a small sec loss instead of NPC corp hit which are next to impossible to repair.
not impossible just very difficult, just like repairing the standings loss of killing someone in a player corp would be very difficult since most corps would req you to pay back the isk lost in the kill and if that guy had a full set of +5's then I consider that difficult for the average player to do. And there are tags you can turn in to help raise standings with a npc corp and they are tradeable on the market so yes I will compare the 2.

People whine about too many players in NPC corporations that you can't wardec.

This extra podding deterrent that only ever applies to them is additional reason for them to stay in NPC corporations.
and there are drawbacks to being in a npc corp as well so it's not like all rainbows and unicorns like you seem to be trying to paint the picture as. You'll note that most active players (mains not alts) are in fact in a player corp not npc (there is a reason tax free corps exist)

Eve is a game with consequences but consequences should make sense and be more player based than to have some system preventing us from being bad to others instead. Player controlled environment is what defines a true sandbox.
they do make sense, you are simply choosing to ignore what you dont like so you can get a drastically lighter punishment or in the case of suspect pilots none at all.

The ONLY legit complaint is that the npc standings hit is too high a % and should be reduced to something more inline with concord's standings changes (maybe a -25% instead of -75% for killing a pod), that much I can understand if one of you actually tried that approach but this removal altogether is silly of you.
Omega Flames
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#60 - 2013-10-07 22:22:18 UTC
Qweasdy wrote:
RoAnnon wrote:
You pod a member of an NPC corp and your standings with that corp drop? What's the issue? Seems pretty reasonable to me. Not sure how you can compare that with a PC run/owned corp, since those are actual players who get to make up their own mind how they feel about you.

So what if you spent weeks if not months grinding up to +8 standings with a corp so you can install jumpclones only to have it instantly dropped to -1 because of 1 time a duel opponent didn't warp his pod off? Bearing in mind there is absoluetely no documentation or warning system for this in place... Would you still ask "What's the issue?"?

This has been true for several years now, just because you just starting killing people in npc corps doesn't mean the mechanic hasnt been here all along.