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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Pidgeon Saissore
Short Bus Syndicate
#701 - 2013-08-15 06:43:26 UTC
A similar mechanic gives me an idea that might be made into a countermeasure for cloaks. If your ship has greater sensor strength then signature radius it is impossible to scan a warpable signature. This makes it extremely difficult but not impossible to find and kill. You must make a chain of safe spots in the direction you see the ship in and warp around until you get close enough to burn to it.
How this could be used against cloaks is if a cloaked ship is shown on dscan. It would not show what the ship is only that there is a spacial distortion. Getting something to within the 2km necessary to decloak will still be extremely difficult and only really possible if the target is afk.
I expect this method will take on average 20-25 safe spot and dscan cycles for a very skilled person to land one within the 1000km they will need to have something burn toward the cloak signature. Once they reach that point they should be able to keep it on the 5 degree dscan while burning in that direction. This still leaves the better part of an hour for a master cloak hunter to find where someone is sitting. If at any time during that the cloaked ship warps the hunter must start all over. I believe most people will think that is fair.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#702 - 2013-08-15 08:54:21 UTC
Lets clear up a few things,

1. A player can't do anything AFK, true. However a ship showing as a possible hostile in a system where hot drops can happen will have an effect on that system, people by in large ether choose to operate in a nearby system without any hostiles or do something other than play eve and wait for the red to go away.

2. People who go AFK in hostile space aren't violating the EULA but they are removed from the system they AFKing in after being ticketed for doing it for 3 days straight. EULA is intended to control things that affect CCP's income like gold trading, botting and using know issues to generate free isk. An issue that affect gameplay should have a game play solution.

3. People who live in sov space don't want hostiles in their systems, more to the point they want to be able to defend their systems by destroying any hostile ships that come into the systems that they live in. Sov space isn't unknown space, that's W space, it's known space without concord.

4. EvE isn't a PvP game first, it's a trade/economy game first, PvP game second, it's just some choose not to play the trade/economy side of the game by buying PLEX. This is ok, because the people you "PvPers" call carebears will make the isk for you and use it to buy your PLEX so u can buy your bombers and tengus. Everything requires isk, even pvp.

5. People who "need" fair solo and small gang pvp should look elsewhere other than sov space. People who live in sov space aren't going to be "fair" when it comes to defending the economy of their systems. If you are a known hostile, more than likely every player online who lives in that group of systems will come to kill you.

6. Solutions like fuel for cloaks and cycle times will never be implemented, they interfere too much with normal use of the cloak. However scanning down of cloaked ships will not break the function of the cloak. Combat scan probes show on D-scan and when they are launched countermeasures can be taken.

7. People being docked in stations and posses that they own, in systems they have legitimately earned the right to live in through sovereignty and diplomacy are never an issue. Players of EvE have the right to choose not to be involved in PvP with their assets that are used for the economy side of the game. For too long this game has catered for with whims of PvPers and yet you lot still complain about the lack of PvEer targets. Here is a concept, how about do some PvPer vs PvPer stuff.

8. Having people intentionally fly cripple-fit ships set up to survive "just in-case pvp happens" and having alt accounts purposed for the safe-ing of PvE assets "just in-case PvP happens" generally doesn't happen in any MMO where their is a high cost to doing as such. No T2 barge pilot is going to want to fly a venture in his home systems and no miner is going to want to use extra accounts that could be used for mining barges for intercepters for webbing. People who do the PvE side of game in null sec generally do use some fittings to help survive but generally the best thing to do when a red comes anywhere near your system is to safe up and wait for them to leave.

9. Intel isn't free, it's part of the gate system of the game, WHs don't have gates, hence no local, null sec, low sec and high sec does have gates, so it has a local list. Cloaking cloaks the ship, not the player, removal of the player from local when the ship is cloaked would cloak the player as well. With null sec how it current is, ie fly to nearly anything without the need of scan probes, it would be game breaking. Maybe local intel should be changed in null sec, sov holder controlled thing based on system development indexes and the rights to use it based on standing to the sov holder alliance. Reds would no longer see it, therefor they would have nothing to complain about.

