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Out of Pod Experience

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The Greater Fool Bar

First post
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2261 - 2013-06-27 21:45:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Part #1

- May I take that flight along with you? -said Eugerelia.
- Why?
- I never... I never have seen you when you do that. Get into the... capsule.
- Are you curious?
- I think it is important... you are a capsuleer but I never have seen you being one.
- You may come along, of course, and I can get you into the decanting room too. But it may be... it may not be easy to see.
- I want to see it, though.
- Of course.

As the family yacht took them to the station, Indahmawar regretted Eugerelia's petition. It make her think of potential last times and things someone always wanted to do but never tried until chances were running out.

Both women left the public areas and entered the section dedicated to capsuleers, quiet and lonely as usual. Indahmawar led Eugerelia into the Captain Quarters assigned to her.

- Now i must undress, maman.
- Of course, do it.

Indahmawar removed her clothes while Eugerelia looked at the screen. Then Indahmawar coughed softly and Eugerelia looked at her. Suddenly she realized that she had never seen her daughter's body as a woman. Albeit intimacy between parents and children in the Khanid society was quite generous, sheltered by a sense of purity of the body, it rarely extended past early adolescence. Eugerelia, due to her artistic background, was used to nudity, but seeing her daughter nude touched her intensely. Was that her child? That nude woman, with all the attributes of her gender? Could she ever had figured that Indahmawar's pubis would be spotlessly hairless or that her nipples would be so red? Then Indahmawar turned around and walked to the stairway to the decanting room, and Eugerelia sighed at seeing her capsuleer plugs. Again, Eugerelia felt they couldn't be real, and yet they moved as Indahmawar moved, rigid spots in the flexible skin which reflected the motion of the vertebras below.

- Do they pull?
- What?
- The plugs... do they pull your skin?
- Not really. One barely notices them.

Indahmawar stood by the capsule. Eugerelia looked at the strange machine, split like a rotten melon, its lightly armored hull open in three (left, right, top) and the glassy vase hanging from a claw. Then the vase itself opened, turning on invisible hinges.

- I must go now -said Indahmawar.

Eugerelia nodded and embraced her. Mother and daughter kissed ach other as they both started crying, muttering words and promises, doing evreything to not turn it into a drama or a last goodbye. Indahmawar removed herself from Eugerelia's arms and entered the vase, positioning herself by the harness plate.

- Maman... i... Start fill sequence...
- Mawi, I love you.
- I love you too, maman.

The vase closed and Indahmawar was cut from outside sounds. She extended her arm and placed a hand on the vase, and then Eugerelia placed her hand on Indahmawar's. The nanite fluid filled the vase violently, and Eugerelia shook horrified when she saw her daughter swallow it and burst all air from her lungs. Then severals straps tied Indah to the harness and Eugerelia saw her eyes go blank as the pod plugged itself to her.

- Armor closing, clear the area -a mechanic voice warned from the capsule. Eugerelia stepped back as the vase was introduced into the pod and the armor flaps sealed.
- Goodbye, maman - Indah's voice was played back by the same device as the warning message, and it sounded unnatural. Then the pod was dragged on rails and moved away.

Indah commanded one of the camera drones to stay by Eugerelia, which saw it (a small flying blurr, the size of a grape) and waved her hand at it. Then Indahmawar's pod was inserted into the shuttle that would fly her back to The Greater Fool Bar; the ship had been given a false flight number and was assigned a fake crew under a pretended commander, to fool the blockade.

Jumps and warps followed quickly as Indahmawar started checking pending matters from the Bar. Eventually the shuttle made the last jump and Indahmawar hoped the pretended commander did his job well; she would not like to see those men dead if the blockade attacked the shuttle. Then the shuttle jumped to the Bar unbothered and Indahmawar ordered to transfer a small bonus into the false crewmen's accounts.

