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The Greater Fool Bar

First post
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#721 - 2013-04-19 14:00:58 UTC
*Random watches Graygor sip at the coffee whiskey and make faces. He bursts into laughter*

You may wish to concoct a Tea Whiskey for Gray. I think coffee offends his sensibilities.

Oh, and I meant what I said about the open bar.

*He sets a ISK account chip on the bar in front of her that has a number followed by a considerable amount of zeros*

While we dont necessarily need to watch the event, we should toast to it's burning.

Drinks on me, please. For the Weekend.

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#722 - 2013-04-19 14:02:18 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Graygor wrote:
My CQ screen is modified to show Clear Skies.

I wish mine could look like this, with a functioning door...

Hey! That back side looks familiar!

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#723 - 2013-04-19 14:22:08 UTC
Howd you get the graphics so white in that screenshot Indah?

"I think you should buy a new Mayan calendar. Mine has muscle cars on it." - Kenneth O'Hara

"I dont think that can happen, you can see Gray has his invuln field on in his portrait." - Commissar "Cake" Kate

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#724 - 2013-04-19 20:08:22 UTC
Graygor wrote:
Howd you get the graphics so white in that screenshot Indah?

After tinkering for half an hour with the screenshot (which already took a good while to capture), the final shot was:

- clone tool to remove the door button marker
- auto white balance
- minor histogram correction
- "Watercolor" special effect
- Gaussian blur
- 50% size reduction

Living in a perfect world, I would had made Yiole look taller. But with time and skill constraints, the picture sufficed to end the "Yiole meets Random" storyline.
Jill Xelitras
Xeltec services
#725 - 2013-04-20 16:13:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Jill Xelitras
Jill visits the TGFB for the first time. Looks for a seat with the back to the wall, somewhere not to close to other people. She orders an Irish coffee and a glass of water, takes it to the table she picked.

An almost inaudible "perfect" slips from her lips. It's the satisfaction of socializing without actually talking to people. Just sitting at a table, back to the wall, observing ... and the most important: Nobody sitting in her discomfort zone. It's not a clearly defined zone. But if you were to breach that comfort zone, you'd most likely get punched. At least that's how Jill pictures it in her mind.

She reaches into her pockets. Her fingers are feeling the different textures, until she pats down what she was looking for. She pulls a small device out of her pocket, a music player. She untangles the earplugs, fits them into her ears and shuts the world out of her mind with her music.

Jill sips from her cup of Irish coffee, it's still to hot ... but that's ok, it will cool down eventually. At least she's not forced to talk to anyone and nobody is paying attention to her. It's a perfect day.

Don't anger the forum gods.

ISD Buldath:

> I Saw, I came, I Frowned, I locked, I posted, and I left.

Yiole Gionglao
#726 - 2013-04-20 22:30:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Yiole Gionglao
*Yiole Gionglao steps into TGFB, walking fast, her face furrowed. She barely answers to Indah's greeting and hastily drinks from her glass before spitting:

Do you know...? You know who's an ass*ole? Jack C., he's an ass*ole!

*Yiole bows her head and grumpily stares at the glass. Indah sees the thunderclouds gathering on Yiole's forehead and decides to let her blow out steam on her own for a while, before enquiring...*

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Sheimi Madaveda
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#727 - 2013-04-21 19:26:06 UTC
*After being instapopped in a destroyer by an 8 man instalock thrasher gang, Sheimi starts to wonder if space flight is even worth her time as she drinks a beer at the bar*

Arma Purgatorium - Once for the State, Now for the King Low Sec, PvP, Industrial - Open for Recruiting 

Yiole Gionglao
#728 - 2013-04-21 21:30:13 UTC
Huh, where's Ishtanchuk when I need her? I've had the most boring mission in ages, slowly chewing 270,000 ISK cruisers in a Lvl2 fit. I even had to buy a couple of heavy launchers to break their tank. Sad

Indah, sweetheart, when will you decide for a Cane fit of your liking? I am a miner, you should do that mission stuff yourself...

*Indahmawar looks loosely at Yiole, shrugs and then sinks her head back into the Fitting Tool again. Yiole looks over her shoulder and sees a mail open on a secondary screen*

Is that a picture of Ish? But, where in the universe is she...?

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#729 - 2013-04-22 15:58:09 UTC
*Random is in the center of the bar sweeping up broken glass and debris*

"You know, we have staff to take care of that?" a voice echoes. Random looks up to see Indah stroll across the room with Garfield mug in hand. "Not that I dont mind. You, I don't have to pay." she says as she takes a seat at the bar, watching.

