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titan is dead, was totally scripted

Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#41 - 2013-03-22 23:31:26 UTC
DD can't be fired in high sec. . .
You mean like how Capitals can't enter highsec either? Yet they did. If they want or need something to happen for an event, it happens.
I am not sure whether or not the titan's death was scripted or it was legitimately shot, down, but you can't deny CCP stacked the deck to ensure that outcome regardless of player participation.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#42 - 2013-03-23 00:03:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
Xindi Kraid wrote:
DD can't be fired in high sec. . .
You mean like how Capitals can't enter highsec either? Yet they did. If they want or need something to happen for an event, it happens.
I am not sure whether or not the titan's death was scripted or it was legitimately shot, down, but you can't deny CCP stacked the deck to ensure that outcome regardless of player participation.

Capitals can 'be' in high sec. They just can't jump into high sec. But there are a few people with Capitals left over in high sec currently. Carriers various places and Chribba has a Titan doesn't he? They aren't allowed to PvP/E with them I understand because they aren't meant to have access. But there is nothing magical that stops you flying one in high sec other than the problem that you can't jump into high sec. Once there High sec doesn't blow a capital up.

However DD's only work in Null. not even in low. Meaning changing that flag probably would have meant 24 hours with DD's useable in Low sec, meaning a massive change to low sec fights for a day. And coding a dirty work around for just Luminaire may have had unintended consequences.

As for stacking the deck, the Gallente had an advantage yes. If Capsuleers did nothing, the Gallente were going to win. If Capsuleers were even on both sides, Gallente were going to win.
However... If Capsuleers came down heavily on the Caldari side, the advantage was not enough to overcome the Capsuleer difference.
Of course, the Capsuleers actually came down heavily on the Gallente side meaning..... The Titan going down actually reflects the player actions & choices in the event. So...... Trying to claim it was scripted when it MATCHES player choices.....
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2013-03-23 01:00:05 UTC
Xindi Kraid wrote:
You mean like how Capitals can't enter highsec either? Yet they did. If they want or need something to happen for an event, it happens.
I am not sure whether or not the titan's death was scripted or it was legitimately shot, down, but you can't deny CCP stacked the deck to ensure that outcome regardless of player participation.

so you say, but...

CCP Eterne wrote:
Titan doomsdays are hardcoded not to work in high sec. There was no way we could used it without rewriting fundamental game code, something that wasn't feasible.

...yea :p

And there's nothing wrong with stacking the deck, this is federation home turf, it'd be illogical if the deck was not stacked. They said players can influence the outcome, they didn't say it'd be easy to change or that it'd be fair.
Calathorn Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#44 - 2013-03-23 04:08:05 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Calathorn Virpio wrote:

no just mad that it wasn't what CCP said it would be, an event were we the players decided what happened.

the accidental leak of the dying titan gave it away.

had the dev fleets been near evenly matched and the fight being totally determined by who all showed up and who they supported, i would have been fine with the outcome.

instead, no matter what we did, our titan still died. doesn't sound like we had much of a say in what happened after all

The player fleets resoundingly came down on the Gallente side, and you claim that therefore the titan destruction was scripted?
If you had massive capsuleer advantage on the Caldari side and the titan still went down, then you would have claim. Yet as it is it looks totally like players had say in the events, and they chose to say the Titan was going pop.
Unless you want to claim that those hundreds of players supporting the Gallente (One way or another) don't count.

oh, they helped, but the 30 dreads was the deciding factor, going into siege mode, they became too damn hard to pop before the titan died. remove all player, gallente wins, instead of being a coinflip.


I attended the School of Hard Nocks, the only place you will ever learn anything of value, sadly most Americans never meet the requirments to attend

Calathorn Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#45 - 2013-03-23 04:12:31 UTC
iyammarrok wrote:
Calathorn Virpio wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Well, the leaked video of a Dust battlefield littered with wreckage and, I dunno, a burning Caldari titan in the background, wasn't a hint?

that. and the fact the titan didn't shoot its doomsday ONCE

ccp didn't want to accidently make it possible for the caldari to winRoll

It did... at CONCORD.

a CONCORD battleship at that.

the Caldari admiral mentioned the Oblivion module was 'cooling down' after she shot him.

still confused as to how that occurred... i guess her crew were just that good of an aim... right?

as for the 'can't be fired in highsec' quote...