10. The very fact that people go long term cloaked, AFK in systems hostile to them (we aren't talking about a few minutes to make a coffee, we are talking about 23 hours or more a day, every day of the week, until a GM move them out of the system) proves that AFK cloaking is an issue. Why do they do it if, as people say, an AFK cloaked person can't do anything. It's because they can see a lot of things cloaked, covert opps ships means you can fly around at your leisure and see nearly everything that is happening in the system.
All Web Investigations
#703 - 2013-08-15 10:21:47 UTC
I read that entire post, but I disagree with nearly all of it.

It basically boils down to people not being able or willing to cope with a potential threat existing in "their" system. Boo hoo. Go back to highsec.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#704 - 2013-08-15 11:59:13 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
I read that entire post, but I disagree with nearly all of it.

It basically boils down to people not being able or willing to cope with a potential threat existing in "their" system. Boo hoo. Go back to highsec.

My point wasn't that people who live in sov space can't cope with a potential threat, they can, my point is more that people in sov space like to remove threats before they resume normal opperations.

An active cloaker can be removed, if he chooses to engage, an AFK cloaker at the moment can't be removed unless they become active. Currently the only way around this is GM intervention or to meta game them, both happen, both aren't good outcomes for the game or the players. GM interventions clog up ticket queues, and CCP doesn't like when thing escalate to rl threats to get the camper to quit EvE.

A ship in space (outside of station) should never be 100% safe, even ships in POS bubbles aren't safe AFK unless they are cloaked too, POS passwords have been known to be found out through meta gaming and ships bumped out of the bubble and destroyed while the person is afk.

As for high sec, I thought all you ganking tards wanted PvE players out of high sec as per all the complaints about high sec lvl 4 mission runners incomes?
All Web Investigations
#705 - 2013-08-15 13:01:41 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
I read that entire post, but I disagree with nearly all of it.

It basically boils down to people not being able or willing to cope with a potential threat existing in "their" system. Boo hoo. Go back to highsec.

My point wasn't that people who live in sov space can't cope with a potential threat, they can, my point is more that people in sov space like to remove threats before they resume normal opperations.

An active cloaker can be removed, if he chooses to engage, an AFK cloaker at the moment can't be removed unless they become active. Currently the only way around this is GM intervention or to meta game them, both happen, both aren't good outcomes for the game or the players. GM interventions clog up ticket queues, and CCP doesn't like when thing escalate to rl threats to get the camper to quit EvE.

A ship in space (outside of station) should never be 100% safe, even ships in POS bubbles aren't safe AFK unless they are cloaked too, POS passwords have been known to be found out through meta gaming and ships bumped out of the bubble and destroyed while the person is afk.

As for high sec, I thought all you ganking tards wanted PvE players out of high sec as per all the complaints about high sec lvl 4 mission runners incomes?

Oh I know they'd LIKE to remove absolutely every single shred of uncertainty or risk before ever doing anything in null. I know they WANT to have absolute perfect intel and safety. I just don't think they should have that power :)

As for a ship "never be 100% safe"... I disagree. I have no issue with it being 100% safe when it is 100% incapable of doing anything to anyone else. If you want to be able to do things to me while I'm cloaked, then I want to be able to do things to you while still maintaining the cloak. Maybe I should be able to light cynos without having to drop cloak :) It's a two way street, buddy.

As for the ad hominem and stuff about highseccers and mission runners ... I was merely saying that area of space seems to be better suited for what they want, if they can't handle - and as you say, want to remove - the risk inherent in nullsec.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#706 - 2013-08-15 14:27:51 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:
Lets clear up a few things,

1. A player can't do anything AFK, true. However a ship showing as a possible hostile in a system where hot drops can happen will have an effect on that system, people by in large ether choose to operate in a nearby system without any hostiles or do something other than play eve and wait for the red to go away.

