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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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ISD Suvetar
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#1481 - 2013-03-14 15:02:59 UTC
Moved to the In-game events and gatherings forum as per the new policy.


[b]ISD Suvetar Captain/Commando Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Canadian Institute of RnD
#1482 - 2013-03-17 00:03:18 UTC
Replacement, I have no idea why you go so in depth and talk about arbitrary things. My experience with Eve or Blink has nothing to do with the simple suggestion I had, and it is no way like joining the army and buying a rank. You probably never had a ’paucity’ issue with 2mil blinks because you’re a quadrillionare and you likely never bother playing the 2mils anymore. I always see your name pop up in the winnings, of larger items, Giga’s and bonks... and granted yes you have the isk, why bother with the smaller things? That’s fine. But the suggestion I am making IS out of personal experience and it is an issue I have encountered more than once.
To maximize the ability to play (as in anyone who wants to and is able to play, can play at any time)... Its simple logic to make sure that a situation cannot exist where player has enough money to play, but cannot because the blink board is full (but only with the floor value of ships)... This has happened to me more than many times... At times it often feels that some people do this so they can force people to spend more than 2mil isk at a time by stuffing all the lower end slots with 4+ mil ships. If there are a majority playing blink with bigger wallets, they tend to play larger items.. That means they will fill it with the biggest ones that will fit. My suggestion was stupidly simple and very relevant... Make one of the regular slots reserved for 2mil only. This will not handicap any features or impede on anyone’s playing... It will prevent the frustrating situation where you cannot play because the board is full of ships that are more than 2mil.
Your philosophy is great, but you forget that not everyone has a stupendous amount of isk and may not deposit 100000bil isk to their account at a time... Personally I like to play 10-20mil at a time, which by preference I prefer to play the 2mil ships as it lets me have a longer experience in playing. By reserving 1 of the slots for 2mil ships.. I will then be able to play if someone stuff’s the boards with 4+mil ships and not have to wait the hours it can sometimes take when everything slows down on off nights or slower hours.
This was never about me complaining about losing blink, it was never about 3mil being a disaster to me, and I don’t know why you went into a story about someone using RL assets to blink or buy game assets with… The point I was trying to make is fact if I am down to 3mil, and I want to use that last 3mil.. I can’t if the board is full of expensive ships... There have been many times when I see people as I said fill the boards with higher isk ships because they don’t want to play the low amounts. At these points if I could play, I would… but being essentially blocked its impossible unless I sit refreshing the page and beat someone else to reposting a more expensive ship. Any Casino would jump at this opportunity just as there are penny slots. If people want to play, they have the money... give them the chance… That is what I meant by maximizing.

About the Giga’s… Ok you make a valid point about it being a perk of being online at the right time… fine, I can live with that. But you still have yet to give me a logical reason as to why capping the tickets which in turn gives more people at the chance of riches vs letting all the rich people buy them up for greater odds of getting richer is a bad thing. Again because you are quadrillionare it’s easy for you to defend the existing policy because it gives you a greater chance to win. Don’t give me the “one ticket can win” story… I am well aware of that, but the odds are far greater when you buy larger amounts of tickets and that’s exactly why it’s a race to buy that magic number of tickets that balance tickets/profit. And I am also aware that while you may lose 1 or 2… But probability says if you play enough with the odds in your favor… You will win, just as the house always wins in a Casino over the greater amount of plays, since mathematically your odds are higher and you play enough.. You WILL win more than you pay in.
And THIS is why I say the rich get richer... Because only the rich can afford to play the Giga blink like this. And all I was trying to say is, instead of having the elite group of blinkers with ******** wallets always competing against eachother… Cap the blinks, and make It a game of luck and not how big your wallet is. It will give other people the chance of winning something big.
And my Joe and Joette example was misunderstood... Obviously one has to lose… That is not the point I was trying to get across... I was saying that if I was lucky enough to find a Giga that wasn’t sold out... I would have to try and buy a ticket before Joe and Joette (but more accurately about 5 other elite blinkers) buy all the tickets out. Where as if they could only buy a finite amount that was less than 50%, I might have a chance to actually buy one.
And yes you may have lost 50 of the 64 freighters... But how about your overall statistics of playing Giga, I bet you have won more than you have spent, otherwise you would not use the tactic you are using. The same with all the other ticket hoarders. And you can ONLY do that because you are rich. That is what I mean by the rich get richer... It takes money to make money.
Canadian Institute of RnD
#1483 - 2013-03-17 00:03:29 UTC
--“I do take exception to your statement about the rich people being greedy and just wanting to make more. Are you saying you have an upward limit where once you reach a some level of winning, you will not want more, that you will stop playing?”--
No what I mean by this is anyone who objects to capping the Gigablink in the name of making it more available to less rich players and more available to people who want to play, is simply being greedy for wanting to win even more. I know that it’s a lottery and there’s not really room for being ‘nice’. But that still doesn’t excuse the term greedy.
All you’re gambling stories and everything after, I think you greatly misunderstood a large majority of what I was trying to say. This was never about me complaining about betting more than I can afford, it was never about me complaining that I never won... It was never about me complaining that rich people are rich… It was about me SUGGESTING a way so I can play MORE, and anyone else that has money on their account and wants to will not get blocked if a larger amount of higher rollers are on and fill the boards with higher cost ships. Aas you said a man who bids everything at once is a recipe to lose, and that is not in any way what I am implying, in fact the exact opposite by giving a doorway for people to play the minimums without having to worry about being blocked.
Capping the Giga was ONLY in the interest of letting more players in on it... Instead of people who are rich buying all the tickets. Rich can buy greater amounts of tickets which give them greater odds which means majority of the time they win. That is what I meant rich get richer... If it was not like this, people would not play with the tactic of buying that many giga tickets.
Swedish Spaceman
#1484 - 2013-03-17 01:23:48 UTC
I would just like to thank Somer and the staff for an, again, awesome weekly celebration.
Many grats to all winners and I wish everyone the best of luck in the upcomming celebration.

