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Do you speak a language that i don't?

First post
Jade Nexia
#81 - 2011-10-30 12:04:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Nexia
Edit: will be placed
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#82 - 2011-11-01 01:09:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Sadayiel
So here we go Spanish translation.

Corporate - English recruitment(Reclutamiento)
Corporate - German recruitment(Reclutamiento)
Corporate - Russian recruitment(Reclutamiento)
Corporate - Japanese recruitment(Reclutamiento)
Help - Japanese Help(Ayuda)
Help - English Help(Ayuda)
Help - German Help(Ayuda)
Help - Russian Help(Ayuda)
Languages - Afrikaans(Afrikaans)
Languages - Albanian(Albanés)
Languages - Belarussian(Bielorruso)
Languages - Brazilian(Brasileño or Portugués)
Languages - Bulgarian(Búlgaro)
Languages - Chinese(Chino)
Languages - Croatian(Croata)
Languages - Czech/Slovak(Checoslovaco or Checo-eslovaco)
Languages - Danish(Danés)
Languages - Dutch(Holandés)
Languages - English(Inglés)
Languages - Estonian(Estonio)
Languages - Faroese(Feroés)
Languages - Filipino(Filipino)
Languages - Finnish(Finés or Finlandés)
Languages - French(Francés)
Languages - German(Aleman)
Languages - Greek(Griego)
Languages - Hebrew(Hebréo)
Languages - Hungarian(Hungaro)
Languages - Icelandic(Islandés)
Languages - Italian(Italiano)
Languages - Japanese(Japonés)
Languages - Korean(Coreano)
Languages - Latvian(Letón)
Languages - Lithuanian(Lituano)
Languages - Norwegian(Noruego)
Languages - Polish(Polaco)
Languages - Portuguese(Portugués)
Languages - Romanian(Rumano)
Languages - Russian(Ruso)
Languages - Serbian(Serbio)
Languages - Slovenian(Esloveno)
Languages - Spanish(Español)
Languages - Swedish(Suizo)
Languages - Turkish(Turco)
Languages - Ukrainian(Ucraniano)
Languages - Vietnamese(Vietnamita)

This pretty much sum it all maybe some punctuation missing but ppl should be able to understand.

P.S: Added Portuguese Language to brazil since here in spain we refer to both countries as speaking the same language (there is for sure some difference like there is between spanish from spain compared to mexico/argentina/chile versions)
Nestara Aldent
#83 - 2011-11-01 12:44:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Nestara Aldent
Serbian language:

Language names start with small letter, not capital letter.

"Говорим Српски" is obviously wrong. Also, Afrikaans is not "афрички", language of Africa and Africans in general, but "африканерски", language of Afrikaners, a particular ethnicity. Term "африканс" can be used, but it's an anglicism and a recent addition to our language, so it's maybe less obvious it's a language and to which ethnic group it belongs.

Adding "језик", "the language" after the name of the language is wordy and formal, so unless it isn't obvious you're referring to a language, it's omitted, unless you're using formal language.

"Регрутација" is too term strictly for military conscription, and can't be used even if company in question is bodyguard company or offer similar security related services. It's better to use word "врбовање", which is appropriate for recruitment into military, getting employees and enlisting in some political party or other cause. Other term, "запошљавање" can be used, it means "employment", "getting a job" or "giving jobs".

So "врбовање" and "запошљавање" are both appropriate.

Corporate - English recruitment(врбовање на енглеском)
Corporate - German recruitment(врбовање на немачком)
Corporate - Russian recruitment(врбовање на руском)
Corporate - Japanese recruitment(врбовање на јапанском)
Help - Japanese Help(помоћ на јапанском)
Help - English Help(помоћ на енглеском)
Help - German Help(помоћ на немачком)
Help - Russian Help(помоћ на руском)

"Recruitment" alone is "врбовање" (or "запошљавање" if you decide to use it instead), and help "помоћ".