2. People who go AFK in hostile space aren't violating the EULA but they are removed from the system they AFKing in after being ticketed for doing it for 3 days straight. EULA is intended to control things that affect CCP's income like gold trading, botting and using know issues to generate free isk. An issue that affect gameplay should have a game play solution.

3. People who live in sov space don't want hostiles in their systems, more to the point they want to be able to defend their systems by destroying any hostile ships that come into the systems that they live in. Sov space isn't unknown space, that's W space, it's known space without concord.

4. EvE isn't a PvP game first, it's a trade/economy game first, PvP game second, it's just some choose not to play the trade/economy side of the game by buying PLEX. This is ok, because the people you "PvPers" call carebears will make the isk for you and use it to buy your PLEX so u can buy your bombers and tengus. Everything requires isk, even pvp.

5. People who "need" fair solo and small gang pvp should look elsewhere other than sov space. People who live in sov space aren't going to be "fair" when it comes to defending the economy of their systems. If you are a known hostile, more than likely every player online who lives in that group of systems will come to kill you.

6. Solutions like fuel for cloaks and cycle times will never be implemented, they interfere too much with normal use of the cloak. However scanning down of cloaked ships will not break the function of the cloak. Combat scan probes show on D-scan and when they are launched countermeasures can be taken.

7. People being docked in stations and posses that they own, in systems they have legitimately earned the right to live in through sovereignty and diplomacy are never an issue. Players of EvE have the right to choose not to be involved in PvP with their assets that are used for the economy side of the game. For too long this game has catered for with whims of PvPers and yet you lot still complain about the lack of PvEer targets. Here is a concept, how about do some PvPer vs PvPer stuff.

8. Having people intentionally fly cripple-fit ships set up to survive "just in-case pvp happens" and having alt accounts purposed for the safe-ing of PvE assets "just in-case PvP happens" generally doesn't happen in any MMO where their is a high cost to doing as such. No T2 barge pilot is going to want to fly a venture in his home systems and no miner is going to want to use extra accounts that could be used for mining barges for intercepters for webbing. People who do the PvE side of game in null sec generally do use some fittings to help survive but generally the best thing to do when a red comes anywhere near your system is to safe up and wait for them to leave.

9. Intel isn't free, it's part of the gate system of the game, WHs don't have gates, hence no local, null sec, low sec and high sec does have gates, so it has a local list. Cloaking cloaks the ship, not the player, removal of the player from local when the ship is cloaked would cloak the player as well. With null sec how it current is, ie fly to nearly anything without the need of scan probes, it would be game breaking. Maybe local intel should be changed in null sec, sov holder controlled thing based on system development indexes and the rights to use it based on standing to the sov holder alliance. Reds would no longer see it, therefor they would have nothing to complain about.

10. The very fact that people go long term cloaked, AFK in systems hostile to them (we aren't talking about a few minutes to make a coffee, we are talking about 23 hours or more a day, every day of the week, until a GM move them out of the system) proves that AFK cloaking is an issue. Why do they do it if, as people say, an AFK cloaked person can't do anything. It's because they can see a lot of things cloaked, covert opps ships means you can fly around at your leisure and see nearly everything that is happening in the system.

EVE is a sandbox.

It is not ANY type of game first, specifically being a sandbox game. That is what a sandbox game means, no preferences.

Cripple fitting a ship? Since there is no preferences to play style, this is a faulty perception. Not a real problem.
Either play in the part where your fitting is not a risk, or accept that your fitting is not practical where you are.
Quit crying that most fish don't fly, and most birds don't swim. Enough can operate long enough in a hostile environment to get the job done, and so can you.

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#707 - 2013-08-15 14:44:16 UTC
There is plenty of risk in null sec without reds sitting in system, the difference is, and what you PvPers (gankers) complain so much about is that they are controlled risks.

Do I want some ganker to get an easy kill with a covert hot drop on my mining operation, ratter or complex runner, no, so I safe up when a red comes into my system. Do I want the ganker in or anywhere near the systems where I operate, no, I team up with my friends and blow him up, the more friends the better, it gives the ganker less fun.

Do I want a ganker sitting in a system acting like part of the furniture, because he/she thinks null sec isn't dangerous for people that he thinks don't play his/her game. No dam way.

The issue isn't that people don't want gankers in the game, gankers can be dealt with, the issue is there is no way of dealing with a ganker may or may not be afk but isn't active in the game till he chooses to become active but keeps his characters online 23 and 1/2 hours a day 7 days a week.

The fix is easy, make them log out instead of this long term afk business by making space dangerous for them as well
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#708 - 2013-08-15 14:52:06 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:
There is plenty of risk in null sec without reds sitting in system, the difference is, and what you PvPers (gankers) complain so much about is that they are controlled risks.

Do I want some ganker to get an easy kill with a covert hot drop on my mining operation, ratter or complex runner, no, so I safe up when a red comes into my system. Do I want the ganker in or anywhere near the systems where I operate, no, I team up with my friends and blow him up, the more friends the better, it gives the ganker less fun.

Do I want a ganker sitting in a system acting like part of the furniture, because he/she thinks null sec isn't dangerous for people that he thinks don't play his/her game. No dam way.

The issue isn't that people don't want gankers in the game, gankers can be dealt with, the issue is there is no way of dealing with a ganker may or may not be afk but isn't active in the game till he chooses to become active but keeps his characters online 23 and 1/2 hours a day 7 days a week.

The fix is easy, make them log out instead of this long term afk business by making space dangerous for them as well

I am a miner. Do not presume to speak for all PvE interests, as I find your ideas threatening to the enjoyment of my gameplay.

I reject you as a spokesperson for this reason.

The loss of risk in null has already contributed to the loss of ice mining revenue for myself and others. Did you consider the reduction in risk to have no consequences, if pursued further?
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#709 - 2013-08-15 14:55:24 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Xionyxa wrote:
There is plenty of risk in null sec without reds sitting in system, the difference is, and what you PvPers (gankers) complain so much about is that they are controlled risks.

Do I want some ganker to get an easy kill with a covert hot drop on my mining operation, ratter or complex runner, no, so I safe up when a red comes into my system. Do I want the ganker in or anywhere near the systems where I operate, no, I team up with my friends and blow him up, the more friends the better, it gives the ganker less fun.

Do I want a ganker sitting in a system acting like part of the furniture, because he/she thinks null sec isn't dangerous for people that he thinks don't play his/her game. No dam way.

The issue isn't that people don't want gankers in the game, gankers can be dealt with, the issue is there is no way of dealing with a ganker may or may not be afk but isn't active in the game till he chooses to become active but keeps his characters online 23 and 1/2 hours a day 7 days a week.

The fix is easy, make them log out instead of this long term afk business by making space dangerous for them as well

I am a miner. Do not presume to speak for all PvE interests, as I find your ideas threatening to the enjoyment of my gameplay.

I reject you as a spokesperson for this reason.

The loss of risk in null has already contributed to the loss of ice mining revenue for myself and others. Did you consider the reduction in risk to have no consequences, if pursued further?

Not only that but one thing that is often overlooked, is that each PvPer is often a PvEer as well. We all need isk for our ships.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#710 - 2013-08-15 15:02:48 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:

EVE is a sandbox.

It is not ANY type of game first, specifically being a sandbox game. That is what a sandbox game means, no preferences.

Cripple fitting a ship? Since there is no preferences to play style, this is a faulty perception. Not a real problem.
Either play in the part where your fitting is not a risk, or accept that your fitting is not practical where you are.
Quit crying that most fish don't fly, and most birds don't swim. Enough can operate long enough in a hostile environment to get the job done, and so can you.


You yourself have been going on about flying ventures and fitting PvP modules to PvE ships. If me and my friends in the system I live in blow up all your ganking fleet, you brought into my system, why would I need to fit PvP to PvE ships and mine in a venture. We have adapted, threats are tracked across entire regions of space, exact intel on what people fly is easy to get, the more active a PvPer is the easier it is to get, and threats are destroyed.

My point is, and the point of most of the other people who live in sov space, with it's easy hot dropping is it's the gankers who need to learn to adapt, going AFK for days shouldn't be part of the game.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#711 - 2013-08-15 15:07:55 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:

EVE is a sandbox.

It is not ANY type of game first, specifically being a sandbox game. That is what a sandbox game means, no preferences.

Cripple fitting a ship? Since there is no preferences to play style, this is a faulty perception. Not a real problem.
Either play in the part where your fitting is not a risk, or accept that your fitting is not practical where you are.
Quit crying that most fish don't fly, and most birds don't swim. Enough can operate long enough in a hostile environment to get the job done, and so can you.


You yourself have been going on about flying ventures and fitting PvP modules to PvE ships. If me and my friends in the system I live in blow up all your ganking fleet, you brought into my system, why would I need to fit PvP to PvE ships and mine in a venture. We have adapted, threats are tracked across entire regions of space, exact intel on what people fly is easy to get, the more active a PvPer is the easier it is to get, and threats are destroyed.

My point is, and the point of most of the other people who live in sov space, with it's easy hot dropping is it's the gankers who need to learn to adapt, going AFK for days shouldn't be part of the game.

If you are destroying these alleged ganking fleets, I see no problem for you to complain about.

The AFK pilot can either remain AFK safely, or they will bring in a fleet that you will promptly destroy.

Problem solved, have a great day!

Big smile
All Web Investigations
#712 - 2013-08-15 15:09:22 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:
There is plenty of risk in null sec without reds sitting in system, the difference is, and what you PvPers (gankers) complain so much about is that they are controlled risks.

Do I want some ganker to get an easy kill with a covert hot drop on my mining operation, ratter or complex runner, no, so I safe up when a red comes into my system. Do I want the ganker in or anywhere near the systems where I operate, no, I team up with my friends and blow him up, the more friends the better, it gives the ganker less fun.

Do I want a ganker sitting in a system acting like part of the furniture, because he/she thinks null sec isn't dangerous for people that he thinks don't play his/her game. No dam way.

The issue isn't that people don't want gankers in the game, gankers can be dealt with, the issue is there is no way of dealing with a ganker may or may not be afk but isn't active in the game till he chooses to become active but keeps his characters online 23 and 1/2 hours a day 7 days a week.

The fix is easy, make them log out instead of this long term afk business by making space dangerous for them as well

What I'm complaining about is that you want to make EVERY risk "controlled". They're not really risks if you have perfect intel or are able to perfectly control every scenario, are they?

I mean the fact that it's came down to complaining about someone who most likely isn't even at his computer being too unacceptable a risk for a certain small (albeit loud) group says a lot
All Web Investigations
#713 - 2013-08-15 15:14:20 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Xionyxa wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:

EVE is a sandbox.

It is not ANY type of game first, specifically being a sandbox game. That is what a sandbox game means, no preferences.

Cripple fitting a ship? Since there is no preferences to play style, this is a faulty perception. Not a real problem.
Either play in the part where your fitting is not a risk, or accept that your fitting is not practical where you are.
Quit crying that most fish don't fly, and most birds don't swim. Enough can operate long enough in a hostile environment to get the job done, and so can you.


You yourself have been going on about flying ventures and fitting PvP modules to PvE ships. If me and my friends in the system I live in blow up all your ganking fleet, you brought into my system, why would I need to fit PvP to PvE ships and mine in a venture. We have adapted, threats are tracked across entire regions of space, exact intel on what people fly is easy to get, the more active a PvPer is the easier it is to get, and threats are destroyed.