Sar'ran Zorn
St. Albans' Refuge
#1485 - 2013-03-17 01:43:51 UTC
Qrovax wrote:
(lots and lots of words) ....give me a logical reason as to why capping the tickets which in turn gives more people at the chance of riches vs letting all the rich people buy them up for greater odds of getting richer is a bad thing....(lots and lots more words)

Because it's a business. The purpose of that business is to sell tickets. The purpose of that business is not to redistribute wealth in exactly equal portions. They already do free stuff that everyone gets an equal shot at.
Canadian Institute of RnD
#1486 - 2013-03-17 15:27:39 UTC
Sar'ran Zorn wrote:
Qrovax wrote:
(lots and lots of words) ....give me a logical reason as to why capping the tickets which in turn gives more people at the chance of riches vs letting all the rich people buy them up for greater odds of getting richer is a bad thing....(lots and lots more words)

Because it's a business. The purpose of that business is to sell tickets. The purpose of that business is not to redistribute wealth in exactly equal portions. They already do free stuff that everyone gets an equal shot at.

I was always under the impression that in order to have great business you have to satisfy your clients... Wouldn't a greater amount of happy clients be better business? After all a happy blinker is a spending blinker.
Jakob Anedalle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1487 - 2013-03-19 01:56:25 UTC
Anyone else running into an issue where everytime you refresh to see the latest blinks, you have to log in again?
If I didn't have an autologin extension in my browser it'd really kill it, and I'm not nearly as a die-hard a Blinker as most out there.

Trying out all the things to do here in Eve - it's quite a checklist. So I made a blog Jakob's Eve Checklist

Somerset Mahm
Cognitive Distortion
#1488 - 2013-03-19 06:23:26 UTC
Jakob Anedalle wrote:
Anyone else running into an issue where everytime you refresh to see the latest blinks, you have to log in again?
If I didn't have an autologin extension in my browser it'd really kill it, and I'm not nearly as a die-hard a Blinker as most out there.

Try clearing your cookies, you may have a corrupted session cookie.

Also make sure "Remember Me" is checked when logging in.

SOMER Blink Microlotteries that finish in minutes! Running for over 2 years :)

inifinite Singularities
Black Poison Syndicate
#1489 - 2013-03-19 15:14:49 UTC
hi, I'm having a problem with it loading the start a new blink from your browser, it will not come back for chromium no matter what I try, but it works fine through firefox, anyone else having this problem???
Replacement 234
Tremor Recorded
#1490 - 2013-03-19 23:56:32 UTC
Qrovax wrote:
Sar'ran Zorn wrote:
Qrovax wrote:
(lots and lots of words) ....give me a logical reason as to why capping the tickets which in turn gives more people at the chance of riches vs letting all the rich people buy them up for greater odds of getting richer is a bad thing....(lots and lots more words)

Because it's a business. The purpose of that business is to sell tickets. The purpose of that business is not to redistribute wealth in exactly equal portions. They already do free stuff that everyone gets an equal shot at.