Languages - Afrikaans(африканерски)
Languages - Albanian(албански)
Languages - Belarussian(белоруски)
Languages - Brazilian(бразилски португалски)
Languages - Bulgarian(бугарски)
Languages - Chinese(кинески)
Languages - Croatian(хрватски)
Languages - Czech/Slovak(чешки/словачки)
Languages - Danish(дански)
Languages - Dutch(холандски)
Languages - English(енглески)
Languages - Estonian(естонски)
Languages - Faroese(фарски)
Languages - Filipino(филипински)
Languages - Finnish(фински)
Languages - French(француски)
Languages - German(немачки)
Languages - Greek(грчки)
Languages - Hebrew(хебрејски)
Languages - Hungarian(мађарски)
Languages - Icelandic(исландски)
Languages - Italian(италијански)
Languages - Japanese(јапански)
Languages - Korean(корејски)
Languages - Latvian(латвијски)
Languages - Lithuanian(литвански)
Languages - Norwegian(норвешки)
Languages - Polish(пољски)
Languages - Portuguese(португалски)
Languages - Romanian(румунски)
Languages - Russian(руски)
Languages - Serbian(српски)
Languages - Slovenian(словеначки)
Languages - Spanish(шпански)
Languages - Swedish(шведски)
Languages - Turkish(турски)
Languages - Ukrainian(украјински)
Languages - Vietnamese(вијетнамски)

Languages - Arabic (арапски)

I will add, capitalizing the name of the language ("Арапски" instead of "арапски") is possible, but it looks odd, because we capitalize it only in the beginning of the sentence. Also, I've noticed Serbian wikipedia uses "африкански" instead of "африканерски" as title for Afrikaans language article which is wrong because it's just another, rarely used form of "афрички", an adjective with meaning "belonging to Africa" or "belonging to Africans", in the same manner as "мексикански" is rare form of "мексички" and "американски" rare form of usual "амерички".
Link 420
Ministry of War
#84 - 2011-11-01 20:55:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Link 420

Note that "ий" is similar extension to the English "ish / ese / ian", implying "language of..."
So "Японский" (Japanese) is a language of "Япония" (Japan)
There are a few exceptions to this rule, which are often ignored in slang for the grammatically incorrect versions.

Also note that "Язык" means "Language" and could be used as "Японский язык", although the inherent property of "ий" makes this redundant.

Corporate - English recruitment (Английская Вербовка)
Corporate - German recruitment (Немецкая Вербовка)
Corporate - Russian recruitment (Русская Вербовка)
Corporate - Japanese recruitment (Японская Вербовка)
Help - Japanese Help (Японская Помощь)
Help - English Help (Английская Помощь)
Help - German Help (Немецкая Помощь)
Help - Russian Help (Русская Помощь)
Languages – Afrikaans (Африкаанс) – grammatically correct (exception to the “ий” rule)
Languages – Albanian (Албанский)
Languages – Belarussian (Белорусский)
Languages – Brazilian (Бразильский) – Brazilian
Languages – Brazilian (Португальский) – Portuguese
Languages – Bulgarian (Болгарский)
Languages – Chinese (Китайский)
Languages – Croatian (Хорватский)
Languages - Czech/Slovak (Чехословацкий)
Languages – Danish (Датский)
Languages – Dutch (Голландский)
Languages – English (Английский)
Languages – Estonian (Эстонский)
Languages – Faroese (Фарерский)
Languages – Filipino (Филиппинский)
Languages – Finnish (Финский) – “Finnish” – used interchangeably with the one below
Languages – Finnish (Финляндский) – directly translated as “Finlandian”
Languages – French (Французский)
Languages – German (Немецкий)
Languages – Greek (Греческий)
Languages – Hebrew (Иврит) – grammatically correct (exception to the “ий” rule)
Languages – Hungarian (Венгерский)
Languages – Icelandic (Исландский)
Languages – Italian (Итальянский)
Languages – Japanese (Японский)
Languages – Korean (Корейский)
Languages – Latvian (Латышский)
Languages – Lithuanian (Литовский)
Languages – Norwegian (Норвежский)
Languages – Polish (Польский)
Languages – Portuguese (Португальский)
Languages – Romanian (Румынский)
Languages – Russian (Русский)
Languages – Serbian (Сербский)
Languages – Slovenian (Словацкий) – refers to country “Slovakia”
Languages – Slovenian (Словянский) – refers to “Slovenian” language from the Indo-European family
Languages – Spanish (Испанский)
Languages – Swedish (Шведский)
Languages – Turkish (Турецкий)
Languages – Ukrainian (Украинский)
Languages – Vietnamese (Вьетнамский)

