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The Greater Fool Bar

First post
Goonswarm Federation
#801 - 2013-05-10 19:38:44 UTC
Zoe Kaltana
Kaltana Industries
#802 - 2013-05-10 19:41:51 UTC
WET! The rainy empire!
Goonswarm Federation
#803 - 2013-05-10 20:02:10 UTC
Zoe Kaltana
Kaltana Industries
#804 - 2013-05-10 22:20:33 UTC
well, at least I'm pretty shure that it's...juice. Lol
Devara Biotech
#805 - 2013-05-10 22:22:51 UTC


Commissar Kate
#806 - 2013-05-10 22:39:25 UTC
I don't know about everyone else but my pod juice is actually tears that I'v harvested from local chat.
Goonswarm Federation
#807 - 2013-05-11 00:46:54 UTC
Commissar Kate wrote:
Tell 9 we need to eat some cake together sometime again Big smile

And I suppose you guys have not seen me in my dress clothes yet ?

din din din din din din din din
..din din din din din din din din

I threw a wish in the well
don't ask me I'll never tell
I looked at you as it fell
and now you've fed me cake

ten trillion ISK for a wish
never been happier than this
no measure how much I miss
your face when you're a-way

-your- stare was holdin
soft blonde hair was shinin
mood light-ing was glowin

I'd love to do cake again Katie!

hey i just met you
and this is cra-zy
but here's my locus
come see me Katie

-it's- hard to look right
at you Ka-tie
but here's my locus
I want some Katie

........cake, that is. just cake.
Commissar Kate
#808 - 2013-05-11 03:59:35 UTC
Rain6639 wrote:
Commissar Kate wrote:
Tell 9 we need to eat some cake together sometime again Big smile

And I suppose you guys have not seen me in my dress clothes yet ?

din din din din din din din din
..din din din din din din din din

I threw a wish in the well
don't ask me I'll never tell
I looked at you as it fell
and now you've fed me cake

ten trillion ISK for a wish
never been happier than this
no measure how much I miss
your face when you're a-way

-your- stare was holdin
soft blonde hair was shinin
mood light-ing was glowin

I'd love to do cake again Katie!

hey i just met you
and this is cra-zy
but here's my locus
come see me Katie

-it's- hard to look right
at you Ka-tie
but here's my locus
I want some Katie

........cake, that is. just cake.

I think if 6 came along with 9 all my fantasy's could come true. Cool
Goonswarm Federation
#809 - 2013-05-11 04:22:07 UTC
I'm not really into women but we work as a team

"as many of us can come as you'd like, Commissar Kate." yeah, I think they would want me to have said that.

will you be at 8 and 9's birthday party here on the 19th?

I will be sending invites to the event, to everyone in the greater fool bar... (mark your eve calendars!)
Goonswarm Federation
#810 - 2013-05-11 04:29:27 UTC
six you will worship Commissar Kate or I will end you
Goonswarm Federation
#811 - 2013-05-11 04:30:00 UTC
but you can't, I'm immortal
Goonswarm Federation
#812 - 2013-05-11 04:31:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Rain6639
I will draw on all of your immortal jump clones' faces.

...also: you'd better wear something tight
Commissar Kate
#813 - 2013-05-11 04:35:10 UTC
Yay a party!!!!!
Goonswarm Federation
#814 - 2013-05-11 04:38:22 UTC
:-3 :-3 :-3 :-3 :-3 :-3
Yiole Gionglao
#815 - 2013-05-12 09:09:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Yiole Gionglao
Yiole was on a four-poster bed, laying on her back as the man above her held her tightly, speeding up as he panted and muttered hurried nonsense; and eventually he just shouted:

- God... oh god, god, god... you're so beautiful.. so beautiful... so bea....

Yiole grasped his hips tightly until he finished, then released him as he moved away, gasping and still muttering "God, my god, so beautiful...". Yiole rolled away, giving her back to him, and waited patiently as the man regained his breath. He was a handsome middle aged man, still keeping all his hair and with only the slightest sign of a fat belly; and he was also a commonner without any capsuleer plugs nor implants.

The man closed up to Yiole and braced her, negligently caressing her breast as he said:

- It's so difficult to forget how awesome you are... I can't believe this will be the last time.
- But you know it is, Marcus. We both knew this day and time would come. When was the last one?
- You mean i've been too busy with Halith? Don't be silly. It's true she's young and yummy, but she's just a girl. She's not a real woman yet... not like you.
- It's never been about the other women and other men, but about how we felt... how I feel. And now...
- Now...?
- There's another man.
- And so?
- A... special man.
- Oh. Is he...?
- A capsuleer, yes he is.

Marcus removed her hand from Yiole's bossom, resting it on her belly, delicately pressing her and feeling how she breathed. The metal plugs on her back suddenly became apparent against Marcus' skin as he figured what those words meant.