He grins as he sweeps up the last of the debris and dumps it in the trash. "I figured it was the least I could do since it was sort of my responsibility. I'm sure replacing the light fixture and repairing that rail will take me very little time" he said, gesturing to the damages inflicted on the bar from the Burn Jita party. The grin turned wolfish and he gave a slight bow, "I'll get started on it right away"

"Why?" asked Indah, taking a sip from the mug.

"Why should I fix it right away?" asked Random, the wolfish smile still in place. "Because it is your bar and I'd hate to have ill will between us."

"No," replied Indah, "why are you here? It's not that I don't mind but you have a fairly expensive room that you've inhabited now for some time. You mostly drink coffee with only the occasional indulgence. You did not drink during your 'hosting' of the little party, despite the fact you acted like you had." Indah settled into the chair and cast a level gaze at Random. "I know, because we track these sorts of things. Now, unless you indulged a bit in your room, of which you went back five times and spent a total of six and a half hours, I'm not quite sure what to make of you. So, I'll ask you again, why are you here?"

He cast a sidelong look towards Indah. Her posture was neutral, watching him with intense eyes.

The smile faded. He looked intensely to the floor, then raised his head and to the imaginary distance. "I'm looking for something I've lost." he said, standing very still. "I'm looking for my....

The word was lost as the door opened with a sharp bang as Yiole storms up the bar and snarls out her order. Random looks up to see the furious Yiole snap up her drink and slam half the contents. Indah turns to her with a concerned look as Yiole begins.

"Do you know...? You know who's an ..."

Random sees that Indah will take care of her friend and quietly slips from the room. As Yiole draws into her drink, Indah gives her friend some time, but stays close for support. She turns and notices that Random has left, giving them some privacy in the nearly deserted bar.

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#730 - 2013-04-22 16:02:18 UTC
Jill Xelitras wrote:
Jill visits the TGFB for the first time. Looks for a seat with the back to the wall, somewhere not to close to other people. She orders an Irish coffee and a glass of water, takes it to the table she picked.

An almost inaudible "perfect" slips from her lips. It's the satisfaction of socializing without actually talking to people. Just sitting at a table, back to the wall, observing ... and the most important: Nobody sitting in her discomfort zone. It's not a clearly defined zone. But if you were to breach that comfort zone, you'd most likely get punched. At least that's how Jill pictures it in her mind.

She reaches into her pockets. Her fingers are feeling the different textures, until she pats down what she was looking for. She pulls a small device out of her pocket, a music player. She untangles the earplugs, fits them into her ears and shuts the world out of her mind with her music.

Jill sips from her cup of Irish coffee, it's still to hot ... but that's ok, it will cool down eventually. At least she's not forced to talk to anyone and nobody is paying attention to her. It's a perfect day.

*Alice Sit opposite Jill and Stares at her*

*Just Smiles and Says Nothing*


FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.

Sheimi Madaveda
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#731 - 2013-04-22 16:10:33 UTC
*walks out of the bar with the feeling of not being noticed.*

Arma Purgatorium - Once for the State, Now for the King Low Sec, PvP, Industrial - Open for Recruiting 

Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#732 - 2013-04-22 16:19:40 UTC
Sheimi Madaveda wrote:
*walks out of the bar with the feeling of not being noticed.*

*As Sheimi walks out of the bar deep within her own thoughts, a voice startles her out of her introspection*

"Don't take it personally."

She jumps back for distance and drops into a fighting crouch. A bald man is standing just outside the door. He raises his arms to show he is unarmed. "Easy, easy." he laughs. "Dont take it too personally. Usually the place is much friendlier."

Sheimi starts to speak, a handful of emotions passing across her face.

"Might I recommend the Coffee Whiskey. It's....unusual." the man says with a wink as he turns and strolls away.

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Sheimi Madaveda
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#733 - 2013-04-22 17:30:16 UTC
*after hearing random actually pay attention to her presence, Sheimi turns around and sits at the bar again*

*hesitantly* I'll have the Coffee... Whiskey? I heard that was.... good.

*Waits patiently for the drink to have it suddenly materialize before her eyes*

Wow, fast service... where is the bartender?