EDIT: Looking at the Serbian post above, I should also mention that capitalization, although grammatically correct, is in fact optional.
Kyoko Mogami
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#85 - 2011-11-03 12:21:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyoko Mogami
I'd like to correct above poster on that line :
Link 420 wrote:
Languages - Czech/Slovak (Чехословацкий)

Чехословацкий(Czechoslovakian) would be actually language of Czechoslovakia, but such language does not exist, nor such state anymore. Czech and Slovak are two different (althrough very similar, so it acutally valid to put them into same chat room) languages
correct form in russian shoild be
Languages - Czech/Slovak (Чешский/Словацкий)

also this line makes no sense to me how Slovenian can refer to Slovakia :
Languages – Slovenian (Словацкий) – refers to country “Slovakia”

it does acutally refer to country "Slovenia" and the correct form is :
Languages - Slovenian(Словенский)

which also means this is wrong too:
Languages – Slovenian (Словянский) – refers to “Slovenian” language from the Indo-European family

this probably shouldn't be there at all. it has grammar error in it anyway
to refer Indo-European language family, which are "Slavic" and their language is Slavic or Slavonic but not Slovenian, Славянский should be used

Languages – Finnish (Финляндский) – directly translated as “Finlandian”

Финляндский язык(Finlandian language) does not exist. Финский is the only correct form

Languages – Brazilian (Португальский) – Portuguese

it is already there
Languages – Portuguese (Португальский)

Corporate - English recruitment (Английская Вербовка)
Corporate - German recruitment (Немецкая Вербовка)
Corporate - Russian recruitment (Русская Вербовка)
Corporate - Japanese recruitment (Японская Вербовка)
Help - Japanese Help (Японская Помощь)
Help - English Help (Английская Помощь)
Help - German Help (Немецкая Помощь)
Help - Russian Help (Русская Помощь)
this tranlations are too direct "russian help" is in fact русская помощь, but we don't speak in russian that way.
this one seems to sound better to me. but it is longer
Corporate - English recruitment (Вербовка на английском)
Corporate - German recruitment (Вербовка на немецком)
Corporate - Russian recruitment (Вербовка на русском)
Corporate - Japanese recruitment (Вербовка на японском)
Help - Japanese Help (Помощь на японском)
Help - English Help (Помощь на английском)
Help - German Help (Помощь на немецком)
Help - Russian Help (Помощь на русском)

to sum up my corrections :
- Languages - Czech/Slovak (Чехословацкий)
+ Languages - Czech/Slovak (Чешский/Словацкий)
- Languages – Slovenian (Словацкий) – refers to country “Slovakia”
- Languages – Slovenian (Словянский) – refers to “Slovenian” language from the Indo-European family
+ Languages - Slovenian(Словенский)
- Languages – Finnish (Финляндский) – directly translated as “Finlandian”
- Languages – Brazilian (Португальский) – Portuguese
- Corporate - English recruitment (Английская Вербовка)
- Corporate - German recruitment (Немецкая Вербовка)
- Corporate - Russian recruitment (Русская Вербовка)
- Corporate - Japanese recruitment (Японская Вербовка)
- Help - Japanese Help (Японская Помощь)
- Help - English Help (Английская Помощь)
- Help - German Help (Немецкая Помощь)
- Help - Russian Help (Русская Помощь)
+ Corporate - English recruitment (Вербовка на английском)
+ Corporate - German recruitment (Вербовка на немецком)
+ Corporate - Russian recruitment (Вербовка на русском)
+ Corporate - Japanese recruitment (Вербовка на японском)
+ Help - Japanese Help (Помощь на японском)
+ Help - English Help (Помощь на английском)
+ Help - German Help (Помощь на немецком)
+ Help - Russian Help (Помощь на русском)

+ add
- remove

p.s. quote limit 5 is too limiting...
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#86 - 2011-11-03 17:11:47 UTC
One of the things to be aware is that not everyone is doing a perfect translation but instead use a slang/street version of it(wich can be different within several regions of the same country)

A little example sthe Afrikaans language use the right word and very few will know wich means in spanish as much they'll think on african or african related
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#87 - 2011-11-03 17:46:45 UTC

would it be possible to pipe chat streams through a translation system?

It would be very impressive to see this MMO be the first to use the "Universal Translator".