- So it's over.
- Was good while it lasted.
- You knew it couldn't go other way like it's been, Yiole. We're not islands, we live in a society.

Yiole rolled again and faced Marcus.

- Are you telling me that? Of course there's a society. And we belong to different parts. You're a rich commoner from a rich commoner world, and i am a capsuler, which to your kind is about as upstart as a lottery winner. Just one step below, as we didn't bought our lottery ticket, rather were born with it. And we scare your kind.
- Sheesh, that party again? -Marcus grinned.
- It was not the party. Or it was. As soon as i removed my shawl, everyone went into orbit mode as if I was concealing a smartbomb under the night dress... - Yiole laughed sardonicly- Then you took me to the dance floor and all couples hurried to stay clear from us. And that silly ****...
- Who?
- The blonde one with the tiara and so much MagicLift on her breasts that she could just have hovered over the place with those operated jugs before her nose...
- Hey, don't say that, she was...
- She was, whoever she was, when she gathered herself with all her friends behind and she asked me wether my plugs were real... then I answered she could touch them and check herself, and she was so startled that she dropped her drink... -Yiole laughed out frankly and Marcus took the chance to watch how her bosom swinged.
- Inviting you to that party wasn't my brightest idea, I agree.
- It was your idea about showing off how your current lover was a capsuleer.
- You were the most beautiful and impresive woman there. And that dress... look at me, it gives me goosebumps to think how wonderful you were with it.
- And later without it... as I was so angry that had to divert that energy somewhere...

Yiole and Marcus stared each other for a while, silently recalling events and happenings of a few months, their faces and bodies punctuated by other ones, until Yiole just could see Random in her mind. Marcus noticed how she was wandering away and said, calmly:

- So it's over. Really.
- It was to be, it is, will have been. We will never forget but that's it.

Yiole tried to stand up, but Marcus held her arm and pushed her back to the mattress, and Yiole didn't oppose.

- You see... I don't want this one to be the last one. Let's do it again... I'll can in a while, and this one will be for the books. I'm gonna spoil you for a week. So you really remind the last time...

Yiole smiled softly and opened her arms as Marcus missed a beat, even then, at the sight of her wonderful, curvy body. Then Marcus spread gently her tights with one hand, as he slowly kissed her lips... her throat... her breasts... her ribs... her navel...


The next morning Yiole entered her appartment at TGFB, unnoticed and a bit tired after an uneasy night travel in a shuttle. She still could flash in her mind Marcus' devastated face and the words "spoil you for a week", the regret in his eyes and a mean glaze of hate while Yiole learned that her intuition about Marcus having been too recently with Halith was right. She recalled how he left the bedroom and said coldly "You can stay overnight if you want to. Good bye, Yiole Gionglao".

She wasn't too surprised when she opened her computer and CONCORD gently informed her that a commoner had deposited a small but noticeable bounty on her. She felt like a burden of sadness was dropped on her, and then she wept...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Zoe Kaltana
Kaltana Industries
#816 - 2013-05-12 10:31:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Zoe Kaltana
*Zoe wakes up in one of the guest quarters at the bar. Still totally dizzy from emptying countless numbers of booze along with the other guests last night, she staggers to the wall-mirror and sees this.

"Oh ghhheeezzz...if it wasn't for make up...much, much make up..."

*Zoe performs her daily look-improvement-routine and walks downstairs to the bar's counter, joining Yiole there.*

"Hey there Mrs Gionglao, *tired smile* ...Coffee too?"
Goonswarm Federation
#817 - 2013-05-12 11:31:14 UTC
Commissar Kate
#818 - 2013-05-12 13:40:13 UTC
*Kate walks into the Greater Fool Bar listening to Won't Get Fooled Again and mutters to herself. "I wonder if they serve cake for breakfast?"

*Kate stumbles to the nearest free table and sets down. The nearest waitress (a scantily clad Intaki woman) approaches Kate and asks " What can I get you?"

"You don't happen to have any cake do you?" The waitress replies "Sure we do, can I get you anything else?"

*Kate looks at the waitress and says "Can I get a big glass of milk too?" With a strange look on her face the waitress replies "So its cake and milk?"

*Kate nods and the waitress scurries into the back room.

*Kate puts her hands together as if in prayer and eagerly awaits her cake and milk.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#819 - 2013-05-12 13:48:54 UTC
*Indah was seating on a stool in a quiet corner of the bar, and around her feet, sitting on the ground, there were several children. Was another day of The Greater Fool Daycare, as some mockingly called thos events.

- This is a story which Ishanchuk told me, about a man called Graan Temaker.
- Who's Ishtanchuk?
- She's my older cousin. She's been to many places and meet many people. She was in a crashed planet and there they told her this story...
- What is a crashed planet?
- A planet that's broken -said one of the children
- A planet that was inhabitable... that people could live in it... but wasn't completely terraformed and it's becoming uninhabitable.
- And where goes people if they can't live there?
- That would be another story... you want to listen to the story of Graan Temaker?
- Yes, yes, yes!
- Well, then there we go.

>>Graan Temaker was a minmatarr, as many people in that planet. He was a hauler, a man who traveled long distances with a caravan of vehicles, bringing goods from a town to another. The planet was crashing and suffered of a extreme drought in most of the inhabitable land.

One day, Graan was asked to go and fix one of the pipelines that carried water from the mountains where it still rained, to the city by the sea where he lived. The mountains and the desert around them were a holy ground, and travelers wer advised to not wander away from the marked paths, shouldn't they step on the premises of a djinn...

- What is a djinn?
- It's a sort of genie... a supernatural power of his own, left over from the ancient gods... they're sneaky and treacherous, and have a short temper.
- And Graan found a djinn?
- Don't hurry and let me tell..

>>Graan left the city with his truck and a few men, and they followed the path along the broken pipeline. After a day of driving, they found the place where the pipeline was broken and fixed it, but it took all day and they had to set up a camp. That night, while Graan was in his tent, he listened to a sound of running water. He feared that the pipeline may be leaking again, and so he took a flashlight and walked to the sound. He found that water had made a large pool and it was running down a small ravine; Graan followed the water along the ravine and then he heard a voice...

- You!
- It's me? -said Graan
- Yes you! How you dare?

Graan was scared, but minmatarr are told to face their fears, so he walked to where the voice was coming from. He coulnd't see anythign but the voice kept talking:

- How you dare? Look at this! It's all wet!
- Err... the pipeline had a leak...
- A leak? And your stupid water had to come and wet me all over?
- Who... what... are you?

(A djinn, a djinn, cried the children)

- I am a djinn -followed Indah-. And i hate water. Why you think i'm lving here in a desert? Huh?
- Me... i...
- You've bothered me. And I can't take that easily. I'm gonna curse you, silly mortal. I'l tell you this: from now on, you won't be able to touch sand, nor dust, nor earth, nor anything that flows like water but it's not water!

Graan was appalled to hear that, but, he thought that the curse was quite lame. So he walked away as dignly as he could, and reached the end of the ravine. Then he tried to climb out, but the walls of the ravine where made of earth, which could flow like water but wasn't water, and as soon as he tried to hold a grab on it, a invisible force stopped and pushed his hands away. Graan made several tries more, without any success, until he could grab on a large rock and climb out of the ravine. He returned to the camp and didn't etel anyone what had happened, but since then his life changed dramatically.

He learned very soon that he couldn't use any liquid that wasn't water, as trying to pour them on his hands would make them spill all over and wet all the place. If he stumbled, his wrists were twisted as he tried to stop the fall and the earth refused to touch his hands; once he cut his hand with a knife and blood was sprayed all over as it wouldn't touch the skin of his own hand... people soon noticed that something was wrong with Graan and they started fearing him. People woudn't shake hands with him, because if they were dirt, anything that wasn't water would leap away from Graan's hand...

Graan was feeling very sad about his curse, and he figured that maybe he could go away of his town to a place where they didn't knew him and he could hide the curse. So he loaded his truck with what he would need, and asked his wife to go with him. And they started a long journey, but everywhere they went, people knew of Graan, the man with the cursed hands. Weeks after weeks, Graan and his wife traveled, until they reached the Large Sand Desert, which needed several days to be traversed. And they drove into the desert, until a sand storm caught up and soft sand trapped the truck. Graan and his wife struggled to free the truck's wheels, but Graan couldn't help as sand would leap away and the wheels would dig deeper and deeper... so he helped his wife handing her the tools, and then went into the truck cabin. He tried to free the truck and managed to do it, but when he stopped the truck and went to look for his wife, she was nowhere to be seen. Graan started searching for her, using his hands to shield his face from sand, but he couldn't find her, and when he tried to get back to the truck, he also couldn't find it.

- And where were they? -asked a child
- They were gone.
- But Graan didn't find them?
- No. And Graan still is looking for them, from a sandstorm to another, so if you ever see a sandstorm coming, maybe Graan is inside of it, looking for his wife and his truck... forever... And if he sees you, he may take you along to help him!

The children looked at Indah with scary faces, and then she said:

- But then, there are no sandstorms inside space stations -and winked so comicly that children bursted in laughs...
Sheimi Madaveda
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#820 - 2013-05-12 19:17:11 UTC
*enters the bar quietly and sits down at an empty table and pulls out a datapad*
"Ugh, what have i gotten myself into now..." Sheimi mutters as she leans on her arm staring at the pad distantly.

Arma Purgatorium - Once for the State, Now for the King Low Sec, PvP, Industrial - Open for Recruiting