*Drinks it, and decides she likes it and starts indulging herself with the coffee, looking for someone to converse with*

Arma Purgatorium - Once for the State, Now for the King Low Sec, PvP, Industrial - Open for Recruiting 

Jill Xelitras
Xeltec services
#734 - 2013-04-22 20:47:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Jill Xelitras
Alice Saki wrote:

*Alice Sit opposite Jill and Stares at her*

*Just Smiles and Says Nothing*


Suddenly Jill takes a keen interest in the ceiling of the bar ... all while her throat tightens up, the mouth gets all dry. The skin of her face reaches melting point. The air above her ears must be flickering like the air over fiery hot sand she once witnessed on a Matar planet.

Jill forces herself to look at a different part of the ceiling now. "Let's not look awkward now", she tells herself. "They are probably all looking now. No wonder, I'm flashing like the overheat warning on my high-racks ... why high-racks, why couldn't I think of high-slots." A panicky look into that girls greenish eyes. "Did I just look at her boobs and got caught ?" The temperature shoots up another 100°.

Forcefully Jill moves her sight to seem as if she looked through those deep eyes, now past the bright red hair, far into the distance towards the bar.

- bar, look at the bar.
- white teeth in a black ring of moisty lips
- the bar, concentrate, don't look at her and she will stop looking at you.
- pale soft skin ... so white.
- the bar, there's always some reason to look at the bar.
- green eyes, like precious stones, staring ...
- maybe the roof again ?
- glowing red hair, left and rigth from her face and some streaks falling almost into her eyes.
- floor ? Let's look at the floor. No, the glass, the floor is obvious.
- ... and freckles"

Jill picks up her glass and forces a gulp of water down.

A small giggle drowned in another quick sip of water as Jill tries to prevent her muscles from pulling her mouth into a grinning smile. A very unexpected thought had crossed her mind. She tries to imagine how she must look like from the outside. How she must have gone from blushing to blushing as each ridiculous thought passed through her silly brain. "Like a blinking alarm button, all that's missing is the glaring alarm signal".

Jill, calmed down a bit, tightening her grip on the glass. It feels reassuring ... and ... it's not empty.
"If it was empty, it would look suspicious, wouldn't it, my dear."

Staring at the table Jill pretends to be caught up in some important or at least distracting thoughts. She slowly brings her left hand to her ear. Tugging her hair behind the ear and pulling the earpiece of her music player out of the left ear. She wanted to reassure herself that the bar was still filled with noise.

There might have been a discomforting silence after all. People might have heard all of Jill's thoughts and could have been staring at her for minutes.

But there was only one person staring at Jill all the time. ... and slowly that person didn't really feel like a stranger anymore ... "after all we have just gone through ..."

Jill looks at the girl in front of her. "Hello, I'm Jill. ... Hi, you come here often ? My name's Jill by the way. ... Jill ... and stretching my hand out ... maybe ?"

- Hello.

"Did I just say that loud ? ... Loud enough for her to hear ? Should I repeat it louder ?"

Quick sip from the glass ...

Don't anger the forum gods.

ISD Buldath:

> I Saw, I came, I Frowned, I locked, I posted, and I left.

Devara Biotech
#735 - 2013-04-22 21:30:00 UTC
Miz enters the bar and notices that Alice is sitting with a woman she hasn't seen before. Miz walks down to their table and greets Alice.

"Hello Alice, nice to see you again. Who is this friend of yours?"

And before anyone react, she turns around and shakes Jill's hand while saying:

"And Hello to you. I am Mizhir Starsurge, but they usually just call me Miz. Nice to meet you.... Are you new here? I haven't seen you before. But welcome to the bar, it's a nice place to drink and relax."


Jill Xelitras
Xeltec services
#736 - 2013-04-22 22:27:50 UTC
Mizhir wrote:
And before anyone react, she turns around and shakes Jill's hand while saying:

"And Hello to you. I am Mizhir Starsurge, but they usually just call me Miz. Nice to meet you.... Are you new here? I haven't seen you before. But welcome to the bar, it's a nice place to drink and relax."

Two very long seconds pass.

Jill turns, eyes first, head follows at a slow and mechanical pace, slowly looking up at Mizhir.

"He-hello. Jill. I'm Jill.", she utters shyly.

Jill is still unsure how her hand managed to get into Mizhir's hand ... or wether it is ok to retract it now. She clenches her glass now with two hands and looks very awkwardly up to Miz.

Despite the background noise in the bar, Jill can hear the servos in Mizhir's monocle zoom in on her.