After docking and decanting herself from the pod, Indah took a shower and then entered the CQ. Then she saw that it wasn't empty, but a person was in it. Her heart stampeded with anticipation and then Indahmawar saw that the person in the CQ was a short woman, with long wavy black hair framing a beautiful face colored in the ratial Khanid red tan color; she wore dark clothes that enhanced her curvy figure and stood on high heels which barely made her average tall. Indahmawar's eyes bursted in joyful tears and then she cried:

- Ishtanchuk!
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#2262 - 2013-06-27 21:59:19 UTC
A man with a jackass smirk and a mohawk that melts the ladies hearts walks in. He glances around and decides the seat next to redhead with the black dress would be good. Gets about 2 feet from the stool and realizes.... is that an adams apple?...naw couldnt be.... He taps her shoulder and she turns around. Yep, definitely an adams apple...and what appears to be a 3 oclock shadow.

"This isnt the bar for me." he says softly, "I prefer my transsexuals to be clean shaven."

With those words he walks out of the bar. "Whew" he thought to himself, "im glad I didnt wear that black dress I first thought about, that would have been awkward."

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#2263 - 2013-06-27 22:13:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai spred her arms to welcome her charging cousin, and Indahmawar's momentum made her stagger when they met. Then both cousins embraced in a display which some would had deemed slightly exciting, seeing such beautiful women (one of them undressed) caressing and kissing each other. But their love was a brotherly one, and so they ended up sobbing into each other's arms, reuniting after several months and after passing dire circunstances.

- Where have you been? Why you disappeared?
- How is aunt Eugerelia? How are you doing with the Bar?
- Why didn't you sent any contact information?
- How's Yiole doing?

They kept interrupting each other for long, too excited to jsut communicate in a way that wouldn't drive a man nuts, but which reflected in its chaotic nature the strength of the feelings that both women were experiencing. Eventually they calmed down and Ishtanchuk said:

- Why don't you dress up? I am curious to see how the bar is doing under your command...

Indahmawar dressed up and then both women walked along the corridor of the station. According to local time it was early morning, but Indahmawar's traveler time was tuned to being late afternoon as there was no easy solution to sinchronize time between planets and stations in different systems. Indahmawar should use her sleep time to resynchronize her lag, but now that didn't mattered her; she was plentiful with energy and could stay awake for hours.

The Fazmarai cousins walked along the corridor where the bar was located, and upon reaching the bar, they met a closed door with a sign saying:

The Greater Fool Bar public notice: we're closed because of a Private Party

- What? -said Indahmawar...
- What? -said Ishtanchuk...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#2264 - 2013-06-28 13:03:07 UTC
*Sits Cross armed Sulking, She had lost in record time to everyone*

Someone turn the heating up!

*Shivering alittle*

FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.

Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2265 - 2013-06-28 13:09:11 UTC
Random and Miz halt partway in their "activities". They both look at each other and together say "Alice?"

There is a moments hesitation, and they resume.

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2266 - 2013-06-28 13:26:38 UTC
(Meta: I'll try to finish the Strip Calvinball loop tonight or tomorrow, with Yiole + Kirjava, but it will require Random + Miz too... Blink)
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2267 - 2013-06-28 13:30:20 UTC
I am at your beck and call, milady.

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Lothian Enterprises
#2268 - 2013-06-28 13:33:34 UTC
(reading through, haven't looked in in a few days, I like where this is going. Me and Yiole you say?)

[center]Haruhiists - Overloading Out of Pod discussions since 2007. /人◕‿‿◕人\ Unban Saede![/center]

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2269 - 2013-06-28 13:35:03 UTC
Random McNally wrote:
I am at your beck and call, milady.

You alone, Mr. McNally? Do I look like a one-man gurl? -_-
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2270 - 2013-06-28 13:36:20 UTC
Kirjava wrote:
(reading through, haven't looked in in a few days, I like where this is going. Me and Yiole you say?)

(Keep reading) Lol
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2271 - 2013-06-28 13:38:59 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Random McNally wrote:
I am at your beck and call, milady.

You alone, Mr. McNally? Do I look like a one-man gurl? -_-

Unless you have to have moresomes, I could handle the challenge for the immediate future.

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#2272 - 2013-06-28 13:41:11 UTC
>.> I'm terrible at this sorta stuff

FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2273 - 2013-06-28 13:41:37 UTC
Random McNally wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Random McNally wrote:
I am at your beck and call, milady.

You alone, Mr. McNally? Do I look like a one-man gurl? -_-

Unless you have to have moresomes, I could handle the challenge for the immediate future.

Not trespasing into Yiole's grounds unless she explicitly invites. P
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2274 - 2013-06-28 13:47:48 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Random McNally wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Random McNally wrote:
I am at your beck and call, milady.

You alone, Mr. McNally? Do I look like a one-man gurl? -_-

Unless you have to have moresomes, I could handle the challenge for the immediate future.

Not trespasing into Yiole's grounds unless she explicitly invites. P

By virtue of the participation in the Strip Calvinball game, I believe the door has been opened. Blink
If she had limited her participation to say, referee, then Random would be less eager.

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#2275 - 2013-06-28 16:29:58 UTC
* comes in patting his pockets.

Did I leave my wallet here? Do we even HAVE wallets in this day in age?!?!?! Who are you people?!?!? How do you know my language?

*walks out.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Yiole Gionglao
#2276 - 2013-06-28 21:58:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Yiole Gionglao
Yiole watched Random taking his winner out to an appartment, and focused on the game ahead. She was determined to pull out some fight and quickly the Calvinball game became chaotic, with Yiole and Kirjava earning and losing clothes continuously. But after half an hour had passed, Yiole considered that Kirjava had had enough and tried to give him a impossible shot... and failed.

The few remaining crowd gasped. Once again, Yiole was in her bra. Kirjava smiled widely and Yiole conceded:

- Ok, I lost the game. Shall the winner assist his prize to get rid of a brassier?

Kirjava walked to Yiole and stood behind her, then he undid the bra's clasp and assisted Yiole to remove the piece by carefully and thorughly exploring her breasts with both hands, sensing their weight, caressing their shape, pressing on their firmness. Yiole stood still until she noticed how Kirjava removed his shirt, and then suddenly there was movement between Yiole's thighs.

- Hey, watch out the speed limit there!
- Oh, come on, you've been exiciting me for the last hour, now just bend over a bit, please!
- Doh, what's the hurry? -smirked Yiole
- i'm gonna explode, please, just bend over a bit...
- Well, if that's the issue, I may assist...

Kirjava stood paralyzed as he sensed her hand carefully exploring him, and he almost fainted in anticipation when the enquiring hand got a hold on his dearest friend. Then Yiole made a two pronged attack with both thumb and middle finger, and Kirjava felt a sudden pain that ceased inmediately.

- OUCH! What the f***? Why did you... ? Oh my! What's going on there?

As Kirjava's invading army suffered what could be called a total and disorganized withdrawal, Yiole laughed and said:

- Maybe you thought I would let you miss a chance to be a gentleman? Come on, help me with this and don't worry, wel'll put you back to service in no time... just leave it to doctor Yiole.

At that point, the crowd had thinned to almost nonexistence and Yiole led Kirjava to one of the chairs. There, she picked two towels and handed one to Kirjava.

- Hold this, please.

Then she spread the other towel on a biliard table and climbed on it, inviting Kirjava with her arms. They kissed and caressed, and after a while Yiole laid on the table, her hips right on the edge. Then she took Kirjava's sunglasses and he objected:

- Hey, those are my glasses...
- Shhh, i need them to shield my eyes from the lamps..

With Kirj's glasses on, Yiole laid back on the table, and answered Kirjava's Question number 1: yes, her breasts looked amazing even laying down flat.

- Will you just hold my legs? -said Yiole, moving them over Kirjava's shoulders-. No, not by the calfs... I need your shoulders for my thighs... use your knees and the towel...

Kirjva nodded, understanding, and he kneeled on the towel. He examined for a few seconds the tattoos on the inner side of Yiole's thighs, two greek letters alpha and omega, and then he went for business and got an answer to his Question number 2: yes, it was fluffly, actually.

Yiole started purring as Kirjava "was a gentleman" by the unwritten and fictional rules of Strip Calvinball, which now commanded the winners to give their prizes some time; and Kirjava was very relieved to see how everything returned to normality, and how Yiole eventually invited him to stand up so he could get the answer to his Question number 3: yes, Random was a lucky bastard to enjoy that delicious female... opinion that was mirrored and u-turned by Mizhir, now that she had been enjoying her prize for a good while. What lucky bi*** was Yiole; she almost verbalized that thought, but instead she just kissed Random's cheek.

- OK, let's see how the game ended for them - agreed Mizhir. Dressed with a minimum of modesty, Random and Miz walked along the empty corridor, and Mizhir made as if she didn't noticed how Random lagged to appreciate her from behind. Mizhir was aware that she wasn't very feminine, with her small breasts, her waist almost straight and the narrow hips; but Random's passion and dedication had convinced her that she was very enjoyable too.

When Mizhir and Random entered the biliard room, Random was a bit shocked to hear Yiole's disctintive vocalizations as she closed in to fully answering Kirjava's Question number 4. Mizhir blushed but yet allowed Random to drag her inside, pulling from her wrist; and then Mizhir giggled when under the love noises from the table she could hear the rattling of the biliard balls inside their pinholes. Random sat on a chair to enjoy the show and Miz sat on his lap, pretending to ignore his physical reaction as Kirjava and Yiole finished simultaneously; Random felt a hint of envy as he and Yiole never could achieve that, albeit him, as a matter of pride, managed to never be first.

Random began caressing Mizhir as the couple on the biliard table stood up and kissed, regaining their breath and holding each other in a tight embrace. The pressure in Mizhir's hips was almost unbearable and she walked to the biliard table like an automaton, Random following her closely. Mizhir leaned on the table, embracing it sensually; then she removed her shirt and as Random was abut to reach to her, Yiole said:

- Now, winners take winners and prizes take prizes...

Kirjava shook his head and Random looked straight into Yiole's eyes. She was serious, and Mizhir didn't hesitate to climb on tne the table and leap on Kirjava, holding him with her beautiful muscular legs. Kirjava just agreed to what chance and the obscure Calvinball rules provided to him and kissed Mizhir as Yiole leaded Random elsewhere.

Random thought for a moment wether Yiole intended to cut his balls, but then he looked at her and saw a moist patch on her tattoed omega letter, and thought that in case she wanted to know, she would be getting a serious, long and unforgettable answer right that night...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Yiole Gionglao
#2277 - 2013-06-29 07:18:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Yiole Gionglao
Early in the morning, Yiole Gionglao woke up, tired and confused. Random was by her, silent and still, and she began trying to find an answer to the events that had happened the night before. She recalled how she had sex with Kirjava, an interesting and pleasant experience, and how Random and Mizhir ahd arrived before they where done. Yiole had intended to end the game with a winners and winners, prizes and prizes set up, but then Mizhir was very excited and she offered herself to Random, and Random was about to take her when Yiole interrupted with the last ruling of the Strip Calvinball match. And then something happened, as when they arrived to Yiole's appartment, Random had possessed her without a word. For most of the night, hard sex ensued, and Yiole felt like something was wrong, as even at a point he hurt her and she feared, for a split second, that he wouldn't mind to keep doing it. She felt like she had been submissed and reprimanded, and also for most of the act, albeit they both had great pleasure, the usual joy and foolishness was missing. Then she recalled Random looking into her eyes and she holding his stare before leading him away from Mizhir and back into his territory... her territory... who's territory was? An enormous sense of grief and sorrow built into Yiole's heart as she understood, and when she sensed Random moving, she turned towards him, embraced him and said:

- I'm sorry...

Random was confused. He was aware that he had felt opposed to Yiole's doings and how something atavistic within him asked him to teach that female a lesson on who was in charge, who hit who since mankind was mankind; maybe was his tribal background or the teachings of his own struggle in life, but he didn't second thought before using Yiole's body for his enjoyment and her taming, in a mood that was grimmer than usual. Then she said those words and he looked into her eyes, and he knew what was going to happen right before a lonely tear poured from Yiole's eye.

- No...
- I'm sorry -she said again, and then there was another tear going down.

Random felt a suffocating pressure on his throat and didn't said a word, rather he just kissed her, sweetly and lovingly. Yiole started crying and Random followed soon, and then they stayed embraced for a long while, just feeling and enjoying each other's presence.

Timed passed by unawaringly until biological needs interrupted the magic of the moment; realizing what was going on, a joyful race to the toilet ensued and Yiole won it, which didn't prevent Random from finding a imaginative solution to get a man and a woman peeing simultaneously in a same toilet as Yiole blushed, called him a pig and giggled, all at once...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Laudenum Hayes
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#2278 - 2013-06-29 18:32:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Laudenum Hayes
In near madness, Laudenum screamed. But, she had no body to give it voice.

She remembered the encounter at the star gate. Her Rifter had warped to the gate; she was looking to make time back to her POS and her corporation. The war declaration had not been her first but she would be damned if she’d take a chance at losing the tower over the foolishness of not having it defended. She arrived at the jump gate but the warp in had carried her slightly outside the jump range. When she commanded the crew to fire up the afterburner and move in; the group that had barricaded the gate attacked. Her combat training had taken over and she began to give orders to the crew but the blockading group was prepared and she was locked and her lightly armored Rifter was detonated. The jump gate should have gathered the memories of her last moments and sent them to her awaiting clone but there was a problem.

In the darkness, she was without body. She was aware but the weight of her body was gone. There was only darkness. She wondered how long the darkness would last. The only time her consciousness had been transferred to a new body was in her conversion to being a capsuleer. She did not remember it taking this long. She began entertaining herself by reviewing the series of circumstances that led her to this condition. When she analyzed the “battle” a half dozen times, it began to cause her frustration. Her frustration made it difficult to concentrate and often it degenerated into her screaming.

She then started visualizing her work, her corporate members, and dozens of manufacturing jobs she had started and had yet to start. Her mental games all degenerated into screaming. She longed for the contact of anyone, anything. She craved burning her lips on a cup of hot coffee, the sensual taste of chocolate or the coppery taste of rare meat. She longed for the touch of cold metal machinery and the exciting touch of a lover.

And when no contact came, Laudenum screamed.

In her mind, she had curled into a fetal position, mumbling and screaming in turns. She had no body to feel, so even her positioning gave her no comfort. When the pinpoint of light began to grow, she nearly laughed. So this is madness, she thought. I am now mad.

Laudenum screamed into the light.

To the startled technicians, she was mad. The clone of Laudenum drew a breath and screamed a sound of despair and rage. She launched herself out of the clone’s chrysalis like a feral cat. The first unlucky tech was clawed across the face and fell back as blood began to flow, droplets staining the sterile coat he wore. Laudenum crouched, hissing and naked, daring the other technicians to approach; the torn stumps of the capsuleer inputs still dangling in the sockets along her back and neck. Alarms began sounding as other technicians in the complex slapped alarms. One brave technician tried to make soothing sounds to calm the wildcat. When the guards burst into the cloning chambers with weapons drawn, they paused only momentarily to see the nude woman holding off the startled techs. The guards powered up their weapons and began aiming at the woman when some sort of dawning came over her. She leapt around to the back of the chrysalis and huddled into a crevice. She whimpered and screamed until the stunning bolt of the rifle drove her back to the blackness.

She awoke screaming again, her bed clothes and sheets soaked with perspiration. She sat up as the fit passed and touched her body, reassuring herself that she was not alone in the darkness. The nightmares had come frequently since her jump cloning. She sat up in bed, shaking and in a panic. She had to resist the urge to hide in the corner; something she had done in the beginning when the nightmares had first appeared weeks ago. As the last vestiges of the nightmare faded away, she began to weep and then to sob, pouring out the madness that had come to grip her whenever she awoke from sleep. Sometime later, she checked out of her Captains Quarters and left for the docking bays, her face tight in her customary mask.

She needed to go back. She needed to face demon that had grown in her soul of that jump gate, that system. She called up her Slasher-classed frigate ’Shield maiden’ and put the crew on standby. She would return and face her demon and she would do it in the combat ship that she associated herself with. As she strolled across the spacious docking area, she began to strip out of her clothes, leaving them in a trail as she strode to her capsule. One dockworker made the mistake of making a lewd gesture as she passed. When he turned to deal with more of his work, she was standing before him. Male hormones took over and as he ogled down the naked form of Laudenum, she struck three times. The first a rake across the eyes, drawing blood in a spray, the second was a closed fist strike into his jaw, liberating the unfortunate man of two teeth. Her final strike was a straight kick into the ribs, cracking one and sending him to the ground. She snarled at the downed man, then to his fellow workers. No other comments were made while she moved to the capsule.

The Shield maiden undocked and sped to the first jump gate. As Laudenum sat moodily in the pod, she formulated plans on how to handle the blockade. The cloning techs had speculated that the gate had been tampered with, preventing further jump cloning of capsuleers. She needed to warn the patrons of the Greater Fool Bar. She would gather the capsuleers for a fight. If action wasn't taken, the patrons, including her brother, would be no more than regular men. One thing was certain, she would face the demons of the blockade and she would win.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2279 - 2013-06-30 09:23:34 UTC
(Meta: Nooo, we lost Laudenum! She thinks capsuleers must die in order to become capsuleers!* Sad )

* I know it's a lost cause now that the marketing guys are gonna seed the "we die to become capsuleers" meme into everyone who sees the new intro video, but I will keep loyal to the old lore** in which capsuleers are surgically modified so they can plug to a capsule and only become clones in case that it's necessary to burn their brains to transfer their conscience to a clone.

**See: The Jovian wet grave, specifically:


Pirkotan sat thoughtfully, scratching the back of his neck. It was still sore after the operation. While berthed on the Ishukone station Ouriye had encouraged Pirkotan to have neural implants inserted into his spinal cord and cerebellum, saying that it would definitely further his career.


There you have it. One of the first (and unlucky) capsuleers explicitly telling us what he was required to become a capsuleer: implants to cerebellum and spinal chord. Q.E.D. It's the Dusties who have got a massive implant inside of their brain and the only way to put it there is to grow a clone around it, so they must die in order to transfer their mind to the implanted clone)
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2280 - 2013-06-30 16:58:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Random McNally
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
(Meta: Nooo, we lost Laudenum! She thinks capsuleers must die in order to become capsuleers!* Sad )

* I know it's a lost cause now that the marketing guys are gonna seed the "we die to become capsuleers" meme into everyone who sees the new intro video, but I will keep loyal to the old lore** in which capsuleers are surgically modified so they can plug to a capsule and only become clones in case that it's necessary to burn their brains to transfer their conscience to a clone.

**See: The Jovian wet grave, specifically:


Pirkotan sat thoughtfully, scratching the back of his neck. It was still sore after the operation. While berthed on the Ishukone station Ouriye had encouraged Pirkotan to have neural implants inserted into his spinal cord and cerebellum, saying that it would definitely further his career.


There you have it. One of the first (and unlucky) capsuleers explicitly telling us what he was required to become a capsuleer: implants to cerebellum and spinal chord. Q.E.D. It's the Dusties who have got a massive implant inside of their brain and the only way to put it there is to grow a clone around it, so they must die in order to transfer their mind to the implanted clone)

And with all due respect, I counter with this.

...and I will add this.

with particular attention to this....

At the time of purchase, the customer undergoes a thorough examination and several tissue samples are taken. This is then used to construct a clone of the customer – a clone that receives the consciousness of the original at the moment of death, granting a new life.

So yes, both of us believe that in order to become a capsuleer, your original body must die.

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat