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Tie Fighters Inc
#88 - 2011-11-04 15:14:36 UTC
Can speak klingon as well as huttese. Thanks

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Serene Repose
#89 - 2011-11-07 01:49:35 UTC
Tell you what, Incognito. After I translate your post into some form of readable English, I shall then set about trying to form some sort of response. (Why do I get the impression that in school tech-weenies blew off English as a waste of their precious time?)

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Realta Maistir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#90 - 2011-11-07 19:30:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Realta Maistir
What the hey I'll give this a try for the very few (mainly myself and apollo gun that I know of) that would be interested in reading this in Irish...

Languages - Afrikaans()
Languages - Albanian(Albáinis)
Languages - Arabic (Araibis)
Languages - Belarusian(Bealarúisis)
Languages - Brazilian Portuguese(Portaingéilis na Brasaíle)
Languages - Bulgarian(Bulgáiris)
Languages - Chinese, Cantonese(Cantainis)
Languages - Chinese, Mandarin(Mandairínis)
Languages - Croatian(Cróitis)
Languages - Czech/Slovak(na Seice/Slóvaicis)
Languages - Danish(Danmhairgis)
Languages - Dutch(Ollainnis)
Languages - English(Béarla)
Languages - Estonian(Eastóinis)
Languages - Faroese(Faróis)
Languages - Filipino(Tagálaigis)
Languages - Finnish(Fionlainnis)
Languages - French(Fraincis)
Languages - German(Gearmáinis)
Languages - Greek(Gréigis)
Languages - Hebrew(Eabhrais)
Languages - Hungarian(Ungáiris)
Languages - Icelandic(Íoslainnis)
Languages - Italian(Iodáilis)
Languages - Japanese(Seapáinis)
Languages - Korean(Cóiréis)
Languages - Latvian(Laitvis)
Languages - Lithuanian(Liotuáinis)
Languages - Norwegian(Ioruais)
Languages - Polish(Polainnis)
Languages - Portuguese(Portaingéilis)
Languages - Romanian(Rómáinis)
Languages - Russian(Rúisis)
Languages - Serbian(Seirbis)
Languages - Slovenian(Slóivéinis)
Languages - Spanish(Spáinnis)
Languages - Swedish(Sualainnis)
Languages - Turkish(Tuircis)
Languages - Ukrainian(Úcráinis)
Languages - Vietnamese(Vítneaimis)

I'm kind of rusty so if there's any messups please correct.
Orien Ardent
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2011-11-09 11:48:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Orien Ardent
Lithuanian translations

Corporate - Recruitment(Verbavimas (Alternatively: Naujokų šaukimas)) It's a bit difficult to translate recruitment, as it differs depending what are you trying to recruit for.

Help - Help(Pagalba)

Languages - Afrikaans(Afrikiečių)
Languages - Albanian(Albanų)
Languages - Belarussian(Baltarusių/Gudų)
Languages - Brazilian(Brazilų)
Languages - Bulgarian(Bulgarų)
Languages - Chinese(Kiniečių)
Languages - Croatian(Kroatų)
Languages - Czech/Slovak(Čekų/Slovakų)
Languages - Danish(Danų)
Languages - Dutch(Olandų)
Languages - English(Anglų)
Languages - Estonian(Estų)
Languages - Faroese(Farerų)
Languages - Filipino(Filipiniečių)
Languages - Finnish(Suomių)
Languages - French(Prancūzų)
Languages - German(Vokiečių)
Languages - Greek(Graikų)
Languages - Hebrew(Hebrajų)
Languages - Hungarian(Vengrų)
Languages - Icelandic(Islandų)
Languages - Italian(Italų)
Languages - Japanese(Japonų)
Languages - Korean(Korėjiečių)
Languages - Latvian(Latvių)
Languages - Lithuanian(Lietuvių) "Lietuvių kalba" means Lithuanian language, but as the language part is not needed "kalba" should be dropped. Applies to all other languages.
Languages - Norwegian(Norvegų)
Languages - Polish(Lenkų)
Languages - Portuguese(Portugalų)
Languages - Romanian(Rumunų)
Languages - Russian(Rusų)
Languages - Serbian(Serbų)
Languages - Slovenian(Slovėnų)
Languages - Spanish(Ispanų)
Languages - Swedish(Švedų)
Languages - Turkish(Turkų)
Languages - Ukrainian(Ukrainiečių)
Languages - Vietnamese(Vietnamiečių)
BugraT WarheaD
#92 - 2011-11-10 11:43:56 UTC  |  Edited by: BugraT WarheaD
Re-Post ..; Just wait a little ^^
BugraT WarheaD
#93 - 2011-11-10 12:04:46 UTC
French :


Languages - French(Française)

Hum ... Really ?

The right translation is : Languages - French(Français)

Corporate - English recruitment(Recritment)
Corporation - Recrutement Anglais (Recritment)

Corporate - German recruitment(Rekrutierung)
Corporation - Recrutement Allemand (Rekrutierung)

Corporate - Russian recruitment(вербовка)
Corporation - Recrutement Russe (вербовка)

Corporate - Japanese recruitment(募集)
Corporation - Recrutement Japonais (募集)

Help - Japanese Help(ヘルプ)
Aide - Aide Japonaise (ヘルプ)

Help - English Help(Help)
Aide - Aide Anglaise (Help)

Help - German Help(Hilfe)
Aide - Aide Allemande (Hilfe)

Help - Russian Help(Помощь)
Aide - Aide Russe (Помощь)

Languages - Afrikaans(Afrikaans)
Langue - Afrikaaner (Afrikaans)

Languages - Albanian(gjuha shqipe)
Langue - Albanien (gjuha shqipe)

Languages - Belarussian(беларуская мова)
Langue - Bielorusse (беларуская мова)

Languages - Brazilian(brasileiro)
Langue - Brésilien (brasileiro)

Languages - Bulgarian(български език)
Langue - Bulgare (български език)

Languages - Chinese(中国)
Langue - Chinois (中国)

Languages - Croatian(Lingua corsa)
Langue - Croate (Lingua corsa)

Languages - Czech/Slovak(Český jazyk/Slovenský jazyk)
Langue - Tchèque/Slovaque (Český jazyk/Slovenský jazyk)

Languages - Danish(dansk)
Langue - Danois (dansk)

Languages - Dutch(Nederlands)
Langue - Néerlandais (Nederlands)

Languages - English(English)
Langue - Anglais (English)

Languages - Estonian(Eesti keel)
Langue - Estonien (Eesti keel)

Languages - Faroese(Føroyskt)
Langue - Îles Féroé (Føroyskt)

Languages - Filipino(na Filipino)
Langue - Phillipin (na Filipino)

Languages - Finnish(Suomen kieli)
Langue - Finnois (Suomen kieli)

Languages - French(Français)
Langue - Français (Français)

Languages - German(Deutsch)
Langue - Allemand (Deutsch)

Languages - Greek(ελληνικά)
Langue - Grec (ελληνικά)

Languages - Hebrew(עברית)
Langue - Hébreux (עברית)

Languages - Hungarian(Magyar)
Langue - Hongrois (Magyar)

Languages - Icelandic(Íslenska)
Langue - Islandais (Íslenska)

Languages - Italian(italiano)
Langue - Italien (italiano)

Languages - Japanese(日本)
Langue - Japonais (日本)

Languages - Korean(한국어)
Langue - Coréen (한국어)

Languages - Latvian(latviešu valoda)
Langue - Letton (latviešu valoda)

Languages - Lithuanian(Lietuvių kalba)
Langue - Lithuanien (Lietuvių kalba)

Languages - Norwegian(Norske)
Langue - Norvégien (Norske)

Languages - Polish(Polski)
Langue - Polonais (Polski)

Languages - Portuguese(português)
Langue - Portugais (português)

Languages - Romanian(Limba română)
Langue - Roumain (Limba română)

Languages - Russian(Русский)
Langue - Russe (Русский)

Languages - Serbian(српски језик)
Langue - Serbe (српски језик)

Languages - Slovenian(Slovenski)
Langue - Slovaque (Slovenski)

Languages - Spanish(español)
Langue - Espagnol (español)

Languages - Swedish(svenska)
Langue - Suédois (svenska)

Languages - Turkish(Türkçe)
Langue - Turque (Türkçe)

Languages - Ukrainian(українська мова)
Langue - Ukrainien (українська мова)

Languages - Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt)
Langue - Viêtnamien (Tiếng Việt)
Unforgiven Storm
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#94 - 2011-11-11 00:32:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Unforgiven Storm
CCP Incognito wrote:
[quote=Cpt Arareb]


The only Portuguese translation I need is the following, we are looking for the name of the language the channel is in, in that language.

Languages - Portuguese (Português)

A German client would see: (from google)
Sprachen - Portugiesisch (Português)

Languages - Portuguese (Português) its correct

Unforgiven Storm for CSM 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. (If I don't get in in the next 5 years I will quit trying) :-)

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#95 - 2011-11-12 18:51:09 UTC
Oesday anyoneway eakspay Igpay Atinlay?

Pronounced as:
Oes-day anyone-way eak-spay Ig-pay Atin-lay?

English Translation:
Does anyone speak Pig Latin?

Pig Latin is a language game of alterations played in English. The object is to conceal the meaning of the words from other people not familiar with the rules. There are many dialects and forms of Pig Latin which vary from region to region, country to country, and language to language, as well as other similar, and dissimilar, Pig Latin-like 'languages'. The dialect shown here tends to hail from California/West Coast of the United States.

To form the Pig Latin form of an English word the first consonant (or consonant cluster) is moved to the end of the word and an ay is affixed (for example, pig yields ig-pay and computer yields omputer-cay). The reference to Latin is a deliberate misnomer, as it is simply a form of jargon, used only for its English connotations as a "strange and foreign-sounding language."

Basically, the Pig Latin system used here works as follows:

Words that start with a vowel (A, E, I, O, U) simply have "WAY" appended to the end of the word.
Words that start with a consonant have all consonant letters up to the first vowel moved to the end of the word (as opposed to just the first consonant letter), and "AY" is appended. ('Y' is counted as a vowel in this context)

Rules and variations

The usual rules for changing standard English into Pig Latin are as follows:

In words that begin with consonant sounds, the initial consonant or consonant cluster is moved to the end of the word, and "ay" is added, as in the following examples:
happy → appy-hay
question → estion-quay
In words that begin with vowel sounds or silent consonants, the syllable "way" is simply added to the end of the word. In some variants, the syllable "ay" is added, without the "w" in front. Sometimes the vowel will be moved and followed by the syllable "hay."
another→ another-way, another-ay, nother-ahay
about→ about-way, about-ay, bout-ahay
In compound words or words with two distinct syllables, each component word or syllable is sometimes transcribed separately. For example: birdhouse would be ird-bay-ouse-hay.

Transcription varies. A hyphen or apostrophe is sometimes used to facilitate translation back into English. Ayspray, for instance, is ambiguous, but ay-spray means "spray" whereas ays-pray means "prays."

At'sthay ymay otway ISKWAY addedway.
(At's-thay y-may o-tway ISK-WAY added-way.)

Translation = That's my two ISK added.

Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#96 - 2011-11-14 01:30:39 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

would it be possible to pipe chat streams through a translation system?

It would be very impressive to see this MMO be the first to use the "Universal Translator".

Yes, and no. It's possible to use a translator program, but slang and cultural idiom in most current translation programs come out as 'word salad' and make very little sense.

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

Laechyd Eldgorn
Hole Control
#97 - 2011-11-16 14:15:51 UTC
Finnish (language) translates better as suomi (without capital letter if it doesn't need it for some other reason like dot) instead of suomen kieli.

Form suomen kieli is used if you want to make distinction between nation and language if it doesn't show in other way. Mentioning word kieli is especially useless if you want to save space :P

Nebula Terron
Wolf's in Sheep's Clothing
#98 - 2011-11-16 20:05:44 UTC
A few changes:

Languages - Croatian(Hrvatski)

Sprachen - Kroatisch(Hrvatski)

Eve Online Forums: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

Backroom Fluffers
#99 - 2011-11-18 05:21:00 UTC
Languages - Finnish(Suomen kieli)


Languages - Finnish(Suomi)
Tonto Auri
Vhero' Multipurpose Corp
#100 - 2011-11-21 16:52:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Tonto Auri
I think, you guys don't understand, what you've been asked for.
Or the OP don't understand his own task.
The "YYYY" part must remain in the language the "XXXX" part refers to. Thus, no "Help - English (Помощь на английском)" is allowed. It's strictly the opposite - "Помощь на английском (Help)".

And for that, "Помощь на русском" better don't have "(YYYY)" part at all, to not looks stupid.

Two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. -- Harlan Ellison