Don't anger the forum gods.

ISD Buldath:

> I Saw, I came, I Frowned, I locked, I posted, and I left.

Yiole Gionglao
#737 - 2013-04-23 07:28:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Yiole Gionglao
Sitting by the bar, Yiole finished listing the many reason why Jack. C was an ass*hole, unaware on how they dind't convince Indah that the whole incident that triggered Yiole's anger was trivial and could be tracked back to Yiole being in her women's days... but she abstained to commnt as Yiole was calm again and tinkered with her pad.

- Ah, here! Do you know what did I find yesterday?
- No, what's it?
- Here, look at this file. It was corrupted by some formatting issue but it still is readable... here, have a look.

Yiole hands her pad to Indah, and Indah opens the highlighted file.

Name: Gionglao, Yiole
Alias: "Coconut" (Junior FMWF League)
Gender: Female
Birth date: YC 84.11.07

Soma: Born
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Race: Achura
Tattoos: Alpha letter on inside left thigh. Omega letter on inside right thigh. Ankh cross on the back.
Scars: Capsuleer plugs. Surgical scar on left ankle.
Amputations: No
Malformations: No
Eye prosthesis: No
Corpulence: Muscular

Skin color: Fair
Culture level: Average
Accent: central Caldari
Hair length: Short
Hair color: Black
Hair type: Smooth
Eye color: Blue

Name: Fazmarai, Ishtanchuk
Alias: None known
Gender: Female
Birth date: YC 83.02.09

Soma: AA+ clone by Lai Dai Corp.
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Race: Khanid
Tattoos: None
Scars: capsuleer plugs. Small burn on left shoulder.
Amputations: No
Malformations: No
Eye prosthesis: No
Corpulence: Average

Skin color: red tan
Culture level: High
Accent: Tash-Murkon
Hair length: Long
Hair color: Black
Hair type: Wavy
Eye color: Brown

Name: Fazmarai, Indahmawar
Alias: None known
Gender: Female
Birth date: YC 93.10.07

Soma: Born
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Race: Khanid
Tattoos: none
Scars: Capsuleeer plugs
Amputations: No
Malformations: No
Eye prosthesis: No
Corpulence: Slender

Skin color: light olive
Culture level: High
Accent: Tash-Murkon
Hair length: Short
Hair color: Dark brown
Hair type: Smooth
Eye color: Green

At first, Indah can't undertsand what she is seeing, but then she reminds it and blushes.

- Huh... is that from our police records?

Yiole laughs and smiles .

- Yes, can you believe it? That file has been hanging around for years and it just surfaced yesterday! What memories, don't they?

Indah reminds, actually, and she keeps blushing. The whole incident, seen with perspective, was a turning point in the mutual friendship between the Fazmarai cousins and Yiole Gionglao, but also a painful experience for Indah.

- Yes, I recall... don't know exactly how it started, but I recall there was a brawl...
- Well, of course there was a brawl. Those dykes just were picking a fight and made a serious mistake.

Indah remembered. They where in some gallentean city, "enjoying" what Yiole and Ish meant to be Indah's exposure to real life. Indah just had finished her capsuleer training and was a bit confused about the loss of control over her life that she had been experiencing in the months before. As they strolled along the entertainment quarter, the three women ran onto a small gang of young girls dressed bizarrely and Yiole whispered a name, which meant nothing to Indah. The little gang picked Yiole being a Caldarian and began taunting her and making some references about "sharing the tightypu***s". With the acquired malevolence of bullying, the gang quickly identified Indah as the weakest link, and albeit Yiole tried to defuse the situation, the gang outnumbered them and things became physical quite fast. One of the gang girls attempted to strip off the upper part of Indah's dress and was rewarded with a punch, and a fight ensued.

Indah did what she could to hold the line and not be picked apart, using the few essentials of fighting she had been taught during her capsuleer training, but all in all Yiole carried the weigh of the fight. As she applied combat techniques, three of the gang girls ended up too injured to bother with fighting, and the brawl peaked when one of the remaining gang girls drew out a knife. Yiole reacted quickly and mercilessly disabled her, breaking both her arms. The gang girl started shouting in pain and crying and the fight stopped, and Yiole was about to destroy her knees when the rest of the gang fled and police intervened.