I was always under the impression that in order to have great business you have to satisfy your clients... Wouldn't a greater amount of happy clients be better business? After all a happy blinker is a spending blinker.


Somer takes suggestions. Present your ideas, along with the unprecedented support you have had in the forums in a cogent, well written format which is parsimonious yet informative. I am sure Somer will consider it wth all the due diligence it deserves.

I can just imagine how they are pulling out their hair worrying about how to increase sales of their lowest priced ticket. You might want to include any news features you have found about how penny slots are the newest craze in Atlantic City and Las Vegas.

Good luck in all your endeavors. I hope you become space rich and start hoarding tokens. If you look around, you may find other gaming opportunities in New Eden with a lower threshold of entry.
Somerset Mahm
Cognitive Distortion
#1491 - 2013-03-20 01:13:52 UTC
inifinite Singularities wrote:
hi, I'm having a problem with it loading the start a new blink from your browser, it will not come back for chromium no matter what I try, but it works fine through firefox, anyone else having this problem???

It worked for me using Mac OS X / Chromium 25.0.1364.172. I will try a Linux build of Chromium tomorrow.

Do you get any JS errors?

SOMER Blink Microlotteries that finish in minutes! Running for over 2 years :)

inifinite Singularities
Black Poison Syndicate
#1492 - 2013-03-21 00:04:48 UTC
i'm using Chromium Version 24.0.1312.56 Ubuntu 12.04 (24.0.1312.56-0ubuntu0.12.04.1)

and it seems to have been fixed since the start blinks bar is working now, so I'm assuming a chromium update just didn't go well, and no js errors :)

Faith Bashere
#1493 - 2013-03-21 05:17:56 UTC
this place is fun, and good, simple.

now if only my wallet didn't scream at a simple 2 mil bid :D
Nomi Cakes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1494 - 2013-03-21 08:02:51 UTC
MY wallet's currently 3B up, none of which I earned, and all thanks to Blink.

Hopefully my luck continues to fund more ships for me to lose.
Terminusz Hungarykusz
Unreasonable Neighbours
Hole Control
#1495 - 2013-03-21 11:07:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Terminusz Hungarykusz
OK fine sry.
Vincent Trevane
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1496 - 2013-03-23 07:16:06 UTC
Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in!
Frozen Eddie Johnson
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#1497 - 2013-03-25 18:35:00 UTC
Is there any reason Somer isn't offering blink credit from Shattered Crystal anymore? I've always used them for GTCs, and the link on Blink now says they are not available. Is it a supply issue and will return, or is something else going on?
MakStar FreeMasons
Spooks On Pings
#1498 - 2013-03-25 20:05:01 UTC
Can someone please point me in the right direction. The Somer blink site has no email address for complaints or queries. I cant log into my Somer blink account, will not take my password and when I click on forgot password and select to have a link emailed to my mail address I get to following - "Error: this character's account is currently disabled and its password may not be reset."

I have no idea if it refers to my Somer blink account that is disabled or if it is implying that my EVE account is disabled because the EVE account is clearly active...

Also gives no reason why my account is disabled and there would be no reason in my view.

If anyone can point me in the right direction to Somer blink's support desk or contact details so I can get to the bottom of this and play some blinks I would really appreciate it?

Thank you.
Swedish Spaceman
#1499 - 2013-03-25 20:18:02 UTC
MakStar FreeMasons wrote:
Can someone please point me in the right direction. The Somer blink site has no email address for complaints or queries. I cant log into my Somer blink account, will not take my password and when I click on forgot password and select to have a link emailed to my mail address I get to following - "Error: this character's account is currently disabled and its password may not be reset."

I have no idea if it refers to my Somer blink account that is disabled or if it is implying that my EVE account is disabled because the EVE account is clearly active...

Also gives no reason why my account is disabled and there would be no reason in my view.

If anyone can point me in the right direction to Somer blink's support desk or contact details so I can get to the bottom of this and play some blinks I would really appreciate it?

Thank you.

Send an mail in game to a Blink staff member
For example try "Andrev Nox"
He is online most of the time.
MakStar FreeMasons
Spooks On Pings
#1500 - 2013-03-25 20:20:13 UTC
Thank you very much.