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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#901 - 2013-08-30 20:06:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Gorn Arming wrote:
These changes make very little sense.

The inability to receive remote reps while sieged means that these ships will see no use in large fleets. That hardly seems necessary on a ship that's already bonused towards active tanking with only a moderate 30% resist bonus applying towards remote reps.

Further, because this module anchors the Marauder in place for its duration, it's going to be incredibly risky (meaning not cost-effective) to use one of these in nullsec or lowsec PvE.

These Marauders seem to provide yet another reason for everyone to move their money-making characters to highsec. Is that really what we want?

Well, they've already designed it to not be an optimal ship for large fleet actions, so that really isn't what they have in mind for it.

PVE activites and small/medium gang activities appear to be it's cup of tea. I think we'll see them used in Null sec for PVE purposes in well secured/scouted area's, but I doubt they will see much (long term) use in Low sec.

It wouldn't surprise me to see small groups of them on gate camp duty in Null, where you'll have a pretty accurate idea if those folks coming through the gate are strong enough to over run your bastion deployed ships, but low sec camps usually don't have that precise of intel at their disposal. Of course, it would have to be a force with a sizable advantage in numbers to make much headway against a group of properly deployed Marauders that can cover each other.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#902 - 2013-08-30 20:07:51 UTC
Gorn Arming wrote:
Lephia DeGrande wrote:
Gorn Arming wrote:
These changes make very little sense.

The inability to receive remote reps while sieged means that these ships will see no use in large fleets. That hardly seems necessary on a ship that's already bonused towards active tanking with only a moderate 30% resist bonus applying towards remote reps.

Further, because this module anchors the Marauder in place for its duration, it's going to be incredibly risky (meaning not cost-effective) to use one of these in nullsec or lowsec PvE.

These Marauders seem to provide yet another reason for everyone to move their money-making characters to highsec. Is that really what we want?

I dunno if your view isnt to fleet fight centered? The changes arent meant to be for big fleet fights its still a Highend PvE Ship and they clearly stated this in the OP.

Its a welcome change after 6 years of ignoring Marauders because Pirate Ships where simply better...

Fine--we'll rule them out of fleets entirely.

Why give a "high-end PvE ship" a module that will only be used in highsec PvE? Sieging your battleship in a nullsec anom will get you killed sooner or later (my bet's on sooner); doing it in highsec is nearly risk-free.

The addition of tackling rats to forsaken hubs in the last update was enough to make most Goons back off from Vindicators for nullsec PvE, and the amount of time you spend while tackled by rats in a Vindicator is far less than the amount you'll spend tackling yourself if you fire up one of these Marauder siege modules.

Your right, but there are few people (like me) who dont fly solo lvl 5 or class 5/6 Wormholes or Incursions... maybe i am to spoiled from other MMOs but i am really interested to see our Corp flying some PvE Stuff together and have fun.

Sure, you Goons will still screw us, solo or not but i dont have problems with that. Blink
Markku Laaksonen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#903 - 2013-08-30 20:10:23 UTC
nahjustwarpin wrote:
for PVP, do you really think your marauder will suddenly become a fortress able to tank 20000 dps alone? No, you won't even have enough buffer to survive 5 seconds of 50 sentry domis hitting you at once

Are you suggesting that a single bastioned Marauder is NOT an effective counter against 50 sentry Domis? Madness, I say!


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Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#904 - 2013-08-30 20:13:51 UTC
Markku Laaksonen wrote:
nahjustwarpin wrote:
for PVP, do you really think your marauder will suddenly become a fortress able to tank 20000 dps alone? No, you won't even have enough buffer to survive 5 seconds of 50 sentry domis hitting you at once

Are you suggesting that a single bastioned Marauder is NOT an effective counter against 50 sentry Domis? Madness, I say!


Everyone knows that unless a ship can do that it's worthless, pffft. Smile

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

#905 - 2013-08-30 20:22:07 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Markku Laaksonen wrote:
nahjustwarpin wrote:
for PVP, do you really think your marauder will suddenly become a fortress able to tank 20000 dps alone? No, you won't even have enough buffer to survive 5 seconds of 50 sentry domis hitting you at once

Are you suggesting that a single bastioned Marauder is NOT an effective counter against 50 sentry Domis? Madness, I say!


Everyone knows that unless a ship can do that it's worthless, pffft. Smile

maybe read what it was response to someone? Yes it was, to your post suggesting that you'll be able to withstand alpha strike of domis
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#906 - 2013-08-30 20:25:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
nahjustwarpin wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Markku Laaksonen wrote:
nahjustwarpin wrote:
for PVP, do you really think your marauder will suddenly become a fortress able to tank 20000 dps alone? No, you won't even have enough buffer to survive 5 seconds of 50 sentry domis hitting you at once

Are you suggesting that a single bastioned Marauder is NOT an effective counter against 50 sentry Domis? Madness, I say!


Everyone knows that unless a ship can do that it's worthless, pffft. Smile

maybe read what it was response to someone? Yes it was, to your post suggesting that you'll be able to withstand alpha strike of domis

It's called sarcasm, which is admittedly sometimes difficult to recognize on the internet.

As already noted, these boys will do fine on their own in small to medium sized engagements, but have been purpose designed to not be the ship of choice for a large fleet battle.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Tarn Kugisa
Kugisa Dynamics
#907 - 2013-08-30 20:36:56 UTC
please make the golem like the phoenix
we need more space bunkers

Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to troll everyone you meet - KuroVolt

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#908 - 2013-08-30 20:37:44 UTC
about bastion mode

When in bastion mode, Marauder speed is set to 0 m/s, mass is increased by a factor of 10, cannot warp. Also receives a weapons timer that prevents station docking or gate jumping. Weapon time should not require the user to drop weapon safeties in high-sec (being investigated)

can you still go through a WH if in bastion mode? because if you cant what use is the 10x mass ?

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

#909 - 2013-08-30 20:42:17 UTC
ps this is all cool but can we please get Odyssey 1.1
Antagonistic Tendencies
#910 - 2013-08-30 20:43:19 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:

As already noted, these boys will do fine on their own in small to medium sized engagements, but have been purpose designed to not be the ship of choice for a large fleet battle.

They won't actually kill anything unless they can either alpha it or kill it before it pulls range and warps (even a non-prop mod BS can do this). Leaving the 90% web bonuses intact and adding them to the other 2 marauders might make this feasible however.

So then you have to include tackle which to be useful tackle against the kind of foes this marauder will be useful for will require some logistics to keep it (the tackle) alive. So you might as well just bring more logis and more mobile faction BS.

Or am I seeing this wrong?
Markku Laaksonen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#911 - 2013-08-30 20:45:33 UTC
Invisusira wrote:
ps this is all cool but can we please get Odyssey 1.1

I'm already interested in more [Winter] stuff. I had been following all the command ship and marauder proposed changes and things, but I still assumed T2 re-balancing would start with frigs and work its way up.

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Jordanna Bauer
Taylor Swift Fanclub
#912 - 2013-08-30 20:48:39 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
You just get a weapon timer (requires security to be turned off though).

This is a really stupid idea. Why would using it in high sec trigger a weapons timer? Just make it so you can't dock while bastion is active. Turning safety off for PvE is extremely counterintuitive.
Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#913 - 2013-08-30 20:52:41 UTC
Jordanna Bauer wrote:
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
You just get a weapon timer (requires security to be turned off though).

This is a really stupid idea. Why would using it in high sec trigger a weapons timer? Just make it so you can't dock while bastion is active. Turning safety off for PvE is extremely counterintuitive.

They already revoke that.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#914 - 2013-08-30 21:14:28 UTC
I know the stacking penalty doesn't apply to the resistance bonus on the bastion module, but what about the optimal/falloff bonuses, the repair amount bonus, and the missile velocity bonus? IMO it really should not be stacking penalized.

Also it would be amazing if there were a tracking bonus on the module as well.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Large Collidable Object
#915 - 2013-08-30 21:27:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Large Collidable Object
Good question there from James Amril-Kesh.

I'd also like to know if bastion modules are the same category as damage controls and reactive armor hardeners (for those who don't know, they stacking penalize each other), so e.g. if I have a damage control, a reactive armor hardener (not that I ever would in their current form) and a bastion module fitted, will they be stacking penalized?

All in all I have to say - interesting - I'm too confused with the changes to decide if I like them or not, but anything is better than marauders in their current form.

The Bastion module needs to give a DPS boost though.

Edit2: and get rid of that tractor beam bonus already - noone uses them to salvage.
You know... [morons.](
Inglourious Squirrels
That Escalated Quickly.
#916 - 2013-08-30 21:29:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Snopzet
What about....

add 100% reduction of weapon reload time while in bastion mode?

So you can instantly switch between long range and short range, or the damage type.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#917 - 2013-08-30 21:39:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Large Collidable Object wrote:
Good question there from James Amril-Kesh.

I'd also like to know if bastion modules are the same category as damage controls and reactive armor hardeners (for those who don't know, they stacking penalize each other), so e.g. if I have a damage control, a reactive armor hardener (not that I ever would in their current form) and a bastion module fitted, will they be stacking penalized?

All in all I have to say - interesting - I'm too confused with the changes to decide if I like them or not, but anything is better than marauders in their current form.

Hey, thanks for that. I didn't realize damage controls and reactive armor hardeners stacked against each other.

You know... I don't really think they are supposed to. Bug perhaps?

Regardless, none of those modules "should" penalize each other... its rather the point of having them. If they do (by design) it then it needs a re-think.

I also support a tracking bonus, it would seem a natural thing for a ship that will be stationary a lot of the time.

If these ships are supposed to be viable for large fleet fights (and I know the current thinking is that they are not, but things can change) a bonus to Target Spectrum Breakers would seem to be a logical choice considering their isolated nature.

But those modules really need to be reworked. They should not break your own lock, ever, although I can see them being effective against friendly locks (logistics) because how the hell would they know right? But in the case of Marauders that wouldn't matter, as they can't make use of logistics anyway.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

#918 - 2013-08-30 21:39:56 UTC  |  Edited by: nahjustwarpin
i think this mod should burn fuel (like nanite paste) and should have activation cycle (20-30 seconds) increasing it's dps, turrets/launchers attributes( optimals/falloff/velocity by say 25%), armor/shield repper power (again 25 or 50% or so) but also increasing ab/mwd speed increase by like 100-200%. This mod shouldn't make ship immobile
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#919 - 2013-08-30 21:43:42 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
I'm fairly sure the reactive armor hardener and damage controls don't stack with each other.
You may just be confusing this with the way resistance bonuses work to begin with.

EDIT: Hmmm, seems you're right, they do stack against each other.
E.g. Base T1 explosive armor resist is 20%. The DC2 increases armor resist by 15% (or in other words "removes" 15% of the damage that the ship still takes).
So with a base 20% explosive resist, the ship in armor will take 80% of the incoming explosive damage. 80% * 15% = 12%, so adding 12% resist on top of this gives you 32% armor explosive resist.

So with the DC2, the ship will take 68% of the original explosive DPS, to armor. Assuming the reactive armor hardener in didn't undergo stacking penalty, it would take another 15% off of this DPS (assuming the RAH has just been activated and has not shifted). 15% * 68% = 10.2%. So the new armor explosive resist should be 42.2%.

In reality, with the stacking penalty the RAH has a bonus of ~12.92% to armor explosive resist. 12.92% * 68% = ~8.79. So the new explosive armor resist is actually closer to 40.8% which agrees with EFT.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

#920 - 2013-08-30 21:47:53 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
I'm fairly sure the reactive armor hardener and damage controls don't stack with each other.
You may just be confusing this with the way resistance bonuses work to begin with.

they stack with eachother, launch evehq and check resistances, then fit them on ships in eve, they are the same, stacking penalized