CONCORD limitations affect FREELANCE CAPSULEERS (meaning players)... of course the faction navies can use their own ships and modules in space. there are consequences... as i hope the Caldari Navy are soon to find out... after shooting a DED officer, i have a feeling there is going to be some form of CONCORD fallout regarding that.

or there bloody well should be at least.

ahem, another of my posts got a dev answer, no DD's in high sec, soooo.....titan=useless shiny


I attended the School of Hard Nocks, the only place you will ever learn anything of value, sadly most Americans never meet the requirments to attend

Sivren Ravenwood
Ravenwood Defense Industries
#46 - 2013-03-23 09:00:15 UTC
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
#47 - 2013-03-23 09:58:10 UTC
Things may have been different when people would'nt have thought "I'll be on a Titan Killmail!" and - additionaly - if those 10+ Chimeras still on Scan had entered to the field. Didn't happen.

Titan kill did happen (no repair done to the shields while the Chimeras and Wyverns got taken care of was another point for the advantage of the Gallente side). There was a moment when the Leviathan started to turn its nose toward the planet's surface, which resulted in calling it primary and so it popped.

The DUST map showing Titan wreckage might as well have been sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Agreed, that CCP wanted to make sure that this map can be used in terms of correct storyline. But to me it looks like they did that with the Gallente fielding a fleet suitable to them being in their own territory, player activity and fielding no more caldari support capitals than players could deal with.


Ice Brewer
WH Junkies Corp
#48 - 2013-03-23 16:25:11 UTC
Of course it was scripted, they spent time and effort making a really pretty Dust map for Petes sakes.

The problem isnt that it was scripted, but the fact it was being advertises that it wouldnt be scripted, quotes such as "You can shape the outcome"

Lady PimpStar
Storm Chasers.
Pandemic Horde
#49 - 2013-03-23 18:40:37 UTC
Expected to see Federation Fleet Destroyed first,, then the Caldari fleet destroyed by players. When I seen the 25 Dreads warp in I just logged off cause I knew nothing would of mattered with the player cap being at 1,000 players. Day dreamed about RnK's warping a fleet in for a nice video and really messing up the scripted event but ya. Caught the feed later on after the event was over.

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#50 - 2013-03-23 23:46:17 UTC
Lady PimpStar wrote:
Expected to see Federation Fleet Destroyed first,, then the Caldari fleet destroyed by players. When I seen the 25 Dreads warp in I just logged off cause I knew nothing would of mattered with the player cap being at 1,000 players. Day dreamed about RnK's warping a fleet in for a nice video and really messing up the scripted event but ya. Caught the feed later on after the event was over.

Player cap was 2000 when the fight occured. It spiked beyond 2k for a bit then settled back to slightly under 2k for the next hour or two.
Commander A9
True North Solutions
Aurora Alliance
#51 - 2013-03-24 03:17:03 UTC
I got to say, I had fun at this event, and I'd gladly do it again!

Though in response to whether the event was 'scripted,' I'd say 3 things I noticed:

1. Weren't the Caldari outnumbered in terms of numbers of capitals? I know they were in terms of player support (main Live Events fleets were 230+ Gallente vs. 80-100 Caldari).

2. Gallente had home-field advantage, so of course Gallente would be able to bring in as much as they could, while Caldari could only field limited numbers until the door closed on them.

3. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not a veteran of null-sec combat, but Isn't a Moros a significantly more capable dreadnought than a Phoenix? That and the Moros Dreadnoughts were at point-blank range to their targets. Nothing is going to be able to defend against 20+ combined fire effects from Moros ships, so it's no surprise the Titan went down. I've felt the power of the Moros in Singularity, and if there's any relation between Singularity and Tranquility, the Moros is a tough nut to crack.


-enable ships wobbling in hangar view (pre-Captains Quarters)

-add more missions (NPC fleet vs. NPC fleets that actually shoot)


Join Live Events!

Esna Pitoojee
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#52 - 2013-03-24 15:25:53 UTC
Commander A9 wrote:
I got to say, I had fun at this event, and I'd gladly do it again!

Though in response to whether the event was 'scripted,' I'd say 3 things I noticed:

1. Weren't the Caldari outnumbered in terms of numbers of capitals? I know they were in terms of player support (main Live Events fleets were 230+ Gallente vs. 80-100 Caldari).

Yes, Caldari were significantly outnumbered in terms of capital ships on field. In particular, the Federation deployed a total of 32 Moroses, more than the entire Caldari capital/supercapital fleet combined. Capsuleer support is objectively harder to quantify in terms of people actually trying to fight for a side; there were certainly more people shooting Caldari ships, but I would wager that had as much, if not more, to do with people wanting to be on a titan kill than any absolute loyalty to a faction.

2. Gallente had home-field advantage, so of course Gallente would be able to bring in as much as they could, while Caldari could only field limited numbers until the door closed on them.

Indeed; apparently the only reason the Caldari were able to slip ships into the system in the first place was due to a temporarily failure of Luminaire's cyno-jammer allowing the initial 3 Wyverns in, followed by a secondary Caldari force - the Phoenixes, Chimeras, and last Wyvern - slipping in during a brief window in which the cyno-jammer was deliberately lowered in order to allow the Federation fleet to enter.

3. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not a veteran of null-sec combat, but Isn't a Moros a significantly more capable dreadnought than a Phoenix? That and the Moros Dreadnoughts were at point-blank range to their targets. Nothing is going to be able to defend against 20+ combined fire effects from Moros ships, so it's no surprise the Titan went down. I've felt the power of the Moros in Singularity, and if there's any relation between Singularity and Tranquility, the Moros is a tough nut to crack.

Again, "more capable" is difficult to objectively quantify. The Moros has a steadier tank compared to the Phoenix's powerful-but-brief shield boosting, and as you say the Moros' DPS is truly awesome at short range, while the Phoenix benefits from the ability to deliver unflagging DPS at any range out to about 50km. This is what bugged a lot of people I was watching the feed with - not only was the Caldari fleet massively outnumbered, but by ignoring the primary strength of their weaponry and playing directly to the Moros' strongest position, they all be ensured their defeat. Moreover, for many roleplayers this represented a stupendous error on the part of a supposedly veteran Admiral.

Now for my thoughts: I am not hugely upset that, objectively, the space battle seems to have had a pre-determined outcome. Viewed in the context of this largely being a show-off fight for the PAX event, it makes absolute sense to me that CCP would aim to make the most numerous and largest explosions they could (my feelings on the 1000-person cap is much the same).


I am somewhat upset that this occurred after repeated assurances that this was a fight in which players could control the outcome, that the leaked Dust 514 skybox was "not what we were thinking it was", etc. Not raging-mad-spitting-flames-at-CCP mad; I still have serious respect for the Live Events team. I do think it is a legitimate criticism, however, to suggest that advertising an event as player-controlled and then to set up the fight so that a Caldari victory would be a complete and total miracle, requiring the complete cooperation of a huge fraction of the one thousand players allowed in system, is a choice that would inevitably be perceived as a "bait-and-switch", "railroading", "totally scripted", etc, and be intensely frustrating and even badly angering to those who came with the actual hope of being able to defend the titan.
Calathorn Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#53 - 2013-03-24 16:44:00 UTC

one of the caldari supporters upset at being told i could possibly cjange the outcome, pop into system and find me and about 200 other RP's against 30 dreds, the gallente RP's AND everyone else who just wanted on a titan KM.

market an event as what it REALLY is, people don't like being lied to


I attended the School of Hard Nocks, the only place you will ever learn anything of value, sadly most Americans never meet the requirments to attend

Calathorn Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#54 - 2013-03-26 01:49:46 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
I think the one thing we can all agree on is that at least it was a better ending than Mass Effect 3.

i LIKED me3's ending (the extended one with all the dlc, filled in a LOT of gaps)

a games ending will usually **** people off


I attended the School of Hard Nocks, the only place you will ever learn anything of value, sadly most Americans never meet the requirments to attend

Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#55 - 2013-03-26 04:07:01 UTC
Craawwwlliing in my skiiiiin...these woooords they willll not heeaallll...
Calathorn Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#56 - 2013-03-26 04:22:17 UTC
Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
Craawwwlliing in my skiiiiin...these woooords they willll not heeaallll...



I attended the School of Hard Nocks, the only place you will ever learn anything of value, sadly most Americans never meet the requirments to attend

First Bass
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#57 - 2013-03-26 05:33:45 UTC
Calathorn Virpio wrote:
Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
Craawwwlliing in my skiiiiin...these woooords they willll not heeaallll...


It's a Linkin Park song mate.

Also, event was scripted, deal with it v0v
Calathorn Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#58 - 2013-03-26 05:58:03 UTC
First Bass wrote:
Calathorn Virpio wrote:
Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
Craawwwlliing in my skiiiiin...these woooords they willll not heeaallll...


It's a Linkin Park song mate.

Also, event was scripted, deal with it v0v




I attended the School of Hard Nocks, the only place you will ever learn anything of value, sadly most Americans never meet the requirments to attend

Shepard 415
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2013-04-27 19:23:58 UTC
Gabriel Karade wrote:
1. DD can't be fired in empire space at all - fundamental mechanic that can't be changed on the fly, besides even if you could - 1 DD, 1 target blapped - big deal.


and no caps in empire
Calathorn Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#60 - 2013-04-28 03:37:20 UTC
Shepard 415 wrote:
Gabriel Karade wrote:
1. DD can't be fired in empire space at all - fundamental mechanic that can't be changed on the fly, besides even if you could - 1 DD, 1 target blapped - big deal.


and no caps in empire

why do you think i called scripted?

no way to get CAPS into highsec anymore. and what few ARE in highsec are years old


I attended the School of Hard Nocks, the only place you will ever learn anything of value, sadly most Americans never meet the requirments to attend