The policemen weren't happy to see that a single Caldari had made a mess with the best scoundrel in the city, and their disappointment just grew when they noticed that the three victim/agressors where capsuleers. Then they saw that Yiole was armed as she carried a small pistol and a sinister device which later was identified as a Thermal Peacemaker. Albeit policemen weren't aware on how TP's work, they knew that they are considered WMD, and that some capsuleers carry them for a extremely damaging and gruesome self-defense against angry mobs.

Thus, Yiole, Indah and Ishtanchuk where arrested for breaching of peace and ended up at the central precinct.


Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Yiole Gionglao
#738 - 2013-04-23 08:08:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Yiole Gionglao

As they suffered the check-in routine at the central precinct, Indah felt very depressed, and she had to resource to all her self control and scrap every shred of higher class dignity to not break down in tears, at least until she met Ish and Yiole at a confinement cell, waiting to meet the judge next morning.

Indah looked for Ish, and when she saw her disheveled hair and clothes, and how she was obviouly stiffing her upper lip, Indah bursted in tears. Ish quickly held her in her arms, kissing her cheeks and started sobbing along, mumbling:

- There, there, it's OK... nothing bad will happen... I assure you...

Yiole was a bit amused but also was sensitive enough to understand that her friends weren't used to such kind of close, personal violence. Albeit Ishtanchuk had disabled one of the gang girls herself, Yiole knew that at a certain point things were looking awry and she considered holding the Fazmarai on her arms and firing the thermal peacemaker. That was the thought that bothered she most as it felt like a personal failure; killing everyone in 20 meters around should not be something you end up doing on a weekend evening. Staying away from the gang girls would had been a wiser move, maybe, or why not just notice they were picking a fight instead of jerking at some tourists.

As the Fazmarais comforted each other, Yiole figured that it all would end well. She had a license for the pistol and escalating the TP issue probably was more than what that baclwater city council would like to do, specially with two Khanid noblewomen mixed in. Yiole convinced the Fazmarais to try to sleep and she laid on a bunk herself. At some point, she noticed Indah's smooth breathing wile Ish embraced her, and then Ish fell asleep too. Yiole barely closed her eyes and her mind wandered about the TP, which she had learned to use TP from one of the craftsmen who manufactured them on demand. Yiole remembered the test firing and the momentary agony when the shield vanished and overheaten air slammed on her. That, and how everything 20 meters around had been incinerated... The device, albeit being the size of a hand grenade, casted a massive thermal shield that engulfed the carrier and a small spherical space around him, and then the tip of the device, which was left outside of the shield, bursted in a matter-antimatter reaction whose gamma radiation slammed on a high density lens that converted it into mostly infrarred... "People looks funny after that. The side hit by the TP is charred to the bones and the opposite side is boiled; they look like poorly made burguers. And the heat wave is enough to burn exposed skin even if the blast has incinerated through the thick of several bodies...". Yes. The craftsman, rumored to be a Serpentis operative, enjoyed his deadly toys. He even joked on how it was a miracle that capsuleers didn't ran around firing those things into random crowds.

Yiole closed her eyes a moment, and suddenly it was morning -she had fell asleep after all. She was right about what would the justice do, and by noon, the main concern of the three girls was their missing breakfast. Indah was childishly happy and grumpy at once over her empty belly and how the whole issue had been "a waste of time". Later, Yiole got a copy of the police records, and a new TP from the same wretched craftsman.

Back to TGFB, Yiole and Indah looked each other. They had been recalling the events and shared a understanding look.

- Huh, was just an anecdote after all. And you were so grumpy about your empty belly... -Yiole laughed.
- Well, I was just trying to leave that awful night behind...
- Was a good time all in all, and we had some fun the next days.
- I can live wihout such good times...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#739 - 2013-04-23 20:12:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
*Yiole gets a mail from Ish, who keeps touring the universe*

Hi, sweetie

Look at this guy, should I try and hire him?



Wow. Shocked
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#740 - 2013-04-23 22:14:25 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
*Yiole gets a mail from Ish, who keeps touring the universe*

Hi, sweetie

Look a this guy, should I try and hire him?



Wow. Shocked

::Khergit looks up from his datapad:: Whoa, check this out! Somehow that tune triggered me to think of Shoshin, a band my friend's husband promotes. So I'm looking for Shoshin's website, but instead end up on a site with an interview with their engineer-producer Joel Hamilton. And it turns out that he was also the engineer-producer for The Black Keys' most recent album. Freaky coincidence connection, eh?

[Not trolling, that's exactly what happened.]Smile