My point is, and the point of most of the other people who live in sov space, with it's easy hot dropping is it's the gankers who need to learn to adapt, going AFK for days shouldn't be part of the game.

If you're demanding CCP to change the mechanics then by definition you have not adapted to them.

And hot-dropping and prolonged cloaking are perfect examples of how we HAVE adapted. Local creates a far too easy tool allowing residents to run away at the first sight of danger. We adapted by spoofing local (cloaking for long times, making you not know whether we're there or not) and bypassing it entirely by cynoing in buddies.

We've adapted pretty damn well.

And plenty of people on the other side of the fence, so to speak, like Nikk have adapted to our now old and well known tactics. You refuse, instead demanding changes on the forums.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#714 - 2013-08-15 15:23:34 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:

EVE is a sandbox.

It is not ANY type of game first, specifically being a sandbox game. That is what a sandbox game means, no preferences.

Cripple fitting a ship? Since there is no preferences to play style, this is a faulty perception. Not a real problem.
Either play in the part where your fitting is not a risk, or accept that your fitting is not practical where you are.
Quit crying that most fish don't fly, and most birds don't swim. Enough can operate long enough in a hostile environment to get the job done, and so can you.


You yourself have been going on about flying ventures and fitting PvP modules to PvE ships. If me and my friends in the system I live in blow up all your ganking fleet, you brought into my system, why would I need to fit PvP to PvE ships and mine in a venture. We have adapted, threats are tracked across entire regions of space, exact intel on what people fly is easy to get, the more active a PvPer is the easier it is to get, and threats are destroyed.

My point is, and the point of most of the other people who live in sov space, with it's easy hot dropping is it's the gankers who need to learn to adapt, going AFK for days shouldn't be part of the game.

I too am failing to see the problem then. If you are able to defend yourself so ably, why is a guy in a lone ship not even at his keyboard such a problem for you? Something is not adding up here--i.e. I'm sensing some disingenuous comments....

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#715 - 2013-08-15 21:57:12 UTC
I am most likely going AFK after this post, hopefully no AFK cloaking whine threads will appear.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#716 - 2013-08-15 23:46:57 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
I am most likely going AFK after this post, hopefully no AFK cloaking whine threads will appear.

As long as you don't post while AFK.

The whole AFK posting scandal would be messy....
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#717 - 2013-08-16 09:09:02 UTC
Bump-o-mon strikes again!

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#718 - 2013-08-16 15:38:41 UTC
Just as an AFK cloaked player can warp scrample a ratter, open a cyno and elicit buckets of tears....I am posting while AFK. Ha! Take that!

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#719 - 2013-08-17 05:37:40 UTC
Oh noes...I'm not AFK anymore!!!!

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#720 - 2013-08-18 07:50:20 UTC
The issue has always been the combination of cloaks and cynos. Wormholes don't have cynos. As long as cynos exist in known space, the threat is very real and must be addressed before moving on to other things.

You may think that my proposal of preventing the cloak and the cyno from both being online at the same time would be too costly, but it is not at all. If you are too scared to target pvp assets that you absolutely must go after the pve assets, then with my proposal, you would always have the option of offlining your cloak and then onlining your cyno shortly before you intend to light it.

Concerning your rant against local, if Eve really did lose local entirely, null sec would be forced to bubble everything: gates, sites, whs, stations, everything. Objects would be deployed around all bubbles to decloak, and all residents would be forced to dscan continuously. I think CCP needs to address the continuous scan mechanic required in whs at least with some kind of auto dscan option. High sec and Low sec would probably not change that much. This would generally have the effect of greatly slowing every aspect of null sec Eve.

People do not risk pve ships just so you can have your kill mail. They risk their pvp ships so that they can get their own kill mail.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein