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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Theodore Giumbix
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#421 - 2013-06-08 17:58:54 UTC

Yo, New Eden, got capsuleers in da house. What's up? And their pimped rides. Yo, capsuleer, if ya want me to unpimp your ride, lemme hear ya say Wat?

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#422 - 2013-06-08 18:17:42 UTC
Toshiro Hasegawa wrote:
as i have stated before i like risk .. it makes the game exciting ..


if i wanted to live and work in an area of eve where there was no potential risk, i would live in emp in a quiet corp and go about my business.

I cannot take this statement at face value.

Using local, and proper preparation, you have less uncontrollable risk than in high sec / empire space.

In high sec, there are too many ships to avoid all non blue entities and still function in practical ways.
So, you accept the added risk of exposure to potential suicide gankers, as well as out of corp scouts for those using war decs to attack you.

In null, your safety is nearly an absolute by comparison. You have enough warning time from local to always hit warp and leave the moment a non blue enters the same system as you.
You can then prepare an organized group of PvP ships to track down and eliminate this threat at your pleasure. Whether they flee or are destroyed, the threat is gone.
Only cloaked vessels can match your docked defense posture.
They cannot get past your POS shield or shoot you in your outpost, and you cannot find them to do this either.

Without cloaking's current mechanics, local is too powerful of an advantage with no balance, giving local PvE pilots effectively absolute safety.
That makes null much safer than High Sec
Theodore Giumbix
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#423 - 2013-06-08 18:43:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Theodore Giumbix
...bla bla bla... BS, more BS, holy BS... bla bla bla...

hey why should only me take a risk with you cloaky in my system, and you have no risk at all with me in that system.

because BS?

If you dock in a station or safe up in a POS, i can take that station from you and kill that poss, so you are safe there only for a limited time, while in a cloaky ship you are safe 24/7.

Cloaky AFK camping ships do make an impact in 0.0 and the problem is that 1 person can make an impact in this game more than he could actually play, because nobody would actually stay 24/7 in front on his PC to cloaky ACTIVELY camp a system.

IF tomorrow at DT CCP patch the game and remove all Local form low and null sec, cloaky AFK campers would still sit there AFK and they would be happy as never before. The only thing that would not change is people taking that risk they all taking about, because with good intel and adding someone to watchlist is pretty much the same thing as having local.

So please cut the bullshit. IT's too obvious how desperate you are for and easy game because direct combat hurts you.

Yo, New Eden, got capsuleers in da house. What's up? And their pimped rides. Yo, capsuleer, if ya want me to unpimp your ride, lemme hear ya say Wat?

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#424 - 2013-06-08 18:53:04 UTC
If there is no local why would I waste time sitting AFK in an " empty " system?

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

All Web Investigations
#425 - 2013-06-08 18:53:50 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
...bla bla bla... BS, more BS, holy BS... bla bla bla...

hey why should only me take a risk with you cloaky in my system, and you have no risk at all with me in that system.

because BS?

If you dock in a station or safe up in a POS, i can take that station from you and kill that poss, so you are safe there only for a limited time, while in a cloaky ship you are safe 24/7.

Cloaky AFK camping ships do make an impact in 0.0 and the problem is that 1 person can make an impact in this game more than he could actually play, because nobody would actually stay 24/7 in front on his PC to cloaky ACTIVELY camp a system.

IF tomorrow at DT CCP patch the game and remove all Local form low and null sec, cloaky AFK campers would still sit there AFK and they would be happy as never before. The only thing that would not change is people taking that risk they all taking about, because with good intel and adding someone to watchlist is pretty much the same thing as having local.

So please cut the bullshit. IT's too obvious how desperate you are for and easy game because direct combat hurts you.

Except for me, the happy little cloaker, to get you in your pos or outpost I have to form a giant fleet and play the sov grind game, dedicating days worth of effort and huge manpower to take your entire system. This gives you an incredible amount of opportunity and warning to bug out, or to form your own big response.

You want us to have to do that.

But when we ask you to rat in PVP fit ships, or to try and bait us, or even just ignore us then it's out of the question and CCP must change the mechanics.

Also, you ignore all the inherent risks cloaked players already face: Getting to your system, living behind enemy lines as it were, and of course the baked in weaknesses of cloaked ships themselves. Nah, you discount all of them, pretending they don't exist. Then pretend there is a risk of the cloaker burning down your entire system to get you. Astounding.

What a ridiculous post. Truly ridiculous.
Theodore Giumbix
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#426 - 2013-06-08 19:03:32 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
But when we ask you to rat in PVP fit ships, or to try and bait us, or even just ignore us then it's out of the question and CCP must change the mechanics.

Ratting in PVP fit ships sounds as stupid as it is. So you say you cloaky AFK camping people because they don't give a **** about what your asking them?


Have more BS? Please vomit it here.

Yo, New Eden, got capsuleers in da house. What's up? And their pimped rides. Yo, capsuleer, if ya want me to unpimp your ride, lemme hear ya say Wat?

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#427 - 2013-06-08 21:24:23 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
But when we ask you to rat in PVP fit ships, or to try and bait us, or even just ignore us then it's out of the question and CCP must change the mechanics.

Ratting in PVP fit ships sounds as stupid as it is. So you say you cloaky AFK camping people because they don't give a **** about what your asking them?


Have more BS? Please vomit it here.

Ahhh, so you are complaining that they avoid fights in systems where they may not have an expectation of advantage.
I can see that being reasonable, especially considering the space is already friendly to their opponent, who is likely able to call in reinforcements during an obvious bait engagement.

Maybe you are not believable with your bait, too obvious or simply not tempting enough?

And why would you condemn them for not engaging in a fight where they were at a predictable disadvantage? You did not stick around with your PvE boats exposed either... pot calling the kettle black, it would seem.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#428 - 2013-06-08 21:33:13 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
But when we ask you to rat in PVP fit ships, or to try and bait us, or even just ignore us then it's out of the question and CCP must change the mechanics.

Ratting in PVP fit ships sounds as stupid as it is. So you say you cloaky AFK camping people because they don't give a **** about what your asking them?


Have more BS? Please vomit it here.

I have said this before and I will say it again, the only difference between my PvP and Ratting ships is a warp scrambler.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Toshiro Hasegawa
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#429 - 2013-06-08 22:42:31 UTC
i use different ammo, resists, boosters, guns, med and low slots combinations for pve and pvp

completely different fits. -- but maybe that just me...

History is the study of change.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#430 - 2013-06-08 23:03:22 UTC
Toshiro Hasegawa wrote:
if the reward was zero people would not do it . so obviously there is a reward and there is obviously an effect.

The potential reward comes when an opportunity to decloak and do something fun presents itself...but then once you decloak the risk goes up....

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#431 - 2013-06-08 23:06:57 UTC
Kodiii wrote:

The stubbornness and ability to shift the topic in (order to halt progress) by anti-carebears in these topics absolutely amazes me.

I'm sorry this a complete and utter load of unadulterated cr@p. I don't like the idea of nerfing cloaks without nerfing local. I also carebear in null (granted not with this character). So your argument is dubious as it is based on a false dichotomy.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#432 - 2013-06-08 23:31:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Toshiro Hasegawa wrote:
as i have stated before i like risk .. it makes the game exciting ..

No, you really don't. Because that cloaked guy in system represents risk. You've stated before you want to hunt down and "fight" the AFK much risk is there in killing an AFK character?

10 years ago i started down the "i hate pirates - they ruin the game" track .. before realising that dealing with m00 and other such corps was probably the most fun thing to do in eve. without pirates the game would be boring-ish or boring-er. As i have stated before when i log in I hope there is an active hostile in local or in the area .. sure i cant go mine, or rat, or do PI, or go run around and buy / sell stuff - but i can have fun. I can chose to do anything i want with a reasonable understanding of the left and right of arc of the potential outcomes of any activity i engage in.

this is not the case with the afk cloaky

Sure it is. I've done PI with AFK cloakies in system...well okay, I think they are are AFK. You know what I use...a transport ship. You know, the one that fits the covert ops cloak.

As for ratting, you can do that...but you have to take the risk...which gets back to your claim that you supposedly like risk. You say, "I like risk," but your actions are saying, "I don't like risk." You wont even undock to see if the undock is clear by the sounds of it)

if i wanted to live and work in an area of eve where there was no potential risk, i would live in emp in a quiet corp and go about my business.

if i wanted to like and work in an area where there was great reward to be had, at the expense of never know what the risk was i would move into WH space and keep pvp ships and probes out at all times.

I think you need to work on the definition of risk. Risk means you don't know if the good or bad state will obtain. People, generally don't like risk, which is why we do things like buying insurance and incurring extra costs to mitigate risks. Which makes it more believable that you really don't like risk, despite our claims to the contrary.

i chose to live and work somewhere in between .. where its not safe, but i at least have a clue as to what might be coming for me.

I really can not see what is dependable about the afk cloaker.

That is entirely the point. It is making null more risky. You want to make it less risky. You want to have a certain type of risk. Risk where:

1. You can see a potential threat before he even loads grid (aka local)
2. You can see if the new entrant into the system is a threat or not (via local).

I see a lot of attacking of the alternative position, but i do not see a lot of defence of the afk cloaker.

Why is it such an important tool for pvp'ers ?

Why would your game suffer if it was removed as a tool ?

Why would the game as a whole suffer for its loss ?

Now this is just silly. Nikk has stated several times he is a null miner. He may PvP on occassion (probably sov related). I, I like PvP, but rarely AFK cloak (only time I've really done it was to Raiden. because, well **** Raiden. and especially Finfleet). So two of your opponents in this discussion don't really use the tactic.

Why do we still oppose nerfing cloaks (without nerfing local)? Because of game balance.

The problem of dealing simply with just AFK cloaking by itself has been explained in this thread several times (e.g. this post by Mags). It has been explained to you previously. That you refuse to apprehend the arguments is your failing. Might want to work on that.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Toshiro Hasegawa
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#433 - 2013-06-09 00:04:57 UTC
there has not been one good arguement made that explains to me why taking away afk cloaking would be a bad thing .. ive read and read and read .. and i dont see validity in any of them

all i see if people who have a good thing going and dont want it feked with. they dont want it balanced, they dont want it to have a down side, they want the all powerful tool of being able to cloak afk and passively grief - as there is no other benefit.

i could almost see it as a tool used in sov war .. but 99% of the time its just some douche being douchy as it makes them feel good inside to know they have been pissing people off all day. it is a form of griefing pure and simple.

i understand that one can adapt to a cloaker and still do pve stuff .. but what i am getting at is why does some player, who is not even in game, for all intents and purpose, get to cause me to change the way i do things .. they arnt actively participating .. they arnt adding anything to the game, they can not be interacted with.

all we are asking for is a either a way to find out if the threat is real or just a mirage. if a method to find this out can be achieved without nering any other aspect of cloaking .. i do not see what the big deal is. - or how this would even impact anyone .. other than reducing the giggles of a very very very small percentage of the player base.

History is the study of change.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#434 - 2013-06-09 00:10:28 UTC
Toshiro Hasegawa wrote:
there has not been one good arguement made that explains to me why taking away afk cloaking would be a bad thing .. ive read and read and read .. and i dont see validity in any of them

all i see if people who have a good thing going and dont want it feked with. they dont want it balanced, they dont want it to have a down side, they want the all powerful tool of being able to cloak afk and passively grief - as there is no other benefit.

i could almost see it as a tool used in sov war .. but 99% of the time its just some douche being douchy as it makes them feel good inside to know they have been pissing people off all day. it is a form of griefing pure and simple.

i understand that one can adapt to a cloaker and still do pve stuff .. but what i am getting at is why does some player, who is not even in game, for all intents and purpose, get to cause me to change the way i do things .. they arnt actively participating .. they arnt adding anything to the game, they can not be interacted with.

all we are asking for is a either a way to find out if the threat is real or just a mirage. if a method to find this out can be achieved without nering any other aspect of cloaking .. i do not see what the big deal is. - or how this would even impact anyone .. other than reducing the giggles of a very very very small percentage of the player base.

Do you even read people's replies? I already said, I rarely AFK cloak. Nikk doesn't at all, AFAIK. Yet you type this kind of tripe.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#435 - 2013-06-09 00:12:53 UTC
Toshiro Hasegawa wrote:

all we are asking for is a either a way to find out if the threat is real or just a mirage. if a method to find this out can be achieved without nering any other aspect of cloaking .. i do not see what the big deal is. - or how this would even impact anyone .. other than reducing the giggles of a very very very small percentage of the player base.

As to this part. No, this is not true.

Nikk has suggested a way to get rid of AFK cloaking (by changing local) and a way to hunt AFK cloakies.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Theodore Giumbix
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#436 - 2013-06-09 06:25:43 UTC
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
I have said this before and I will say it again, the only difference between my PvP and Ratting ships is a warp scrambler.
And few billion ISK Lol

Yo, New Eden, got capsuleers in da house. What's up? And their pimped rides. Yo, capsuleer, if ya want me to unpimp your ride, lemme hear ya say Wat?

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#437 - 2013-06-09 07:12:59 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
I have said this before and I will say it again, the only difference between my PvP and Ratting ships is a warp scrambler.
And few billion ISK Lol

Maybe in my wallet, but never on a low/null ratting ship.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

All Web Investigations
#438 - 2013-06-09 10:16:50 UTC
Toshiro Hasegawa wrote:
there has not been one good arguement made that explains to me why taking away afk cloaking would be a bad thing .. ive read and read and read .. and i dont see validity in any of them

all i see if people who have a good thing going and dont want it feked with. they dont want it balanced, they dont want it to have a down side, they want the all powerful tool of being able to cloak afk and passively grief - as there is no other benefit.

i could almost see it as a tool used in sov war .. but 99% of the time its just some douche being douchy as it makes them feel good inside to know they have been pissing people off all day. it is a form of griefing pure and simple.

i understand that one can adapt to a cloaker and still do pve stuff .. but what i am getting at is why does some player, who is not even in game, for all intents and purpose, get to cause me to change the way i do things .. they arnt actively participating .. they arnt adding anything to the game, they can not be interacted with.

all we are asking for is a either a way to find out if the threat is real or just a mirage. if a method to find this out can be achieved without nering any other aspect of cloaking .. i do not see what the big deal is. - or how this would even impact anyone .. other than reducing the giggles of a very very very small percentage of the player base.

Sigh. Do you even read any of the posts?

Look, I'll explain again.
Depending on what method you implement to "take away AFK cloaking" you either:
Massively nerf active players
Remove a big chunk of risk and uncertainty from nullsec

As for the cloaked player, he cannot force you to shut down activities. If you don't want to 'reward' him with that, then DON'T DO IT.

If you're asking why can he force you to alter the way you play (such as making you have to alter your fit so it isn't minmaxed for pve, or making you have to play defensively from time to time)... he gets to do that because it's part of the game. It's like asking why a gate camp should get to force me to alter my autopiloting through lowsec, or why a trader should get to force me to alter my sell orders to undercut his, or anything else. They get to do these things because it's a MMO.

Do you understand this concept? It's a competitive multiplayer game. Other players can affect you, and you can affect them.

If this is your problem then it's a much larger one than I thought, you don't just want to alter some mechanics to your benefit, you actually don't want a MMO game at all
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#439 - 2013-06-09 14:26:06 UTC
Toshiro Hasegawa wrote:
there has not been one good arguement made that explains to me why taking away afk cloaking would be a bad thing .. ive read and read and read .. and i dont see validity in any of them.

Ok, let's try this one more time. Paraphrasing myself and others from previous posts in this and many other threads.

Using high sec as a baseline of least risk to be expected, for what should be the least rewards as balance.
You experience this with PvE in high:
Risk of suicide ganking. Too many pilots are present to avoid all non blue standing and still function in a practical sense.
Risk of war decs, and being scouted out by out of corp alts. The war dec corp can suddenly gate in and warp to you directly, possibly driving you into an ambush as you attempt to avoid them.

In blue null, which is often the norm for PvE action, you can use local to avoid contact with absolutely all unknowns and hostiles.
The complaint that you are frustrated by AFK Cloaked vessels implies you either got away from them safely, or they showed up while you were not at risk at all.

By this comparison alone, it is safer to PvE in null. You can choose to avoid that cloaked ship by remaining docked, and have flawless awareness of his presence in system.
The equivalent suicide ganker or war scout n high sec could be ANY non blue pilot in system, only being revealed often after the fact. For that detail, it is as if every non blue in system was equal to an AFK Cloaked pilot, representing a threat only managed by remaining docked or behind a POS shield.

The AFK cloaker is the only element you cannot control, and is a risk because of this. If you are able to determine suddenly how to hunt them or detect them with any specifics in addition to the free presence awareness, your risk drops significantly.
You are perfectly aware of this, and apparently consider this appropriate.

You are ignoring how the reward indexes in null, which are not nearly as different from high sec because of the above already(*), will drop below high sec if it can be demonstrated it is safer.
If you can PvE risk free like that, it will be the death of rewards here.

(*) as demonstrated by frequent references to how null PvE pilots can get equivalent efforts for time invested into doing L4's in high sec.
Dorion Strag
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#440 - 2013-06-09 20:25:28 UTC
ITT: Nullbear problems

The truth of the Cloak vs Local argument should be made apparent by the fact you don't see these tears from anyone who spends time in w-space.